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A blind eye to Tamil terrorism But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting: The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations. In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year.

Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 浴火重生的保守党
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛前几日的讨论中, 有人对马尔罗尼(Mulroney)的保守党和现今的保守党搞不清楚, 现我就我所知谈谈.没准儿能引出块儿大玉.

    1. 改革派破党出门, 另立中央.
    马尔罗尼的保守党在如日中天时, 也犯了自大的错误. 在其中后期, 政策严重偏离了保守主义.在经济上出现预算赤字, 在政治上拒绝民主改革, 在联邦问题上无原则地迁就魁省的独立势力.

    在对马尔罗尼的保守党绝望下, 党内的改革派在1987年另立中央, 成立了改革党. 曼宁被选为第一任党首.

    2. 反夏落特协议, 改革党一鸣惊人
    改革党成立之初, 因其草根主义的理念, 如民选参议院, 和东部的精英统治的思想格格不入,而被主流媒体指作极右异端.只能艰难求活.

    直到1989年, 改革党的女候选人人Deb Grey才成为该党的第一位国会议员.

    1992年对夏落特协议(Charlottetown Accord)的全民公决为改革党带来了转机. 其背景是由于魁省一直拒绝在加拿大宪法上签字, 夏落特协议是加拿大联邦为了让魁省满意给了该省许多不合理的特权.

    在对夏落特协议的全民公决前, 加拿大所有的政治势力都要求选民们投赞成票, 唯有改革党力持异议. 而全民公决结果是54.3%反对, 45.7%赞成. 由于只有改革党站在和选民的同一立场上, 很多选民, 特别是西部选民开始对其另眼相看. 在随后的1993年大选中, 改革党席卷西部, 获得了52席.

    1997年大选中, 改革党获得了60席, 成为正式反对党. 值得一提的是, 那一年, 该党的首位华裔议员Inky Mark进入国会.

    3. 重建保守党
    马尔罗尼的保守党下台后就分裂了. 在魁省是魁人党, 在西部是改革党和后来的联盟党. 真正其正朔是以大西洋省地区为根本的进步保守党.

    虽然进步保守党在议会中的议席少得可怜, 但在安省却分了联盟党的票源, 让自由党渔人得利. 在2000年的大选中, 联盟党在安省得票23.61%,进步保守党得票14.43%.自由党虽然只得了51%的票, 却得了安省103席中的100席.

    痛定思痛, 联盟党和进步保守党终于在2003年十月合并, 共同重建保守党.有些进步保守党人无法接受, 或退休, 或改投自由党. 现在的保守党,是由当年从马尔罗尼的保守党中对其不满的改革势力建成. 真正的马尔罗尼的保守党残余, 只能在Joe Clark和他的伙伴们中找到了.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • Harper, a serial killer, will only lead people to hell if he is in power. for sure. He has nothing to represent Canada but U.S.
      • 你对Harper这么苦大仇深? 你要是同志我还可以理解. 你可以在这儿诉诉苦, 申申怨.
        • Be careful of your words. Personal attack doesn't help raise Harper's popularity. I guess you are really what you called 同志. Or shut up and go to hell together with your dear partner Harper.
          • 看看你的第一个回帖,你不是攻击吗?
            • What did I say about the Calgarian? As for Harper, serial killer is named by lots of people and not originated by me at all.
          • I apologize if I offended you because I thought only gay people would hate Harper that much. Obviously I was wrong. Hope you can justify your calling Harper a serial killer and hell goer.
            • If you were correct, more than half of Canadians would all be GAY!
      • 经常看到有人提起Happer就气不打一处来,费解。谈点来龙去脉嘛。
      • [转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛National Post

        January 15, 2005

        Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

        When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

        They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

        If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

        William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Learn WHAT do the major newspapers incline to would be a good thing before jump into any conclusions.
          • 大多数报纸都是自由党的, 当然替它说话
            • 今天的G&M报纸更恶心, 题目是MARTIN HIT HARD ON HARPER。 任何人看了电视都不 会这么说。
              G&M经常误导读者, 比如前不久克林顿的演讲标题就是“CLINTON STAND WITH PARTIN
              ON SOFTLAMBER”。 克的原话是说:加拿大木材是有政府补贴, 但现在的美国的关
              税太高,逼得加拿大无路可走, 如果他是PM, 他也会这么做(强硬态度)。并非说
              • G&M和CTV都是Bell的旗下的媒体.而自由党安省竞选主席是Bell的VP. 另外, 前几年NP被亲自由党的Asper买了后, 也向左倾.
              • 就是来加拿大后,才对所谓自由媒体有了认识
    • 看着HARPER皮笑肉不笑的嘴脸就恶心.JACK老头还不错,就是只会花钱,胸无大志.
      • 我觉得有人要是懂相学应该给HARPER看看相,他的眼睛怎么让人看了那么不舒服,是不是有什么说道,他的那幅表情就是真话都看着像假的,不很让人信任的样子--------同理类推小树丛
        • A blind eye to Tamil terrorism But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

          In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

          Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting: The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

          To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

          The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

          Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations. In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
          To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year.

          Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
          National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Some loyal readers of National Post are actually extreme Canadian Republicans.
        • agree!
      • Harper was a shy boy. And he is still not totally comfortable in front of camera. But he is sincere and modest person.
      • 又一个以貌取人的
    • 马儿罗尼现在是公开支持保守党的, 只有JOE CLARK反对(JOE是马的对头, 马赞成 的JOE一定要反对)。 马的确是不成事, 同时期的英国和美国右派都把国家翻了个, 加拿大就不行。
      • 马尔罗尼其实有机会成有名的总理之一.如果他有魄力能真正实行保守主义. 加拿大会是一个好得多的国家. 马田在浪费机会上和他有点相像
        • 加拿大没有实行过暴力驱赶原住民的政策,没有奴隶制度遗留的种族仇恨,总的说来,加拿大的前景是很好的.
          • 同意.那是前人为我们打的基础. 而我们现在也要为子孙考虑.