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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我准备弃权了。理由只有两个。


    • 第一条,英雌所见略同,少数政府的可能性很大;第二条,你放心好了,NDP再折腾,也不可能上台的,至多当当反对党,平衡一下加拿大的政治局面。
      • 别搞错,大白呼不是“英雌”。LOL
        • 俺在自谦不是?哈哈
          • 你挺愤青。
    • 不在理.不会改变选区的结果=\=弃权
      • Agree.
      • 那你图啥?就为了行使一下宪法赋予你的权利?
        • to have ur voice to be heard...so the party u support will know how many supporters they have in the region.
        • Nop, even if 不会改变选区的结果, your ticket is still counted by government showing the surpporting rate of some party of the whole country. To that party, your ticket still has 5(?) dollar value.
        • 参加投票是选民的责任。
          • 是权力,不是责任。你不投票警察不会抓你的
            • 责任分很多种,有法律上的,也有道义上责任(Moral Obligations)的。正如工作中也有责任。如果你没有干好工作,警察也不会来抓你,如果你不是公务员。
    • hmmmmm.
    • 嗯,也有此念。其实中左和中右,并不是你死我活的关系,老百姓该咋活还咋活。最怕是极端主义当家。
    • 即使你准备弃权,也应该去投一张空票。表明你没放弃投票权力。
      • 又不记名,那有啥用?还费汽油跑一趟。。。
        • The vote centre will see more Chinese face and Chinese power.
          • 有人上报中央有多少CH FACE吗?有人care吗?我看未必。
            • 你以为各个党派没有探子? 你以为各个党派没有探子?看那个种族参政多, 就会拉拢那个种族, 否则理都不理你
            • Read this: "A study commissioned by the CAF after the last election said the Arab and Muslim vote could have heavily influenced outcomes in 118 ridings in June 2004."
          • Good point. 否则, 他们以为我们中国人都是和事老, 有没有中国人的意见建议都行。
        • 我记得是记名的吧?要不,写上种族?
          • usually they can tell by our last name.
            • 那譬如说,你嫁了老外,last name改成老外的了,他们怎么tell 呢?
              • lol..................懒得理你。:-)
      • 没事还是别去,如今治安不好
        • 你以为是伊拉克大选?
    • 害群之马: 你这样的中国人多了, 他们以为我们中国人都是和事老, 有没有中国人的意见建议都行。
      • 你们中国银老是觉得自己是弱势群体,老怕被银忽略了,有机会老想着露脸。俺们加拿大银就不地:)
      • 言重了,但的确有道理!如果你连票都不去投,政客们以后根本不会理会你的诉求-因为他利用不到你的选票。
    • 我觉得我也要弃权了,因为我不知道该选谁。对不知道的事还是不要发言为好。
      • En.
      • 今日星报,保守党朝向多数政府.
      • 我不用考虑这个问题。我还没有投票权呢。
      • 丢两次硬币看看LOL。不用那么担心,你的那票对这世界基本不起什么作用。整得跟你决定加拿大未来似的严肃。
      • The federal government's latest argument for keeping the Tamil Tigers off its list of terrorist organizations is a "smokescreen" aimed at protecting political interests, say former officials with Canada's spy agency.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[转帖]Grits' failure to outlaw Tamil Tige

        Terrorist list: Ex-spy says T.O. MPs fear ban would cost them their seats

        Posted by Al Gordon on 2005/03/14

        OTTAWA - The federal government's latest argument for keeping the Tamil Tigers off its list of terrorist organizations is a "smokescreen" aimed at protecting political interests, say former officials with Canada's spy agency.

        The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have been widely condemned for their use of child soldiers, assassination and suicide bombings in a long-running civil war against Sri Lanka's Sinhalese government.

        At hearings before the Senate anti-terrorism committee over the past few weeks, two Cabinet ministers and the current director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service have said Canada is not flagging the group because it does not want to upset the "fragile" peace process overseas.

        But former CSIS spy Michel Juneau-Katsuya calls that logic misleading, saying the Tigers have shown little proof they support a peaceful resolution beyond a recent, tenuous ceasefire.

        He adds there is no excuse for being soft on a group that the majority of Western countries, including France, the U.K. and the United States agree is a terrorist entity -- and he questions the real motives behind Canada's tolerance.

        "I think, unfortunately, what transpired much more out of this entire exercise is that for certain Liberal MPs, the Tamil community is the greater portion of their constituents, and therefore they don't want to lose their seat," he suggests.

        Toronto's Tamil community stands at more than 150,000 people, representing the largest group outside of Sri Lanka and an important voting bloc come election time.

        It is also a prime target for Tamil Tigers' fundraising, however, even though the group is banned from collecting money here. Members still manage to pocket about $2-million per year through criminal activities and front organizations.

        "We know for a fact that the kind of activities [the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] has been practising right here in Canada is definitely in support of terrorist activities in a multitude of ways," says Mr. Juneau-Katsuya, now a security and intelligence consultant in Ottawa.

        He isn't alone in his criticism. The former director of strategic planning for CSIS, David Harris, says the government's policy puts the Canadian public and Tamil community at risk. "You're talking, when you're talking affiliates of terrorist organizations, about people who are associates of violence," he says. "Allowing such people into our country has come at a great cost to many otherwise very moderate, well-meaning ethnic Tamils in this country."

        He reacts with disdain to the claim that listing the group might disturb the peace process.

        "I welcome that argument only to the extent that it demonstrates the continuing capacity for raucous good humour on the part of Cabinet officers," he says. "It's obscene and an insult."

        The Tigers "are the granddaddies of suicide terrorism and anti-civilian terror operations," Mr. Harris adds. "There comes a time when we have to, in our own defence, call a spade a spade on this no matter how many votes may be at stake."

        The debate over listing will likely resume today as the Senate committee continues its review of Canada's Anti-terrorism Act with two days of hearings involving security experts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 你要真谁也不感冒.干吗不花点力气作一个最政治不正确的选择.在我挑保守党之前, 我准备选魁人党. 他们要能上台, 再搞分裂等同自杀.
    • "不论我个人倾向如何都不会改变选区的结果" -- 说得不不不在理!!!
    • 第一,你应该考虑搬离都是些穷光蛋白人的所在选区。第二,投票支持保守党,以减少些好吃懒做的穷光蛋白人。
    • 别看不起劳动人民.2004年,Windsor的工人阶级就选了一个前工人的保守党议员.真正的自由党和NDP的铁杆是那些赤贫而又放弃希望的人.