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SOMETHING WORTH THINKING ABOUT 转帖Paul Martin is no friend of mine.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello..... My name is Alan Robberstad I am a Canadian. One voter
out of millions of Canadian voters.

Paul Martin is no friend of mine. Liberal governments have not made
my life any better. Liberal governments have made the future worse
for my children.

Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years
ago. Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister.....Paul

Since 1993:
(1) My taxes have increased.
(2) My family's share of the national debt has increased.
(3) My personal expenses have increased.
(4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
(5) My concerns for my family's safety have increased.
My costs to educate my children have increased.
(7) Government interference in my life has increased.
My personal debt has increased.
(9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
(10) My savings have decreased.
(11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
(12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
(13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
(14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
(15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
(16) My hope that a Liberal won't waste my tax dollars has
(17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have

That is my story since the Liberals came to power.

I am not voting for Paul Martin's Liberals. I am voting against Paul
Martin and his Liberal Party in January.

I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.

Do I like the Conservatives? Not particularly......I don't really
like Politics. I am not political by nature. I am not passionate
about politics. I am a middle age guy (48). I live in a small house
on a fairly quiet street in Edmonton. I have a wife, Kathy, and two
children (ages 19 and 17). I have no pets. I am a middle class man.
I don't usually say too much.

Until now.

Now I am going to say something!

In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
(1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
(4) And some people want me to vote for Paul Martin???? - a multi-
millionaire lawyer from Quebec???

The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
(1) Not a lawyer.
(2) Not a multi-millionaire.
(3) Not from Quebec.

Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
(1) Reduce my taxes.
(2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
(3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

That's good enough for me. I'm going to give the Conservative party
a chance with my vote.

But wait! Paul Martinis now saying the same thing. My mother told me
forty years ago: "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame
on me!"

The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
Remember, Jean Chretien was Trudeau's Finance Minister. Remember
also, Paul Martin was Jean Chretien's Finance Minister These people
have been raising my taxes for thirty four years. They have been mis-
spending my tax dollars for 34 years.

34 years!

And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending. No way.

Thank you for reading my story so far!

Why am I telling my story to you?

Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. Your story may be
similar to mine. And you may also feel alone. One small voter in the
midst of millions of voters.

What can you and I do together to change things?

Here is my idea: Lets you and I join up together. Just you and I.
Together. As a small team of two.

How can you and I fight a huge political machine?

You and I have two things that we can use:
(1) Our individual personal connections.
(2) The Internet.

The Internet is supposed to be this globalizing tool, right? Let's
put it to use.

I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book. I am sending
this e-mail to each of them.

I'm asking you to do two things:

(1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
(2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party in January.

Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.

I have probably written this e-mail too late. As I said I am not
politically adroit. I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976
movie "Network", when he shouted: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going
to take this anymore!"

Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!

I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.

This may not work. This e-mail may "fizzle out" and go nowhere. But
you and I will have tried, won't we have?

My best wishes to you. My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.

My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto He actually wrote this just
(5) days before the last federal election. "Fool me
once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me!"

Alan Robberstad
Edmonton, Alberta .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 为什么不提前投票?我已经投了自由党一票了,现在经济很好,大家都有工作,为什么要变?变的饭都没的吃了才好?提前投票可以不用排队
    • 鄙人打算给自由党更多的机会。保守党吗,长远来说是反对大量移民的。长远来说,对少数族裔一定是隐患,不知到多少年后又会排华,绝对不能让保守党上台。宁可选NDP 也不可选 Conservative.
      • 保守党也不全是坏处,有一两点我喜欢的
        1) 倾向于遏制工会的权力,我对各种罢工深恶痛绝
        2) 注重自由贸易,这一点我觉得保守党和自由党都差不多。美国民主党在这方面就很不好
        • 俺喜欢Harris的政策, 反对小哈.
          • 我觉得Lib用Harris来比喻Harper是非常愚蠢的
      • 我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. 从历史大事来看觉得自由党盲目讨好米国。例如1998年,加军没有获 美国邀请, 在自由党党领一声号令, 轰炸机 立即出动炸 Kosovo小国,为了讨好米国不惜卷入 劳民伤财的不义之战。
        不惜凌驾于国会之上,尽管吃力不讨好,誓要做 美国的应声虫。

        结果联邦赞助丑闻令政府丑态毕露。意外打败伊朗、北韩和美国等“强劲对手”,独占鳌头的获得“世界愚蠢奖”(World Stupidity Awards)所颁发的年度“蠢蛋政府”(the dumbest government)奖。
        2.自由党的CHILD CARE 政策从来都是在四大政党中最”出色的”。自自由党2004年上台以来,她的政策又再是搞多fund,准备戍立child care fund,钱在她手里任她分,亲朋戚友优先分。
        她不幸被三党拉下台,分fund理想难实现,誓要支持她重上台,好把俺的Fund拿过来,让 口袋里的钱多一些。
        3. 承诺好听不实现!十二年前要选票,答应除掉GST。

        4.GST及PROPERTY TAX收入丰,但不能停止大学学费账单涨,更把医疗服务搞得一团糟,还被病人告一状。
        今天承诺多又多,她的党领拉票来,说是错收了人头税,又逍谦来又许诺,老汉不会被愚弄,跟他说:道谦该在国会里!十多年里你不做, 现在道谦也不会选你。
        一次不忠百次不用! 难说服别人再来选她!


        1 持家有道应该选她, 用买一条新潜艇的钱, 去买了四条旧的, 虽然一死多人伤在回途中, 死伤不是问题, 省军费是她的”功劳”

        2 她的女党干麦莉兰表示,司法工作坊中有大量年轻党员,通过大麻及卖淫合法化是意料中事。

        3. 她的党领是生财有道的好榜样,马丁先生是比布什富很多的大富翁,管你大小生意交税多与少。他的公司开在BARBODOS,不用给加拿大交一分钱的税。

        这么多的好处, 怎么可以不选她?

        以上纯属人个观点如有冒犯敂请原谅更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 写得好
    • 提前投票不是星期五才开始吗?我们会提前投,不耽误度假。不过不会选自由党。
      • 提前投很早就开始了。去网站看一下吧。 很简单。只签个字就可以了
        • 你说的是邮寄方式吧?我说的是直接去投票站,13,14,17开3天
          • No. No. 我去了投票站。
            • 我说投票日要离开加拿大,签了个字。省得排队了
              • 查一下 How do I vote by special ballot.
    • 经济好是石油的原因,和自由党没有关系,要谢就感谢布什,保守党是第一个提出向华人正式道歉的,怎么看出它反对移民了。
      • 可俺们安省还有大多数加拿大省份都没有石油啊..我们的经济不也不错,失业率降到历史最低水平...
        • 如果安生是一个独立的国家,那他就废了,中国的发展带动了整个世界经济的发展,就这么简单
          • 如果经济的发展不归功于自由党,那就更不归功于保守党和NDP 了。
        • 平均工资也降到最低水平, 穷人实在没有办法,政府福利越来越低, 只能打最低工资的工,不要只看数量,质量最重要, 安省完了汽车工业,会和渔业萧条的大西洋三省一样破落.
      • 根据小哈, Day, Joe Li和其他Reform Party, Canadian Alliance成员等人的一贯言论, 可以看出所谓"道歉"仅仅是为了拉选票.
        • 这个是哈,不过既然都这样,还是选一个可能性更大的。
          • 四个党领里面小哈对华人最不友好. 为拉选票才假惺惺, 不然他为什么还让把移民称作"garbage"的人出来竞选
            • 我是选政党,不是选某个人,我连选区的保守党候选者都不知道是谁,我还是选他,自由党的到是很热情,又是上地铁战握手,又是发信,没用。
        • 我认为也是为拉选票,他们上台不一定会在议会通过道歉的,真正的道歉必须是议会的,而且是正式的。
        • 我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下[续] 她镇压少数人权利,是排华急先锋,自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。
          加拿大自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压在加華人的公民權利 令當時的反華情緒變得更激烈。因爲當時大多數華人都不可以說流利的英語,他們都要躲避在唐人街。 由於當時的加拿大已經有很多條例禁止華人從事多個行業,華人只可以做一些白人不願意從事的工作,例如洗衣店和三文魚加工。直至到戰後,加拿大的華人社區是可以稱爲一個單身男子社會。

      • 不正确. 一年前油价没有飞涨, 经济也很好. 经济好坏主要靠政策, 不是靠资源.
        • 您老觉着是什么特别的政策导致了现在的经济形势一片大好呢?
          • 老马的消灭赤字政策.
            • 联邦的赤字的确是消灭了,那你告诉我,各省大幅度上扬的赤字是怎么来的?还不都是被联邦搜刮走了。
              • 大部分省的赤字都在下降. McGinty是在玩伎俩.
                • 睁着眼说瞎话
      • 世界很多石油不丰富的国家不也是富国吗? 石油丰富的不也有穷国吗? 也门,索马里,利比亚,委内瑞拉.尼日利亚....
        • 您老好像穷富不分呀
    • If you can foresee me will 变的饭都没的吃, I will worship you as a god.
    • 如果是真的"变的饭都没的吃了才好" 那时再投NDP大家就有有饭吃房住了多好啊
    • 俺已经提前投了保守党,加拿大这个低效率的政府,越小越好,因为再多的税也是给他们浪费,我们 华人如同英国管辖下的香港广东人,靠勤力生存, 很少机会享受那些给穷白懒人的福利.
      • 小布什的政府可是越来越大, 钱越花越多, 债越筑越高
        • 自从Laden把美国人的大脑靠了个遍后,一切都不一样啦
        • 所以.没有加拿大政府,我们早发家致富让白人给咱当奴隶.所以要坚决打掉NDP和自由党.
          • 怎么得出这个结论? 是小布什的政策让华人发家致富吗?
            • 别说里根和小克时的兴旺, 就是现在布什治下美国华人不知要比加拿大的华人生活好多少,每次到美国购物,就是披萨都比加拿大税前便宜一半以上, 加拿大这个落后体系.
              • 那你干吗还不搬去?
                • 说这种话只能说明你理屈词穷
              • 美国人口多,市场大。加拿大这点小市场价格没法不贵
              • 在加拿大华人是二等公民(正跻身一等), 在美国华人就是三等四等了
      • 你的话到反而象帮Liberal. 保守党的政策更象美国, 他们会增加懒人的福利,而让加拿大的经济失去活力。 而且会债台高筑
        • 我让你闹糊涂了。你是说美国会增加对懒人的福利... 好像没有吧.当然债台高筑是布什一大特色.加拿大学不来,没那个优势人家不会买你的债券
          • 布什在已经很负债累累的情况下,不但不收缩budget, 反而减税增债,这不是就是补贴增加福利
            • 那是对富人减税,不是对穷人的.比如说divident tax和estate tax
            • 布什上台后 Social Security Tax 年年上涨.
              • 难看的还在后面,等那些baby boomer退休的时候看他们不减少social security才怪
      • 提前投票 请自带原子笔。铅笔很容易被改,看过去年的提前投票站, 没有人监票,票箱虽然上锁,但口很大,联想友人十八岁子做了 投票站工后,就被安排工作的人拉入自由党,俺觉得奇径问为什做工都要入自由党,友说那人多次游说所以入了党
        听说 经多次提议改用原子笔但都没被采用
        • 是的,不骗不立嘛
    • 横渡太平洋从中国来加拿大都敢, 为什么怕"变"呢?
      • 因为怕变坏. 美国让小布什折腾得够腔, 看看他们的国债, 美元汇率. 加拿大让小哈来折腾恐怕顶不住.
        • 美国的经济是一团糟现在,只是表面风光。债留子孙,遗害万年。
          • 看看历史吧。哪次美国债台高筑的时候最后不是全世界买单?
    • 有关投票的内容看 http://www.elections.ca/
      • SOMETHING WORTH THINKING ABOUT 转帖Paul Martin is no friend of mine.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello..... My name is Alan Robberstad I am a Canadian. One voter
        out of millions of Canadian voters.

        Paul Martin is no friend of mine. Liberal governments have not made
        my life any better. Liberal governments have made the future worse
        for my children.

        Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years
        ago. Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister.....Paul
        Martin...LEST WE FORGET

        Since 1993:
        (1) My taxes have increased.
        (2) My family's share of the national debt has increased.
        (3) My personal expenses have increased.
        (4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
        (5) My concerns for my family's safety have increased.
        My costs to educate my children have increased.
        (7) Government interference in my life has increased.
        My personal debt has increased.
        (9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
        (10) My savings have decreased.
        (11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
        (12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
        (13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
        (14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
        (15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
        (16) My hope that a Liberal won't waste my tax dollars has
        (17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have

        That is my story since the Liberals came to power.

        I am not voting for Paul Martin's Liberals. I am voting against Paul
        Martin and his Liberal Party in January.

        I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.

        Do I like the Conservatives? Not particularly......I don't really
        like Politics. I am not political by nature. I am not passionate
        about politics. I am a middle age guy (48). I live in a small house
        on a fairly quiet street in Edmonton. I have a wife, Kathy, and two
        children (ages 19 and 17). I have no pets. I am a middle class man.
        I don't usually say too much.

        Until now.

        Now I am going to say something!

        In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
        (1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (4) And some people want me to vote for Paul Martin???? - a multi-
        millionaire lawyer from Quebec???

        The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
        (1) Not a lawyer.
        (2) Not a multi-millionaire.
        (3) Not from Quebec.

        Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
        (1) Reduce my taxes.
        (2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
        (3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

        That's good enough for me. I'm going to give the Conservative party
        a chance with my vote.

        But wait! Paul Martinis now saying the same thing. My mother told me
        forty years ago: "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame
        on me!"

        The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
        Remember, Jean Chretien was Trudeau's Finance Minister. Remember
        also, Paul Martin was Jean Chretien's Finance Minister These people
        have been raising my taxes for thirty four years. They have been mis-
        spending my tax dollars for 34 years.

        34 years!

        And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending. No way.

        Thank you for reading my story so far!

        Why am I telling my story to you?

        Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. Your story may be
        similar to mine. And you may also feel alone. One small voter in the
        midst of millions of voters.

        What can you and I do together to change things?

        Here is my idea: Lets you and I join up together. Just you and I.
        Together. As a small team of two.

        How can you and I fight a huge political machine?

        You and I have two things that we can use:
        (1) Our individual personal connections.
        (2) The Internet.

        The Internet is supposed to be this globalizing tool, right? Let's
        put it to use.

        I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book. I am sending
        this e-mail to each of them.

        I'm asking you to do two things:

        (1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
        (2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party in January.

        Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.

        I have probably written this e-mail too late. As I said I am not
        politically adroit. I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976
        movie "Network", when he shouted: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going
        to take this anymore!"

        Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!

        I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.

        This may not work. This e-mail may "fizzle out" and go nowhere. But
        you and I will have tried, won't we have?

        My best wishes to you. My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.

        My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto He actually wrote this just
        (5) days before the last federal election. "Fool me
        once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me!"

        Alan Robberstad
        Edmonton, Alberta .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 没有自由党就没有加拿大,自由党是人民的选择