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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转帖]Grits' failure to outlaw Tamil Tige

Terrorist list: Ex-spy says T.O. MPs fear ban would cost them their seats

Posted by Al Gordon on 2005/03/14

OTTAWA - The federal government's latest argument for keeping the Tamil Tigers off its list of terrorist organizations is a "smokescreen" aimed at protecting political interests, say former officials with Canada's spy agency.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have been widely condemned for their use of child soldiers, assassination and suicide bombings in a long-running civil war against Sri Lanka's Sinhalese government.

At hearings before the Senate anti-terrorism committee over the past few weeks, two Cabinet ministers and the current director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service have said Canada is not flagging the group because it does not want to upset the "fragile" peace process overseas.

But former CSIS spy Michel Juneau-Katsuya calls that logic misleading, saying the Tigers have shown little proof they support a peaceful resolution beyond a recent, tenuous ceasefire.

He adds there is no excuse for being soft on a group that the majority of Western countries, including France, the U.K. and the United States agree is a terrorist entity -- and he questions the real motives behind Canada's tolerance.

"I think, unfortunately, what transpired much more out of this entire exercise is that for certain Liberal MPs, the Tamil community is the greater portion of their constituents, and therefore they don't want to lose their seat," he suggests.

Toronto's Tamil community stands at more than 150,000 people, representing the largest group outside of Sri Lanka and an important voting bloc come election time.

It is also a prime target for Tamil Tigers' fundraising, however, even though the group is banned from collecting money here. Members still manage to pocket about $2-million per year through criminal activities and front organizations.

"We know for a fact that the kind of activities [the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] has been practising right here in Canada is definitely in support of terrorist activities in a multitude of ways," says Mr. Juneau-Katsuya, now a security and intelligence consultant in Ottawa.

He isn't alone in his criticism. The former director of strategic planning for CSIS, David Harris, says the government's policy puts the Canadian public and Tamil community at risk. "You're talking, when you're talking affiliates of terrorist organizations, about people who are associates of violence," he says. "Allowing such people into our country has come at a great cost to many otherwise very moderate, well-meaning ethnic Tamils in this country."

He reacts with disdain to the claim that listing the group might disturb the peace process.

"I welcome that argument only to the extent that it demonstrates the continuing capacity for raucous good humour on the part of Cabinet officers," he says. "It's obscene and an insult."

The Tigers "are the granddaddies of suicide terrorism and anti-civilian terror operations," Mr. Harris adds. "There comes a time when we have to, in our own defence, call a spade a spade on this no matter how many votes may be at stake."

The debate over listing will likely resume today as the Senate committee continues its review of Canada's Anti-terrorism Act with two days of hearings involving security experts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我不明白,华人到底需要甚么特殊利益? 需要甚么样的政治地位?同为加拿大公民,难到华人没得到牛奶金?还是现在有甚么政策歧峙华裔加拿大公民??。。别跟我说以前的甚么人头税之类的。。。就算议会中有100个华人议员,难道他们能专们给华裔公民点好处?
    • 需要尽快把父母移民过来,国内医疗费太贵,没钱治病,在这边还好
      • 只让华人移?别的族不让? 就算华人议员也不敢吧??????
        • Currently the fact is very few white MPs can understand the culture of Chinese family. So they slow down the parents reunit.
          • 记得上次为母父团聚上街抗议的领头人不是华裔的说,the culture of Chinese?
            • understand the culture of Chinese
          • The fact is no one wants those old folks to be entitled to the social programmes in Canada. That's why they make the whole process slow.
            Those who show support are most probably just buying your votes with cheap talk. When they really come to power, they won't do any differently.
            • 但为什么对某些国家的人的申请处理速度就很快呢?
              • 你知道有些东西那些政客们是不说出口的,但是下面的civil servant会这么干。
              • 因为他们投票率高,所以待被关照,记得去年安全部提出充分证椐要求把泰米尔猛虎定为恐怖组织,但在自由党议员阻止下不能通过,自由党人说如通过就会失去十五万选票马田对某头说,会优先让40万那地方的人以难民身分入加
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛转帖]Grits' failure to outlaw Tamil Tige

                Terrorist list: Ex-spy says T.O. MPs fear ban would cost them their seats

                Posted by Al Gordon on 2005/03/14

                OTTAWA - The federal government's latest argument for keeping the Tamil Tigers off its list of terrorist organizations is a "smokescreen" aimed at protecting political interests, say former officials with Canada's spy agency.

                The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have been widely condemned for their use of child soldiers, assassination and suicide bombings in a long-running civil war against Sri Lanka's Sinhalese government.

                At hearings before the Senate anti-terrorism committee over the past few weeks, two Cabinet ministers and the current director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service have said Canada is not flagging the group because it does not want to upset the "fragile" peace process overseas.

                But former CSIS spy Michel Juneau-Katsuya calls that logic misleading, saying the Tigers have shown little proof they support a peaceful resolution beyond a recent, tenuous ceasefire.

                He adds there is no excuse for being soft on a group that the majority of Western countries, including France, the U.K. and the United States agree is a terrorist entity -- and he questions the real motives behind Canada's tolerance.

                "I think, unfortunately, what transpired much more out of this entire exercise is that for certain Liberal MPs, the Tamil community is the greater portion of their constituents, and therefore they don't want to lose their seat," he suggests.

                Toronto's Tamil community stands at more than 150,000 people, representing the largest group outside of Sri Lanka and an important voting bloc come election time.

                It is also a prime target for Tamil Tigers' fundraising, however, even though the group is banned from collecting money here. Members still manage to pocket about $2-million per year through criminal activities and front organizations.

                "We know for a fact that the kind of activities [the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] has been practising right here in Canada is definitely in support of terrorist activities in a multitude of ways," says Mr. Juneau-Katsuya, now a security and intelligence consultant in Ottawa.

                He isn't alone in his criticism. The former director of strategic planning for CSIS, David Harris, says the government's policy puts the Canadian public and Tamil community at risk. "You're talking, when you're talking affiliates of terrorist organizations, about people who are associates of violence," he says. "Allowing such people into our country has come at a great cost to many otherwise very moderate, well-meaning ethnic Tamils in this country."

                He reacts with disdain to the claim that listing the group might disturb the peace process.

                "I welcome that argument only to the extent that it demonstrates the continuing capacity for raucous good humour on the part of Cabinet officers," he says. "It's obscene and an insult."

                The Tigers "are the granddaddies of suicide terrorism and anti-civilian terror operations," Mr. Harris adds. "There comes a time when we have to, in our own defence, call a spade a spade on this no matter how many votes may be at stake."

                The debate over listing will likely resume today as the Senate committee continues its review of Canada's Anti-terrorism Act with two days of hearings involving security experts.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这就是为什么政府在一个劲地拖.这么说: 换保守党上来他们也不会在这方面比自由党好
        • DING!!所以政府是从全局的角度看问题。。换了谁都一样。 象在华人中有巨大争议的人头税,一但口子一开,政府将面临各个种族,各个时期,各种问题的巨额索赔,,到头来还是加税。加税。你以为政府傻啊。。那个党在台上都一样。
    • 严重同意。选举是阶级斗争,是一个阶级上台统治其他阶级的革命。在经济利益和民族利益两者间更多人关心的是经济利益。所以不可能全中国人民都选一个党,而是各自选代表着自己经济利益,政治倾向的党。
      • 只将经济利益,不管政治利益的, 印度尼西亚就是现成的教材
        • 有点道理。。。
      • 人如其名
        • 我改名了。看你还怎么说我。
          • 可惜了, 大白呼的名头还是很响的. 还是该回来吧.
    • 华人要甚么特殊利益了吗?
    • 特殊利益不一定有,但特殊不利的法规却出现过:比如禁止出售食用活鱼等等。
      • 没禁止吧,现在商店不都在卖吗?
        • 是不让把活鱼带回去,得当场杀了给你。省得有些傻瓜拿去做傻事,“放生”对于其他鱼就是“放死”。
    • 用江泽民的话说,你就是“Too simple, sometimes naive”。让我任举两个例子吧:...
      • 有道理。。。DING!
      • Good point. All chinese can benefit from these polices.
    • 我举个人头税的例子,如果不是华裔保守党议员提出一个私人议案,如果不是华裔自由党议员当了多元文化主席,提出建立一个基金会,即便是再多几次选举,人头税最多也就是在华人之间吵吵而已。