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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"But this pat assessment missed the passion behind what pulled him into politics -- how much he despised Trudeau.

That negative inspiration has stayed with him. Shortly after Trudeau's death in 2000, Harper wrote revealingly of his feelings toward the dominant political figure of his youth. He recalled running into the former prime minister by chance on the streets of Montreal in 1999. "There I came face to face with a living legend, someone who had provoked in me both the loves and hatreds of my political passion, all in the form of a tired out, little, old man," Harper wrote in a newspaper column that stood out from the flood of Trudeau tributes. "It was an experience at once unforgettable, nostalgic and haunting." He went on to denounce that old man's legacy in the bitterest terms. Not only did he rebuke Trudeau's policy mix of "centralism, socialism and bilingualism," he even indicted him for failing to serve in the Second World War or oppose the Soviet Union. "In those battles," Harper wrote, "the ones that truly defined his century, Mr. Trudeau took a pass."

It would be hard to find another major Canadian politician who has laid bare the emotional core of his politics so starkly. No matter what one thinks of Harper's harsh verdict on Trudeau, his assessment can't be described as cool. "更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 如果不幸,自由党继续执政,你可以认为我失败,但只要你投了票,我们作为华人一个整体就是胜利。
    • You literally took words out of my mouth. I hope the Liberal supporters can also separate Party and Nation.
      • Yes. We support the Liberals for the nation. I have never liked Paul Martin, not even for a shortest instant
        • Then I feel sorry for you. I like both Day and Harper. Therefore no dilemma
          • can u list the reasons u like those two guys?
            • 我猜想可能是因为STOCKWELL DAY支持台独.
              • Day 提议支持台湾加入WHO
                • And Harper hates Canada.
              • DAY支持藏独, 要求加拿大外交部反对加拿大公司帮助中国的西藏铁路计划.
              • DAY强调重视中国的间谍问题..
                • Harper promotes closer ties between Canada and Japan.
              • DAY为大纪元发表谈话,这个DAY真是中国人民的好朋友,能关心到的都关心到了...作为未来的保守党政府外交部长最热门人选,中国的未来大有希望...
                • Very well done. You report and we decide.
                  • Harper would have a new ...
                  • 请谈谈你对DAY这些言行的看法.是坚定你选保守党的决心,还是相反效果.或者你根本不在乎保守党的中国政策?
                    • Nothing to be expected from a Harper/PC goer.
                      • 如果这个STOCKWELL DAY做了外交部长,天天对中国问题指手画脚,我们华人是否有被重视的感觉?
                        • No.
                          • 哈哈, 问得好, 答得也好. 不知那四位桃谷大英雄何在?
                            • 你还没回答我的问题(#2719877).
                              • 对华政策两党有何不同?请指教。
                              • 靠, 一直没看出你在问我.抱歉! DAY的这些观点对我没有影响. 这些作法来捷克,波兰等国家都采取.不会恶化两国关系. 此次选举, 国内政策和加美关系是重点.
                                • 对当地人而言,关心的的确是这两样东西。他们大部分人对外交政策,国际关系并不关心。可你是土生土长的当地人吗?你难道不用考虑加拿大执政党对你母国,华人,以及所有少数民族的政策吗?
                • 不错, Day,
            • They are two different kind of people. Mr. Day is a good speaker. He also did well in Alberta as treasurer and deputy primer. Mr. Harper is smart, polite and low profiled.
              • However, both of them believe in better Canada, a democratic Canada. They also believe in grass root.
            • 再说说HARPER...这里有一些他过去的言论,比如说这一条...
              National Citizens’ Coalition president Stephen Harper responds, “I think Chretien just doesn’t care. You’ve got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettoes and who are not integrated into western Canadian society.”
              • 在一篇介绍HARPER的文章里,我很惊讶的发现HARPER对TRUDEAU竟然有这么大的敌意.他可是俺心目中加拿大近代最杰出的政治家啊.
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛"But this pat assessment missed the passion behind what pulled him into politics -- how much he despised Trudeau.

                That negative inspiration has stayed with him. Shortly after Trudeau's death in 2000, Harper wrote revealingly of his feelings toward the dominant political figure of his youth. He recalled running into the former prime minister by chance on the streets of Montreal in 1999. "There I came face to face with a living legend, someone who had provoked in me both the loves and hatreds of my political passion, all in the form of a tired out, little, old man," Harper wrote in a newspaper column that stood out from the flood of Trudeau tributes. "It was an experience at once unforgettable, nostalgic and haunting." He went on to denounce that old man's legacy in the bitterest terms. Not only did he rebuke Trudeau's policy mix of "centralism, socialism and bilingualism," he even indicted him for failing to serve in the Second World War or oppose the Soviet Union. "In those battles," Harper wrote, "the ones that truly defined his century, Mr. Trudeau took a pass."

                It would be hard to find another major Canadian politician who has laid bare the emotional core of his politics so starkly. No matter what one thinks of Harper's harsh verdict on Trudeau, his assessment can't be described as cool. "更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • Harper is someone with no respect to Canadians but BUSH it.
                  • Who is Stephen Harper?
                    • 现在不知道他改变了了还是隐藏过去那些激进的想法,我希望是前者.如果他上台,希望是少数党,至少有制约,否则真担心走得太远....
                • 特鲁多是个CBC吹起来的人物, 右派对他的评价很低。加拿大的一个外号“北方的洪 都拉斯”就是来自于特搞的NEP(National Energy Program)。 保守党1984的选举大 胜跟特把经济搞的一团糟有直接关系。
                • Trudeau时代, 犹如轻度文革.很多人为其言所惑. 但越来越多的人已看出来, 加拿大今日之困难始于Trudeau
              • [转帖]責自由黨斷章取義.夏巴否認侮辱亞裔
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛責自由黨斷章取義.夏巴否認侮辱亞裔


                自由黨不單在近期一系列的電視廣告中,引述夏巴有關亞裔移民的言論,還向傳媒提供2001年1月22日《Report Newsmagazine》刊登夏巴的同一段說話,他提到﹕「你們要記住,自由黨在溫尼辟以西所佔據的選區,被亞裔新移民或來自東岸的新移民支配﹕這些人住在貧民窟,他們不融入加拿大西部社會。」

                保守黨國會議員肯尼(Jason Kenney)否認夏巴這番話是侮辱亞洲移民,反指自由黨斷章取義﹕「夏巴是一個尊重新移民,包括亞裔社區的人。自由黨斷章取義,他們會做任何事去扭曲事實,防止選民懲罰他們的腐敗。」他指出,自由黨是想暗示,夏巴是個不包容的人。


                自由黨卑詩省總部發言人威瑟利(Mike Witherly)堅持自由黨的立場﹕「你看回原文,他的確是這樣說。如果你要做總理,你要像其他人一樣對自己的行動負責。」









                但如果夏巴是那麼重視亞裔,為何不應本報要求親自解釋,而只派出肯尼回應﹖肯尼說﹕「因為他有超過百多個傳媒的要求,他不能逐一回應。」更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 华人作为一个整体???
    • 自由党继续执政是不幸??????