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[原创]我选保守党的理由 by 斯芬克斯

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[原创]我选保守党的理由








这样下去的结果,整个社会没有效率,加拿大不可避免要成为只适合养老二流国家。 其实美国虽然税低,但是人均缴纳国家的税金却和加拿大相当,甚至更高,因为人家收入基数高。

当然保守党的少数民族政策和多元文化政策、美国关系、中国关系我并不喜欢,但是目前来看应该是换个政党的时候了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / [原创]我选保守党的理由 by 斯芬克斯
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[原创]我选保守党的理由








    这样下去的结果,整个社会没有效率,加拿大不可避免要成为只适合养老二流国家。 其实美国虽然税低,但是人均缴纳国家的税金却和加拿大相当,甚至更高,因为人家收入基数高。

    当然保守党的少数民族政策和多元文化政策、美国关系、中国关系我并不喜欢,但是目前来看应该是换个政党的时候了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错!
    • You are really a nice guy! That's exactly why I chose the Conservative! Though I dislike some of its policies.
    • 麦考莲如果代替Harper,也许支持者会多一些。
    • [密西沙加市,众多世界知名企业都在这里。市长是保守党员]支持自己心水的政党没错,但看不出这之间的必然联系。1,现代国家的大都市区域,各局部城市之间,是分工合作的规划安排,2,在加拿大市一级别的政府,跟政党不挂钩的。
      • 你的1.和主题毫无关系; 2. 市长的施政和城市的发展有相当的作用(当然没有省和联邦作用大).
        • 哈哈,你是批驳我,还是支持楼主?继续,继续,请继续,看看你的逻辑怎么把楼主给绕进去。I can't help it, @_@ 实在是很具娱乐性嘛。
          • 你老人家逻辑才有趣呢. 批驳我,支持楼主, 某种程度上是一个方向
            • 是 批驳你, copy-paste 害人呀
              • 继续,继续,请继续, @_@
    • 说的不错,任何政党都有你喜欢和讨厌的地方,看你更看中什么了.作者客观讨论的态度值得鼓励,不象某些人,眼力只有好党,坏党之分,对支持自己反对的党的人又是漫骂,又是扣帽子.一个连别人选择权利都不懂得尊重的人,谈何民主自由?
      • 客观?恕我直言,有了预设立场,想做到客观,实在太难喽!
        • 不客观,也没有必要谩骂吧。这两天看坛子里几个力挺自由党的,都是出口不逊。就事论事。一说不支持自由党,就说对方是甘愿当垃圾,自找....自由党就是这样的人力挺起来的,那么不选它就对了。
          • 彼此彼此,挺自由党的被骂成中共间谍,奴才,党妈妈的好儿子..
            • 大家不必对个人进行人身攻击,我所建议的是大家都去投票,不论喜欢那个党,一定要参与.只有这样华人声音大,所有党派今后更能会多听华人声音.
    • 密市目前国会议员100%为自由党人
      • 这没关系.正如我的很多同事,联邦议员为自由党助威,省议员则选保守党. 他们的话是联邦和省是不同的
        • "Harper would have changed the dynamic in Parliament by appointing senators only after they had been elected provincially. "
          " Over time, this would create two competing power centres in Parliament, with the House of Commons championing the national interest and a Senate with more political legitimacy pulling for the provinces. Ultimately, parliamentary gridlock might be a real risk. "
    • 我感觉自由党才支持中产阶级呢. 鼓励当懒汉的是NDP
      • 转帖Paul Martin is no friend of mine.
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛SOMETHING WORTH THINKING ABOUT

        Hello..... My name is Alan Robberstad I am a Canadian. One voter
        out of millions of Canadian voters.

        Paul Martin is no friend of mine. Liberal governments have not made
        my life any better. Liberal governments have made the future worse
        for my children.

        Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years
        ago. Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister.....Paul
        Martin...LEST WE FORGET

        Since 1993:
        (1) My taxes have increased.
        (2) My family's share of the national debt has increased.
        (3) My personal expenses have increased.
        (4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
        (5) My concerns for my family's safety have increased.
        My costs to educate my children have increased.
        (7) Government interference in my life has increased.
        My personal debt has increased.
        (9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
        (10) My savings have decreased.
        (11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
        (12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
        (13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
        (14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
        (15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
        (16) My hope that a Liberal won't waste my tax dollars has
        (17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have

        That is my story since the Liberals came to power.

        I am not voting for Paul Martin's Liberals. I am voting against Paul
        Martin and his Liberal Party in January.

        I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.

        Do I like the Conservatives? Not particularly......I don't really
        like Politics. I am not political by nature. I am not passionate
        about politics. I am a middle age guy (48). I live in a small house
        on a fairly quiet street in Edmonton. I have a wife, Kathy, and two
        children (ages 19 and 17). I have no pets. I am a middle class man.
        I don't usually say too much.

        Until now.

        Now I am going to say something!

        In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
        (1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (4) And some people want me to vote for Paul Martin???? - a multi-
        millionaire lawyer from Quebec???

        The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
        (1) Not a lawyer.
        (2) Not a multi-millionaire.
        (3) Not from Quebec.

        Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
        (1) Reduce my taxes.
        (2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
        (3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

        That's good enough for me. I'm going to give the Conservative party
        a chance with my vote.

        But wait! Paul Martinis now saying the same thing. My mother told me
        forty years ago: "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame
        on me!"

        The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
        Remember, Jean Chretien was Trudeau's Finance Minister. Remember
        also, Paul Martin was Jean Chretien's Finance Minister These people
        have been raising my taxes for thirty four years. They have been mis-
        spending my tax dollars for 34 years.

        34 years!

        And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending. No way.

        Thank you for reading my story so far!

        Why am I telling my story to you?

        Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. Your story may be
        similar to mine. And you may also feel alone. One small voter in the
        midst of millions of voters.

        What can you and I do together to change things?

        Here is my idea: Lets you and I join up together. Just you and I.
        Together. As a small team of two.

        How can you and I fight a huge political machine?

        You and I have two things that we can use:
        (1) Our individual personal connections.
        (2) The Internet.

        The Internet is supposed to be this globalizing tool, right? Let's
        put it to use.

        I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book. I am sending
        this e-mail to each of them.

        I'm asking you to do two things:

        (1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
        (2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party in January.

        Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.

        I have probably written this e-mail too late. As I said I am not
        politically adroit. I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976
        movie "Network", when he shouted: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going
        to take this anymore!"

        Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!

        I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.

        This may not work. This e-mail may "fizzle out" and go nowhere. But
        you and I will have tried, won't we have?

        My best wishes to you. My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.

        My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto He actually wrote this just
        (5) days before the last federal election. "Fool me
        once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me!"

        Alan Robberstad
        Edmonton, Alberta .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 但感觉保守党的政策并不能解决你说的那些社会问题啊?!自由党的政治广告还是有道理的: change is good, but change to what ??
      • 望南面看看, 就知道, 天天不是看天气预报, 而是看恐怖袭击的指数!好刺激的日子
        • 我们到美国开个The Terror Network好不好?
    • 别再以为美国收入高了, 它们的美元在小布什的领导下,已经快成废纸啦!加园将来在小哈的领导下, 估计以后年薪8万也顶不了现在5万的收入。
      • 中国领导人倒是想把人民币变废纸,可是全世界人民都不同意。这不是不让中国人民活下去吗?
        • :-)
        • 没见中国政府才明白过劲, 拼命抛美元, 美债呢!这么官僚无脑的政府都明白了美元早晚成废纸的这个道理, 你还没法领会。。。
      • 美元低对美国的经济好。 当年阿根廷的国家货币非的和美元看齐, 结果搞得国家银行破产。
        • 现在加员坚挺, 美元疲软, 正是说明加拿大现在的经济真的是好差! 美国现在经济好好呀!您赶快去美国谋生去吧。。