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ZT...Voices: Majority or minority? 不管谁当选,我都希望是minority,只有这样,政府才会看重少数民族选票,重视少数民族权益...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Voices: Majority or minority?
Jan. 16, 2006. 10:09 AM

Martin majority. The day Bush was first elected I thought, God help us: He is going to do damage by the time he is out and I was right. I get the same feeling with Harper. We have come so far with our global reputation, research, anti-smoking laws etc. A right-wing Harper will mould us into a United States (under Bush) and take us back years in key areas.
Joanne Cripps, Peterborough, Jan. 16

While I have never been a Harper supporter, I think we need to see a Harper majority government in order for any change to take place. People are worried about what he will do if is in power, but really, shouldn't we be just as concerned about Martin? What is more intimidating for Canadians is that Harper is an unknown.
Sarah Morrison, Bowmanville, Jan. 16

NDP majority: The one thing missing from your list.
Carol Auld, Toronto, Jan. 16

As a Canadian living abroad, I'm appalled that Canadians would vote in droves for Steven Harper's neo-conservative party. I'm reading from this website and others that Harper has moderated himself and has become a pragmatist. It's really interesting how every social conservative-type party seems to become extremely moderate during campaign time only to revert to their fanatical agenda once they've defrauded the voters. Have we learned nothing from our American neighbours?
Matthew K. Thomas, Cap D'ail, France, Jan. 16

A Harper minority would rein in some of the Conservatives' extremism, as he would have to negotiate his agenda. It would most likely be followed by another election, as it is difficult philosophically for the Conservatives to ally themselves with other parties. If a Liberal leadership campaign results from a Martin defeat, then the focus would be on the Liberals' "new agenda" in contrast to Harper, and that could spell a Harper defeat next time around.
Neale Gifford, Toronto, Jan. 16

I'm horrified at the thought of a Conservative majority, and the years it could take to undo the work of their unfettered hands, both economically and in terms of social policy. No matter how much he tries to hide it, Harper's social values clash with those of most Canadians.
Shawn Syms, Toronto, Jan. 16

I'd like to see another Liberal minority. They were doing a good job until Harper and Layton forced this fiasco on us. Let's be honest: Life has been very good since 1993. Why ruin a good thing by electing an overly ambitious maniac?
Matt Keefer, Peterborough, Jan. 16更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / ZT...Voices: Majority or minority? 不管谁当选,我都希望是minority,只有这样,政府才会看重少数民族选票,重视少数民族权益...
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Voices: Majority or minority?
    Jan. 16, 2006. 10:09 AM

    Martin majority. The day Bush was first elected I thought, God help us: He is going to do damage by the time he is out and I was right. I get the same feeling with Harper. We have come so far with our global reputation, research, anti-smoking laws etc. A right-wing Harper will mould us into a United States (under Bush) and take us back years in key areas.
    Joanne Cripps, Peterborough, Jan. 16

    While I have never been a Harper supporter, I think we need to see a Harper majority government in order for any change to take place. People are worried about what he will do if is in power, but really, shouldn't we be just as concerned about Martin? What is more intimidating for Canadians is that Harper is an unknown.
    Sarah Morrison, Bowmanville, Jan. 16

    NDP majority: The one thing missing from your list.
    Carol Auld, Toronto, Jan. 16

    As a Canadian living abroad, I'm appalled that Canadians would vote in droves for Steven Harper's neo-conservative party. I'm reading from this website and others that Harper has moderated himself and has become a pragmatist. It's really interesting how every social conservative-type party seems to become extremely moderate during campaign time only to revert to their fanatical agenda once they've defrauded the voters. Have we learned nothing from our American neighbours?
    Matthew K. Thomas, Cap D'ail, France, Jan. 16

    A Harper minority would rein in some of the Conservatives' extremism, as he would have to negotiate his agenda. It would most likely be followed by another election, as it is difficult philosophically for the Conservatives to ally themselves with other parties. If a Liberal leadership campaign results from a Martin defeat, then the focus would be on the Liberals' "new agenda" in contrast to Harper, and that could spell a Harper defeat next time around.
    Neale Gifford, Toronto, Jan. 16

    I'm horrified at the thought of a Conservative majority, and the years it could take to undo the work of their unfettered hands, both economically and in terms of social policy. No matter how much he tries to hide it, Harper's social values clash with those of most Canadians.
    Shawn Syms, Toronto, Jan. 16

    I'd like to see another Liberal minority. They were doing a good job until Harper and Layton forced this fiasco on us. Let's be honest: Life has been very good since 1993. Why ruin a good thing by electing an overly ambitious maniac?
    Matt Keefer, Peterborough, Jan. 16更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • ZT...Didn't see full agenda, expert says
      Didn't see full agenda, expert says
      Jan. 16, 2006. 01:00 AM

      A prominent economist commissioned by the Conservatives to assess the financial soundness of their election platform says major items were omitted from the version he was given.

      Paul Darby, deputy chief economist of the Conference Board of Canada, originally concluded that Stephen Harper's Conservative platform "is affordable in each fiscal year from 2005-2006 through 2010-2011."

      The Conservative party promoted that conclusion last week as evidence its election platform had been "independently verified" by the Conference Board, an Ottawa-based think-tank.

      But Darby says the version he was given didn't include a Conservative health-care guarantee that states patients will be transported to another jurisdiction if they can't get timely care at home. It also omitted a Tory promise to redress the so-called ``fiscal imbalance" between Ottawa and the provinces.
      • 这个标题是典型吸引眼球的哗众取宠做法。
    • Harper是改革党的创立者之一,可这改革党竟然是如此臭名昭著的种族主义..
      MP Sharon Hayes held a news conference in August, 1995 to repeat a tabloid allegation that Chinese people were cannibals, eating fetuses as health food. Letters to the editor from members of Vancouver's Chinese community expressed concern that "This type of rash accusation and ignorance form the basis of racism and hate crimes." [Vancouver Sun, Aug. 26, 1995]
      • 历史学家, 回到现实来吧!
        • 现实是什么?你知道吗?你知道现在的HARPER怎么想吗?你知道现在的保守党是否是以这些极右的改革党为主流?
          为什么人们担心HARPER的hidden agenda,就是因为他现在竞选时的言论和他过去的言论的差别,是他真的变了吗?还是拉选票的权宜之计?关于他的问号太多了.
          • 那为什么不给保守党一次机会好好证明自己行不行,同时也叫自由党反醒一下.
            • 可以啊,我没说不可以,我觉得保守党组成少数党政府也不错.但多数党政府就冒的风险太大,我很反感某些人的不客观态度,难道支持保守党,就可以对保守党潜在的问题视而不见了?这不分明是张爱玲笔下的红玫瑰白玫瑰心理吗.
          • [转帖]加拿大危机何在?
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛联邦自由党终于依靠议长的一票使马田的预算案以及修正动议获得通过,避免了少数政府的垮台。但是,加拿大民众虽然可以欢乐度过一个快乐的夏天,但却无法摆脱加拿大面临的宪政危机,尤其是民主制度的危机。联邦自由党内部的消息来源指出,马田的决策能力,核心团队的容忍雅量,以及总理在选民中的公信力已经遭到巨大的质疑。环球邮报的全国民意调查显示,五成四的被访者认为马田是一个"伪君子",六成一的人相信他”最有可能为求谋取政治利益而撒谎"。


            问题不仅仅如此,有舆论认为,加拿大人可能喜欢所谓的"良性独裁",让联邦自由党一党独大,长期执政。问题是,这个”独裁"却充满了贪污腐败的问题,资助丑闻只是冰山一角。我们认为,加拿大宪政的最大危机,是联邦自由党以错误的资讯来抹煞政党轮替的重要性,最终伤害民主政治的机制。 错误一,鼓吹在野党上台是加拿大的末日。请问,在加拿大的宪法体制下,在加拿大的选举制度下,在加拿大的法制体系下,有哪一个政党真的可以毁掉加拿大呢?可以毁掉加拿大的民主自由多元文化呢? [ 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum ]
            错误三,在野党是要与独立派联手,摧毁加拿大的统一。请问,联邦自由党执政达十多年之久,除了克里田在九五年公投中力挽狂澜,赢了一仗,魁北克独立势力持续高涨,这难道不是拜自由党执政不力之赐吗? 由此可见,加拿大的危机是民主机制失灵,挽救加拿大,不是提前不提前大选,而是回到政党竞争,政策竞争的常规,执政党应该首先担当责任。

            < r o l i a. n e t >
            作者/来源: 丁果 第158期《蒙城华人报》更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • Future兄咋贴简体字啦?累不累啊。
      • 1997年, Reform Party成立不到十年, 该党的第一位华人议员Inky Mark就当选了.NDP到现在还没有华人议员. #2706536
        • 再说, 从作者名字(Reform Watch)就可以看出他是反对Reform的, 断章取义谁不会, 前几天不是有人说Joe Li骂移民吗?被3hohoho给出原文就傻了.
          • Joe Li 当时建议省应该有选择自己移民的权利,可以拒绝从OTTOWA来的垃圾移民.这是当时我亲眼看到的新闻,如果你不觉得这是辱骂移民.我只能说你心理承受能力强.
            • 移民中没垃圾?说移民中有垃圾和说移民全是垃圾是一样的吗?可能你的英文要提高.
              • 你怎么确定你不属于移民里垃圾呢?加拿大目前移民规则是一样的,你和其他移民有何不同?不管怎么说,一个人用垃圾形容某些移民足够说明他缺乏教养了...
                • 我晕! 你说来加拿大的个个全是货真价实的精英, 全无造假行骗之徒. 真够极端的, 难怪支持自由党
                  • 你怎么确信Joe Li所指的移民垃圾只包括造假行骗之徒,难道你知道他的移民垃圾分类法.难道你希望你当初办理移民的时候,先被加拿大选一次,再被各省选一次?你没有选择居住省的自由?
                    • Quebec就有这个权利.其他省不能有?你现在终于同意对Joe Li的攻击是断章取义的了.
                      • 这怎么是断章取义呢?你怎么知道你就能符合Joe Li心目中的省的移民规定呢?说不定你获准移民加拿大,但被省拒绝,你就成为垃圾移民,不得不到更偏远的省份定居.
                        • 不是断章取义,难到只能说移民的好吗?
                          • 我真佩服你,为了支持保守党,宁愿认可这样的移民政策,使移民失去选择居住省份的权利,宁愿成为垃圾移民被发配到边远地区,有人为党甘愿为当做孺子牛,你比他们更强.
                            • 你看看, 说不了两句就又开始断章取义. 而且你还自大的很,认为到安省外其它省份的移民都是垃圾,只配到边远省份. 你比Joe Li的话更有问题.
                              • well said.
                              • 谁断章取义啊?我特指安省了吗?你都对当时的情形一无所知,就说我断章取义.算了,如果你觉得垃圾移民挺好,我也不需要说什么了...
                                • 转帖]你好象在断章取义! Do you really think all globeandmail said were true???你在这混淆视听是不是晕乎到以为只有你一个人懂E文?
                                  by 3hohoho (hohoho) at 2006.1.8 12:36

                                  你知不知道他说此话的前后文?他是在比较魁北克有完全自主的移民标准和政策,而安省却只能被动地接纳联邦政府的移民标准,没有一点发言权。 只要是被动地无条件接纳,就有可能连所谓的“垃圾”照收。 这样的用词当然应该批判(他本人也早已就此时道歉并澄清),但你在这危言耸听,故意诋毁,大概已到了黔驴技穷得地步了。
      • 真是耸人听闻,想投保守党的请读读这个帖子。
    • Good point. up...
    • 目前看来minority较好一点。