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天书 told you it clearly. Currently the date of election is not fixed and just by Liberal's idea. So the Goverment party can choose a good day for itself (any day in 4-5 current government years).

Of course,majority government can control it, minority may or may not.Not including 弹劾.
The majority government can make the election as it wishes,regardless good or bad to the country, just for its party. That's a extra power for the majority. It shouldn't be there. When some bad news happen, majority may delay the election and after cheating, black-box trade and getting back its surpport, it can give the election.

If the date is fixed, it will be like US president election, no mater what happens, good or bad to the government party, election should be there. Of course still not including 弹劾. And of course it is not easy to complete it when it is minority government. Because it is very easy to 弹劾

Liberal don't agree it even if it is government, only, just because政党即便名声再差,其他人也无法立刻推倒它 as you said.It doesn't want to give up this extra choosing date power.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我支持保守党还有一个理由。harper要搞固定大选,每4/5年大选一次,象安省现在这样。我强烈支持。
    • 不好,这样固定大选使执政党即便名声再差,其他人也无法立刻推倒它...他为什么不在早提出来呢?当政的自由党肯定同意,两个最大党都同意,立刻就能通过.
      • 那是说选举不是由执政党定日期。不是说取消弹劾。
      • harper提的自由党能同意?别逗了。你都说不好,自由党能说好?
      • Please understand a policy before you blame it.
        • 那请你们解释一下,固定每4/5年大选一次是什么意思.而且这次大选是因为弹劾吗?
          • 这次大选是因为弹劾。不要说你不知道这个大选是因为通过了对政府的不信任提案,所以政府才垮台而不得不提前进行大选的。
            • 如何让我放心你们这些人接班,连什么是impeachment都概念不清...hahahahahah
              • 接班?你以为自己是马丁啊?又梦游了吧。
                • 信口开河之前先作好功课,“弹劾”有那些步骤,“弹劾”的对象又是那些,先自己整明白了。
                  • 出大气让别人接班前,先看看自己什么斤两。
          • 天书 told you it clearly. Currently the date of election is not fixed and just by Liberal's idea. So the Goverment party can choose a good day for itself (any day in 4-5 current government years).
            Of course,majority government can control it, minority may or may not.Not including 弹劾.
            The majority government can make the election as it wishes,regardless good or bad to the country, just for its party. That's a extra power for the majority. It shouldn't be there. When some bad news happen, majority may delay the election and after cheating, black-box trade and getting back its surpport, it can give the election.

            If the date is fixed, it will be like US president election, no mater what happens, good or bad to the government party, election should be there. Of course still not including 弹劾. And of course it is not easy to complete it when it is minority government. Because it is very easy to 弹劾

            Liberal don't agree it even if it is government, only, just because政党即便名声再差,其他人也无法立刻推倒它 as you said.It doesn't want to give up this extra choosing date power.
            • 这一课上得不错。
          • 识食物者为俊杰 - 你的网名咋起的?
          • Do you understand now? Which one is better to you, fixed date or just come from government's mind?
      • 你也真能侃。所谓加拿大的固定大选是指在政府得到议会信任的前提下,必须按照预定的日期大选,而总理不可以随意解散议会。一个例子就是上次马田当总理不久即举行大选,但当时他的任期并未结束,政府也获得了议会的信任。
    • 要是这样,我更不会选保守党,简直想搞独裁。
      • 启禀大将军,对方说的是要大选。
      • 请你先理解保守党的“固定大选”的含义再发言。
    • 什么意思?自己XX了前政府,现在想戴XXX了?
    • 同意。执政党应订立四年计划,然后踏踏实实执政;在野党应该把精力放在政策研究方面,别总想着推翻政府。应固定选期,各党在选举日前一视同仁,别让执政党在这上面占便宜。
      • 自由党总是干这事。专门挑选风头好的时候搞大选。
    • Do NOT vote for Conservatives! They are the extreme right, Stephen Harper is clearly the next George W. Bush. 90% Conservatives supporters are rednecks.
      • 你这个90%怎么算出来的?
      • 嘿嘿,别急嘛。你要不爽,90%可以变成80%嘛。
    • 固定大选不等于不要弹劾。弹劾在西方民主国家都存在。
      • 东方国家也有。
      • 在我印象中,加拿大没有弹劾总理的法律。当然,在加拿大的政治制度下大概也不需要这种法律。