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Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[转帖]A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting:
The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations.
In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year. Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 保守党要赢了... 加拿大要不行了... HARPER就是小布屎的影子. 这下完了.
    • (#2723540)
      • 自由党镇压少数人权利,在1923年 通過 華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压華人的公民權利 。 2005年 自由党领导人对华人公开侮辱, 国库局长Reg Alcock 奚落华裔国会议员的基因,执行副主席将华裔比作狗。

        例如 加拿大自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压在加華人的公民權利 令當時的反華情緒變得更激烈。因爲當時大多數華人都不可以說流利的英語,他們都要躲避在唐人街。 由於當時的加拿大已經有很多條例禁止華人從事多個行業,華人只可以做一些白人不願意從事的工作,例如洗衣店和三文魚加工。直至到戰後,加拿大的華人社區是可以稱爲一個單身男子社會。


        2005年几个自由党领导人对华人的公开侮辱,正是白人至上主义的充分表现。先有万锦区部长john Mccallum对待中文报纸记者的恶劣态度,又有国库局长 Reg Alcock 奚落华裔国会议员的基因,再有执行副主席将华裔比作狗。

        我们如横沟指望 他们认 认真真地对待新移民?!

    • 为何GTA还会是自由党的天下? 因为移民都是精英,综合素质会比本地人高一些, 分析事情会清楚点, 不会被空头支票而迷惑.
      • 你做梦吧? 你看了Poll得结果了吗? GTA投抛售党的多阿。 你也可以看看肉连的调查(这次大选你准备投给谁)http://www.rolia.net/quiz/quiz_index.php
        • Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[转帖]A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

          In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

          Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting:
          The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

          To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

          The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

          Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations.
          In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
          To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year. Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
          National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 完了, 垃圾移民太多了....
        • 对,你才是移民精英。
        • 你真么和现在的自由党一样, 看到事实无法挽回就展开了人身攻击了。 这儿谁不比你价值大?
      • [转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛National Post

        January 15, 2005

        Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

        When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

        They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

        If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

        William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • [转帖]加拿大危机何在?
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛联邦自由党终于依靠议长的一票使马田的预算案以及修正动议获得通过,避免了少数政府的垮台。但是,加拿大民众虽然可以欢乐度过一个快乐的夏天,但却无法摆脱加拿大面临的宪政危机,尤其是民主制度的危机。联邦自由党内部的消息来源指出,马田的决策能力,核心团队的容忍雅量,以及总理在选民中的公信力已经遭到巨大的质疑。环球邮报的全国民意调查显示,五成四的被访者认为马田是一个"伪君子",六成一的人相信他”最有可能为求谋取政治利益而撒谎"。


      问题不仅仅如此,有舆论认为,加拿大人可能喜欢所谓的"良性独裁",让联邦自由党一党独大,长期执政。问题是,这个”独裁"却充满了贪污腐败的问题,资助丑闻只是冰山一角。我们认为,加拿大宪政的最大危机,是联邦自由党以错误的资讯来抹煞政党轮替的重要性,最终伤害民主政治的机制。 错误一,鼓吹在野党上台是加拿大的末日。请问,在加拿大的宪法体制下,在加拿大的选举制度下,在加拿大的法制体系下,有哪一个政党真的可以毁掉加拿大呢?可以毁掉加拿大的民主自由多元文化呢?
      错误三,在野党是要与独立派联手,摧毁加拿大的统一。请问,联邦自由党执政达十多年之久,除了克里田在九五年公投中力挽狂澜,赢了一仗,魁北克独立势力持续高涨,这难道不是拜自由党执政不力之赐吗? 由此可见,加拿大的危机是民主机制失灵,挽救加拿大,不是提前不提前大选,而是回到政党竞争,政策竞争的常规,执政党应该首先担当责任。

      作者/来源: 丁果 第158期《蒙城华人报》更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 作者:丁果
        • 明显打击我看贴的积极性。
    • Too bad that most people forgot the late 80s and early 90s. Mulroney and the Conservatives were hated so much that they got less than 10 seats in the next election.
      Do people hate the liberals that much or is it just most people have forgotten?
      • You are just making things confused. Mulroney's Conservatives is not current conservative.Lots of Mulroney's Conservatives became Bloc, why not ask Quebec people.
        • So? Yeah, some made the spilt and later merged back, It's still the same party with the same agenda. Why else are they still called the "Conservatives"
      • 也不至于这样8, 那段时间, 在短命的joe clark政府期间, 据说股市上加拿大企业的股票增值42%, 就是在万人痛恨的马罗尼政府期间, 也是2位数的增长。 所以还是有积极的一面的
        • (#2725258)?
          • 我是阿,不过我觉得每必要妖魔化那个党8,
            • Support
        • 小布屎在台上, 美国经济,股市不也不错吗.
          • 那不就行了嘛? 作为小民, 还想啥啊? 解放全人类什么的, 和我没大关系8
      • 当年Harper反对Mulroney,所以连MP都不要了
      • Try to learn some history before your mouth. Read浴火重生的保守党 #2706536
    • HK 回归祖国前李住明也是这么哭的
      • 我也不愿承认, 说真的, HK确实不如以前了....
        • 是因为回归不行的吗?
          • 原因很多, 但根本来说是的.
            • 鉴于您这认识水平, 哭就哭吧
            • 你哭吧。^_^
    • Let canada go to the Helllll, it is not worth to save!
    • 我看加拿大的政治气候催不出小布什那样的狂人。
      • therefore, Harper need BUSH as his lead! because he is not that 狂! but I bet Bush will use Canada well in many ways, including next war!