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魁北克最大英文报纸Gazette挺保守党,此前法文报纸Le Press已支持保守党

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The choice for Canada
(Quebec's largest English paper endorses Harper / CPC)
The Montreal Gazette ^ | Friday, January 20, 2006 | Lead Editorial

Lead Editorial:
The choice for Canada (II)

The Montreal Gazette
Friday, January 20, 2006

The Liberals, we said yesterday, must go. Each new opinion poll suggests Canadians agree. By all the portents Canada is in line after Monday's election for a Conservative government led by Stephen Harper. This is a healthy prospect for Canada, and particularly for Quebec.

The change in Conservative fortunes, these last two years, has been dramatic. Harper is now widely seen as a charisma-challenged policy wonk with a bias toward lower taxes and respect for provincial jurisdiction. This is not exactly Harper-mania, but it's an improvement on his 2004 image, so eagerly painted by the Liberals, of a rootin' tootin' redneck rowdy with a sinister scheme stashed in his saddlebags.

Harper and his party have improved more than their image since 2004. His record and platform confirm that he has, as he says, evolved. So has his party. From the early-1990s birth of the Reform Party as a western protest vehicle, right through to this month, we see a maturing process that is now all but complete.

The 1993 Reform caucus was suspicious of federal power in general, included members frankly hostile to Quebec, and was deeply socially conservative. But today Harper is poised to reap the benefits of the work done, by himself and many others, to modulate Reform's yelps of protest into a consistent articulation of a legitimate vision of the country. The recent Liberal smear-scare ads failed because voters see a Conservative Party close to the main currents of public opinion on most issues.

There are other alternatives to the Liberals, to be sure. The New Democrats, despite Jack Layton's energetic leadership, cling to their surreal view of economic realities. The Green Party, though broadly correct on an issue that is growing in urgency, is plainly not ready for prime time. As federalists, we need not dwell on the Bloc Quebecois.

That leaves the Conservatives, who under Harper have now reunited two of the three elements of Brian Mulroney's "big-tent" party: western small-c conservatives and Ontario/Atlantic voters who reject the Liberals' omni-present and domineering federal power. This campaign finds Harper surprisingly well-placed to add some of Mulroney's third element, francophone "soft nationalists." Public-opinion polls suggest the Conservatives will win more votes than the Liberals across Quebec. It's a movement we invite Gazette readers to join.

What would a Harper government be like? Since we argued yesterday that the Quebec question is the Canadian meta-issue, let's begin with the fiscal imbalance, a phrase coined in Quebec and an issue Quebecers take seriously. Harper's pledge to do the same galvanized his campaign here - and didn't hurt elsewhere.

Ottawa has fat surpluses these days, while the provinces, except Alberta, are searching under the sofa cushions to pay for health, education, urban needs and more. As soon as he's elected, Harper says, he'll start talks with the provinces on this imbalance. And he promises to reduce it during his first term.

The Liberal approach to fiscal federalism has been to invent new shared-cost programs - day-care most recently - in areas of provincial jurisdiction. Provinces grit their teeth, cash the cheques, and go cap in hand to Ottawa for subsequent top-ups, like peasants waiting for scraps at the squire's back door. John Manley, then deputy prime minister, once told The Gazette's editorial board that Jean Chretien's government would never just transfer revenue to the provinces, because Ottawa never gets enough credit for that.

Harper, coming from a tradition more respectful of provincial rights, appears to be serious about the fiscal imbalance. Even if his first one-point cut in the goods and services tax gives the provinces cover to raise their own sales taxes, that would help.

We are not so enthusiastic about the other main pillar of Harper's Quebec pitch, an increased Quebec voice in international affairs. But this issue resonates with Quebec's political class, not with the population: If he takes care of the imbalance, he can - and should - go slowly on this.

More important to Quebecers than the flag on the hood of a limo at a UNESCO meeting is the broad range of social policy. Here a fair-minded observer can see that Harper has little enthusiasm for rolling back the socially liberal status quo. On abortion, the party and leader have promised to change nothing.

On same-sex marriage, his position is frankly preposterous, but you can almost see him wink as he advances it: a free vote on the definition of marriage, but no use of the notwithstanding clause, and existing same-sex marriages would never be annulled. It's not easy to imagine such a free vote leading to a new law, even if Harper had a majority. In any case, by far his best way out of this morass would be to drop the issue.

To be sure, some Conservative policies would not be welcome in Quebec - get-tough sentencing is one. On the other hand, Harper's comprehensive "accountability" package - designed to make sure nothing else like the sponsorship scandal can happen - has earned admiration in many quarters, in Quebec and across the country.

The 2006 Conservative Party offers a program that can work very well for Quebec as a part of Canada. Given the Liberals' disgraceful abuse of the sacred trust of national unity, it's time for Quebecers to join their fellow Canadians in supporting Stephen Harper and the Conservatives.

© The Gazette (Montreal) 2006更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 谁是我们社会价值的保护者,谁是破坏者. 这是投票的首要问题. 印度裔社会公开支持保守党.
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hindus support Harper
    National Post
    Published: Thursday, January 19, 2006
    The Hindu Conference of Canada has been interacting with numerous Hindu groups, temples and community leaders regarding the upcoming federal election. As a Toronto-based national organization with branches in Ontario, Alberta and B.C., we enjoy strong support among the 700,000 strong Hindus in Canada.

    We have identified immigration, security and terrorism, and ensuring proper credentials evaluation of newcomers as areas of interest. In our judgment, successive Liberal governments have failed and betrayed the Hindu community in these areas. In so doing, they have also betrayed the values of liberty and democracy that our community and Canada stand for.

    For example, Liberal governments, in the interest of securing vote banks from certain ethnic communities, have failed to conduct a proper investigation into the incompetence and racism exhibited by security agencies that led to the acquittal of the accused parties in the nation's worst terrorist outrage, the bombing of Air India Flight 301. The appointment of Bob Rae to investigate the tragedy is clearly a whitewash; without a mandate to identify and penalize incompetence and negligence, this investigation is a sham.

    Additionally, the empty Liberal promises to resolve the plight of foreign-trained professionals in Canada ring hollow. We welcome the Conservative initiatives to employ tough measures against terrorism, and also applaud measures to conduct a proper immigrant skills evaluation process at the point of entry. With the expertise that we have within our organization, we hope that the Conservative party will continue to work with us in these matters of vital importance.

    Ron Banerjee, Hindu Conference of Canada, Toronto.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 加拿大自由党华裔“铁票”部队临阵倒戈
      • Congress of Aboriginal Peoples公开支持保守党.
        • 身在曹营心在汉, 沙省NDP省长公开支持保守党.
          • 魁北克最大英文报纸Gazette挺保守党,此前法文报纸Le Press已支持保守党
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The choice for Canada
            (Quebec's largest English paper endorses Harper / CPC)
            The Montreal Gazette ^ | Friday, January 20, 2006 | Lead Editorial

            Lead Editorial:
            The choice for Canada (II)

            The Montreal Gazette
            Friday, January 20, 2006

            The Liberals, we said yesterday, must go. Each new opinion poll suggests Canadians agree. By all the portents Canada is in line after Monday's election for a Conservative government led by Stephen Harper. This is a healthy prospect for Canada, and particularly for Quebec.

            The change in Conservative fortunes, these last two years, has been dramatic. Harper is now widely seen as a charisma-challenged policy wonk with a bias toward lower taxes and respect for provincial jurisdiction. This is not exactly Harper-mania, but it's an improvement on his 2004 image, so eagerly painted by the Liberals, of a rootin' tootin' redneck rowdy with a sinister scheme stashed in his saddlebags.

            Harper and his party have improved more than their image since 2004. His record and platform confirm that he has, as he says, evolved. So has his party. From the early-1990s birth of the Reform Party as a western protest vehicle, right through to this month, we see a maturing process that is now all but complete.

            The 1993 Reform caucus was suspicious of federal power in general, included members frankly hostile to Quebec, and was deeply socially conservative. But today Harper is poised to reap the benefits of the work done, by himself and many others, to modulate Reform's yelps of protest into a consistent articulation of a legitimate vision of the country. The recent Liberal smear-scare ads failed because voters see a Conservative Party close to the main currents of public opinion on most issues.

            There are other alternatives to the Liberals, to be sure. The New Democrats, despite Jack Layton's energetic leadership, cling to their surreal view of economic realities. The Green Party, though broadly correct on an issue that is growing in urgency, is plainly not ready for prime time. As federalists, we need not dwell on the Bloc Quebecois.

            That leaves the Conservatives, who under Harper have now reunited two of the three elements of Brian Mulroney's "big-tent" party: western small-c conservatives and Ontario/Atlantic voters who reject the Liberals' omni-present and domineering federal power. This campaign finds Harper surprisingly well-placed to add some of Mulroney's third element, francophone "soft nationalists." Public-opinion polls suggest the Conservatives will win more votes than the Liberals across Quebec. It's a movement we invite Gazette readers to join.

            What would a Harper government be like? Since we argued yesterday that the Quebec question is the Canadian meta-issue, let's begin with the fiscal imbalance, a phrase coined in Quebec and an issue Quebecers take seriously. Harper's pledge to do the same galvanized his campaign here - and didn't hurt elsewhere.

            Ottawa has fat surpluses these days, while the provinces, except Alberta, are searching under the sofa cushions to pay for health, education, urban needs and more. As soon as he's elected, Harper says, he'll start talks with the provinces on this imbalance. And he promises to reduce it during his first term.

            The Liberal approach to fiscal federalism has been to invent new shared-cost programs - day-care most recently - in areas of provincial jurisdiction. Provinces grit their teeth, cash the cheques, and go cap in hand to Ottawa for subsequent top-ups, like peasants waiting for scraps at the squire's back door. John Manley, then deputy prime minister, once told The Gazette's editorial board that Jean Chretien's government would never just transfer revenue to the provinces, because Ottawa never gets enough credit for that.

            Harper, coming from a tradition more respectful of provincial rights, appears to be serious about the fiscal imbalance. Even if his first one-point cut in the goods and services tax gives the provinces cover to raise their own sales taxes, that would help.

            We are not so enthusiastic about the other main pillar of Harper's Quebec pitch, an increased Quebec voice in international affairs. But this issue resonates with Quebec's political class, not with the population: If he takes care of the imbalance, he can - and should - go slowly on this.

            More important to Quebecers than the flag on the hood of a limo at a UNESCO meeting is the broad range of social policy. Here a fair-minded observer can see that Harper has little enthusiasm for rolling back the socially liberal status quo. On abortion, the party and leader have promised to change nothing.

            On same-sex marriage, his position is frankly preposterous, but you can almost see him wink as he advances it: a free vote on the definition of marriage, but no use of the notwithstanding clause, and existing same-sex marriages would never be annulled. It's not easy to imagine such a free vote leading to a new law, even if Harper had a majority. In any case, by far his best way out of this morass would be to drop the issue.

            To be sure, some Conservative policies would not be welcome in Quebec - get-tough sentencing is one. On the other hand, Harper's comprehensive "accountability" package - designed to make sure nothing else like the sponsorship scandal can happen - has earned admiration in many quarters, in Quebec and across the country.

            The 2006 Conservative Party offers a program that can work very well for Quebec as a part of Canada. Given the Liberals' disgraceful abuse of the sacred trust of national unity, it's time for Quebecers to join their fellow Canadians in supporting Stephen Harper and the Conservatives.

            © The Gazette (Montreal) 2006更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 忍无可忍, 自油党大多地区主席不满马田独裁空降候选人人愤而辞职, 公开支持保守党
              • 我靠,前几天我还看他在地铁站拉票呢,今天还有一个韩国人在拉票,哈哈,我投的就是John Capobianco
                • "We Choose Harper!" BC Newspaper The Province announce their endorsement of Conservative.
                  • Canadian version of CNN. That's nothing to be promoted nor should you be proud of when media bias is so apparent. That's the last thing the public need - Misleading, diverting, scaring and manipulating a false picture.
    • 大势所趋
      • A good pair to work together.