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你说"没时间收集那么多资料"把历史资料帖上.你不学习.又再 造谣 看历史是怎么写的, Macdonald's federal gov. would not "close" the door to Chinese labour

Such local fears became a powerful political rallying point for members of B.C.'s political community, who demanded immigration restrictions from the federal government. Patricia Roy's study of B.C. politicians and their policies towards Chinese and Japanese immigrants suggests that racial and economic fears prompted local political action. The B.C. government introduced a series of acts to limit and restrict Asian immigration as early as 1878. The federal government disallowed almost all of them. Macdonald's federal government would not "close" the door to Chinese labour because business interests, mostly in Montreal, saw the benefits of this work force.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Sun报 总结了218个不选自由党的理由。 1、根据加拿大“Taxpayer Federation”, 自由党花费了222亿加币用于Pre-Election2. 诽谤和中伤Stephen 和加拿大士兵 14、自由党的David, 工业部长,攻击NDP Layton, 再现“华人和狗”事件。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大主流媒体:不选自由党的218个理由

    星期天"Sun"报 总结了218个不选自由党的理由。节选部分如下:

    1、根据加拿大“Taxpayer Federation”, 自由党花费了222亿加币用于Pre-Election
    2. 诽谤和中伤Stephen 和加拿大士兵
    14、自由党的David, 工业部长,攻击NDP Layton, 再现“华人和狗”事件。

    34、May 10th 2005, 自由党150对153信任案失利,但找了个理由拒绝辞职
    36、May 17th 2005,信任案前夕,自由党从保守党里挖走Belinda Strongach,全国震惊。
    37、Belinda Strongach案后,MP Gurmant 亮出录像带,显示自由党拉拢他的幕后交易。



    84、1999年,自由党承诺“不改变婚姻的定义”,也不立法“同性恋合法”法案, 但是...

    六、 赞助、幕后交易、授权(86--98个)






    193、911事件中,有25个加拿大遇难者,政府did nothing
    199、克里政府拒绝给与Ontario SARS事件适当的政策和资金


    213、Health Care, 全球排名30
    216、世界和平PeaceKeeping: 排名36
    218、Marginal Tax Rates: 世界排名第二。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 选了保守党, 有一天你会后悔! 只是我没空跟你多说. 至少有1万个理由不选保守党. 我是个老移民, 听不听由你.
      • 没有人会比俺更后悔! 选了三次自由党,更后悔的是, 过了十二年才 知是大错特错 sorry for voting for them
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛sorry for voting for them

        More than 1/4 century here, first 1/8 century never vote. if the time the Bob Ray's NDP Government didn't make the Ontario's finance almost going to be bankrupt, I would never get out for my 1st vote, so did my friends. Only 4 votes for national up to now, but I want to say sorry for the first 3 times that had voted Liberal. I woke up last year, and talked to my friends, but they were still loved the Liberal very much. Now 100% of them have change their direction to Conservative.
        The Liberals have been acting very beautifull such as honest group, tax cutter, money saver, peace lover, democrat lover, freedom lover, immigrant lover, Chinese lover & humman right protector by sending out the rumours that Stephen Harper's hiding some thing, the Conservative would go to the war & spending money on military equipments , they hated immigrants,et. - - . They are steal but call some one else steal.
        Today, most of the Liberals still not saying sorry to Canadian, seems they still in trust, do you think the time rewind to 12 years ago?
        Are they immigrants & Chinese lover?
        The Chinese Conversative MP Ink Mark was on Fair Child TV on April 13, 2005, he wants to bring back his concern about the sister & brother to be the core of family for priority immigration that was rejected by Liberal government. His Bill about correcting the head tax was rejected by them too.
        1st time, I voted Liberal because they said that they would cut the GST, 2nd & 3rd votes were the extensive hope from the 1st one. I was very patient to wait for more than 12 years but never got any answer. I got the answer from a Chinese lady who I 1st met last year, she loved Liberal, she told me: 'the GST was a fair money producer for government & Canada, the Conservative grew the tree for Canada, now, it's the harvest time' .
        Are Liberal money saver?
        'Yes,' but only saved money for their scandal by buying old equipments, to buy the old Submarine that were above grand for 10 years, one died inside during the way home. and more - -
        Are Liberal peace lover?
        In 1998, Liberal government sent the air force to war [Kosovo ]with out voting in the Parliment.
        Are Liberal freedom lover - - - -?
        Freedom & democrat lover,human right protector -- Martin who made the Liberal's MP to vote Yes on Bill C 38, by forceing, to blamed Conversative MP who went to Zhao's house for the sorrow after he passed away.

        Our lessons from NDP & Liberal were very expensive, so why should we vote them again????更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 1999不算老。也许你有一万个理由不选保守党,但对于我,为了孩子,为了下一代,只有保守党能让我选。
        • 我不是99年来加的. 如果你是因为每年有$1200 可领的话, 你太幼稚了. 其他方面你会损失更多. 但我同意家庭年薪超过10万的保守党的方针政策会带来好处.
          • 如果你认为我是为了每年1200的话,你太幼稚了。我看重的是这个社会的道德观和价值观。
            • 美国的BUSH 正是利用了选民的宗教信仰赢了选举. 看看他都做了些什么. 屠杀伊拉克人民的凶手也好意思说他是个信上帝的! HARPER=BUSH!
              • 我说的道德观和价值观不干宗教什么事。另外,这是选加拿大总理,不是选美国总统。加拿大的保守党和美国的共和党没有任何关系,也完全不一样。别瞎联系。
                • HARPER 和BUSH 同穿一条裤子是众所周知的.
                  • 什么裤?
                    • 一定是西部牛仔裤。
                  • ??????
          • ["你太幼稚了"],真个大言不惭!为了孩子,为了下一代, 你以为只是 $吗?自由党主张娼妓 ,大麻合法 ,我们的子女会生活在什么环境中,到时再多钱也不管用
            • 你选你的HARPER 好了, 不关我事. 到时送你儿子去伊拉克打战好了.
              • 如果年多前俺可能被你吓倒, 但经过一年的关注,已不再恐怕自由党那些 恐吓谣言,应该感谢去年自由党的竞选抹黑广告说,"保守党要出兵"俺当时确实是被吓坏了,就去翻历史找新闻, 因为已经错选了自由党三次,以前都是听人说,从来不去证实
              • 看谁去打战了?自由党为了讨好米国不惜卷入 劳民伤财的不义之战 , 不惜凌驾于国会之上。 例如1998年,加军没有获 美国邀请, 在自由党党领一声号令, 轰炸机 立即出动炸 Kosovo小国,
                • 我不敢想象美伊战争时如HARPER 在台上会是什么样子. 加拿大士兵死的恐怕不是几个而是成千上万.
    • 本不想去投票,不过看样子得给自由党投一票以示支持(不过这个区可能会是保守党赢)。首先我不喜欢Harper,怎么看,都给我一种花花公子的形像;第二,我不喜欢增加军费;第三,我不喜欢变化,尤其不确定的变化,这是省选给我的教训。
      • 省选给您的教训是自由党当选, 你不知吗?违诺是他们的强项!俺过往十三年对自由党的期望, 已切底失望
      • 我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下: 镇压少数人权利,她是稱老大,加拿大自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压在加華人的公民權利 令當時的反華情緒變得更激烈。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下

        1镇压少数人权利,她是稱老大,加拿大自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压在加華人的公民權利 令當時的反華情緒變得更激烈。因爲當時大多數華人都不可以說流利的英語,他們都要躲避在唐人街。 由於當時的加拿大已經有很多條例禁止華人從事多個行業,華人只可以做一些白人不願意從事的工作,例如洗衣店和三文魚加工。直至到戰後,加拿大的華人社區是可以稱爲一個單身男子社會。


        2. 自由党领导白人至上主义充分表现在2005年,几个自由党领导人对华人的公开侮辱,正是白人至上主义的充分表现。先有万锦区部长john Mccallum对待中文报纸记者的恶劣态度,又有国库局长 Reg Alcock 奚落华裔国会议员的基因,再有执行副主席将华裔比作狗。

        我们如横沟指望 他们认 认真真地对待新移民?!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下[续]: 她的党领够权威,命令议员部长投Yes票 ,他们就不敢说 No 那管你说自由党内不自由。
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我’’选择’’自由党的理由如下[续]

        她的党领够权威,命令议员部长投Yes票 ,他们就不敢说 No
        1. 从历史大事来看觉得自由党盲目讨好米国。例如1998年,加军没有获 美国邀请, 在自由党党领一声号令, 轰炸机 立即出动炸 Kosovo小国,为了讨好米国不惜卷入 劳民伤财的不义之战。
        不惜凌驾于国会之上,尽管吃力不讨好,誓要做 美国的应声虫。

        上一任审计总长迪素杜(Denis Desautels)曾指称,马田在这方面动用盈余的做法有违会计法则。他亦警告称,国会难以适当监管这些拨款。 }

        结果联邦赞助丑闻令政府丑态毕露。意外打败伊朗、北韩和美国等“强劲对手”,独占鳌头的获得“世界愚蠢奖”(World Stupidity Awards)所颁发的年度“蠢蛋政府”(the dumbest government)奖。

        2.自由党的CHILD CARE 政策从来都是在四大政党中最”出色的”。自自由党2004年上台以来,她的政策又再是搞多fund,准备戍立child care fund,钱在她手里任她分,亲朋戚友优先分。
        她不幸被三党拉下台,分fund理想难实现,誓要支持她重上台,好把俺的Fund拿过来,让 口袋里的钱多一些。

        3. 承诺好听不实现!十二年前要选票,答应除掉GST。


        4.GST及PROPERTY TAX收入丰,但不能停止大学学费账单涨,更把医疗服务搞得一团糟,还被病人告一状。
        今天承诺多又多,她的党领拉票来,说是错收了人头税,又逍谦来又许诺,老汉不会被愚弄,跟他说:道谦该在国会里!十多年里你不做, 现在道谦也不会选你。
        一次不忠百次不用! 难说服别人再来选她!


        1 持家有道应该选她, 用买一条新潜艇的钱, 去买了四条旧的, 虽然一死多人伤在回途中, 死伤不是问题, 省军费是她的”功劳”

        2 她的女党干麦莉兰表示,司法工作坊中有大量年轻党员,通过大麻及卖淫合法化是意料中事。

        3. 她的党领是生财有道的好榜样,马丁先生是比布什富很箩多的大富翁,.管你大小生意交税多与少。他的公司开在BARBODOS,不用给加拿大交一分钱的税。

        老虎头头们就是要接见, 他们不远万里来到加拿大。
        因为谁选我党 ,我党就要保护他!

        这么多的好处, 怎么可以不选她?
        以上纯属人个观点如有冒犯敂请原谅更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 自由党省军费?宁愿把钱搞多分[fund]八年就分了九十亿,也不给军人一个安全的设备.用买一条新潜艇的钱, 去买了四条旧的, 虽然一死多人伤在回途中, 死伤不是问题, 省军费是她的”功劳”
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛新审计报告今日出炉 马田又寝食难安
        加国无忧 2005年02月15日,来源:加通社

        揭露联邦赞助丑闻的审计总长傅丽莎(Sheila Fraser)周二转移视线,把着眼点放在公营机构、机场租约、海外援助及研究基金内的税款方面。








        上一任审计总长迪素杜(Denis Desautels)曾指称,马田在这方面动用盈余的做法有违会计法则。他亦警告称,国会难以适当监管这些拨款。

        她的批评似乎已对现任财长古迪尔(Ralph Goodale)造成影响。原本有猜测称,政府可能设立一个基金,以便协助处理50亿元的全国讬儿服务计划,但这个选择目前看来已经不会出现在新的预算案之内。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 转帖Paul Martin is no friend of mine. SOMETHING WORTH THINKING ABOUT
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Hello..... My name is Alan Robberstad I am a Canadian. One voter
        out of millions of Canadian voters.

        Paul Martin is no friend of mine. Liberal governments have not made
        my life any better. Liberal governments have made the future worse
        for my children.

        Jean Chretien and the Liberal Party became Prime Minister many years
        ago. Guess who was the Liberal Finance Minister.....Paul
        Martin...LEST WE FORGET

        Since 1993:
        (1) My taxes have increased.
        (2) My family's share of the national debt has increased.
        (3) My personal expenses have increased.
        (4) My waiting time to see a doctor has increased.
        (5) My concerns for my family's safety have increased.
        My costs to educate my children have increased.
        (7) Government interference in my life has increased.
        My personal debt has increased.
        (9) My income has stayed more or less the same.
        (10) My savings have decreased.
        (11) The buying power of my dollar, in Canada, has decreased.
        (12) The value of my dollar, in the U.S., has decreased.
        (13) My trust of elected officials has decreased.
        (14) My trust in the justice system has decreased.
        (15 )My trust in the immigration system has decreased.
        (16) My hope that a Liberal won't waste my tax dollars has
        (17 )My dreams for a better future for my kids, in Canada, have

        That is my story since the Liberals came to power.

        I am not voting for Paul Martin's Liberals. I am voting against Paul
        Martin and his Liberal Party in January.

        I am voting for Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party.

        Do I like the Conservatives? Not particularly......I don't really
        like Politics. I am not political by nature. I am not passionate
        about politics. I am a middle age guy (48). I live in a small house
        on a fairly quiet street in Edmonton. I have a wife, Kathy, and two
        children (ages 19 and 17). I have no pets. I am a middle class man.
        I don't usually say too much.

        Until now.

        Now I am going to say something!

        In 35 of the past 37 years, Canada has been ruled by:
        (1) Pierre Trudeau - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (2) Brian Mulroney - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (3) Jean Chretien - a multi-millionaire lawyer from Quebec.
        (4) And some people want me to vote for Paul Martin???? - a multi-
        millionaire lawyer from Quebec???

        The leader of the Conservative party, Stephen Harper, is:
        (1) Not a lawyer.
        (2) Not a multi-millionaire.
        (3) Not from Quebec.

        Stephen Harper says that the Conservative party will:
        (1) Reduce my taxes.
        (2) Pay off the national debt as fast as they can.
        (3) Shrink the size and influence of the federal government.

        That's good enough for me. I'm going to give the Conservative party
        a chance with my vote.

        But wait! Paul Martinis now saying the same thing. My mother told me
        forty years ago: "Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame
        on me!"

        The Liberals have had 34 years to be financially responsible.
        Remember, Jean Chretien was Trudeau's Finance Minister. Remember
        also, Paul Martin was Jean Chretien's Finance Minister These people
        have been raising my taxes for thirty four years. They have been mis-
        spending my tax dollars for 34 years.

        34 years!

        And now Paul Martin says he'll stop taxing and spending. No way.

        Thank you for reading my story so far!

        Why am I telling my story to you?

        Although I feel alone, I know that I am not alone. Your story may be
        similar to mine. And you may also feel alone. One small voter in the
        midst of millions of voters.

        What can you and I do together to change things?

        Here is my idea: Lets you and I join up together. Just you and I.
        Together. As a small team of two.

        How can you and I fight a huge political machine?

        You and I have two things that we can use:
        (1) Our individual personal connections.
        (2) The Internet.

        The Internet is supposed to be this globalizing tool, right? Let's
        put it to use.

        I have 27 Canadians in my personal e-mail address book. I am sending
        this e-mail to each of them.

        I'm asking you to do two things:

        (1) Forward this e-mail to every Canadian in your own address book.
        (2) Vote against Paul Martin and the Liberal Party in January.

        Vote for the Conservative candidate in your riding.

        I have probably written this e-mail too late. As I said I am not
        politically adroit. I feel like Peter Finch, in the 1976
        movie "Network", when he shouted: "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going
        to take this anymore!"

        Please, forward the e-mail RIGHT NOW!!

        I hope the Internet is as fast as some people claim it is.

        This may not work. This e-mail may "fizzle out" and go nowhere. But
        you and I will have tried, won't we have?

        My best wishes to you. My best wishes to Canadians everywhere.

        My thanks to David Stokes from Toronto He actually wrote this just
        (5) days before the last federal election. "Fool me
        once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me!"

        Alan Robberstad
        Edmonton, Alberta .更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • [转帖]Liberals and deadly Tigers
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛National Post

        January 15, 2005

        Your editorial (Don't Play With Tigers, Jan. 13) rightly criticizes MP Jim Karygiannis for pandering to the Tamil Tigers and their front organizations. It is puzzling why some Liberals turn a blind eye to a group that is noted for its suicide bombings, forcible recruitment of children as soldiers, arms trafficking and the assassination of Indian prime minister Rajiv Gandhi.

        When I was a member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, I dealt with hundreds of refugee claims by Sri Lankan Tamils. Most had been victimized by the Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka. The fast-track asylum process allowed innumerable Tigers to obtain Canadian citizenship and to use Canada as a safe base for their operations, including drug trafficking and credit-card fraud.

        They also extort money from Canadian Tamils, as they do in Sri Lanka, to support the Tiger cause.

        If Mr. Karygiannis believes the Tigers in Canada are representative of the more than 200,000 Canadians of Tamil origin, he is guilty of unforgivable ignorance.

        William Bauer, Hensall, Ont.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year .Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛[转帖]A blind eye to Tamil terrorism

        In Australia, Britain and the United States, belonging to or attempting to raise funds for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) -- better known as the Tamil Tigers -- can lead to arrest or imprisonment. Given the track record of this vicious terrorist group, that makes sense. But while other countries have banned the LTTE outright, Ottawa turns a blind eye. Our government bars known Tigers from entering Canada and freezes the group's assets when officials stumble on them. But more than three years after the passage of the federal Anti-Terrorism Act, the governing Liberals still refuse to place the LTTE on Canada's official list of banned terrorist groups.

        Ottawa's failure to act cannot stem from ignorance. Until a recent shaky ceasefire took effect, the Tigers' two-decade long war with the Sri Lankan government had led to 60,000 deaths, many from LTTE terror bombings and ambushes. World leaders in suicide bombings, the Tigers are known for targetting civilians -- particularly women and children. And they press-gang children into doing much of their fiercest fighting:
        The LTTE's "Leopard Brigade" contains as many as 3,000 seven- to 14-year-olds who were taken from their parents as toddlers and fed a steady diet of anti-government propaganda and nihilism.

        To fund all this, the LTTE extorts money from the Tamil diaspora in over 50 countries, including Canada, threatening to torture or kill loved ones back home if Tamil immigrants don't pay up. They are also notorious for drug-running and people-smuggling.

        The LTTE is particularly active within the Tamil communities in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver. Just this week, the National Post revealed that Canadian and U.S. authorities had broken up a major Tiger-run smuggling ring that had sought to sneak Tiger agents and fundraisers into Canada via Bangkok, Mexico City and the United States.

        Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister, explained Monday that to outlaw the Tigers now would derail a heretofore-unknown Canadian-Norwegian initiative to broker peace between the Tamils and Sri Lanka's majority Sinhalese. But the Liberals' ambivalence toward the Tigers predates any secret Ottawa-Oslo treaty negotiations.
        In 2000, against the strong objections of the RCMP and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, then-finance minister Paul Martin, then-international co-operation minister Maria Minna and several other government MPs attended a Toronto fundraising event for the Federation of Associations of Canadian Tamils (FACT) -- an organization identified by the U.S. government as a front for the LTTE. The reason was obvious: Courting the support of a vote-rich ethnic community was more important than worrying about which elements of it the Liberals were rubbing shoulders with.
        To his credit, And before he left the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo yesterday, Mr. Martin himself met with three Tamil parliamentarians affiliated with the Tigers, two of whom were denied visas to enter Canada last year. Until 2002, the Liberals clung to the notion that the Islamic extremists of Hezbollah were not terrorists, either. It took nearly six months of public and parliamentary pressure to convince the government to do what would have come naturally to anyone not trawling for votes in ethnic communities. Given that the Liberals seem even more entrenched in their sentiments toward the Tigers, convincing them to outlaw the LTTE could prove an even tougher battle. But sooner or later, Mr. Martin must surely recognize that a few extra votes don't merit cozying up to the friends of terrorists.
        National Post January 18, 2005更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 老大,该消停一下了,都这时候了还上串下跳的。岂不知基本上每个人都越辩越觉得自己是对的,别人是错的。
      • 刚给自由党投了一票,虽然不能扭转我们选区的最终结果,特此Mark。
        • 我们这个选区以前属於自由党的地盘(前两次联邦大选和省选),但这次变了天,其实从小区的插牌就知道这次不妙。不幸中的万幸,保守党是一个少数党。我一直希望联邦由自由党当家,省府由保守党掌权,现在都反了。
    • 请你们真的相信我的话, 千万别投保守党. 我实在没时间多罗索. 这大选跟我个人利益也没啥关系. 但请相信我一句话, 别引狼入室. 保守党不会把我们移民当人看的, 拉选票时除外.
      • I agree with you.
      • 恐怕是来不及了,我的同事对我说,他的邻居是保守派,竖了块牌子“If you want an immigrant for a neighbour, vote Lib-Dem or Labour”(请不要回此贴,我没有亲眼看到,所以没有兴趣和人辩论,拜托!)
      • 自由党领导人对华人 公开侮辱,正是白人至上主义 充分表现。 万锦区部长 麦考伦对待中文报纸记者的恶劣态度, 国库局长 Alcock 奚落华裔国会议员 基因, 执行副主席将华裔比作狗。 我们如横沟指望 他们认 认真真地对待新移民
      • That's true. Those vote Conservative will regret when it's too late. Experience tells.
    • 哪个政党执政没有把柄让人抓, 你好好去查查保守党的历史吧. 我很怀疑你在加拿大呆了十几年并投了自由党的票.
      • 你以为你是谁?
        • 我看你花那么多时间收集那么多资料来攻击自由党, 就知你也非等闲之辈. 我是没时间收集那么多资料的.
          • 你说;'只是我没空跟你多说. 至少有1万个理由不选保守党. 我是个老移民, 听不听由你.' 但又说:"我是没时间收集那么多资料",这不是自相矛盾吗?那你说的"没空"就只是籍
          • 看你花那么多时间用尽造谣抹黑 来攻击那些不相信 你的话的人, 就知你也非等闲之辈。还很有道理似的说 "我是没时间收集那么多资料的"怎么啦?没人真的相信你空洞的
            • 保守党虽胜了. 但大家只要看看CENTRAL TORONTO, 密市, SCARBORUGH, 这些老移民集中的城市自由党的绝对优势就可以看出老移民们对自由党与保守党孰优孰劣的判断.
              历史上保守党如何对待移民的不言自明. 我还用举例吗?
              • 加拿大自由党政府在1923年 7月1日通過1923年華人移民法案(又稱爲排華法)。 镇压在加華人的公民權利 令當時的反華情緒變得更激烈。因爲當時大多數華人都不可以說流利的英語,他們都要躲避在唐人街。 由於當時的
                加拿大已經有很多條例禁止華人從事多個行業,華人只可以做一些白人不願意從事的工作,例如洗衣店和三文魚加工。直至到戰後,加拿大的華人社區是可以稱爲一個單身男子社會。自由党领导白人至上主义充分表现在2005年,几个自由党领导人对华人的公开侮辱,正是白人至上主义的充分表现。先有万锦区部长john Mccallum对待中文报纸记者的恶劣态度,又有国库局长 Reg Alcock 奚落华裔国会议员的基因,再有执行副主席将华裔比作狗。

                我们如横沟指望 他们认 认真真地对待新移民?!

                看你多不言自明啊,还说什么" 我还用举例吗? "
                • 没什么可说的, 把人1923年的东西也拿出来炒. 你的言行很象文革小将. 是谁首选允许大陆华人移民加拿大的? --自由党! 保守党长期反对移民!
                  • 好像允许大陆华人移民加拿大是中国共产党吧。
                  • 你说"没时间收集那么多资料"把历史资料帖上.你不学习.又再 造谣 看历史是怎么写的, Macdonald's federal gov. would not "close" the door to Chinese labour
                    Such local fears became a powerful political rallying point for members of B.C.'s political community, who demanded immigration restrictions from the federal government. Patricia Roy's study of B.C. politicians and their policies towards Chinese and Japanese immigrants suggests that racial and economic fears prompted local political action. The B.C. government introduced a series of acts to limit and restrict Asian immigration as early as 1878. The federal government disallowed almost all of them. Macdonald's federal government would not "close" the door to Chinese labour because business interests, mostly in Montreal, saw the benefits of this work force.
        • 看你凶吧吧的样子,保守党一定不怎么样。别忘了,过去100年有70几年是自由党当政。大多数时间大多数人支持自由党,不是偶然吧。这只不过是老百姓又一次杀杀自由党的傲气。
    • 今天我投了自由党,昨晚看保守党的宣传,看MARTIN吉他演唱的录像被保守党埋汰的口气不太舒服,我想他们埋汰移民也可能是同样的口气,感觉不舒服,今天最后一分钟还是选了自由党,其实我喜欢LAYTON
    • 选保守党的简直幼稚得一大糊涂. 但说军费开支吧, 保守党上台后跟着美国跑, 还不知要开支多少军费呢. 保守党是极端右翼的一个党, 难道大家不知道?
      • 比自由党右就是极右, 比自由党左就是极左。 加拿大的洗脑政策很成功。
      • 选自由党的简直不幼稚 . 但说军费开支吧,难道大家不知道?自由党省军费开支去分fund,用买一条新潜艇的钱, 去买了四条旧的, 虽然一死多人伤在回途中, 死伤不是问题, 省军费是她的”功劳”
        • 去选HARPER吧, 去学美国吧. 贫富分化, 种族歧视, 军费庞大, 世界警察, 等级分明.... 可悲, 我心中美好的加拿大即将消失.
    • sun, 垃圾报纸。
      • 就是。垃圾报纸,连美女都垃圾。有品味的要看英国的Sun, Http://www.page3.com
    • 到了该让自由党下课的时侯了。反正是选谁都不能选自由党。但也不能浪费了你的选票。如果你的选区是自由党对NDP,就选NDP。如果是自由党对保守党,就选保守党。如果自由党对魁人党,就选魁人党。
      • 你这么做无非是为了分散选票让保守党上台. 我其实没多喜欢自由党, 但我还是投他票, 只有他才可与保守党抗争!
      • 没有最糟,只有更糟!只知道自由党的不好,却不去了解其他党的问题就瞎投票。。。
    • 想选谁自己选去得了.就看不惯有人列举几百条不选XX党的理由, 连人1923年的事也揪出来斗, 简直把ROLIA当成要选XX党, 不选XX党的工具.
      • 最滑稽的是这位DX把电视节目"JUST FOR LAUGHS"里面的搞笑评比世界最愚蠢政府奖挺当回事,来证明他的自由党政府无能的观点.还一遍一遍地重复贴... (#2733923@0)
        • 我看我们就不要向某人学习整天拿那几个垃圾帖子没完没了地到处贴了。俗话说好话不说第二遍 :-)
        • 加國政府昨獲頒“蠢蛋政府”獎,所有獎項是在加國“博君一粲”(Just for Laughs)節目中頒發, 而不是你所说的"节目里面的搞笑评比"!! 不明?再看第二遍
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛轉帖]自由黨政府昨獲頒“蠢蛋政府”獎

          加國無憂 2005年07月23日,最後更新︰16:05


          世界日報消息,加國政府昨日“驚喜”獲獎,意外打敗伊朗、北韓和美國等“強勁對手”,獨佔鰲頭的獲得“世界愚蠢獎”(World Stupidity Awards)所頒發的年度“蠢蛋政府”(the dumbest government)獎。

          所有獎項是在加國“博君一粲”(Just for Laughs)節目中頒發,代表“世界愚蠢獎”發言的史班斯(Robert Spence)說︰“當談到拙劣愚蠢時,加國人民終于可以走出美國人的陰影,證明自己也能成為世界第一蠢蛋。”


          美國布什總統則“勇奪”年度“蠢言亂語”(Stupidest Statement)獎,因為布什曾在新聞記者招待會中說︰“恐怖分子從未放棄傷害美國,我們也一樣。”

          “世界愚蠢獎”向來被昵稱為“白痴金像獎”(Oscars of Idiocy),今年的頒獎盛會是由名主持人布萊克(Lewis Black),和史都華(Jon Stewart)聯手主持,各路蠢蛋可說一起現形,各種愚行也統統出籠,盛況有如奧斯卡頒獎典禮的星光大道一樣,諧星雲集、光彩奪目。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 既然你那么看重这个奖,建议你打World Stupidity Awards 的联系电话: 416-926-8886报名参选. 就在多伦多,很方便,将来你赢了,领奖也方便.
      • " 想选谁自己选去得了"那你什么不停地叫 "请你们真的相信我的话, 千万别投保守党..就看不惯有人列举几百条不选XX党的理由 ",但又前言不对后语的说"只是我没空跟你多说. 至少有1万个理由不选保守党我是个老移民, , 听不听由你."
        还说." 连人1923年的事也揪出来斗,简直把ROLIA当成要选XX党, 不选XX党的工具"


        你说没时间收集那么多资料,我就把加拿大1923年的历史转上,但你不领情,却说.成 "连人1923年的事也揪出来斗,"
        • 那是在你先列举几百条驳自由党. 把ROLIA 当成宣传保守党的工具之后.明眼人都看得清你在上蹿下跳, 你急个什么你. 我不愿再同你争论, 把时间浪费在你身上.
          • 那是Sun报 总结了218个不选自由党的理由。都有时间,人,事,为凭,并有姓氏,也有名字的,不像你的老移民故事只称某女士,如有异意,可向S报投诉,你不是说 ." - - 至少有1万个理由不选保守党. 我是个老移民, 听不听由你."
    • 再此声明:选举是个人的事, 请不要到处转摘, 把ROLIA当成为XX党造势工具. 如果你再这样不停转摘的话, 我也转摘让你看看老移民对选举的心声, 顺便, 我怀疑你说的你十几年一直投自由党的票, 是个老移民, 亮出citizenship 我看看.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛本次联邦大选华人踊跃投票,但新老移民投票意向分歧。在满地可的华埠,落选的候选人唐幸一直争取老一辈华人的支持,因为老华侨的票一向属于自由党,他们认同自由党的移民政策,并且相信一个党统治得好,应该让它继续下去。



      记者质疑陈女士的这一说法在加拿大是否具有操作性,陈女士坚定地说,政治上的稳定对经济的发展是有利的,这一点在中国大陆我们看到了成效。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 声明什么啊?难道你是ROLIA的头?总理给你的权?权可不少d !要不要所有不再投自由党的票的老移民, 都 亮出citizenship 你看看. 那George Lau需要亮出citizenship你 看看吗.?
        安大略省華裔人頭稅家屬聯盟負責人George Lau在接受路透社采訪時表示,“過去,我們華人有一半人都傾向于投自由黨一票,因為我們是心存感激之情的移民。”Lau先生通過翻譯說,“但是,這個華人人頭稅問題正在改變我們的主意。我就是個例子,現在我正在重新權衡我的選票。由于政黨沒有完全它公平的工作,我已不會再為它作貢獻了。”
      • 选举是个人的事, 那你为什么不停地前言不对后语的叫 , "有一天你会后悔! 只是我没空跟你多说. 至少有1万个理由不选保守党. 我是个老移民, 听不听由你 - -选保守党的简直幼稚得一大糊涂", 看是谁 把ROLIA当成为XX党造势工具 ???
        还说." 连人1923年的事也揪出来斗,简直把ROLIA当成要选XX党, 不选XX党的工具"


        你说没时间收集那么多资料,我就把加拿大1923年的历史转上,但你不领情,却说.成 "连人1923年的事也揪出来斗,"
        • 我这个什么党都不了解的新移民就冲你这通胡擂,已经对保守党没信心了
    • 强烈建议版主删掉这整页. 从头到尾简直一疯子.
      • 呵呵. "文革小将,上蹿下跳,简直幼稚得一大糊涂,疯子",都用上啦。我都不介意,你又何必计较呢,删掉这整页是很可惜d, 都是有凭有据的历史事实, 看了也不会伤害到你,只是增加一点知识而已,有百利而无一害。历史是删不掉d,历史 大事都记载下来