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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 多伦多的一支旧吉他曲
    多伦多 今夜 没有梦碎的旧木吉他
    没有那个日本女人 用轮指擦空旷的心灵
    住在心灵 住在人来人往的多伦多的舞会

    多伦多 今夜谁在赤脚走过我的窗口
    还有 谁的故事正好翻开了第一页
    上面写着 多伦多的爱情往事 原来是一场瘟疫

    多伦多 今夜去北方的火车上空无一人
    我看见我的椅子上 坐着一只年暮的松鼠
    车窗外满地的雪花 我忽然不忍心用心去踩

    多伦多 我还能把这封没有地址的情书寄给谁
    我不是大败中的心灵侠客 那谁又是

    多伦多 终于和我说
    今夜的大雪不好玩 还有 咖啡馆要关门了
    最后一个抬头看窗外 的人类松鼠
    爱情死了 就死了吧
    • 爱情死了 就死了吧 以这诗歌答谢那些真心关怀过我的朋友们
      • 你那在W那里死了的爱情,可以在别的"成熟,苍桑,高素质的MM"那里得到重生.所以你那种(忽然想起了对影自恋这个词)哀哀怨怨的诗,和那自顾自恋的情,就象那野草地这坛子里.........啊哈.
        • 我现在只有友谊没有爱情
        • Oh, dear. I am so sorry to hear your story.
          You are such a miserable man. I do care about your. Do you make appointment with your family doctor? Canadian medical care system sucks. Cann't believe they ignore such serious patient. What a poor guy!!!! Sigh.........
          • 家庭医生只给我量了血压.和....的长度,说一切正常.
            • Wrong,wrong, wrong. Wrong therapy.
              You need visit mental hospital on queen street. This side is hospital. Another side are all kinds of art galleries. I suspect the artists cann't sell their works. just check in the mental hospital for a while. Then back to life, keep on creat their works. Trust me, a lot of them make some money , also gain some fame during this cycle.
              • 你的月光太厉害,对了,看我下面的那篇完美性爱了吗?又要批了我吗?
                • Yeah. Poor IBM AA guy!! I don't think that lady does something wrong.She just too polite and soft. That guy need to see a consultant too. Seriously bad manner.
                  • 我觉得那女人 也够呛,明知道人家不喜欢她,还有献身的愿望把人家往家里引.
            • I do not experience such kind of thing. So I cann't be too judgemental.
              But if on a blind date, the guy push the bill in frond of me, it is a slap on my face. According to my personality, i will not invite him to my place, it is a big no-no to do anything with him anymore. But people has different personality. I would like to think this lady just want to be polite.
              I remember , once two local guys and me sitting at a table. One of the guy invited a local lady to join us. At beginnig, just small talking, then this guy ( he is stunning, extremly good-looking guy) asked this local lady ( she is a little bit orve-weight, ordinary girl), "What do you think of man?" Guess, what is the anwser of this lady. " I think all men are pigs" She anwsered. She is very rude, isn't she? But the guys still paid all the bills.
              Even the ladies on blind date are not attractive to the guys, the guys still can be a gentlemen.
              • 你记得?我的一本小说被出版商改名为爱情是妓,我看还不如改为爱情是猪!
    • "裙子短得好比冬天的白桦树" --- 这个比喻了不得!
      • 谢谢马儿
        • 不错
          • 我家门口就有一棵白桦树,还死了一半,是个独腿短裙女人
    • 不错!
      • 老马觉得我诗歌进步了?我年轻时候写的诗歌更纯粹.十多年前,我出过三本个人诗集呢!
    • “多伦多 今夜谁在赤脚走过我的窗口”、“车窗外满地的雪花 我忽然不忍心用心去踩” ---喜欢。
      • 谢谢你,我感谢的人里同样有你,再过一段时间,我的痛苦会融化不少的,
    • 和和, 发现你不会用标题,每篇都有多伦多。 :E:E
      • 我都是在多伦多写的 叫多伦多系列
        • 好啊,都收拾到作者区吧,以后我想看好找厂:P
          • 以前的都是写给w的,现在的不是了
            • 我真得很想知道你得X-W是什么样的女人,为什么这么值得你为他这样。可以说说吗?如果不愿在这说,可以email我,我给发过email.
              • 我爱过的女人呀,
                • 她不爱你了?
                  • 爱是一种往事,是我不爱她了.
                    • 当然她也不爱我了,新生活需要付出代价的
    • 有些意思。
      • 这也不过是强要留住一抹红而已
    • 音乐其实真的是人生最大的一种误会 ->写的我的心都碎了,为什么有才的人都这么失魂落魄?
      • 因为遇见你
      • 因为遇见你
        • 记得?以后召见我,穿有领口的皇袍,不然我不知道该怎么开始!
      • 多愁善感的人容易感时伤秋写出好诗来.
        • 我颓废但不伤感,我离写作已经很远,骨子里的习惯吧