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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


No offense. Just some of my opinions.

1. If we speak "Yeah, much better this time.." It is fine. If we write a sentence like this, it is no subject for youe sentence. right?

Threre is no subject in your sentence

2. By the way, could you tell me what smartiecat is
By the way, could you tell me who smartiecat is.

3. Although most of friends agree with your style of wrting, (but) I still insist on my point of view. Otherwise, (then) English is not English any more if everybody writes it like this.

Although most friends agree with your style of wrting, I still insist on my point of view. Otherwise, English is not English any more if everybody writes like this.

This last sentence still does not feel good. But grammatically, I think it should be OK.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / English / 谈ENGLISH-----与Smartiecat的争论
    他(她)说:"You did not get my points. If you want to buy a car according to its 性价比, then Civic/Corrola is the best one. If you are talking about luxury cars, then 性价比 is NOT the first priority anymore. "

    我改:"You don't get my point. If you want to buy a car according to 性价比, Civic/Corrola is the best one. If you talk about the luxury cars, 性价比 is NOT the first priority anymore. "

    我的理由:Where are your main sentence for "If you want to buy a car according to its 性价比, then Civic/Corrola is the best one. If you are talking about luxury cars, then 性价比 is NOT the first priority anymore. " 1. you use if, and then. It is not a right way. 2. For two If...., you should have them as the same structure.

    他再说:"1. who said if then can't go together? 2. who said two ifs need to have the same structure?"

    • 猫同学的洋文比你高, 还是高很多那种, 老弟你的洋文有点惨不忍睹
      • agree, hehe
      • 那我无话可说.
        • 哎, 年轻人, 老哥偶善意指点两句, 老弟吃亏的日子长着那
    • "Where *is* the subject of your sentence..."
      • you, civic/corolla, and 性价比 are the subjects of my three sentences.
        • Yeah, much better this time...
          • Just kidding
            If we speak "Yeah, much better this time.." It is fine. If we write a sentence like this, it is no subject for youe sentence. right?
      • By the way, could you tell me what smartiecat is?
        • Maybe you can ask Jeffery815 - the "smartiecat"...
    • I do not want to judge anyone here. I just want to share my opnion here. There's nothing wrong with Smartiecat's sentence. I can't see a point why you changed his/hers. And I agree with her arguments.
    • 看来你是装傻,实际上是自我感觉太好啦。。。
      • 对不起,只想讨论英文.还是人傻,你人源太好了,大伙宁愿指鹿为马.在这谈英文,又傻了一会,不是?
        Although most of friends agree with your style of wrting, (but) I still insist on my point of view. Otherwise, (then) English is not English any more if everybody writes it like this.
        • 你自己好好看看吧,多别扭啊。。。Although most of friends agree ... most friends不就得了。还要most of friends...唉。。。不谈了。。。
          • 又谈英文
            most of friends是指在这的朋友们中的大多数; most friends 是指大多数朋友,含不在这里的.
            • 这个,忍不住说一下,most of the friends要有个定冠词吧?
              • 对, 这正是我想学习,想讨论的.
                • 没啥语法上的解释,过去学的条条框框都忘差不多了。就是most of friends读起来比较不舒服,觉得缺了什么东西。。。
                  • 我想有二种可能: 加THE 指特定的朋友,须加后置定语说明他们.2.不加,繁指.
              • 算了,我真的还没这样看过人家用most of...只看过get the most of... 我也不谈了。。。
                • 所以说呢,法语就好。没那么多模棱两可的说法。:D
      • 最后一点好奇(从此不谈了),请你满足.
        我猜你的职业: 1. computer programmer (or IT) 2. accountant
        • 都不对,比这两个都厉害
          • 那就不好玩了,摸老虎屁股了.
    • I dont know smartcat, but you still did not get the point for sure
      • 1. dont=\=don't 2. if you use still, the did will not be there. 3. the previous sentence uses don't, the second one should use don't too due to the harmonious reason.
      • Also, that I don't know smartcat is not a good sentence. I'd like to write that I don't know who smatcat(In fact, he is smartiecat) is.
        • 我实在是不明白这话的意思...
      • Then, "for sure" is that spoken rather than written.
        • 这位同学,英语好不好,要看英语为第一语言的人是否认可,不是自信心就能决定的。楼上已经有人告诉你了,你的英文真的很别扭,就别再较劲了,有空多读点书吧。网上谁也说服不了谁
          • 你来拉就好.说书就说书.你读几年几本?
          • 不要嫁个老外,就认为自己是第一语言英文了.
          • 叫你老公来讨论讨论.
          • 本来就谈英文,不牵扯人,有你这样的吗?
          • 我烦你很久了.
            • 唉,没想到热血青年,英文不好,中文也不好,看个帖子能扯那么多。这么说吧,楼上说你英文不好的ID里,有一位CBC,中文水平幼稚了点,英语水平还是比你强的。我英文不好,跟我吵没用D,不如专心去跟他斗到底8
              • 你看我跟谁斗了吗?和你一样?
              • CBC, so what? Everyone knows that CBC has a nickname pig.
          • 你就给我太平一点吧. 上次那个洋相出得还不够吗?
            • 这位浆糊,自己在网上从来不说错一句话,别人错一点则能记N久,记性真好,水平真高,做人做事讲英语水平想来是不用说的
              • 没办法. 你一天到晚老三老四, 指责这个不对. 那个不行. 本人看不惯. 你说他英语不行. 你有没有说出他的错误呢? 只会跟在别人后面瞎起哄.有没有建设性的建议呢?
                • 我批评的都是我熟悉的专业领域,诚心问的,我都诚心答了。要说得不对,你也可以有建设性一点,逐条纠正嘛
                  • 那英文也是你的专业领域?据我所知你是一会计员吧?
                    • 说车不够人说,贬人英语,说英语不够人说,贬人职业。。。唉。。。
                      • 如果你觉得,讨论英文得罪了你,我向你说对不起.
                        昨晚谈车,那是瞎起哄. 看到你写英文, 少了些定冠词,起了兴趣,再看到你的句子,就好奇了. 这是我们都好犯得错误. 得罪之处请原谅.
                        • 你没得罪我,因为我不是你说的#2772019这两个行业,但是你是把着两个行业的人得罪了。
                          • 不会吧
                            1.computer 语言有IF....,THEN......( 你看浆糊也是IT人,他没生气啊)
                  • 你现在不是批评他的英语差吗? 拿出你的理由来呀. 我可以说. 这位傻瓜网友的英语太拘泥于语法. 但没什么错. 你可以叫你认为"英语为第一语言的人"来评评. 如果你不行的话,就不要瞎起哄了
                    • #2770714@0 不认识他了? :-)
                      • 他与你一样,没有例子.信口开河.
                      • 别狐假虎威的. 认不认识和这个话题有什么关系! 讲穿了, 你自己也谈不出什么所以然来的.
                        • 呵呵,语言要是数学公式就好了
                          • 既然知道语言不是数学公式, 有各种表达方法, 凭什么你就认为. 他的英文差呢? 你一不留神. 又抽了自己的一个耳光. 疼吗? 呵呵
                            • 我只能说Smartiecat的语感比较好。好像是顶楼认为Smartiecat的英文差,自己要求大家评比一下吧?评了他又不服气听不进,一蹦三丈高。
                              • 英文是有语法的一种语言,语感好,不等于语法对,口语不等于写作.
                              • 其实, 他也没说Smartiecat的英文差. 这是你自己说的. 我在早晨就和他讨论过. 我没有认为他们两个有什么大错.至于语感的问题, 的确不是一 二句话能讲清楚的. 如果你上来就这么说, 并不要拿其他什么人来唬人. 那就好了.
                          • 正好有一数学问题: C=A+iB, i*i=?
                  • 我说得不对,你有建设性地逐条纠正嘛?
                    • No offense. Just some of my opinions.
                      1. If we speak "Yeah, much better this time.." It is fine. If we write a sentence like this, it is no subject for youe sentence. right?

                      Threre is no subject in your sentence

                      2. By the way, could you tell me what smartiecat is
                      By the way, could you tell me who smartiecat is.

                      3. Although most of friends agree with your style of wrting, (but) I still insist on my point of view. Otherwise, (then) English is not English any more if everybody writes it like this.

                      Although most friends agree with your style of wrting, I still insist on my point of view. Otherwise, English is not English any more if everybody writes like this.

                      This last sentence still does not feel good. But grammatically, I think it should be OK.
                      • 欢迎讨论,和我的回答
                        1. two "it" are subjects.
                        2.I didn't ask him who smartiecat is, and I asked what smartiecat is because there is no such word "smartiecat" in English.
                        3. (but) and (then) are the style of smartiecat's writing; I left there for the comparison.
                        Finally, thanks for your reply.

                        Sorry, one thing I have to point out is that your sentence " There is no subject in your sentence" will be better if it is "There are no subjects in your sentences."
                      • IT MM's English is much better PERIOD
    • we sometimes seriously need to respect the fact
      there are some incredible control freaks with sort of bookish quality or pedantic disposition out there. And these nerds would've really taken advantage of our equity-based milieu.
    • 新警察喜欢说英文也是正常的。你比有些中英文混着说的要好多了。从托福语法的角度来看,你有拿满分的实力。不过在论坛上,看得懂就可以啦,不要太吹毛求疵了吧。
      • 也是. 我是喜欢用咱们的第一语言的.昨晚,手痒,改了一下,便有今日之谈. 好玩而已.