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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Agent 到底是干啥的 ? 卖烤白薯的 ? 卖大力丸的 ? 请进 , , , , ,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Basically those agents are sales people, they sell us to the recruiting companies and get commission from the company.

Take an example of a agent company "asset " , they have two kinds of people mainly. One is account manager who keep contact with the HR of recruiting company and get all the information like what kind of position is available and what kind of technology that company want and consolidate all the information into their own database. The other is resource manager who talks to client like us face to face directly. Account manager is devided by company and resource manager is devided by area. The person you talk to is their resource manager, they know nothing about technical stuff but just test your language skills and do the pre-screening work. If they think you might match that job then they will send your resume to their account manager who "owns" that position. Now for one position the account manager could get twenty resume from different resource manager. What account manager will do is to match your resume with the position requirement he has on his hand and select 4-5 resume out from them and send it to the HR of the recruiting company. Now fortunately you resume get to the HR people, normally then will arrange face to face interview for some of them and see who is the guy who laugh at last. After you finish the probation period at that company the agent can get 20% of your yearly salary as their commission normally.

Now how those agent works is clear, so you will find out talk to agent is the very first step of your way into the company, and don't be shy when talking to the resource manager, a good professional resource manager should teach you how to talk to recruiting guy properly. Actually the resource manager I contact in asset even help me to modify my resume to fit into Canadian style. Why does he willing to do that ? Because you are his client and he wants to sell you out to the company. So you two have some common interest. You can say that resource manager is responsible for you. But account manager is responsible for the recruiting company so you can not talk as frankly as you do to resource manager although most of the time you won't talk to account manager directly.

This is just one example of how one of those agent company works, but I guess the other placement company works more or less in the same way.

Finally good luck to all new comers on your way to hunting a good company ! ( although I myself is a new comer too)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 简历放在网上有一个月啦, 电话接了一些,但总是没有下文,那位大哥大姐,能帮我出出主意吗?小女子谢了!!
    我是第一次光顾此站,因为简历放在网上有一个月啦, 电话接了一些,但总是没有下文, 老是在家傻傻地等,我是一个JAVA DEVELOPER, 虽然工作了三年,但java只干了一年,当然简历里写了两年,除此之外,没有大幅度地吹牛,总觉得不好意思那末做,但我更希望早点找到工作,女孩子的忍受能力可能比较弱把, 茶不思,饭不想,也睡不着觉,独自一人在他乡,滋味真不好,那位大哥大姐,能帮我出出主意吗?小女子谢了!!
    • Just publish your resume is by far not enough. You should actively search the Internet for recruiting ads and send resume directly to agents or employers.
      • Thanks u so much, but I sent resume to many agents and companys(but mostly are agents I think), last week I got some phones, but they didn't call me agian, I don't know why, I think I did well when I was calling with them, this week none called me.
        • How about your English?
          • so-so, listening is poor
            • Maybe that is the reason. I had the same experience as yours when
              looking for my first job. So try to improve your English as fast as possible. The bottom line is that you can understand most of what they talk about and give reasonable answers in E. Good Luck!
              • u are right, but how did u improve ur english that time?
                • My case is very similar to yours. what shall I do?
                  • 也许我们可以聊聊?
    • 到AGENT的网站上看一看,把简历发给他们,
      一个月不算久, 两年的JAVA, 应该顺利找到工作。
      你在哪里, 我的朋友的公司正在招JAVA程序员。。。
      • I am in Toronto, but anywhere in Ontatio I will go.
        • :-( 我们在温哥华。
          • chinese company?
            • US company, half of them are our Chinese.
              • I want to have try.
              • 帮我看一下,我是学CS的,93年毕业,2月26去温哥华。
    • 光发简历就象守株待兔,命中概率太低 ,,,
      你应该主动出击,想象一下agent针对一个position可以收到几十数百份的resume, 建议在发简历前给agent去个电话,随便聊聊,一方面让他加深对你的映象,另外也可恋恋口语,一局两得,可能开始听不太明白agent说什么,多操练操练就好了,Good Luck !
      • Good suggestion!
      • 这样的话,agent会烦吗?今天我又接了几个电话专业问题上我都能听懂当然都是基础的问题但就是不明白他们下一步有啥打算我想我的英语不至于他们对我毫无兴趣当然有一些听不太明白你对agent 有所了解吗?
        • Agent 到底是干啥的 ? 卖烤白薯的 ? 卖大力丸的 ? 请进 , , , , ,
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Basically those agents are sales people, they sell us to the recruiting companies and get commission from the company.

          Take an example of a agent company "asset " , they have two kinds of people mainly. One is account manager who keep contact with the HR of recruiting company and get all the information like what kind of position is available and what kind of technology that company want and consolidate all the information into their own database. The other is resource manager who talks to client like us face to face directly. Account manager is devided by company and resource manager is devided by area. The person you talk to is their resource manager, they know nothing about technical stuff but just test your language skills and do the pre-screening work. If they think you might match that job then they will send your resume to their account manager who "owns" that position. Now for one position the account manager could get twenty resume from different resource manager. What account manager will do is to match your resume with the position requirement he has on his hand and select 4-5 resume out from them and send it to the HR of the recruiting company. Now fortunately you resume get to the HR people, normally then will arrange face to face interview for some of them and see who is the guy who laugh at last. After you finish the probation period at that company the agent can get 20% of your yearly salary as their commission normally.

          Now how those agent works is clear, so you will find out talk to agent is the very first step of your way into the company, and don't be shy when talking to the resource manager, a good professional resource manager should teach you how to talk to recruiting guy properly. Actually the resource manager I contact in asset even help me to modify my resume to fit into Canadian style. Why does he willing to do that ? Because you are his client and he wants to sell you out to the company. So you two have some common interest. You can say that resource manager is responsible for you. But account manager is responsible for the recruiting company so you can not talk as frankly as you do to resource manager although most of the time you won't talk to account manager directly.

          This is just one example of how one of those agent company works, but I guess the other placement company works more or less in the same way.

          Finally good luck to all new comers on your way to hunting a good company ! ( although I myself is a new comer too)更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • If agent did not read your resume, they will just say" I will give you phone after my reading"Then nothing.
        • but they asked me many questions, then told me will call me back, but I always lost them, I reallu don't know what's mean? if they are not intersted in me?
          • 那是在他主动打电话给你时,如果是你主动打电话给他呢?
    • 去了哪些求职培训班了?简历符合加拿大人的口味吗?口语水平及专业词汇能应付面试吗?你在电话里给人的第一印象怎么样?你有没有Portfolio?
      • Could u give some surgesstion?
        • take your time. did you fishing before? You need patience, and english is more important than your technical skills. If youcan not express yourself well, nobody will hire you.
        • << 多伦多求职秘诀 >>
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1、英语口语如果较差,必须要上ESL。达到LINC四级最好五级才能开始找工作。我自己的英语在国内时就很好,所以就没上ESL,而我太太上了一年ESL后,现在经常说出一些我不懂的词或事。所以,我甚至建议英语专业的也去上一段时间的ESL。

          2、一定要上关于如何找工作的WORKSHOP(讲座或短训班)。这些班通常会讲:就业市场现状,如何自定求职目标,求职途径和手段,如何写简历(我的老师帮班上的每一个同学重写了简历)和COVER LETTER,如何发简历,如何建立社会关系,如何获得加拿大经验(有的会帮你找CO-OP工作),如何展示自己的学术成果(PORTFOLIO),如何面试,如何写THANK YOU LETTER,等等。


          另外,关于发简历。有人喜欢以量取胜,每天发50份,希望其中有一两份被人看中。而我最多每天只能发5、6份,后来每天只发一份简历。我的一位密友,在经过充分准备,JOB READY 之后,两个星期内发了不到二十份简历,得到了四个面试,获得两个OFFER。而最后,他去了另外一家朋友介绍的公司。他说:他的简历只发给他想去的公司,只求取他能做的工作。他只有少量几个是回应招聘启事,其它都是主动出击的。

          我的结论:要现在思想上全面武装自己,全面掌握与本地相适应的专业和求职知识,让自己JOB READY,然后,主动出击,冲向能展示自己才能的潜在就业市场。

          附录:强力推荐SKILLS FOR CHANGE。这里有好多种班,你学好英语后,一定要参加这两个:Evening Job Search Workshops ,Employment Assistance Services(包括培训班和其它的全套服务)。

          网址是:http://www.skillsforchange.org/更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • Hi, rolly, 我想找一种地方可以提供免费的面对面交流,可以模拟interview的那种。但我住得离downtown较远,(YORK UNIVERSITY),你能帮我出出主意吗?thanks.
            • 哈哈,那你找偶来练吧,偶也许住你隔壁呢。
              • 如果练习效果不错,你们两人就可以互相发offer了,多开心鸭!
              • 好啊,怎么联系你呢?
            • 很多有WORK SHOP的地方都有面世培训,你家附近的你得自己找。到附近的社区中心看看,与见到的中外友好人士聊聊。仅此而已。
          • LINC 有那么大用处 ? 不知有没有part-time的
            • Linc? it is too bad, I stuied one month at there, all teachers are Indian, pronuciation is so-so, especially those students, many of them come from Russia, it is very very difficult to understand what they said. so, ESL should be better than LINC.
              • LINC is the lower level of ESL. Before you attend the class, you should have talked with the school and teachers, see how good they. There are so many LINC schools, some of them are waste of time.
                • I can not agree with you more.
    • You 'd better go to Job Bank in Human Resouse Center to get some job information. The chances there are new and real.
      You also can get some news advertised by the agency. Furthermore, you can take part in the job-finding club which information can be got also in Human Resouce Center. It is very helpful for new one to find the way of getting jobs. Good luck.
      • 我去过一些这样的地方但他们通常是给我一些电话号码和一些小册子按照那些电话打基本上都说满员必须等而且在他们那往往只提供使用电脑和上网这对于我来说没啥意义要是能认识一两个老外练练英语倒是蛮好谁能推荐吗?
        • 不知阁下是男是女。因为好多咱女同胞练口语练练就上了@#$。是男呢,人家也没兴趣教。唉
          • 我是女生,是不是就不应该找老外练口语呀?那怎么办?
            • 买一套<<NEW CONCEPT>>第三册及配套美音磁带。 背课文!!
              • 我觉得老外没有想象的那么坏吧,再说了,人家也不能强求你什么。练习英语也不是去出卖自己,何必顾及那么多呢?再说如果和咱们中国人练习就会不一样的吗?顺便问问有什么方法可以把电话的内容给录音下来呢?
                • 磁带流言机!我每次跟新人这样说, 都给骂个狗雪喷头。唉~有些事,譬如火材, 能否打着火是不能试的。 你试了,也就真打不着了。
                  • 那留言机贵吗在哪买?我有走遍美国全套和疯狂英语是不是太简单了哦怎么增加词汇量呀?
                • 用bell的call answer吧。
                • More practice with TV (of course, with caption)
                  • Of course, WITHOUT caption.
            • 也不是那么严重。顺便问一句LAN:你平均每天接到几个电话?我也是在找第一份工作。
              • 每天的情况不同象上星期每天都有两个这星期就昨天接了解3个,但有写公司和AGENT都不负责任你回电话给他时她好象没打过似的有些AGENT嘛只是问问你的情况之后说CALL BACK。
                • 比我多点,去AGENT那里聊过吗?你是哪种工程师?
                  • 去过但人家觉得我英语不够好我是做JAVA的。
                    • 也许我们可以聊聊,在同条船上,心情都好不到哪去。
                    • if you are confident
                      give me a call 905 316 1805. See if I can help you get a job
                      • when can I call u?
            • In some community, there will be some kind of bible study. Even if you don't believe in God, you can go there, and it's a really good place to know people arround you, and get your English practiced. They are all very kind, believe me.
              • 朋友能介绍几个这种地方吗临近YORK UNIVERSITY的。
                • I live in downtown, so I am afraid I can't help. Try go to the church on Sunday, and you might be able to find some clue.
    • show your email address, I will give you some advice by call.
      • phandsome@etang.com