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  • 枫下家园 / 幸福家庭 / 为什么有人对social service这么耿耿于怀?

    如果实在不满社会服务(social service)类的职业存在,可以向政府抗议。估计,政府不会理睬这种抗议,因为它的存在揭示着社会的进步性……关怀弱势群体、维护社会公正。

    试想一下:在中国的社会体系有social service/work 这个系统吗?有哪些机构在关怀弱势群体?谁在为精神疾病患者、“农民工”、妇女、少数民族提供全方位的服务?

    我能想起勉强算得的上的有:社会福利院(老人院、孤儿院,如果我的分类不对,请指正)妇联(?它算不算政府机关的一部分呢?如果没有独立性就不能算social service)?

    • 强烈支持你一把!不过,无论什么职业,只要是跟人直接打交道的,我们都需要非常坚强的神经,来面对不理解不合作不感谢的各色人种。上次有[病人杀死医生]的新闻呢。
    • 或许他们对这些服务的运作方式不了解吧。不必太在意。
    • 占个马扎先
    • 涉及到法律问题,Competence很重要,你的Ability是一回事,Competence是另一回事。。。
      • Excuse me. For my information, competence and ability are similar with ability as the fundamental basis of competence. Without ability, there will be no competence, and vise versa.
    • 文化冲突也是一个原因,耿耿于怀的主要是被戳到痛处的人
    • There is nothing wrong with "social service" per se, but something perhaps subtle with the attitudes of some social service workers (or social workers). Some social workers consciously or unconsciouly think of
      hemselves as angels to save the world, which is an attitude that might not be welcomed by those who are not soical workers.
      • ...themselves...
      • Same case with policemen. Nobody really like them except themselves, while all people need them when they are in need.
    • No matter how much some people 对social service这么耿耿于怀, still social service are enomously needed and will never and ever disappear.
      • ...social services....
    • 并非很多人对Social Services职位耿耿于怀,而是看了你以前以Social Services的职业身份但表达出的一些非全面的观点颇有微词,从而对担当这些职位的某些人的能力耿耿于怀.
      • Right, I think the most important personality for a social worker is his/her non-judgemental attitude and objectivity, while some posts initiated by happymarriage(幸福婚姻) seem lacking in this respect,
        which distrust of some readers.
        • ..which might cause distrust of some readers at Rolia.
    • 因为社会福利都是政府出钱,政府的钱就是税收。很多人利用政府的社会福利骗取钱财,这就是社会服务或社会福利的弊病。。所以不是我们痛恨社会福利,而是有人从中骗钱,就是只拿钱,不做事。。
      • 很多人骗取钱财 does not ONLY happenin 这社会服务或社会福利, which is a general social phenomenon and happening everywhere else, such that politicians 骗取钱财 much more than most of us.
        • ..happen in..
    • 就我们所知道的,华咨处等等,基本上就是一个招牌,不办什么实事儿,但是还是从政府拿钱。。
      • How do you know that? Any statistical or concrete evidences? If you do not have or cannot have, you may need to take your words back, because they are not trustworthy.
        • 我去过他们那里很多次,找工,简历。。他们教我的方法没有什么好结果。反倒是Co-op学习时得到的方法更为有效。。所以,我说他们不做实事,事实上,他们也做不了什么实事。。
          • I agree with you on this point. :) I personally don't trust any employment training programs,and have never and ever been there and done that.
          • You may need to know that 找工,简历 or LINK or ESL are only small parts of social services. Most social services are dealing with social crimes, health issues and abuses and so forth,
            which are essential for social stability.
    • 如果你给自己的定位是帮助别人的家庭,而不是帮助老婆们对付老公,相信认同你的人会更多一些。另外,social service如果是义工还是挺值得尊敬的,但是如果是从政府拿钱的,总让人觉得这些人不怕有事就怕没事。
      • social service如果是义工? If they are always volunteers, how can they make a living? who is going to support them financially? I respect social service 义工, but I personally trust more in professional social workers,
        because they are specially trained to do the job,and they need salaries for a living just as you. Anyone wants to be a factory 义工? I don't think so.

        Most 义工 have golden hearts and noble spirit, while they may not have professional knowledge that some clients really need.
        • 一个事实是很多作SOCIAL SERVICE的人是找不到工作的, 开这种公司的老板更是不 会任何别的生意的。 政府有义务管夫妻吵架吗?有义务给人出律师吗?有义务给你 找工作吗? 有很多宗教和社会组织干这些事情。
          就业, 以为化些钱给什么工作培训的公司就能提高就业。 SOCAIL SERVICE也类似。
          • 很多作SOCIAL SERVICE的人是找不到工作的? How do you know this? SOCIAL SERVICE的人 have much more chances to find jobs than computer programmers.
          • Have you forgot that EI plus subsidised daycare are SOCAIL SERVICE as well? I have never and ever heard anyone told me that EI is unnecessary.
          • 你真正接触过多少这样服务机构和他们的工作人员。你不喜欢这个制度可以,但是凭自己的臆想去诋毁别人,只能说你无知。
            • Definitely.
          • 开这种公司的老板? Honestly speaking, most social agencies are non-profit organizations, not some 公司.
        • 您的见解总是很正统,理论性太强。社工为什么就不能够是义工?很多社工是为了钱而工作,从而使社工变了味道,有了铜臭,这样的社工不是为了真正的社会需要,而是为了政府的钱,那钱可是不拿白不拿。
          • Read my words carefully, otherwise, you don't know what I am talking about. I didn't say 社工为什么就不能够是义工, instead, what I said is that 社工 have to make a living, which means 社工 cannot depend on 义工
            for a living. You work for money, right? Can you be a 义工 forever? If you are a 义工 forever, who supports you financially?
          • 确实有你所说的利益冲突存在。所以在政府拨款的同时,也制定明确的评价体系,来保证只有真正为社会提供服务的组织才能得到更多的拨款。这样就把私利和公众利益统一起来了。企业管理也是一样的道理。
            • 政府拨款的同时,也制定明确的评价体系. Yes, indeed. That is why some social agencies can have more fundings from 政府, other cannot.
        • 如果政府不发给社工工资,还会有人去做社工吗?我知道,义工就是白干,实质就是被剥削。。
          • 义工就是白干,实质就是被剥削? What a surprise. I have to end this conversation with you, because you are in another world which I don't know where is. Learn something Canadian, because you are in Canada.
          • 如果政府不发给社工工资,还会有人去做社工吗?If your boss 不发 you 工资,you 还会去做工吗?Ask yourself. What a question is this? Sometimes I am just wondering how old you are. One year old or what? Grow up.
          • 政府不发给社工工资,没有人去做社工,需要得到帮助的人也无法得到专业的服务。义工当然好,但是不能解决问题。
          • 义工 is becoming more and more popular in China, especially in big cities, such that Shanghai public libraries have many 义工 just as Toronto public libraries.
      • 感谢各位朋友的大力支持:我愿意有则改之,无则加勉。顺便说一句:这个项目有特定的客户群……妇女服务。如果哪一天,我去做男性遭受家庭暴力的项目工作,意的。