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Diction - that's the imperfection Sutherland had been working on all over her career, and what Callas fanatics all dislike about, no exceptions :D, and what has never been a problem for me.

Callas is far, far more, sometimes overly, theatrical than Sutherland, and overuse her chest note even in singing bel canto operas like Norma and Lucia, which is a big no-no to my taste. In general I prefer singings of the style that let the music speak it all, unfortunately Callas doesn't quite sing this way, she tends to put herself between the music and the audience. That can be okay for Verdi operas and alike, but in bel canto operas, it's the superb vocal quality and the superb technique that deliver such quality that wins, and singers must not stand in the way. That was probably why Callas told Sutherland she would never sing Lucia again in England when she and Schwarzkopf listened Sutherland's Lucia dressed rehearsal in Covent Garden in 1959. She never did sing Lucia again in England.

Callas and Sutherland are both great dramatic coloratura sopranos but they are in different ball parks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 请求紧急援助:谁有bellini的歌劇“Norma”能在4月2-3日借我看看?希望有中文字幕。為看4號的演出不至於傻聼,需預習呀。哦,你們可知道4號的演員陣容如何?
    • 演员阵容应该几天都是一样的.
    • 你要的东西估计没人有,放狗溜达一圈,啥都有了。。。
    • 这个剧情节简单,人物就那么3个,音乐很入耳,一听就会喜欢。你所需要做的就是打开你的感官,欣赏纯粹的声乐之美
    • 我有。也是Anderson 演Norma. 有中文字幕。
      可以pm 给我. ( I am in Toronto)
      • 非常感谢,我3号上午跟你联系,悄悄话告诉我你的电话好吗?
    • 剧情简单得要命,总共就两幕五场.女主人公Norma是宗教抵抗力量首领,其秘密BF却是敌国占领头目并与其育有2子,因该头目垂青Norma同事好友Adalgisa,三人陷入感情,道德,信仰的乱麻团,最后Norma自赴火刑谢罪族人,BF回心转意不及,共赴死.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛主要人物:

      1. Norma, 被占高卢Druid神殿教高级祭司, 有兵权. 违背教旨与敌私通, 因情所困对敌斗争犹豫不决, 对负心郎和情敌爱妒恨交加, 兼负亵渎神教和众望的自罪自责, 一度极端消极意图杀子. dramatic coloratura soprano角色

      2. Adalgisa, 年轻处女祭司, Norma好友, 情敌, 在爱情, 友情, 责任之间摇摆不定. Bellini原作是用soprano来唱, 但后来制作时越来越多用具有一定coloratura能力的mezzo, 以增加一些音色对比.

      3. Pollione, 敌国(罗马)总督, Norma和Adalgisa的情人, 故事以Polione被召回, 即将启程回罗马意图携Adalgisa同往, 而Druid教欲对帝国兴兵之时展开. 剧终前因感Norma真情回心转意, 但为时已晚, Norma在教众面前大白通敌渎神真相, 死意已决, 于是昂然与爱人携手自尽. tenor

      4. Oroveso, Norma的爹, Druid教大祭司, baritone 过场角色

      Norma是非常经典的bel canto歌剧, 即Bellini式歌剧(与Verdi式歌剧相对应), 以眩目的唯美人声取胜, 而并不以戏剧性为主要推动. 对两个主要女角色的bel canto歌唱功力要求极高, 除了有大段的咏叹调和花腔炫技, 更有其他歌剧少有的精妙绝伦的二部女声自由华彩.

      Anderson虽然是个dramatic coloratura soprano, 但基本属于Rossini戏路类型, 记不清是哪个评论家说过Anderson把Norma纳入自己的repertoire有些超过她能力极限. 我是Norma迷, 听4月7日那场, 对她以54岁龄唱Norma不抱很大期望, 唱下来就成, 并已经准备好回家后用唱片"洗耳"找补.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢您的介绍!请问您最迷那一个人唱的Norma?
        • La Stupenda - Sutherland. Caballe sang decent Norma too, but Sutherland cast a way better Norma than all the rest of sopranos in the world. She is THE #1 when it comes to bel canto.
          • I like Callas' better. I sometimes cannot stand the way Sutherland skipped consonants.
            • Diction - that's the imperfection Sutherland had been working on all over her career, and what Callas fanatics all dislike about, no exceptions :D, and what has never been a problem for me.
              Callas is far, far more, sometimes overly, theatrical than Sutherland, and overuse her chest note even in singing bel canto operas like Norma and Lucia, which is a big no-no to my taste. In general I prefer singings of the style that let the music speak it all, unfortunately Callas doesn't quite sing this way, she tends to put herself between the music and the audience. That can be okay for Verdi operas and alike, but in bel canto operas, it's the superb vocal quality and the superb technique that deliver such quality that wins, and singers must not stand in the way. That was probably why Callas told Sutherland she would never sing Lucia again in England when she and Schwarzkopf listened Sutherland's Lucia dressed rehearsal in Covent Garden in 1959. She never did sing Lucia again in England.

              Callas and Sutherland are both great dramatic coloratura sopranos but they are in different ball parks.
              • 难道这就是传说中的职业杀手?
              • 我得推公式去了, 回来再论.
              • 正合我意, 致敬一下~ 顺便补充一下,你所说的事情是Schwarzkopf在场为证, callas说那话的时候是跟着sutherland进了化装室后说的
                • 怎么你们都在, 下次看现场时把我也叫上。
              • 就是,吐字不清,who cares! 反正也听不懂,听歌剧又不是听吐字。听Callas就得忍受别的更大的毛病。
                norma中那些长的一连串花腔Sutherland是一气呵成,Callas必须中间换口气,流畅性就破坏了, 好像是那个那个快要达到高潮时给你停了一下儿; ) Sutherland在非常高的音区还可以让声音表现出不同的影调,还可以让花腔很花,Callas就是唱上去而已,已经无暇顾及声音的装饰了。
                • 别忘了, 当初就是因为只讲声音与唱腔的美而使Bel Canto几乎在意大利绝迹. Bel Canto 歌剧能在今天的歌剧舞台上听到(可惜已不是很经常了), 必须感谢Callas等的"演绎". 当然也要感谢Tullio Serafin.
                  • 是是, 没人想抹杀她的功劳, 只是在说谁的美声技巧更好
          • 市面上至少有两个版本大sutherland的norma的CD,