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American Accent Training


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  • 工作学习 / English / American Accent Training
    • 强烈推荐这本美国口音教材,可能在社区图书馆可以借到。听说,新概念的Jerry开始学英语的自我训练教材就是此书。。。哈哈哈
      • The Miracle Technique......CD 2 Track 18 an excerpt taken from the book《American Accent Training》——the bible in teaching Adults to speak out with native accent
        Regaining Long-Lost Listening Skills
        The trouble with starting accent training after you know a great deal of English is that you know a great deal about English. You have a lot of preconception and, unfortunately, misconceptions about the sound of English.
        A Child Can Learn Any Language
        Every sound of every language is within every child. So, what happens with adults? People learn their native language and stop listening for the sounds that they never hear; then they lose the ability to hear those sounds. Later, when you study a foreign language, you learn a lot of spelling rules that take you still fruthere away from the real sound of that language------in this case, English. What we are going to do here is teach you to hear again. So many times, you've heard what a native speaker said, translated it into your own accent, and repeated it with your accent. Why? Because you “knew”how to say it.
    • If you are in Canada, Canadian Accent .
      • For Chinese, there is no difference.
    • strongly agree too. got recommendation from someone in rolia and borrowed a copy from
      library, really cool. The only problem is to find time to practise.
      another good software: power pronunication 1 & 2, which has waveform speech analysis, frond and side view of pronunciation by an instructor.
      • sounds so exciting. Where did you get power pronunication 1 & 2?
        • see attached url
    • Tell us the results you get from these learning materials. I believe there are tons of English learning materials here and in China. But I didn't see any results in most people.
      The problem is Chinese people are English learners all their lifetime and still can't get it good. We ought to stop learning and begin to be a user now. Anyway, just to exchange some experience, I didn't use any learning material and I just pick up the ways locals speak, and I can now speak English in very Canadian-like pronunciations.
      • I think insistence is most importance
    • 看都看不明白,听更糊涂!
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Substitution Words

      I was rooting willy-nilly through a buncha stuff, looking every whichway for the dinky little whatchamacallit to fix the goldong thingamajig, but good ol’ whatsizname had put it in the hooziwhatsit, as usual! Boy oh boy, what a load of hooey. Always the same old rigamarole with that cockamamie bozo. He’s such a pipsqueak! If I found it, ka-ching, I’d be rich, which would be just jim dandy! I'd be totally discombobulated. You-know-who had done you-know-what with the goofy little gadget again, so whaddyaknow ... there was something-or-other wrong with it. What a snafu! I had a heck of a time getting ahold of whatsername to come over and take care of it with her special little doohickey that she keeps there in the thingamabob. For the gazillionth time, the flightly little flibbertigibbit said alrighty, she wouldn't shilly shally, she’d schlep over with her widget fixer and whatnot to do a bodaciously whizbang job on the whole shebang. That's right, the whole kit 'n caboodle, no ifs, ands, or buts about it ... no malarkey. Okee dokey, but she was a skosh busy right then, yada, yada, yada. Yessirreebob, we usually have gadgets galore, but what with the this-and-that, and all the hooplah, it’s all topsy turvy today, ’cuz that humungous nincompoop is still in the whatsit acting like everything's just hunky dory. That's just a bunch gobbledeegook. Pure gibberish. He's such an old rapscallion. Jeeminy Christmas, the shenanigans of that old fogey. Yackety schmackety, blah, blah, blah! Shucks, I wanted to find it on my own, and not be penalized for it—I’m just so darned tired of gimme’s and gotcha’s by a lotta has-been nosybones out hobnobbing with hoity toity wannabes. The real nitty gritty is that, young and old, they’re just a buncha happy-go-lucky whippersnappers and cantankerous old fuddyduddies who don’t know diddly. I poked among the gewgaws, tchotchkes, gimcracks, and knickknacks, there in the doodad, but I found zilch, zero, zippo, nil, nada and null. So-and-so told me such-and-such about the deeleebob, but I just don’t know where that little gizmo is. Sheesh! It’s a big whoopdedoo when you can’t even remember where the gosh diddly darned whaddyacallit is!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • not trying to be a wet blanket here, but if your Mandarin has a strong accent of your native dialect or you cannot articulate/distiguish
      between 's' and 'sh', 'c' and 'ch', 'z' and 'zh', don't even bother with this 'American accent'. its a total waste of time/money. better off focusing on improving other aspects of English communications, ie. vocabulary, jargons, etc.