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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Excellent resolution, a clear match for the EOS 20D
Good color, default +1 parameter set means punchy images out of the camera
Noise free 'silky smooth' images at ISO 100, 200 and 400
Very good in-camera image processing, JPEG's almost as good as processed RAW's
Very low noise levels even at ISO 1600, virtually unnoticeable below this
Excellent seven point AF system, fast, good in low light and reliable
Good continuous shooting speed, large buffer size, smart buffering implemented
Very fast startup (virtually instant)
Very small and light weight although hand grip is a little thin
Good construction, feels well put together
Improvements over user control; metering mode, AF mode, Flash exposure compensation
In-camera programmable 'parameter sets' to control image processing algorithms
Selectable color space (sRGB / Adobe RGB)
Almost no noise in long exposures, optional noise reduction if required
RAW mode provides the 'digital negative'
Customizable exposure steps (1/3, or 1/2 EV)
Customizable SET button (Quality, Parameter or Playback)
Remote capture software included for computer controlled shooting
Designed to combine ease of use and advanced features, works well in this respect
Playback magnification up to 10x (perfect for checking focus)
Unique JUMP mode in playback (by date, 10 or 100 images)
Orientation sensor for automatic image rotation
Full Canon EF lens compatible (plus EF-S lenses)
Excellent Compact Flash Write performance (4.5 - 5.5 MB/sec with fast card)
Excellent battery life despite new smaller lower capacity battery
Excellent supplied software suite
USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
Value for money更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 摄影艺术 / Canon Rebel XT/350 初步印象---------不是很好!
    昨天晚上去Bestbuy,碰到促销Canon Rebel RX/350 带18mm - 55mm变焦镜头, 卖$998,另送$100 rebate+打印机。机身made in Japan, 先买来试试看。家里的5M, 3倍光学变焦Sony Cybershot P10,摔烂了。试了5M,3倍光学变焦Samsung Digimax Cyber 500 感觉色彩和电池不好,前天退掉了。

    Canon Rebel RX有两种颜色,银白和黑。在店里就发现银白色的样品磨的半白不黑。我只好选黑的了,耐磨呗。回家坼封后发现,机身,电池made in Japan, 镜头made in Taiwan,充电器made in China,包装粗糙,塑料机身做工,装配不精良,还比不过上面提到的傻瓜机。






    • 只有两点不同意,1〉闪光灯只有在傻瓜模式下才会自动弹出。2〉手动调焦手感差和机器无关,是镜头的问题。
      • “闪光灯只有在傻瓜模式下才会自动弹出”不是错,问题是那动静大的出乎意料,分明是设计上的毛病,类似村办企业的产品。镜头是配套买的,1000刀的精密机器,不能同“刀乐”店的搭配看齐吧?
        • 多被吓几次习惯了就好了。至于那个套头,也就100块,好多滤镜的价格都比其高,凑合用吧
    • 网上REVIEW就是这么写的
      * Opening the CF compartment door shuts camera down, loses any buffered images
      * LCD monitor is dim unless you turn up brightness setting
      * New kit lens disappointing at telephoto with smaller apertures
      * Average automatic white balance performance, still very poor under incandescent light
      * Controls for ISO, metering, AF mode and White Balance now require extra SET press
      * Can be awkward to change ISO, metering, AF mode and WB settings in bright daylight
      * Drive mode button too easy to press accidentally
      * No spot metering
      * ISO sensitivity not displayed on viewfinder status bar or LCD panel while being changed
      * Flash must be raised for AF assist
      * Flash sync 1/200 sec (compared to 1/500 sec for the Nikon D70)
      * Plastic finish will not be everyone's taste
      * No Kelvin white balance selection in-camera
      * Small viewfinder view, although brighter than EOS 300D
      • 看了看,确实如此呀。低档货,高买价,看来Canon的广告是吹到家了。
        • 网上REVIEW就是这么写的
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Excellent resolution, a clear match for the EOS 20D
          Good color, default +1 parameter set means punchy images out of the camera
          Noise free 'silky smooth' images at ISO 100, 200 and 400
          Very good in-camera image processing, JPEG's almost as good as processed RAW's
          Very low noise levels even at ISO 1600, virtually unnoticeable below this
          Excellent seven point AF system, fast, good in low light and reliable
          Good continuous shooting speed, large buffer size, smart buffering implemented
          Very fast startup (virtually instant)
          Very small and light weight although hand grip is a little thin
          Good construction, feels well put together
          Improvements over user control; metering mode, AF mode, Flash exposure compensation
          In-camera programmable 'parameter sets' to control image processing algorithms
          Selectable color space (sRGB / Adobe RGB)
          Almost no noise in long exposures, optional noise reduction if required
          RAW mode provides the 'digital negative'
          Customizable exposure steps (1/3, or 1/2 EV)
          Customizable SET button (Quality, Parameter or Playback)
          Remote capture software included for computer controlled shooting
          Designed to combine ease of use and advanced features, works well in this respect
          Playback magnification up to 10x (perfect for checking focus)
          Unique JUMP mode in playback (by date, 10 or 100 images)
          Orientation sensor for automatic image rotation
          Full Canon EF lens compatible (plus EF-S lenses)
          Excellent Compact Flash Write performance (4.5 - 5.5 MB/sec with fast card)
          Excellent battery life despite new smaller lower capacity battery
          Excellent supplied software suite
          USB 2.0 Hi-Speed
          Value for money更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 换台NIKON感觉一下
      • 后悔买了这个Rebel XT,应当吃进那个$1299尼康D70带17-70mm lens。一念之差,损失了100刀。
        • n年前的错误,今天重返。当时也是看广告吹得Canon Rebele 单反机带同样的变焦镜头不错,买回来试照后发现拍的照片与傻瓜相机一样不锐利。后来以同样的价格吃进了Pentax的单反机,比Canon Rebel 明显好多了。
          • 还有就是你换个对焦方式试试看,佳能one-shot对焦是最快的但确实不是很准确的,你试试ai-servo,另外把其它的6个对焦点关掉只留下中间的
        • 和我一起上5D吧, 最近新买了一个正等着shipping
    • 350d的做工肯定是不如nikon的,不过也没差到不可接受,照片质量肯定不会比d70差。

      • 350D怎么能和D70比呢? 最多和D50同一个档次里的, D70和20D是一个性价
        • 350d的机身确实和d70不是一个档次,不过图像质量好像比d70稍微好一点点。
    • 这儿有个用 300D 拍的。看了这个后我觉得用什么相机真的无所谓了。
    • 糙是可以预期的,毕竟那么便宜的东西。可是350D出的照片普遍反响还不错呀,再差不至于比不过傻瓜机吧
      • 再看D70的。说实话如果把它们打散,我分不出来哪个是350D的哪个是D70的
    • 多谢各位直言。比来比去,Olympus-E1带14-55 (F2.8-5.6)变焦镜胜出
      先后直观比较了$200-400的傻子机,$700-1500的Canon Rebel TX/350; Nikon-D50, D70;Pentax...;Olympus 300, 500,发现Olympus-E1带14-55 (F2.8-5.6)变焦镜最合我意。吃进后试用,感觉良好。


      Olympus-E1带14-55 (F2.8-5.6)变焦镜好在做工精细,锰钢机身结实如砖,放水防尘,手感充实稳重,操作平滑舒适,反应敏捷,视野清晰。还有一特点,就是小孩拿不动,也就对它不感兴趣。我是把它当作一件艺术品看待。产地就不说了,自己查吧。
      • 我不这么认为。03年的产品,5百万像素,也许它不错,可是过时了。 350或者nikon D70在硬件指标、机内图像处理速度、方法上都要胜出它一截。
        • 我不这么认为。Rolex的电子表是过时了,“刀乐”店买的电子表与在硬件指标、机内处理速度、方法上都可能胜出它一截,但是。。。
          • lol, 你很会狡辩嘛。
          • 你这是抬杠,我也就没必要去认真讨论下去了。您接着忽悠。
    • 小数码都很锐,为什么?机器内部的算法已经处理过了,这样很多拍照片的直接拿来就能用。单反的就需要手工做些相应的后期处理。900多加币的东西,价钱在那里,整个5000多刀的1D就精致了。
    • 刚买回来就拍了2张就说相机不好也太..... DSLR要慢慢熟悉,慢慢找到拍摄精髓