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是QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY的一位华人教授在做这方面的研究。下面是她提供的一些information

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Department of Geography at Queen’s University is conducting a study on immigrant physician experience in Toronto. This is a project funded by CERIS (Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement). You are sincerely invited to participate in this important study.

The research project aims to explore the geographical and socio-cultural barriers facing Mainland Chinese immigrants in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) with regard to accessing primary care physicians, including “family physicians, general internists, general pediatricians, and some obstetrician-gynecologists”.Mainland Chinese, accounting for 2.9% of the Toronto CMA’s total 2001 population, are the most important source of immigrants to Canada since 1998. Because these Mainland Chinese immigrants have not been in Canada long, and because they come from a different culture with a different healthcare system, one of the greatest challenges they face in their new home is access to primary care physicians. Toronto’s primary care physicians are a particularly diverse group, speaking 100 different languages and dialects other than French and English, including the seven Chinese dialects (e.g., Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakka), spoken by more than 700 physicians and specialists– or over 6% of those in the Toronto CMA. The characteristics of Mainland Chinese immigrants and the diversity of the physicians provide an excellent opportunity to explore issues of spatial equity in immigrant healthcare access

I thank you in advance for participating in this important study. We are happy to send you a summary report on this research if you desire.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Rolia的各位热心网友请往这里看:
    我朋友正在做一项学术研究,是有关中国大陆移民在多伦多的寻医就诊行为,需要了解一下大家在多伦多寻医就诊的经历,看家庭医生和专科医生的经历;特别是曾经遇到过的困难和障碍; 以及对加拿大医疗卫生体系的意见和看法,等等。医生主要包括家庭医生,内科医生,儿科医生,和妇产科医生。

    • 第一组来加时间较长的移民(5年以上最好)住在以下几个区: North York Markham Vaughan Richmond Hill 如果有Oshawa, New Market 等偏远且华人少的地方更好. 愿意来参加的朋友请在这里跟贴
      • 住markham,来加三年的行吗?地点近的话就可以。
      • North York. 4.5 years.
      • North York. 6.5 years
      • Richmond Hill, 4.5Y
      • North York, 6 years
      • 我在VAUGHAN,不过只有3年。
      • 我在KITCHENER, 来了十年.
      • North York, 5 years
      • North York, almost 6 years
    • 第二组来加时间较长的移民,住在以下几个区: Scarborough, Toronto (即老的Toronto. 市中心 Chinatown 一带. 不是City of Toronto), Mississauga,有意参加的朋友请在这里跟贴
      • 报名,最好给茶钱
        • 哈哈, 这个人很实惠的, 偶喜欢.
          • 茶钱送给你了
      • 我可以参加。我来5年,有很多感受。
      • 来加近四年,住密市,有看家庭医生和儿科医生经验,愿意参加,但不知时间上能否对上。
      • 我们可以参加,在密市住了六年多,看过两个家庭医生,若干个妇科医生,一个儿科医生。
      • 算我一个,住Scarborough,七年以上,看过四个家庭医生,无数个牙医
      • 支持一把, 来了5年, 不少感受.
      • 在士家宝, 对医疗体系很不满.
      • 报名,嘿嘿!
      • 支持,现在的医疗体系不是一般的差,家庭医生制度只是医生赚钱的工具
      • 我参加. 来加5年以上, 住密市, 看过若干家庭医生,妇科医生和儿科医生,walk-in clinic. 遇到过很多医术,医德,体系方面的问题.
    • 第三组新移民 (最好半年以上,两年以下),住在以下几个区: North York (比如住在York U 校园的学生), Markham, Vaughan, Richmond Hill 如果有Oshawa等偏远且华人少的地方来的朋友十分欢迎。有意参加的朋友请在这里跟贴
      • 我住Oshawa,来加一年半,看过几次医生,小病。觉得家庭医生的医术赶中国的医生差远了,有时候吃这里医生开的药还不如自己处方吃药好得快。
    • 第四组新移民住在以下几个区: Scarborough, Toronto (即老的Toronto. 市中心 Chinatown 一带. 不是City of Toronto), Mississauga,有意参加访谈的朋友请在这里跟贴
    • 说实话,感觉有点太不专业了。一般这样的调查都是要按小时给钱的。不过呢,如果真的能反馈一些意见到相关部门解决点儿实际问题,就当作回义工吧。
      • 不一定吧。我们做过不少开发项目的open house, focus group, 和community meeting,参加的都是自愿免费的。
        • 那么请原谅偶的孤陋寡闻,偶以前接触过的都不是免费的。但这个话题关系到每一位大陆旅加者的切身利益,所以偶说了就算义工也愿意参加。只要人家肯要咱掺和。
          • Agree, 切身利益
      • The government of Canada is not short of those information, but does not like to make many improvements in this regard, as Chinese immmigrants do not have strong political power.
    • "我朋友正在做一项学术研究.." Can you please disclose the background and research organization (including the phone number and the address) of your friend?
      • #2974121
        Lu Wang
        Assistant Professor
        Department of Geography,
        Queen’s University, Kingston
        Tel: (613) 533-6000 x 75171
        Fax: (613) 533-6122
        Email: luwang@post.queensu.ca
        • Ideally, the researcher should provide a letter of information when she recruits participants.
        • Thanks. I wish she/he succeeds. Actually similar research reports have been released in British Columbia and Ontario.
          • Thanks. But even if it is only a replication of other studies, it still can confirm the findings reported in other studies and hence can increase the credibility of those findings....
            Sometimes I just feel Chinese are not adequately studied - we are "omitted" in most studies..... I am happy to see that more and more Chinese are participants/subjects in research studies, at least the degree of representiveness be proportional to the population....
            • I don't mean that LZ's friend should not do the similar research that has been done, but that there is similar reseach out there. She has to do it for her paper, which is understandable.
              By the way, the credibility of a research report has something to do with the researcher's academic status and fame, as well as his/her organization's financial resources. Not that the more Chinese write papers about Chinese, the more others will know about or believe Chinese.

              All my comments have nothing to do with whether LZ's friend should do her research or not, and I just display a simple fact.
              • "Not that the more Chinese write papers about Chinese, the more others will know about or believe Chinese" --- it is not what I
                meant.... What I really meant refers to a common sampling "bias"... Historically, subjects from minority groups have not been sufficiently included in major studies.... It is a major bias acknowledged in research textbooks. This bias has nothing to do with the researchers' identity.... Please don't get me wrong, and I didn't mean to discredit what you said either.

                Have a good weekend.
                • I actually got your point. I think this bias has SOMETHING to do with the researchers' identities. If the researcher is a middle/upper-class white, his/her report might weigh more than those of colour.
                  More than 3% of Canadian population is Chinese, while our voice is one of the lowest compared with those of black, Jewish and even aboriginals.

                  Chinese tend to mind their own personal business, so that they are apathetic at politics that is more powerful than science.
                  • I agree with you on the point that the researcher' identity may have an impact on the weight of his/her research reports.
                    I am not in the circle of academia yet. But based on what I know, I believe there is some fairness in the so-called "peer review" process.

                    I would say every thing is political if scrutinized critically. I vaguely remember there is a famous slogan: "The personal is political". We Chinese do need some politcal activism.

                    BTW, when I was talking about "credibility" in my previous message, I intended to refer to the credibility of research findings (not that of researchers). When a research finding is supported by multiple separated studies, its credibilty (or trueness) can certainly be enhanced.

                    Enjoy the long weekend.
    • 没有俺们Etobicoke? 俺们这儿从来都没让俺失望过,就是说人少资源丰富。
    • 背后是什么机构资助这项调查的, 希望公开.
      • 是QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY的一位华人教授在做这方面的研究。下面是她提供的一些information
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Department of Geography at Queen’s University is conducting a study on immigrant physician experience in Toronto. This is a project funded by CERIS (Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement). You are sincerely invited to participate in this important study.

        The research project aims to explore the geographical and socio-cultural barriers facing Mainland Chinese immigrants in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) with regard to accessing primary care physicians, including “family physicians, general internists, general pediatricians, and some obstetrician-gynecologists”.Mainland Chinese, accounting for 2.9% of the Toronto CMA’s total 2001 population, are the most important source of immigrants to Canada since 1998. Because these Mainland Chinese immigrants have not been in Canada long, and because they come from a different culture with a different healthcare system, one of the greatest challenges they face in their new home is access to primary care physicians. Toronto’s primary care physicians are a particularly diverse group, speaking 100 different languages and dialects other than French and English, including the seven Chinese dialects (e.g., Cantonese, Mandarin and Hakka), spoken by more than 700 physicians and specialists– or over 6% of those in the Toronto CMA. The characteristics of Mainland Chinese immigrants and the diversity of the physicians provide an excellent opportunity to explore issues of spatial equity in immigrant healthcare access

        I thank you in advance for participating in this important study. We are happy to send you a summary report on this research if you desire.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • Your friend and you can find out lots of similar research reports that have been done by Chinese-Canadian sociologists specifically in B.C., Ontario and Alberta.
    • 偶在Brampton,该报在哪一组?移民四年以上
    • 我不想喝茶,喝咖啡行吗?
      • 您要来几杯tim hortons 的double double呀?:)
        • 每天一杯就够了,但是必须:Double Double..
    • 你的朋友是男的女的?如果是MN,估计报名的要挤爆头了。
      • 我朋友可是年轻的国移美女大学教授呢:)
        • 得嘞,XDJM们,名额不多,还没raincheck,快占住坑吧。可惜,我平时还得闲,周末没空。
          • 说你啥好呢:((大学教授---美女---国移????? , 可能吗?
            • 强烈抗议你这种偏见!!!!!来看看,应该是这位吧?一点也不难看呀!
              • 当真?亲切……
              • 没错,就是这位教授:)
              • 说您啥好呢,hai .... 加拿大。。。。。。
              • 哦,她呀,早说呀。帮你upup。
      • MN?美难?美女?
    • Am I welcome to join? I live in East York, more than 5 yrs in Canada.
    • 我可以在这里问有经验的父母们一个问题吗?我的宝宝3岁马上要来TORONTO(North York), 如果他感冒了,我该怎么办,是去家庭医生,还是医院;如果他发烧了呢?如果他夜里发烧了呢?还有...
      我可以在这里问有经验的父母们一个问题吗?我的宝宝3岁马上要来TORONTO(North York), 如果他感冒了,我该怎么办,是去家庭医生,还是医院;如果他发烧了呢?如果他夜里发烧了呢?还有,我该准备那些家庭应急的药品?我刚来半年,还没去过任何医疗机构.
      • 家里备一些孩子常用的非处方药,比如TYLENO,RUBERTUSSON.孩子发烧如果不是特别高(39度以下),就给吃点退烧药,两天不见好,看医生.孩子正在生病,一般医生都会当天安排.发高烧且退烧药不起作用,立即看.家庭医生等不及,就去WALK-IN诊所或医院.
        • 在1110 Sheppard Ave. E. 有一个After Hour儿童诊所.
          不过, 奇怪的是那里的医生不爱给开药. 我们去了三次, 都说不需要Medication. 好象这里的医生希望培养孩子自己抗病的能力, 不象中国的动不动就给你开一大堆药.
          如果是急病, 就去各医院的EMERGENCY ROOM. NORTH YORK GENERAL HOSPITAL我们去过好几次了, 熟门熟路.
          • 谢谢两位,TYLENO,RUBERTUSSON都是可以给2岁孩子退烧的吗?家里常备的药有哪些?买这些药需要处方吗?
    • How are you recently? Call me when you free.