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说白了, 就是有车(1部二手?)有房(据说35万左右)

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛文章提交者:最最英明 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net

超过了被政府完全资助的要求。而保险又到期了(这个属于个人失误,在国外的都知道, 没保险是不行

女的觉得反正也治不好又挺痛苦嘚,就自我放弃了。问题是, 如果当初他家买过MI(一种房贷保险, 在公款人一方去世后, 由银行供足全部房屋贷款, 一般在加拿大买房时都会买, 本人就有买,本人也同时有人寿保险+公司的group insurance, 加上ohip后一般够用了)。

那么其实他家也就没那么困难了,毕竟住房在哪里都是大头。如果他没买的话,那我也只能说:没活明白, 人无远虑, 必有近忧。

另说一句:五年没买新衣服,即使是新移民, 也过了,衣服鞋在加拿大沟便宜了,无话可说。每个人的思路都是不同的。

Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB)
Through the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care covers most of the cost of prescription drug products listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Formulary. If you belong to one of the following groups of Ontario residents and you have valid Ontario Health Insurance (OHIP), you are eligible for drug coverage under the ODB Program :

people 65 years of age and older;
residents of long-term care facilities;
residents of Homes for Special Care;
people receiving professional services under the Home Care program;
Trillium Drug Program recipients.
In addition, if you are receiving social assistance (the Ontario Works program or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)), you are eligible for ODB coverage.

What drugs are covered?
As long as the drug products are prescribed by an authorized Ontario prescriber, the ODB Program covers :

approximately 3,000 quality-assured prescription drug products;
a number of limited-use drug products;
some nutritional products;
some diabetic testing products.
Where may the drugs be purchased?
The ODB Program automatically pays for the above listed drug products for people eligible for ODB coverage if the drugs are purchased :

in an Ontario pharmacy that is on-line with the ministry's Health Network; or
from an Ontario doctor licensed to sell prescription drug products.
Does ODB cover all of the costs?
ODB eligible people may be asked to pay some portion of their prescription drug product costs.

Single seniors (people aged 65 or older) who have an annual income of $16,018 or more and seniors in couples with a combined annual income of $24,175 or more pay a $100 deductible per senior before they are eligible for drug coverage. After these seniors pay the deductible, they then pay up to $6.11 toward the dispensing fee each time they fill a prescription for a covered drug product in Ontario in the benefit year.

All other ODB eligible people, including Trillium Drug Program recipients, may be asked to pay up to $2 each time they fill a prescription. Trillium Drug Program applicants must also pay a quarterly or prorated deductible that is based on their income before they are eligible to receive drug coverage.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 应不应向生癌无钱治病自杀的家庭捐款的争论,说明加拿大移民生活比想象的还差.看来很多移民生活比这个不幸的家庭更悲惨,更需要救助.
    • 无钱治病自杀,本身就是造谣。
    • 加拿大不是免费医疗吗?
      • 这是误导,在加拿大看病就想当于中国的挂号费不用付,药费是要自己付的.
        • 住院不要药费,所以在加拿大生癌不能住院?
          • 住院是不要药费,但生癌住院也有一定的规定,不是想住就住,象放疗就是回家做的.药费就要自己付.
        • 真没钱的话药费政府也给付, 可惜他们家是假没钱.
    • 其实在加拿大买房都是负债经营,许多人买房因为可以出租,比单纯租房省钱.所以有房不等于有钱.车在加拿大更是生活打工的必备工具.
      • 这叫房奴
      • 老外也这样,华人已经够有钱的大部分都可以支付25%,老外买房很多只付5%还不是每个月还贷款?
        • 这个确实是整个加拿大社会都生活压力很大.所以老外自杀,变态的也不在少数.只是这里也有舆论导向的问题,一般自杀,不让报道.老外变态起来,非常可怕,完全超出中国人的想象.
      • 加拿大确实是大多数人都在供房供车,换个角度说都是负债累累,但有多少人选择先向社会伸手呢?利率每涨0.25%银行就有一批申请破产的,但象他这样对社会有这么大期望值的还真少见.
    • 惨什么?2夫妻好好生活,都出去上班打工也不至于5年买不起一双鞋子。如果光靠薄弱的女子打labor的收入要养房子养20多岁的儿子还有中年男子当然撑不住。加拿大移民生活一点都不惨,在哪里都有失败的人也有成功的人。
    • 无钱治病自杀,本身就是造谣。 -snowbell(莹雪);
      • 事情的真相到底是怎样的?
        • 如果真到了无钱治疗的地步,有人给过一个政府的网页连接可以参考.宋的自杀原因俺不去猜测,因为猜测本身就不是事实.但说无钱安葬,只能说,王先生眼里,夫妻情份不值钱.
          • I agree with you。
    • 无钱治病自杀,本身就是造谣。 -snowbell(莹雪);
    • 完全同意。加拿大的福利不是给你移民的,而是给本地人的。所以移民就是坟墓。我现在终于可以这样说了,早就想这样说,今天终于悟出这个道理了。所以,以后发生的任何坏事情,都是很正常的。
      • 老快真是未卜先知啊
      • 恭喜你,老家同志,从坟墓里爬出来了.
      • 看老家的贴, 是人生一大快乐, 忘记问了, 老家你天天麻加拿大, 怎么就不卷起铺盖回去呢?
      • 老家现在的贴子,越来越语无伦次了,老家啊,你不能光顾着娱乐大家,忘记了自己身体健康啊
        • 你知道吗?多伦多的移民越多,多伦多的移民越穷,多伦多的房屋价格就越高。明白这个大道理吗?
          多伦多市中心的普通condo 可以买到30万元以上,fairview Mall附近的普通公寓的租赁价格竟高达1600元,还什么都不包,这一切说明了什么?
          • 说明多市的房价真便宜啊!加州这边普通一个house就是一个米粒以上,还不是市中心。老快你就偷着笑吧!
      • 您怎么研究出来加拿大的移民福利和本地人不一样的啊?
      • 说的好!就不知道你是摇头叹气的说的还是视死如归大义凛然的说的这番话.
    • 说白了, 就是有车(1部二手?)有房(据说35万左右)
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛文章提交者:最最英明 加帖在 猫眼看人 【凯迪网络】 http://www.kdnet.net

      超过了被政府完全资助的要求。而保险又到期了(这个属于个人失误,在国外的都知道, 没保险是不行

      女的觉得反正也治不好又挺痛苦嘚,就自我放弃了。问题是, 如果当初他家买过MI(一种房贷保险, 在公款人一方去世后, 由银行供足全部房屋贷款, 一般在加拿大买房时都会买, 本人就有买,本人也同时有人寿保险+公司的group insurance, 加上ohip后一般够用了)。

      那么其实他家也就没那么困难了,毕竟住房在哪里都是大头。如果他没买的话,那我也只能说:没活明白, 人无远虑, 必有近忧。

      另说一句:五年没买新衣服,即使是新移民, 也过了,衣服鞋在加拿大沟便宜了,无话可说。每个人的思路都是不同的。

      Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB)
      Through the Ontario Drug Benefit Program, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care covers most of the cost of prescription drug products listed in the Ontario Drug Benefit (ODB) Formulary. If you belong to one of the following groups of Ontario residents and you have valid Ontario Health Insurance (OHIP), you are eligible for drug coverage under the ODB Program :

      people 65 years of age and older;
      residents of long-term care facilities;
      residents of Homes for Special Care;
      people receiving professional services under the Home Care program;
      Trillium Drug Program recipients.
      In addition, if you are receiving social assistance (the Ontario Works program or the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)), you are eligible for ODB coverage.

      What drugs are covered?
      As long as the drug products are prescribed by an authorized Ontario prescriber, the ODB Program covers :

      approximately 3,000 quality-assured prescription drug products;
      a number of limited-use drug products;
      some nutritional products;
      some diabetic testing products.
      Where may the drugs be purchased?
      The ODB Program automatically pays for the above listed drug products for people eligible for ODB coverage if the drugs are purchased :

      in an Ontario pharmacy that is on-line with the ministry's Health Network; or
      from an Ontario doctor licensed to sell prescription drug products.
      Does ODB cover all of the costs?
      ODB eligible people may be asked to pay some portion of their prescription drug product costs.

      Single seniors (people aged 65 or older) who have an annual income of $16,018 or more and seniors in couples with a combined annual income of $24,175 or more pay a $100 deductible per senior before they are eligible for drug coverage. After these seniors pay the deductible, they then pay up to $6.11 toward the dispensing fee each time they fill a prescription for a covered drug product in Ontario in the benefit year.

      All other ODB eligible people, including Trillium Drug Program recipients, may be asked to pay up to $2 each time they fill a prescription. Trillium Drug Program applicants must also pay a quarterly or prorated deductible that is based on their income before they are eligible to receive drug coverage.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我也觉得大多数移民的生活可能都不如意吧。有钱的人捐一点点算什么;没钱人不想捐还紧紧地盯着事主有房什么的,有些人好象非要看着人家把房卖了重新加入象他们一样的租房族心理才平衡。
      • 您这贴有点意思,出了这种事,中国人头一个要看的是活人如何待死人,我觉得你说没钱人的话实在是你自己的心眼有问题,想想这个问题就知道这点事为什么这么大动静:如果你是宋。。。。你会如何想
    • 发生这种事情对于一个家庭来说是天大的灾难,请大家都设身处地的想想吧!不要再往人家伤口上撒盐了,两个男人怎么了?其实男人更脆弱,更需要大家的帮助,不非是物质上的,精神上的更重要,真不希望悲剧再发生。
      • 派个女人去安慰一下如何?
        • 有道理. 再娶一个问题都解决了. 碰巧娶个女强人, 生活比以前还好呐.
      • 宋女士的不幸很大部分要归咎于你说的需要安慰的男士.一个四肢健全,有房有车还有房客,5年没有正当工作,吃老婆病假ei,老婆刚死就呼吁别人捐款的壮年男士.