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06' 夏季音乐之旅(二) 意大利那波里民歌 <重归苏莲托> (帕瓦罗蒂演唱)。。。


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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 06' 夏季音乐之旅(二) 意大利那波里民歌 <重归苏莲托> (帕瓦罗蒂演唱)。。。

    免责声明: 此曲目仅仅是供ROLIA的<乐韵书香>栏目的乐友作为个人交流用途,纯属试听性质,无任何商业目的。您下载它之后必须在24小时之内将它删除,并不得以商业目的传播它。 此乐曲不会自动播放,除非您点击播放按钮。您点击播放按钮,意味著接受上述条件。本人不负由此带来的任何责任。 此曲目仅保留24小时。
    • My! I will come back to it for sure. :)
      • Do you have his "Oh, mio sole" as well?
      • I am listening to it right now. Who else will take his place while he's gone? Nobody for sure.
        • Noone can take his place. 他的音色是独一无二的,至今没有一个人具有那种“烈性”的音色。
          • 马儿有空找点老唱片来, 听听Del Monaco, Franco Corelli, Jussi Bjorling 的.
            • 老迷来一个Bjorling的,啥样?:D
              • 好, 等有空的时候把他们的一人来一首
                • Yeppee... thx LaoMi!
    • 顶一下。
    • 老帕的歌唱就是没有灵魂,除了那几个现在已经不成为高难的高音,什么也没有。
      • 顶一下。
      • 一看就知道崇拜咱多哥,呵呵
      • 这只是我个人的感觉,我还是偏爱女声的抒情作品。呵呵^_^
      • 顶一下。
      • 这老家伙年老音衰,是不招人喜欢,你也不能说“什么都没有”啊,楼上的顶也是瞎顶。。。
        • 谁年老色衰招人喜欢? 他那些演出就是为了他的粉丝. 忠实粉丝不在乎他唱的怎样, 只要他张嘴就行, 回家再听唱片找补.
          • 就象一群幼稚的初中生狂爱香港小帅哥?呵呵。
        • 然。
      • 青菜萝卜各有所爱, 我就好老帕这口, 对多哥不感冒.
        • 顶这个. 老帕唱有些歌的无人能超越.
          • 没有血肉的躯体是无法打动人的, 如果演绎歌曲只为显示声音就失去歌唱的意义。
          • Definitely. He is the one, and the only one.
            • no, there was a Bjorling before him, they both have god-given voice, both are bad actors, and both are famous for lack of discipline, overweight and getting drunk too often.
              • It's like both Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi are beautiful, but some of us like Gong, and others like Zhang. I think Pavarotti is the cuttest guy alive in the world: the magic combination of brother, lover, friend and father
                in terms of his personality and style.
          • 客观地说, 他唱的<爱的甘醇>和<波西米亚人>的第一幕还是很感人的, 若是在十年前, 后者可能是我去荒岛必带的CD.
            • 帕瓦罗蒂大碗脾气是真的,但他也是有蛮多把刷子的。
              • 那么好的voice, 可惜了.
                • 大碗都具有这种品性。。。我有帕瓦罗蒂60-70年代演出的歌剧,那时的他看上去蛮顺眼的,年纪轻轻。。。估计尚未有脾气的说。。。
                  • 尤以卡拉斯为甚,他们管耍大牌叫doing Callas.
                    • 但Calls是一个非常严肃的musician.
                      1958年她在里斯本演<茶花女>时, 每次唱到第四幕的一个悲伤的独唱时, 总是用很低的音, 唱到最后就总是唱"破"了. 指挥实在忍不住对她说, "Maria, 为什么你开头时不唱高一点,这样到最后就很容易唱了,一带而过?"她的回答是:"不,我不会改变我的唱法的,我唱的是一个患绝症即将死去的女人."
                      • 卡拉斯把戏剧性放在美声之上,我想这是很多人喜欢她的原因。
              • 帕瓦罗蒂's 大碗脾气 is kind of cute, which is different from those Hollywood superstars. Perhaps I just love him so much that I can bear all his imperfection.:)
        • 多明戈的音色以圆润为长,给人华美的感觉。。。但并不是什么歌曲都是适合圆润的嗓子来演唱。。。有些歌曲需要帕瓦罗蒂这样的“破锣”的、烈性的音色,效果更好。。。
          • 老帕的嗓子是烈性的? 我怎么觉得太轻淡了呢?
            • 他的音色是开放性的、烈性的。
          • "多明戈的音色以圆润为长,给人华美的感觉。。。" I feel that compared with Pavarotti, 多明戈 is like a pop star in opera world.
            • 正好相反. 多明哥在歌剧艺术里的地位要远远超过老帕. 如果你去歌剧圈内做个survey, 问二十世纪战最好的男高音有谁, 多明哥肯定是名列前五名的, 而老帕能进前十名就不错了.
              • 那是因为多名哥的扮相好,老帕的扮相差。。。
                • :))))))))))))))
                • 你这个好色之徒!!! :)))) 引用一段Callas的话, 正好适用与老帕与老多.
                  "If the time comes when my dear friend Renata Tebaldi sings Norma or Lucia one night, then Violetta, La Gioconda, or Medea the next----then and only then will we be rivals. Otherwise it is like comparing Champagne with Cognac. No---with Coca-Cola"

                  Yes, Callas has a huge ego, but she had a valide point!
                  • Then, do we need to compare Pavarotti with other tenors, good or bad?
                    • The point is that Domingo is a much more complete singer with a much wider repertory.
                      Domingo is a lyric tenor, a spinto tenor, and a dramatic tenor, while Pavarotti is just a good lyric tenor (or coca-cola in Callas' language).
                      • He is the best lyric tenor in my eyes, though. I just can't listen to Domingo that mesmerizingly as I do Pavarotti, cause it's like Pavarotti is a singer, while Domingo is an actor.
                        • Domingo is great, just that he has too many different talents that might distract me from his vocal essence.
                      • 全能选手总分可能最高,但单项却不一定最好。总不能别人说你这个歌唱的不如谁谁,你说我唱那个比他好。
                        • 嗯, 这个比喻很恰当.
                        • Right. Sometimes, we might just get carried away by splendid or flaboyant style on surface, and ignore what is real underneath.
              • 空侃无凭,先让我们看看你的top 10 list.
                • 以前曾经帖过. 今晚有空再帖.
              • Oh, brother, do you really believe those surveys? :)
                • Of course, I trust their peers' opinion as well as my own ears.
                  Don't get me wrong, I did not say Pavarotti is not a good singer. He is, and that's why I paid a full month stipend to listen to him in Beijing 20 years ago. But to me, he is just not a first class opera singer.
                  • Got your point, just that to me, he is, though. :)
                    • sure, to me 张权 is a great opera singer. :)
                      • Don't scare me. :)
    • 帕瓦罗蒂的烈性的音色,演绎那波里民歌,很恰当的说!!!使人感受意大利的阳光、炎夏。。。意大利的酒、甚至意大利足球。。。对不对?
      • 他唱bel canto也好啊。那些歌剧不需要很强的戏剧刻画,却需要完美的声音,那些抒情角色很适合他。
        他是男高音中唯一能照Bellini原谱唱的人,能唱到high D而面不改色。听他那华丽而充满能量的声音在高音区自由飞翔,真是一种享受啊!
        • 然!
      • He is definitely the son of Italy in terms of everything and anything.
        • “意大利之子:帕瓦罗蒂”--- 灰常恰当的说!!!