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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!



写下这个题目,我自己也很难受,我也是中国人,可是我是在是气愤。事情是这样的,我妈11月移民来和我们团圆,每天她一个人在家,我们都会告诉她平时不要随便给人开门,昨天下班回来,她告诉我,一个中国的中年妇女,胖胖的脸,敲门,她就给开了,中年胖脸妇女说她是煤气公司的,问她要煤气账单看看,我妈说“我不管这事,找不到。”中年胖脸妇女就和我妈闲聊了几句说“您在这签个字。”我妈就签了!现在我是既不知道是哪家公司,又不知道我妈签得啥东西?打电话到我现在的煤气公司,答案是“如果是合同,他们要按合同办事。”,又打电话到“ontario gas consumer board”, 说,“you have to wait for the company name appear on your bill”。请教肉连高人,我还有什么办法?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 鄙视这样的中国人,我开怎么办?
    写下这个题目,我自己也很难受,我也是中国人,可是我是在是气愤。事情是这样的,我妈11月移民来和我们团圆,每天她一个人在家,我们都会告诉她平时不要随便给人开门,昨天下班回来,她告诉我,一个中国的中年妇女,胖胖的脸,敲门,她就给开了,中年胖脸妇女说她是煤气公司的,问她要煤气账单看看,我妈说“我不管这事,找不到。”中年胖脸妇女就和我妈闲聊了几句说“您在这签个字。”我妈就签了!现在我是既不知道是哪家公司,又不知道我妈签得啥东西?打电话到我现在的煤气公司,答案是“如果是合同,他们要按合同办事。”,又打电话到“ontario gas consumer board”, 说,“you have to wait for the company name appear on your bill”。请教肉连高人,我还有什么办法?
    • http://rolia.net/forum/forum_listSingleThread.php?tno=413656
      • Thanks for shareing, I will try the billing office in Enbridge to see if they could change my account number.
    • 魔高一尺,道高一丈。立即通知你现在的煤气公司,1。不得转帐给别人,2。砍手你现有的账号,另立一个新的。这样中年胖女就过不了户了。
      • 魔高一丈,今晚就遍访左邻右舍,去把骗子的公司挖出来,就当时散步健身了。
    • 你什么也不用做。转账的事,只有 owner 签字才有效。你妈妈不是 owner,合同无效。
    • 上次有个相近帖子,最后是停了原来帐户,重开新的帐户完事。
      • 骗子真的是劳民伤神
        骗子真的是劳民伤神,打了一天的电话,我的运气不好,找到了enbridge ,billing department, 他们说,
        “Cancelling account is no use since they put your name and address on the contract not the account number. You will have to contact the broker to cancel the contract.”
        I said, “But my problem is I don’t know the company’s name, they didn’t leave anything for us.” They said, “What we can do now is just ask the contract transferring department to send you a copy of the contract when they are processing the contract.” I said,”That would be greate!”, They said, “It will take 4 -6 weeks!”, “It will be too late for me, are you going to verify the signature before transferring account”, they said, “No”, I said, “Then anybody who knows my name and my address could sign the contract.”
        • cancel此帐户,然后用朋友的名字再申请个帐户,别忘了及时付帐.
        • 我上次是前一天晚上在ROLIA上看到这种骗看帐单过户的,第二天早上就有个小洋妞来敲门跟我LG说要看我们的hydro帐单,害得有一骨碌就爬起来,把她打发走。要是我不在家前天晚上没看那帖子,LG肯定上当。
      • 警钟长鸣,大家一定回家给老人和孩子说清楚,不要随便开门,不要随便告诉别人房主的名字!
    • "鄙视这样的人" is good enough, no need to say "鄙视这样的中国人"
      anyway, 同情. you should have warned your mother not to sign on anything she does not fully understand. That is #1 important thing in canada yet you did not do it.
      • 这里是Canada。大家都是同胞。一般说来,同胞应该互帮互助。怎么也不能对同胞干这样的事情。如果骗子是个外国人,LZ感受也会好一点。
        • 谢谢你的理解!理解万岁!
          • you guys are just self-cheating. basically 同胞应该互帮互助 has never been true as a whole. Reality is, statistically, you must be more careful when you deal with 同胞.
            That is why people here keep saying not going to chinese garages, not buying house from chinese agents and so on...
            • 在中国,你不觉得同乡更近一些吗?上海帮、北京帮怎么来的?听说过很团结的潮州人吗?在海外,见到同胞不觉得更亲切吗?在海外被同胞骗不更气愤吗?
              • man, I am not talking about me, it is about 同胞 as general, in a statistic sense. If you like to take things personal, pardon me and please go ahead and do it alone
    • 你妈是HOUSE OWNER么?
    • 找他们manager,说签字是在不知情被欺骗的情况底下发生的.要求cancel同时complain agent的行为,记得教育你家老太太以后任何情况下没有你们在场不要乱签字
      • 谢谢大家的建议,我会随时报告我处理这件事的过程和结果,也请网友帮忙
        昨晚饭之后,我冒着风雪沿着我家街道,挨家挨户的去敲门,邻里们很帮忙,有些说见到没开门,有些说开门了但没签所以没留意是哪家公司,有一家也和我们一样也被骗得签了字,她能懂些英文,说是签字那页只是地址信息没有什么合同,那人说会有人打电话来。我跟每一家都说了我妈的故事,要他们注意,好多人都谢谢我的建议。街访差不多一个小时,回家我都快成冰块了,可我还是很高兴,我做了我能做的去制止骗子的。我想我会等一个星期,看是否有人打电话,如果有我会好好的把骗子奏一本。另外,我已经开始在找gas distributor 的list,我已经打了一家, universal energy, 但他们说需要5天的工作日才能看到customer file. 请网友帮忙窝家住在major mac and kennedy 附近,如果你们家最近有买煤气合同的来过,请你把公司的名字post 出来。大家一起行动,骗子就没有市场,多谢!
    • 汇报结果
      星期五晚上6点左右,接到了superior energy的电话,打电话的人说,“you have signed a 5 year contract with superior engery with the rate....., this phone call is to confirm the contract.” 老公接的电话,老公说,“the rate is not bad, however we don't want this contract since the sales person cheated on my mother in law to get her signature and she is not the owner of the house, if you want to the business from me, send the sales person to me, I want to talk to her.”, they replied, "Forget about the sales person, it is the way they do the business. How about we start from scratch to talk about our service?" 老公说,"If you think your sales person cheating behavior was nothing wrong, then you don't have business from me. Just cancel the contract." 终于,一场不必要的争论结束,如果,sales person 不用这样的手段,也许我们会考虑他们的计划。
      • Your mother is not the house owner and she is not the gas account holder, so her signature should not be good enough for the SE to switch your account from EG to theirs.Do you think so?