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Please don't get mad to Pingle. She is a very nice person, and help a lot of people here.

I think what she mean is you need to read the article more carefully and make a plan to get your first job. LZ did get MBA before she got the first job. But she didn't mention it to the boss in the interview. It doesn't bother the boss is very satisfied with her performance during the work. So, what I am thing is, you may join some co-op program or try some part-time job, get some experience, then move on. I know a girl who joined the Mississauga co-op and got a contract job in Big four. Isn't it a good way to try?
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 我的会计找工之路(-) -毕业第一份工作:小公司也能发光发热
    • 好,请继续
    • Very good experience.
    • Great :-)
    • interesting, waiting for your next story. Thanks for sharing!
    • 我的会计找工之路(二)-明白自己想要什么
      • very inspiring, keep posting.
    • 借宝地请教一个问题:读CMA必须要求是会计或商科的Bachelor Degree吗?我有本科学历,但不是会计或商科的,不知有没有资格申请?谢谢!
      • 不一定,evaluation先。建议你先去cma ontario 网上看看
      • 我不是很清楚,你可以直接跟CMA联系,他们会有个评估,如果要加修课的话。我是因为学校和CMA达成协议,修完规定的课程,part I免考,所以不是很清楚象你这样的情况.
        • 十分感谢!
        • Dear: Could you tell me which school have you done which had agreement with CMA? Which level are you in CMA?
          • As I know, many schools have such agreeement with CMA: McMaster, York, etc. I don't really understand your meaning of "level", CMA doesn't have "levels", not like CGA.
            • Hi: You mean your MBA school or Bachelor school which has agreement with CMA? I have graduated from York majoring in accounting around 2 years ago,
              but my MBA is from other University In NB province, not in Ontario province. Will they give credits for MBA courses or only for Bachelor?
              Which status are you in CMA. I want to get my CMA designation, and already sent out for evaluation. What do you think about me? Will CMA take me?
              • Not all MBAs in these school can exempt from CMA entrance exam Part I.
                To get the exemption, you have to take specific courses. Don't worry about your evaluation, you will certainly get approved with or without taking extra courses. You may have to write both parts of exam.
                • What are both part tests? Did you pay from your own pocket for all the CMA related expense?That's a lot of money, right?
                  • Part I and Part II. Some employers pay your tuition.
                    • Are those tests hard?
                      • 考过的人说还好,没过的说很难。总体来说不太容易
                        • Do you know where I can get some study materials, like past exams papers? Are you registered CMA by the way? Thanks!
                          • 同学阿,要多使用google阿,那些旧题可以到alberta,manitoba的CMA网站上找到。 我正在读,第一年
                            • I have done research, but can not find pass exam papers. Most sites want you to buy. Can you give me that website? 不好意思得狠 Thanks!
                              • 好吧,同学,请用CMA past entrance exam google。
                                • Thanks a lot! Great information. I will improve my research skills. Again thanks for your precious time.
      • I think you can still apply, but you have to do more courses than those people who have done BA in accounting and business.
        It may take more time and money for you, that's the only difference. Then you still have to think about whether you are interested in studying accounting, and good at it.
        If you do not like sth then you won't get along well with it. After all, CMA is tough studying process.
    • 我的会计找工之路(三)- Net Working
      • :-)
      • Good job!
    • 我的会计找工之路(四)- 选择与被选择
      • How many years do you have in accounting field? Are you CMA now? It sounds like it's easier for you to get a job. When you were looking for your first job, you have had lots of experience at that time?
        I do not have much experience, so it's hard to start my career now. I have BA in accounting, and MBA, sent lots of resume, but no reply . I think it's must because I do not experience. How can I get experience if no company will hire me first. Contradiction and cryinggggggggggggggg!
        • Please refer to my post. I mentioned that in my first post.
          • That means if pass CMA entrance exam, which may help you find job easier? Can I ask you which school have you done your MBA? Do you still have studying materials to prepare entrance exam? Sorry for many questions, appreciate if you can help me.
            • 1. Yes, 2. McMaster, 3. Yes, but outdated since I wrote the exam in June 2005.
        • 不是我说你,你这同学真的是很要命。阿苏贴子里写得清清楚楚,你根本就不去看,然后就知道一个劲的哭诉,抱怨,问一堆可以自己找到答案的问题。大家都是从零工作经验做起来的,辛辛苦苦付出才会有汇报,一味自怜自艾不会有任何帮助。
          • 这位同学,
            I just want to get some 经验之谈. When people feel helpless or hopeless or new to sth, they will be eager to obtain all kinds of info. I did not 哭诉,抱怨,问一堆可以自己找到答案的问题。I did not 自怜自艾, either. If you do not have 同情或帮助之心, you do not have to reply my message. I am asking 阿苏, if she does not like, she does not have to answer. I do not want to say sth bad to you.
            Isn't that people from Rolia try to help each other?
            • Please don't get mad to Pingle. She is a very nice person, and help a lot of people here.
              I think what she mean is you need to read the article more carefully and make a plan to get your first job. LZ did get MBA before she got the first job. But she didn't mention it to the boss in the interview. It doesn't bother the boss is very satisfied with her performance during the work. So, what I am thing is, you may join some co-op program or try some part-time job, get some experience, then move on. I know a girl who joined the Mississauga co-op and got a contract job in Big four. Isn't it a good way to try?
              • Thanks for your reply.
                Now, I am trying to find a co-op school or accounting training program in order to update myself and also find a job. But, I do not know which school or institute I can go for it. I am new to Canadian job market, and do not know much about it. That's why I want to get more suggestions from those experienced friends.

                One of my friends introduced me to the Rolia, and she told me it's the good website for Chinese community, especially if you were looking for help. That website provided a flatform where people can communicate, share and help each other all kinds of information. People there are very nice, too.

                Maybe I asked too many questions, stupid or nonsense questions, but I did not try to piss nobody. I apologize if I offense someone or make someone unhappy.
            • You really need to polish your resume and improve your writing skills to get interviews.
              "When people ...new to sth." "Isn't that people ... try to help each other?" All grammer mistakes. No offense. Just suggestion.
          • What you said is good for him/her although it doesn't sound nice to him/her.
          • 苦口婆心的好例子
        • You need to improve your english first
          • What does that mean?
            • Whice means referring to your previous post:How many years have you been in the accounting field? Are you a CMA now? It sounds like easier for you to get a job.
              When you were looking for your first job, did you have lots of experience at that time?
              How can I get experience if no company hires me first.
              • ?????????????????????????????
                • You need to check your eyes.
                  • I am not doctor. Thanks for your advice anyways. By the way, who are you? Expert?
                • She/He rewrote your words. Please read it carefully and you can find the difference.
            • I didnot mean to offend you..work out your resume first and then learn how to communicate with people.. good attitude is key..
              • Hi there: Sorry, I misunderstood you. I did not pay attention to your message, in which you rewrote my sentences properly. I thought you repeat my sentence and laughing at me. Thanks for your advice anyways!
    • 我的会计找工之路(五)-What's your life style?
    • 我的会计找工之路(六)-为艺术献身:-)
      • 恭喜恭喜!我觉得你选的career path不错,发展很顺利。功夫不负有心人呀。
        • Thanks a lot. I read your articles before, really inspiring! :-)
      • 真是不错啊。恭喜恭喜。工作真是,薪资是一回事,福利待遇也非常重要。
      • 没想到, 阿苏MM歌唱的好, 舞跳的好, 还那么能干, 厉害厉害. :))
        • You are "歌唱的好, 舞跳的好"! :-)
          • 原来是我们的阿苏MM啊! 厉害厉害...
      • NPO非久居之地, ACCOUNTING运用得太少,LZ继续努力跳吧, 去政府.
        • You said that!
    • may i get more experience from you, could you email to me at cga_susan@yahoo.ca thanks
      • What kind of info do you need? If you have specific questions, you can PM me.
        • it is very encouraging!!! good posts
    • 我的会计找工之路 - 小结
      • 谢谢你的分享。写的非常好。有点问题想请教。
        • You can ask your co-workers to be your reference
          if you are not sure about the attitude of your boss. Usually 2 weeks' notice is enough. If your boss requires 4 weeks, you need to tell your interviewer the truth. I am lucky that my future boss is very flexible and after negotiating with my current boss, waiting period is 3 weeks.
          • Thank you.
      • 我知道有人在NPO作经济分析,Sr Analyst/Lead 也能拿到8w :-D 估计还是看机构和工作性质了
      • 写的真好!羡慕你选择了一种NEW LIFE STYLE. 有得有失. 好象损失一点点钞票(其实也不一定少), 但得到更多享受生活的时间和空间, 做一个优雅从容的漂亮妻子/妈妈, 对女人是最最最值得的! ENJOY!
        • Many thanks! "做一个优雅从容的漂亮妻子/妈妈, 对女人是最最最值得的", that is my goal! :-P