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basement normally (if not always) have windows, but smaller.In city like mississauga, most house are newer, should not be damp.Kithcen and bath room, normally have no big diffenrence than apartment. some cheap apartment

is sooo dirty and old, I would rather live in a good basement.
The main difference is light, apartment is brighter than basement, and the feeling you live in. I used to live in a two-small window toronto downtown old basemnt for a whole year.As we are not used to it, at first , you will feel can't breathe freely and well, always dark, lack of nature light, eyeball sore.Of course after a month or so, you will get used to it.The other main difference is that basemnt is privately owned and managed. So if you lucky got a good landloard, they can help you a bit and treat you well. Otherwise...hard to say.
But apartment on the other hand is too much condition, not good for new immigrants at all. that's why most of us start with renting basement .
If you can get a above ground level basemnt , that's the best choice. But not too much of this kind . and it will be a little expensive.Good luck, friend and welcome to canada. Don't hate it when you come.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问basement一般有没有窗户? 是不是有些潮湿? 厨房和卫生间的条件和apartment有何不同.谢谢.
    准备近期LANDING, 租房广告中大部分的房间都是BASEMENT, 我对加拿大的BASEMENT什么样没有概念. 请DX指点. (A COUPLE和一5岁KID).
    • Mississauga.
      • basement normally (if not always) have windows, but smaller.In city like mississauga, most house are newer, should not be damp.Kithcen and bath room, normally have no big diffenrence than apartment. some cheap apartment
        is sooo dirty and old, I would rather live in a good basement.
        The main difference is light, apartment is brighter than basement, and the feeling you live in. I used to live in a two-small window toronto downtown old basemnt for a whole year.As we are not used to it, at first , you will feel can't breathe freely and well, always dark, lack of nature light, eyeball sore.Of course after a month or so, you will get used to it.The other main difference is that basemnt is privately owned and managed. So if you lucky got a good landloard, they can help you a bit and treat you well. Otherwise...hard to say.
        But apartment on the other hand is too much condition, not good for new immigrants at all. that's why most of us start with renting basement .
        If you can get a above ground level basemnt , that's the best choice. But not too much of this kind . and it will be a little expensive.Good luck, friend and welcome to canada. Don't hate it when you come.
        • 谢谢你的热心指点. CONDO对于新移民来说是太贵了, 而低价的APARTMENT又比较难找. 我求朋友尽可能帮我找公司的APARTMENT, 这样麻烦事会少些. 不行的话就找好一些的BASEMENT.
          • condo也不是很贵,如果你没有小孩得话
            • 请问:我们无孩,欲租便宜点的CONDO约多少钱?谢谢!
            • 我有一小孩, 想租一2 BEDROOM (NOT SHARED) APARTMENT. CONDO有2间的吗? 大约多少钱?
              • 我以前住过的scarborough town center 旁边的两房condo apt 1200/月,另加水电气(我住的时候60/月,没有用暖气和空调的时候)。那里住有车就方便,否则也算是荒郊野外的。:)
              • scarbotown旁边得maytower,非常漂亮全新的condo,有很多整套租的。一室一den1200左右。
                • What is the "den"? Can kid live in it? Is there any condo in mississauga?
                  • 学习室。通常能放一张电脑桌和一把椅子,但也可能能放床。
                  • mississauga的condo多了,也比较高级,有的楼下有电影院,包铃球馆,室内golf什么的。但不知租金多少。
                    • 这么高级, 不是工薪阶层能负担得起的吧.
                    • 说来惭愧,不会打保凌球, 仅摸过一次, GOLF从来没碰过.
            • 为什么有小孩就不能租condo. 我将有小孩,计划租condo 用en-suite 洗衣
              • 当然可以租啦。只要房东愿意。
              • 这是我最想念condo的地方。那时我每周洗两三次衣服,现在只能一周一次,还要加6块钱。:(
    • 基本上都有窗户,有些BASEMENT甚至完全是地面以上的。即使是半地下的也不一定潮湿。各家条件差距很大,必须亲自看了才能知道。
    • 你是法国裔?
      • Definitely No. I am living in the Cajun Area and enjoying the cajun food.
        • In new Brunswick or New Orleans?
          • New Orleans Area
            • Nice. I never been there. Do they still talk about deportation there? Hmm, how is the economics there?
              • Just so-so. But I never heard about the bad news such as laid-off from Lao Zhong here.
                Finding a job is not difficult. But the salary is low compared to the other states.
          • so, you are in NB, right?
            • No I am not. I am just very interested in acadian culture. I learn a lot of Canada side. But not much of those in states, except for cajun food. :)