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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Thanks for your explanations and I agree with you partially, but maybe you’d like to listen to me as well:)

well, With regard to grammar, the right answer to “what” question should be a noun, but it is not always so. For many, there’s a more or less unwritten code here, I mean some words or idioms were established by long usage. Take”what’s the weather like today?”, usually we say “it’s clear/windy/rainy etc” instead of “wind, rain”. In this case, you can’t say the answer is wrong though. No doubt, you can definitely say ”there’s heavy rain”. What I wanna say here is that we ought to focus on both grammar and usage for sure, but I prefer to respect and learn more usage based on reasonable grammar. :)

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 问一个最最简单的,一般别人说"HOW ARE YOU“大家都是怎么回答的?
    • Good. Good?
    • 这要看心情。情绪好的时候那些好词怎么说都行。情绪不好,一脸苦相的时候就说: Not too bad, still alive, so so, not my day 。。。
      • so basically when period you say "so so", right?
        • Have no idea. But somebody used to say: #3681585@0。。。
        • 郁闷或者不顺利的时候才说so so
    • never been worse.
    • 这还好说,直接说 good, well, all right 就行。但人家问 what’s up,我就真不知道怎么说好。经常也是说 all right,或者干脆不说,反问 how are you.
      • not much?
        • Nothing.
      • 我通常说Not much。当然如果有发生什么,就说什么了。:)
        • "Nothing much", NOT "not much"
          • "Not much", NOT "nothing much" :)
            • wanna bet?
              • "not much" is ok. My friends in the states said this all the time.
              • hehe, I never bet :)
                • ok, the bet is off. but again, 'not much' is the wrong answer.
                  i wouldnt argue that people would make a big fuss about it. they dont care about what your reply is to begin with. but native english speakers know what the right response is. its like people misspell 'than' as 'then', 'their' as 'there' in their writings all the time.
                  so, the right reponse to 'what's up' is 'nothing (much)', simply because you are answering 'what' and the answer has to be a noun somehow.
                  • Thanks for your explanations and I agree with you partially, but maybe you’d like to listen to me as well:)
                    well, With regard to grammar, the right answer to “what” question should be a noun, but it is not always so. For many, there’s a more or less unwritten code here, I mean some words or idioms were established by long usage. Take”what’s the weather like today?”, usually we say “it’s clear/windy/rainy etc” instead of “wind, rain”. In this case, you can’t say the answer is wrong though. No doubt, you can definitely say ”there’s heavy rain”. What I wanna say here is that we ought to focus on both grammar and usage for sure, but I prefer to respect and learn more usage based on reasonable grammar. :)
      • 呵呵,我也是。以前在多伦多没听过多少what's up,到了美国第一次听到,以为人家说我cao。 Not much是一个比较普遍的回答。你要反问就说not much, you?
    • not your business
    • How do you do?
    • I'm a good man
    • NI HAO
    • i am ok. u?
    • 根据自己的心情回答就可以。pretty good! Great! Terrific! Not bad! So far so good! I’m OK!Can‘t complain!etc当然了,你也可以问问他怎么样。
    • 谢谢,学习了一下,主要是我平时老回答,"GOOD,HOW ARE YOU"或是"GOOD,THANKS" 或"I'M GOOD, THANK YOU"觉得太烦了,想换换词:O)))
      • I will answer ' good good. s'up buddy? '
    • same old same old
    • good u?
    • good yourself
    • 以前一直说good,good,后来有人告诉我如果说excellent会让人感觉比较积极。谁知道呢,反正我没这么觉得过。
    • Fantastic!
    • "Great", "Terrific"
    • 回答什么取决于您老人家的心情,但是别忘了回问:How are you?降调
    • surviving.
    • I am fine. Thank you. And you?
    • Not bad. you?
    • how are you? --怎么是你? 你要回答: how old are you ? --怎么老是你?
    • 听见公司的鬼佬们都这样回答: Good good. yourself?