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hehe, just a story, here"I" doesn't mean I , myself. Some of the stories are real ones, while some are from the Internet , newspapers or magzines. I'd better quote it. Thanks.:)

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  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 一天2个小故事(6)
    Feel about and think of
    这是我听到的一个笑话.有次一个女生,想知道外教对她的英文程度如何,于是就对老师说" How do you feel about me?"老师一听脸都红了,觉得这个女生怎么那么大胆.一时说不出话来. How do you feel about me,翻译成"你对我有什么感觉?"feel是生理上的感觉,如果你要问一个人对某事情的"感觉",应该用think of,所以在此应该说" How do you think of my English?"

    Too Many Irons on the Fire
    那天我和Marilyn约好去Sandra家坐坐,我晚到了。刚要开门,就听见Marilyn嚷嚷说:“......too many irons on the fire”,我不知道是什么东西放在火上,又不希望又什么意外发生,结果啥都没有!
    原来“too many irons on the fire”就表示一个人有太多的事情要做,太忙了!就像以前老祖母放很多熨斗在火炉上,衣服一件接着一件烫,忙不过来。这可真是现代人的写照啊!

    Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

    • up
      • 不错,很好,希望每天坚持。多谢
    • 一天2个小故事(7)
      I have no culture
      今天先生陪我去例行检查,baby boy很活跃健康,OB还为我做了GBS检查,这让我想器初来这里去医院看病令人发怵的经历:不仅不熟悉这里的规章制度,语言也是问题,医学上的词语也让人颇感陌生。
      一次,我患尿路感染,去看医生,想要个处方,医生不给,还说:“I have no culture。”我想,处方与“文化”有什么关系,怎么搞的那么复杂。
      culture:[C] (biology 生) group of bacteria grown for medical or scientific study 培养的细菌:
      a culture of cholera germs 培养出的霍乱菌.

      Shot in the neck
      去年感恩节去先生的同事家串门,到那里时,他们刚用过晚餐不久,大家交谈的交谈,收拾的收拾,唯独没有看到他的大儿子,我便问,怎么Jon不在?Jon的媳妇笑笑说,他“shot in the neck”
      我一愣,怎么会被射中颈部?看看周围的人个个高高兴兴的,有说有笑,一点不像出过什么事,实在糊里糊涂,便拉过先生悄悄的问他,那到底是怎么一回事。经他一解释才解开了疑团。 原来,shot in the neck是喝醉酒的意思!

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • 邦定
      • 还听说过blood `culture.
      • 好看. 请继续
      • 很好。今天的呢?
      • well. "shot in the neck".....i like this one...
      • Good, keep going!
    • good one...nice. thanks
    • 一天2个小故事(8)
      Not Brown Enough
      记得有次聊天,Cathy说她有时候很迷糊,“Probably I am not brown enough!”结果Donna安慰她说:“Never mind,we are the same,and this is not true!”听了这些对话,我才真是迷糊了,一头雾水,她们这都是说什么呀,于是连忙要她们解释。

      周日和先生去cells for life给baby register umbilical cord blood banking。拿着kit,觉得心理似乎有了保证。正逢母亲节,先生代baby对我说“Happy Mother‘s Day”,欣喜之余,央求先生带我去High Park那家两年多没去的教堂。刚到门前,传来优美的圣歌。我对先生说:“Listen to the beautiful gossip,isn’t it nice?”
      先生一听不禁捧腹,笑着说:“Silly,it‘s gospel,not gossip!”我依旧辩解,“anyway,you know what I mean”,先生笑笑,轻轻起握住我的手,说:“ok,hon, let‘s go listen to the beautiful *gossip*”

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • learned a lot from your postings. ^_^ Keep your good work!
        • hehe, ok, lovely cat ^ _ ^
    • Thanks for sharing! The second phrase is actually "Too Many Irons IN the Fire" meaning too many activities or undertakings at once.
      • Many thanks ! By the way, where can I see the “一天2 故事“1-----5? 很喜欢。谢谢分享!
        • Here you go.
      • Thanks, you are right:)
    • 一天2个小故事(9)
      Are you shortsighted? ( nearsighted / shortsighted )
      某日一老师进入教室后向宣布,她的眼镜坏了,看不清楚字,今天不用课本,以自由交谈得方式上课。Mary立刻打开话匣子问老师:“Are you shortsighted?”老师瞪了她一眼,然后用冷淡的音调回答:“I am not shortsighted。”
      Mary仍然不知趣的继续问她:“How come you can't see very well?”这时候老师知道Mary又在说中国英文,便心平气和地说:“I am a nearsighted person. I am not shortsighted. There is a difference between nearsightedness and shortsighted."

      Dead meat
      合同工Jerry不是很受欢迎,所以他走时,大家也都松了一口气。第二天早晨见Lori坐在Jerry原来的位置上,Mary就开玩笑地冲她说:“Hi jerry!”其他人听了都笑了,都说Mary可真mean(“坏”的意思)。果然,等Mary再见到Lori时候,Lori就对她说“Dead meat。”
      原来“Dead meat”是指“You are in trouble”。就像是中文里一方和另一方开玩笑后,另一方会说:“好吧,这下你麻烦了,我要给你点颜色看看”,和Dead meat的表层意思一点关系都没有!

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • I like it very much, thanks.
      • hehe,这个好像跟中文很统一阿. Nearsighted近视的,Shortsighted短视的 ^_^
    • 一天2个小故事(10)
      Do you have any juice?
      李明在一家美国人的贸易公司做事,有一次老板临时决定出差去广州。适逢广州交易会期间,各大宾馆的房间都客满了。一时订不到房间,几个白人同事和他以及老板正在讨论此事。老板突然向李明发问到:“Ming,do you have any pull?”
      看到他一脸茫然的样子,老板换了个词说:“Do you have any juice?”李明听了更是摸不到头脑,以为老板想要“something to drink”,就试探着问道“What kind of juice do you want?Apple juice, orange juice?“旁边的一个白人同事和老板哈哈大笑。

      A speed merchant
      先生请他的同事Richard来家小聚。闲聊中,Richard说:“I'm a speed merchant。”我听了疑惑不已,难道他在做贸易?便问他做哪种生意。
      merchant (derog slang ): person who is fond of a specified activity, etc (某活动等的)爱好者 a speed merchant--- sb who likes to drive (too) fast 好开快车的人.

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • haha
        • Good! Thanks.
    • 一天2个小故事(11)
      She has her own pets
      去先生的姐姐家,恰逢她女儿的同学也来她家玩,闲聊中听到这两个孩子在一起谈到学校里的事。她们你一句我一句的争论不休。只听那位同学说:“Mrs O‘Brien(the teacher)has her own pets。”

      Change dress
      十多年前Mary在美国一家著名的大公司工作,上司是一位年轻美丽的美国小姐Sherry由于她对於属下的升迁加薪,全凭送礼的多,寡,贵,贱做准,造成单位职员竞相送礼之风。后来上级主管所风闻,就召集她们这个单位职员开会,要调迁Sherry的职位.在开会中,Sherry一再质问"Why do you want to change my dress?"
      Mary听到她说"为什么要换我的衣服?"心中十分奇怪.为什么上级主管要换她的衣服呢? 其实"Change dress"就是调职的意思.

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • interesting
    • 一天2个小故事(12)
      别跟 Jack 打招呼
      同事Jack 跟我们闲聊说,如在公众场合或是飞机上,碰巧遇到他可千万不要随意跟他打招呼!
      我们问为什么,他就反问我们说如果碰到他,第一句会讲什么?大伙异口同声的回答说:“Hi ,Jack!” Jack 马上回答说:“ See! It is 'hijack' !”搞不好警察马上会掏枪把你制伏,因为跟 Jack 打招呼容易被误听成 hijack(抢劫 或 劫机)。听完大伙顿时笑成一团。

      一天,我有事情找隔壁的办公室Albert,找了半天,也不见他的踪影。正好看到Chuck在聚精会神的做看书。我问他有没有看到Albert, Chuck忙的头也不抬用手往外一指说:“Check the john。”我想他八成太忙没有听清楚,就在重复了一遍,并且强调我要找的是Albert,不是John。
      Chuck抬头错愕的看了我一眼,干脆放下书,说:“Follow me。”我们两个走到办公室外,chuck指着不远处的厕所说:“Albert is in the john。”

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • 呵呵。有意思。
      • 这个"我"是男是女?呵呵。。。
        如果是女性,how to check the john?
        • hehe, just a story, here"I" doesn't mean I , myself. Some of the stories are real ones, while some are from the Internet , newspapers or magzines. I'd better quote it. Thanks.:)
    • 一天2个小故事(13)
      (zt)Marry me?I'm married
      一个周末,和公司同事共乘一辆车去教堂参加同事女儿的婚礼。我好奇地向同座的Patrik问道:“西方人结婚一定要去教堂吗?”他不加思索的回答:“You don't have to,and you may go to court,or even in our office,Collin may marry you!”我半信半疑的问:“She may marry me?I'm married。”他朗声大笑:“Collin may marry anyone,as she is a public notary(公证员)!”
      原来,这里的marry you是指“为你办理结婚公证手续”,而不是要“同你结婚”,因为她是公证员。

      (zt)You would have a ball
      一天,报纸登出了某家儿童乐园的广告,其中一句是“You would have a ball。”,向来自以为是的我马上把它解读成“只要来,就送球”,于是赶紧带着两个小孩前往。买了票,入了场,可是球呢?怎么售票员连提都没有提?我折回去问她,她一脸茫然地说“不知道”,又帮我去问了经理,答案还是“不知道”,最后她说:”让我把报纸找出来看看再说。“我急忙回答:”不用了!不用了。“因为我已经意识到了,如果她把广告找出来,我非得找个地洞钻进去不可。
      果不其然,回家详查后,才知道“You would have a ball。“其实就是”You would have a great time“的意思。还好我没有坚持己见,否则可真是洋相大出了!

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • Ball是有玩乐的意思,比如,这里常见到的Ballroom。。。
    • 一天2个小故事(14)
      (zt)chicken leg
      几年前,我在英国一家旅馆吃饭,女招待问我吃什么,我随口答道:“Chicken Leg”。 顿时,只见女招待满脸飞红,在我后面的英国人也吃吃的发笑。
      我当时以为我没有说清楚。所以就又来了一句:“ I’d like chicken leg。”此时,我后面的英国人笑的更厉害了。年轻的女招待窘了一会儿,调皮地对我说道:“Yes Sir. This is a very sexual leg。” 说着她把鸡腿夹到我的盘子里。
      我当时虽然不知就里,也非常的难堪。一查辞典,原来Chicken Leg是专指妓女的腿!

      (zt)give her a coffee
      学期就快要结束时,女儿同学的妈妈告诉我说,Mrs Grystal就要退休了,我问她是不是办个惜别会之类的表示感谢,她回答说:Well,we'll give her a coffee after church service!我想只是送人一罐咖啡太简单太便宜了吧! 她看我不解的样子,赶快解释说:Of course,not really a can of coffee,it means a party,原来一个coffee指的是小联谊会,大家喝咖啡吃吃点心,送些小礼物,场面温馨感人就行了!

      Lilypie Expecting a baby Ticker

      • 真的吗?Chicken leg 可是个常用词,在副食店里总能见到,并且只表示鸡腿。你说的表示妓女腿的是在什么地方?
        • As we know, an english word or a phrase normally has more than one meaning. Therefore, it's better to choose the proper one according to the situation.But I say chicken leg as well:):)
          • 我还是想知道,用 chicken leg 表示妓女腿的是在什么地方?北美是这个意思吗?
            • 对你如此的执著表示理解。英国有些俚语与北美不同,也很奇怪,我在那里也遇到过类似的问题,那里的人告诉说,不要对单身的女人说请你喝CUP OF TEA,我觉得不可思议,英国人爱喝茶,请女人喝茶怎么就成了请人上床的意思了?。。。
              • 只要不是普遍用法,就不用太上心了。各地的风俗、俚语是学不尽的。而且,人们通常也会原谅外地人用错表达法。顺便说一下,在北京买鸡腿儿,买到的可能是豆腐条。
                • you said it:)))
              • I don't know that. But once I heard my hubby's collegue(he's definitely Canadian commented that "she's not my cup of tea"---she's not my type
            • check
              (zt)其实美国任何地方肯德基的鸡腿用英文翻译的时候,你发现它不是说chicken leg,而是drumstick,这个我专门在美国和加拿大注意过,确实是这样的。为什么不能说chicken leg?因为chicken在英语中有少女这样的意思,所以一个少女在卖肯德基的食品的时候,你对着少女说chicken leg,那就明显的是文化错误。
              • I am 100% sure 'chicken leg' can be used as 'chicken leg'. as for other meanings, I don't know
              • 不对。Chicken leg 和 drumstick 是两码事。前者包括鸡大腿和小腿,后者则专指小腿、外观像鼓槌的部分。与此相对应,鸡翅最上面一截叫 Drummette,总不能说那是为了忌讳少女的翅膀吧?
                • haha..this is a cool page........honestly, i never heard or said "chicken leg", pick another word, like, quarter, thigh, drumstick......also for young lady, it is "chick"
                  , not chicken. in cantonese, 鸡 (chicken) means 妓, so, "chicken leg" is "妓女的腿"。same as, rooster and cock, which to use when you want to say 公鸡?
                  • Definitely rooster for 公鸡le , usually I try to avoid those words which can lead to misunderstandings。BTW, chicken also can mean“少女”, but usually we say “chick” though。
                    KK: []
                    DJ: []
                    1. (小)鸡;小鸟[C]
                    2. 鸡肉[U]
                    This chicken is tender.
                    3. 【俚】少女,小妞[C]
                    4. 【俚】胆小鬼,懦夫[C]
                    5. 【口】胆量的比试[U]
                    1. 鸡肉的;鸡味的
                    2. 幼小的;细小的
                    3. 【俚】胆怯的[F]
                    They thought I was chicken when I refused to go with them.
                    • hehe..i never trust those "dictionary".. see this...
                      chicken definition
                      a. The common domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus) or its young.
                      b. Any of various similar or related birds.
                      c. The flesh of the common domestic fowl.
                      2. Slang A coward.
                      3. Any of various foolhardy competitions in which the participants persist in a dangerous course of action until one loses nerve and stops.
                      4. Vulgar Slang A young gay male, especially as sought by an older man.
                      Slang Afraid; cowardly.
                      intr.v. chick·ened, chick·en·ing, chick·ens
                      To act in a cowardly manner; lose one's nerve: chickened out at the last moment.
                      • thanks a lot:)
                      • 同意。各位到了现在这个阶段,看英汉词典已经没有什么意义了。
                        • Not really for me. Cuz English is not my mother tongue. Sometimes even I know the English meaning, I still can’t get the accurate Chinese equivalent or word. I am due very soon.
                          Within the 37 weeks, I learned a lot of medical terms which I have never heard before. I had to look up these words in the dictionary. Honestly, I prefer to check Oxford English-Chinese dictionary which can give me both versions. I still remember the other day, my hubby and I went to register for my baby umbilical cord blood banking, no matter how hard the registrar explained “thalassemia major”, I couldn’t only know it’s a kind of anemias, but I was unable to get the exact meaning of “thalassemia major”.I had to check my electronic dictionary----重型地中海贫血. Just one click, simple and easy, I got it.
                          • 有道理。尤其像你说的医学拉丁词,英语母语的人也未必明白,还是汉语更达意些。不过,日常用语中,大多数都是无法与汉语一一对应的词汇,需要更多解释。
                          • haha...."thalassemia major”, “thalassemia minor”, (bata- thalassemia, alpha - thalassemia,) i know them...名词动词一般都有对应,形容词,副词,俚语,熟语,汉语成语。。。好多都是"意会"了。
                • hehe, you are really keen-eyed. Thanks for your supplements.
                  Yesterday, I did ask for more accurate meanings of "chicken leg" from my hubby and some of my friends here. Unanimously, they seldom say "chicken leg" while ordering. One of the guys said maybe it meant something offensive in Britain, but rarely here. Wish it helps.
      • "chicken leg" or "chicken legs" ?
        Chicken legs:

        1) legs of chicken
        2) person with thin and bony legs ;
        3) never referring to a whore's legs, unless, someone likes to...

        Chicken leg is another story. It could even be referred to a man's sexual organ. For sure, do not use it if you want to eat one of legs of a chicken when you go out with one-track mind people. :)
        • many thanks:)
    • Very interesting. :-)