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Blueberry is an acid loving plant.

Blueberry is an acid loving plant, the requirement for the soil PH level is around 4.5-5.5. it is better to prepare the soil before we plant it. Normally, the PH level for the soil is around 7.Unfortunatly, I knew this after I planted it. I did try to put more peat moss and also aluminum sulphate to reduce the PH level, but it doesn't seem to be an efficentive way as I tested the PH level five days later and it remains the same. I guess it may take more time, maybe two weeks as shown on the instruduction to get the PH level down. I also heard that the iron sulfate is a better way to reduce the PH level, but I couldn't find it. The blueberry I bought is in a small size, around 25cm, I am planning to buy a larger one next year if this small blueberry can't survive.
Also, it takes two years to grow the fruits normally.

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 谁有种过蓝莓和铃兰吗?
    已经种下一周了,蓝莓的叶变黄, 我知道它喜欢酸性的土, 也加了peat moss and aluminum sulfate了, 可是还是没见效果. 用PH tester,ph值还是6 多, 有没有好的经验?
    关于铃兰, 我买的是很小的苗, 一株大约只有两三片大叶子, 种了才知道它是喜阴的, 有没有有必要挖出来重种? 它长的是否很慢?
    • 我前天才种下蓝梅,好像叶子也是黄黄的,是买的时候就有些黄,今年不会结果吧?
      • Blueberry is an acid loving plant.
        Blueberry is an acid loving plant, the requirement for the soil PH level is around 4.5-5.5. it is better to prepare the soil before we plant it. Normally, the PH level for the soil is around 7.Unfortunatly, I knew this after I planted it. I did try to put more peat moss and also aluminum sulphate to reduce the PH level, but it doesn't seem to be an efficentive way as I tested the PH level five days later and it remains the same. I guess it may take more time, maybe two weeks as shown on the instruduction to get the PH level down. I also heard that the iron sulfate is a better way to reduce the PH level, but I couldn't find it. The blueberry I bought is in a small size, around 25cm, I am planning to buy a larger one next year if this small blueberry can't survive.
        Also, it takes two years to grow the fruits normally.
      • How about the lily of the villey? anyone knows?
        • 铃兰串得特别快, 就怕你到时候拔都拔不过来. 特别好活. 现在正是开一串小白花的时候, 开花的时候倒是挺好看, 但是花没了就剩两片大叶子, 所以我一般在花谢了后就贴着地皮把它剪掉了, 但是第二年还是会疯长.
          • 铃兰的英文名是什么呀?另外花期长吗?还有除了白色有没有其它的颜色呢?不好意思,问题有点多。
            • lily of the valley. 花期不长, 春天开花. 好像只有白色, 不过不太确定.
            • lily-of-the-valley or convallaria
            • 谢谢两位了:)))
              • it is availiable in pink, but it is rare.
                • I know Vessey has it in pink. You can send mail order or order online.
      • 突然想到,能不能浇水的时候给蓝苺一点点食用醋,ph值4.8左右?老公说我这是嗖主意:(
        • you could try, but it doesn't sound good :) I just recognized that the leaves are a little bit turning green than before., maybe the Aluminum Sulphate is working now.
    • 请问你的peat moss and aluminum sulfate是在哪里买的?好找吗?谢谢拉
      • In Home Depot. Garden section. You could find peat moss in the place selling soils, and the AS is with all fertilizers. I bought them in MIssissauga HD located in Heartland area. Hope the infomration helpful
        • 谢谢拉,我家的蓝梅看着也变黄了,有时间就要去买了,真的莓想到种蓝梅这么麻烦,难为了俺这个大懒人:( 再次感谢拉