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I just paid $3000 for my dog's eye operator in the past two weeks :(

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛KK has a good suggestion. Remember to buy some insurance when the dog is small...it cost $60 each time to see the vet, and the medical is expensive too. There are always some risks in the your life for your dog.

Take my dog for example, she was flighting with a wilde cat who came into our yard two weeks ago, and just one second one flight the cat scratch my dog face and hurt my baby;'s eye....I have to bring her to see the vet and get some medicine ($180), then transfer to the animal eye speialist in an animal hospital for check ($100)... was told to be kept the dog in their hospital for 3 days ($790)....and was told have to do the eye operator ASAP ($1900) ....after that there are so many medicine and drops.....and I have to bring her back to see the vet every week ($100 each time).....totol cost is $3000 so far. And the doctor suppose to take off the line which seal the eye on my baby yesterday when I brough her back for check...than he decide to do it after two weeks...I think they really want to make as much as possible of money on each dog. :(更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 花鸟虫鱼 / 想养狗,但是大人孩子都从早上8点到下午5点上班上学家里没人。请问: 这段时间狗狗单独呆在家里行吗?要关在笼子里吗?什么狗比较合适?太活泼好动的恐怕不行。
    • 难道8小时上班的人就不能养狗?我真的很想养一只狗陪我散步。
    • 我家情况类似,但养了一条狗。狗狗完全可以自己在家待一天。我家狗很活泼好动,我没舍得关她在笼子里,只是挡住了不准她进入的一些房间,比如客厅和卧室。一岁前狗狗大小便会带来麻烦,另外也要注意狗咬东西,我有很多教训:)
      • 谢谢,看来我可以养狗。能告诉你家狗狗的品种吗?一直在找一个合适的品种,不能太大(家里空间小),最好毛不要太长,太活泼的又怕没有人陪耐不住寂寞惹麻烦,其实很喜欢Golden Retriver, Lab.Retriver, Beagel......都太大了,犹豫不决中。
        • 我觉得你最好养小狗。
        • 养Lab吧,体型大点,LG孩子牵着也威风.最关键是跟小孩玩着安全,Lab咬东西特别小心,不会很使劲,所以很多猎人养来打猎,捡猎物是不会把猎物咬坏.很多小狗攻击性反而很强.
          • I know. Lab is my son's favorite, I like it too.
          • 是拉不拉多吗?这种狗小时候活泼的要命,特别是一岁多的时候,听说有些人被闹受不了,所以将狗狗遗弃了,但是这种狗长大后就会好。
          • 这两天我家也正考虑养狗呢,我们家人都喜欢大点的狗,也一直在考虑LAB. 和GOLDEN .今天听一意大利朋友说GOLDEN 好象会比较凶,不知道是不是这样。好象LAB.不错,可不知道有没有短毛的。
            • LAB. retriver is 短毛 !
    • 养比熊吧,是小型犬,又乖又聪明,长的也可爱,但唯一不适合你的可能是它的毛毛长。另外约克夏也挺可爱的。
      • 谢谢! 比熊和约克夏英文名是什么?我想 search 一些照片和儿子一起看看,我们俩意见老是不一致。
    • 借帖子问问——哪里可以找到比较全的宠物犬品种介绍,要英文的。
      • This website is very useful: http://www.nextdaypets.com/directory/breeds/
        • Saved. Thanks a lot.
    • 新搬来的邻居家有一条小狗,白天主人不在家就天天趴在窗台上,看有人路过就叫,有天LG恶作剧,在它窗台前靠进几步,吓得它啪啦掉下去了。
      • 俺也正在想着养只狗,请问白天如果每人再加他怎么上厕所呢?
    • 提醒一下美眉,查一下自己家的房屋保险有没有包括养狗险,如果包括,cover多少。
      • what is 养狗险? 是指“狗狗咬人”还是狗引起的房屋财产损失?
        • 狗狗咬人,具体情况问保险=公司
      • I just paid $3000 for my dog's eye operator in the past two weeks :(
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛KK has a good suggestion. Remember to buy some insurance when the dog is small...it cost $60 each time to see the vet, and the medical is expensive too. There are always some risks in the your life for your dog.

        Take my dog for example, she was flighting with a wilde cat who came into our yard two weeks ago, and just one second one flight the cat scratch my dog face and hurt my baby;'s eye....I have to bring her to see the vet and get some medicine ($180), then transfer to the animal eye speialist in an animal hospital for check ($100)... was told to be kept the dog in their hospital for 3 days ($790)....and was told have to do the eye operator ASAP ($1900) ....after that there are so many medicine and drops.....and I have to bring her back to see the vet every week ($100 each time).....totol cost is $3000 so far. And the doctor suppose to take off the line which seal the eye on my baby yesterday when I brough her back for check...than he decide to do it after two weeks...I think they really want to make as much as possible of money on each dog. :(更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net