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discussing things with a person like you is a pain in ass, let's talk like adults, ok?

"你要是就觉的pronunciation和accent是一会事" ... you said ..
but this is what I had said: "I agree that 口音(accent)和发音(pronunciation) are different things. But they are not "完全是两个不同的概念"."

"一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂, ... " you said ..
what I'd said is "ok as long as no problem to communicate."

if other people do not understand what you say, sure you have to improve your pron...., but bejjiahuo is trying to perfect his/her pron.... that is what I am oppose to, why cann't you just understand such a simple thing?

".一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂,其他中国人就更不可能听懂了." ... you said...
but to me,一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂, but 其他中国人 are very likely 可能听懂, because we share the same kind of chinglish.

end of discussion. it really darken my mood. I will let it go.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 午休时,跟前台的女孩聊天,我想让她听听我练的downtown(我总说不好这个词),结果她一听就说我这个说得还不对,总有g的音,on说的也是,总有g的音。同组的印度mm也在旁边帮我纠正(虽然觉得她也有口音,但前台女孩说她说得对)。
    • There is a song called "Downtown". :-)
      • 没听过。不过好像听歌纠正发音也不错。主要是n的音,总发不对(别的还没察觉到)。而且,大家有什么好办法,知道自己的不对呢?录音?让老外一听就是不对,但自己就察觉不到。
        • why bother? does a little accent matter? you want perfection? i can tell you that you will never achive that. waste of time & energy. ok as long as no problem to communicate.
          • fully agree with 菠菜. overemphasis on pronunciation makes absolutely no sense. Pronunciation is one aspect of communication, but it's not what communication is all about.
            • I believe it is more important to learn how an english speaking people make sentences, organize expressions, and so on.
          • 请不要混淆概念.口音(accent)和发音(pronunciation)完全是两个不同的概念.发音一定要准,人家才能听的懂.英国人,澳大利亚人有口音,但不等于他们的发音不准.所以发音一定要练.
            • "发音一定要准,人家才能听的懂". so why we chinese always understand another chinese's bad english? is that pronounciation or accent problem?
              I agree that 口音(accent)和发音(pronunciation) are different things. But they are not "完全是两个不同的概念".
              • 我也分不清发音跟口音。但每个地方的人都有自己的发音特点,是因为他们都会把另一种语言的发音跟自己的语言发音比较,然后找一个差不多的。就好像我说downtown是当烫,我LG100%能听懂,没有提出任何疑问,老外虽然也猜出来了,但一下子就能说出你的问题。
                所以我们听中国人说英语就能听懂的多些,因为我们犯的都是一个错误。当然,有时并不影响交流,有上下文,别人再一猜。或解释一下,多说两遍。。。不过有机会改正,why not?
                • well, if you do not have anything more important than that to do, you absolutely can do it.... to me, it is just not worth it......
              • 还是不同意.我就不信你能听懂一个把A发成B的人(不管哪国人)的英语,除非你也把A发成B.
                • i think you are the kind of person who likes to argue. ok, let me tell you, "一个把A发成B的人", it is neither a "pronunciation problem", nor a "accent", we call this "illiterate".
                  • 你要是就觉的pronunciation和accent是一会事,而且发音也不重要,那我也没办法.一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂,其他中国人就更不可能听懂了.这就是pronunciation的问题和accent没关系.
                    • discussing things with a person like you is a pain in ass, let's talk like adults, ok?
                      "你要是就觉的pronunciation和accent是一会事" ... you said ..
                      but this is what I had said: "I agree that 口音(accent)和发音(pronunciation) are different things. But they are not "完全是两个不同的概念"."

                      "一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂, ... " you said ..
                      what I'd said is "ok as long as no problem to communicate."

                      if other people do not understand what you say, sure you have to improve your pron...., but bejjiahuo is trying to perfect his/her pron.... that is what I am oppose to, why cann't you just understand such a simple thing?

                      ".一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂,其他中国人就更不可能听懂了." ... you said...
                      but to me,一个中国人说了个英语单词,当地人要是没听懂, but 其他中国人 are very likely 可能听懂, because we share the same kind of chinglish.

                      end of discussion. it really darken my mood. I will let it go.
                      • Discussing with you is a pain in THE ass. Reading your English is even more painful.
              • Because we Chinese pronounce (mostly because we were taught during high school) in the SAME WRONG way, so we understand each other. This is exactly the pronunciation problem. We wouldn't realize it unless we have talked with native speakers a lot.
                One thing is native speakers are taught since childhood to be polite that not correct others' mistake directly: they always tell you "your English is great" even though they all know your pronunciation or writing is wrong. You can't say they are pretentious, that's their habit. That's exactly the reason that Chinese often got feedback of "bad communication skills" and we still don't understand what that is.
            • 不是一定要准,但是一定要consistent. 问题是同样是中国人,河东边儿的河西边儿的说出来的英语口音都能差出老远,让老外觉得抓规律很不容易啊。
          • why will we never achieve that? There can be miracles when you believe.
            • emmm.... true. I would modify my post to "i can tell you that you will never achive that unless miracle happens on you."
              • 我在中国见过好几个老外把中文说的标准的听不出来。大山就是一个。难道我们把英语说的没有口音就是miracle吗?
    • 你说比当地人还流利的英语,你还是“chinese”。改它作甚。重要是用词不错就行了。简单说,你问孩子:“你大了没有?”她都知道你是说“大便”了没有。这个“大”还当了动词在用。要是你跟你孩子说,“你排了没有”,我干说他的眼睛会整得比牛还大。英语同理。
      • 我从来没说过要当自己不是Chinese什么这些。我讲中文就讲普通话,到了人家的国家就讲人家的话,也想讲的准确点就是了。无他,或者就当我没事干了。。。什么都好。
    • 那我保证你说count人家也会认为不准。count说不好,会跟另外一个很淫荡的词近音~~~
      • yes.Count,account,found,sound...现在知道怎么读了,只不过需要一点时间练习。。。
    • 我觉得你可以考虑把音标重新练练,每一个都按标准练,不停重复,到标准为止。n一定不要念成随口习惯说的n多, n久那样的n, 而是要念成标准的en.
      • 是的,你说得很对。就是有时,好像那样说n,很别扭,尤其是跟中国朋友在一起时。:-)
        • 无人的时候拼命练,不但要练单个的音标,更要严格练习词语和短句。时间长了,你会根本意识不到的发出正确的音来。
      • 这位说的对极了。每一个音标一定要发到位,发完整。说每一个词和句子时,每个音标一定不要省略,很多尾音只是轻读而已,如果你省略不发,别人就会听成另外的词语。中国人里南方人和北方人由于语音习惯,在说英语时各有各的难点。