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今天的Toronto Sun报道了张言的家人和一些机构,组织以张言的名字设立了一个纪念基金。


Today, Zhang family members, along with the family's lawyer and some community organizations, will announce the establishment of a memorial fund in Yan Zhang's honour.




Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Toronto Star七月十七日转载张言朋友的英文来信--感人至深,催人泪下
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛今天的Toronto Star 转载了一位张言朋友的英文来信(这位朋友其实是张言丈夫以前在国内的同事,目前也在多伦多)。整封信情真意切,催人泪下,在信的末尾,Toronto Star 的编辑还附上了最新才公布的捐款账号。



    Boyang Chen, who didn’t want his first name used, worked with Zhang’s husband in China before their families moved to Toronto in recent years. He sent this email to the Star

    As a close friend of Hang’s father, in the past couple days I’ve been witnessed how a happy family was torn apart and their dream was ruined just because of someone’s stupid craziness. I share the same complete shock, deep sorrow as my friend. I know their lives have been changed for ever.

    My friend and his family landed in Toronto on the summer of 2005. They spent 2 weeks here and came back to China. They had such happy experience living here and they loved so much about this city and this country, one year later they decided to move to Canada permanently.

    As every new comer, to settle down here my friend worked very hard: he came back to school and improved his English skill, worked voluntarily to get so-called Canadian experience, went for job interview tirelessly, and in the meantime took good care of his family. Finally just a couple days before Chinese New Year, year of gold pig, which means every one in this year would have a good fortune, he got a job offer. He and his family celebrated a really exciting Chinese New Year, their first one outside of China.

    My family and I met him and his family regularly. Two months ago we came to their home to celebrate his son’s birthday. My 3 years old daughter played with Hang together, always happily, but sometimes, like any other kids at their age they fought for their favourite toys. While the kids were playing games, my friend’s wife, Yan Zhang, were busily preparing foods for us in the kitchen. She was famous for her good cooking among our friends and whenever friends gathered together she had good food to share. At that meeting my wife made fun of her and asked her if she was planning for her second child. She said yes they were planning for having more kids. The last time I saw my friend and his family was on this year’s Canada Day we came across their family of three, I saw both Yan and her son, Hang, waving a small Canadian flag in the crowd in Thomson Park of Scarborough, Ont.

    Every new comer, including myself, knows life is not easy in the new country. However they never expect to have such crude tragedy. They don’t mind working hard to get recognized. Especially for people from China, who are not known for good English skill, they just pay more efforts than native speakers to get the same. As far as I know, most of them never complain the hardship they have. They love the community and the new country, work hard and contribute as much as they can, just because every one of them has a simple dream that in this country they can have better life, better future for themselves and their children.

    For my friend all of a sudden his dream went far, far away. In the coroner’s office, sitting beside my friend, I saw none of a bit familiar on a picture of a face, which we were told was taken from the body of Yan Zhang, my friend’s wife, shown by an officer. I asked myself if that’s not Yan’s face, where was she then?

    Staring at the picture for almost 10 minutes, my friend nodded his head slowly.

    We proud Canadians — count me one — care about people’s well being in countries thousands of miles away, support and help people better their lives around the world. However I’d beg them do one very small thing: pay respect to every people on the street, who might come thousands of miles long way to this country for their dreams.

    Be a responsible driver when you sit behind the wheel. Otherwise you just kill people, ruin their family, smash their dreams.

    When I wrote this I just can’t help with tears, blurring the screen. At midnights, when I woke up, I couldn’t help but entered my 3 years old daughter’s room, quietly looked at her sleeping in a small bed, sometimes with smiles on her face, for a long while.

    I knew for sure at the same time there was another father in a critical care unit of the hospital, glaring at his son’s face.

    If you want to help, donations can be made to the Yan Zhang Memorial Fund at any TD Canada Trust -- transit number 1882, account number 5213769.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • very touching! in tears!
      • same here. :(
      • 这位朋友很了不起,值得尊敬。
    • TD 的 bank number 是什么?on-line transfer要用到的.
      • 是transit number吗?
      • 004
    • 是前阵子报纸报道的那起事故吗?太惨了..........
    • 张言纪念基金
      今天的Toronto Sun报道了张言的家人和一些机构,组织以张言的名字设立了一个纪念基金。


      Today, Zhang family members, along with the family's lawyer and some community organizations, will announce the establishment of a memorial fund in Yan Zhang's honour.



    • 感动。祝福。
    • 星岛日报 -- 张言丈夫吁立法严惩醉驾.捐款半数转赠醉驾受害者母亲基金
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛本报记者




      中国移民紧急援助基金干事张淳宣佈,为回应社区中很多关心这一家庭、希望捐款表示慰问的人士的需求,中国移民紧急援助基金在张言家人和朋友的委託下,开设了捐款帐號:TD Bank,Account number:18825213769;Pay to:Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief 或 CIER,並请註明Zhang Yan's Memorial Fund。支票请寄:Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief,25 Old York Mills Rd., North York,ON M2P 1B5。

      另据消息,张言追悼会的日期尚未决定,因她在北京家人来加的签证尚在办理中。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 大家没必要捐款. 张言的丈夫将获得汽车保险公司100万加币的赔偿.
        • 前面似乎讨论过,那只是理论数字实际上可能根本拿不到那么多
        • 做人要厚道一点,没人逼你要捐。别人爱捐也犯不着你说三道四。
        • 保险公司对车祸中死亡人的赔偿标准是:
          1. 配偶CDN$20,000 - 30,000
          2.未成年子女CDN$10,000 - 15,000/人
          3.殓葬费不超过CDN$6,000 - 10,000
          所以如果你想要CDN$1M的赔偿,恐怕你得另外再买life insurance.
    • Widowed Father Makes Tragic Plea Against Drunk Driving Wednesday July 18, 2007 CityNews.ca Staff
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A widower's tragic plea was delivered by friends on Wednesday so he could continue his vigil at his injured son's side.

      36-year-old Yan Zhang was killed Wednesday, July 11 after an alleged drunk driver veered onto the sidewalk and struck her and her three-year-old son.

      Wednesday evening, Zhang's friends and family read aloud a letter her husband had written expressing his outrage and grief over the tragedy.

      "In a split second, as a result of a drunk driver, my whole world has been destroyed," says Zhang. "My loving wife is gone forever and my son is clinging to life."

      His wife and child were coming home from flying a kite when 56-year-old Dragan Gorgijevski was alleged to have driven his car up on the curb and struck the mother and son. He has been charged with impaired driving but Zhang says much tougher measures are needed.

      "It is my hope that my wife did not die in vain. This accident was preventable. Innocent people have to be protected from those who choose to be irresponsible. Laws must be strict to prevent this type of conduct," says Zhang's husband in a letter released to the media.

      "The Canadian public should not tolerate such outrageous acts. Canadians should send a clear message to all drunk drivers. In my home country, China, people who drink and drive receive a mandatory jail sentence. If we act against this sort of terrible conduct now, it is my hope that no other family will ever know this type of pain of losing a spouse or visiting their motionless child in a hospital bed."

      He is taking donations for his son's trust fund, half of which will be donated to Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

      If you want to help donations can be made to:

      Yan Zhang's Memorial Fund on behalf of the Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief at any TD Canada Trust Branch

      Account Information is listed as follows:

      TD Account Number: 18825213769

      Cheque Payable To: Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief (CIER)

      Memo: Yan Zhang's Memorial Fund

      Or, send cheques to: Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief, 25 Old York Mills Rd., North York, On, M2P 1B5更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 感人至深。设身处地去想,实在无法接受这样的残酷。显然政府对打击酒后驾车还不够严厉。而且,似乎政府并没有意识到这个法律还需要加强
    • 《我的呼吁》:一封令人心碎的声明
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛2007-07-19 09:16 环球华报











      为了表达我对其他与我类似不幸家庭的同情与支持,我愿意将收到的一半募捐,捐赠给“酒后驾驶受害者母亲基金会”(Mothers Against Drunk Driving)。


      编者按:如有意援助,请写支票给“Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief”或CIER,支票请寄:Chinese Immigrants Emergency Relief,25 Old York Mills Rd., North York,ON M2P 1B5专用银行账户是TD Bank 1882 5213769,并注明Zhang Yan’s Memorial Fund。

      若需援助联系,请E-MAIL:sorrow0711@yahoogroups.com,电话:张淳牧师,647-887-1389。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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