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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


我对美国经济还是乐观的,“By cutting the discount rate instead of the federal funds rate, the Fed signaled that it believes problems are mainly confined to the financial system, not to the economy.”这篇文章分析的客观。。。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / This is Huge: US Fed cut interest rate 0.5%. It seems that the credit market turmoil was worse than everybody thought.. Everybody thought Fed would cut rate in Oct, nobody predicted this move.
    • 我对美国经济还是乐观的,“By cutting the discount rate instead of the federal funds rate, the Fed signaled that it believes problems are mainly confined to the financial system, not to the economy.”这篇文章分析的客观。。。
    • [ZT]: Current situation in the capital markets-- posted by a prop trader in NYC for incoming analysts
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Sales/Trading: The structured products that have provided fat margins for dealers have stopped trading. They are sitting on the balance sheets of banks marked at levels that do not reflect reality awaiting painful mark-downs. CDO, MBS, etc. "traders" are literally sitting around surfing the internet all day. Now that buy-side clients have seen how illiquid these products become in times of stress it is unlikely they will return for years if at all. The profitable business of structured products is in for a large contraction. The hedge funds that used to buy these products are going out of business at a rate of several per day as the underlying collateral for many of these products is rapidly becoming worthless. It is only a matter of time before banks make large cuts and realize massive losses. Some suspect that the losses banks like Bear, Lehman, Goldman, RBS, etc. will face may be in the billions just on mis-marked structured products.

      Asset Management/Prop Trading/Hedge Funds, etc.: The vast majority of buy-side traders have never lived through a period of high volatility and therefore the vast majority of buy-siders were caught off gaurd by this spike in volatility. Young geniuses and former "masters of the universe" are proving to be nothing more then glorified volatiltiy sellers. Rumors fly constantly aout massive losses at bulge bracket banks like Lehman and Goldman and of course hedge fund blow-ups are an every day occurance. The entire model of hedge funds that trade structured products is being called into question as investors now realize that managers basically can invent their P&L month to month for years at a time. Many people think that the number of hedge funds could easily be cut in half as the "hedge fund bubble" deflates.

      Private Equity: The cost of financing just went from non-existent to impossibly high in a matter of weeks as the high yield debt market is totally shut down. Deals that were already agreed upon like TXU, First Data, etc. are being called into question, pushed back or revised. The stock market prices a 50% chance that they won't get done at all. Banks that used to provide bride financing for deals are now stuck with massive portfolios of leveraged loans that they cannott sell. They will not take this risk again for a long time, making deals much harder to do. One could argue that the PE bubble is just as big as the hedge fund bubble and this industry also could contract very quickly. Worse, the PE guys are very young and have no clue how bad things are on the sell-side and so they think nothing is wrong and the game will be back on once they get back from summer vacation.

      Investment Banking/M&A: See PE. No M&A activity can happen with the debt markets siezed up. When will debt markets return to normal? Estimates range from "whenever the Fed eases" to "the fall" to "not for a long, long time".

      Prime Brokerage: See hedge funds. The P.B. business will contract in tandem with the hedge fund business. An added problem is that many prime brokerage units have massive exposure to some of their hedge fund clients that are rapidly dissolving. Rumors are rife about massive losses at large PB's like Bear and Goldman.

      ...More generally, I think you guys are about to enter a very tough job market. Analysts have yet to be fired but history says analysts get axed when things get like this. In '94 it is said that Goldman axed 85% of their analyst class. I think that along with much of Wall St. you guys don't get how bad things are getting...it is very possible that a big name like Bear or Lehman could flat go out of business like Drexel Burnham did in 1990.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好久不见你出来?金融你是本行,我只相信以前股票有多高,迟早他还会涨多高。现在是不是买进的好机会?
        • 牛哥这么谦虚,我有点不适应。。。
    • 能不能给我们分析一下,加拿大今后几年mortgage rate的变化趋势。
      • 不要说几年了,今后几天都难说,没看到今天美国FED突然间减了50bps.出乎所有人的意料。俺要是知道今后几年的mortgage变化,就不在这混了。捞钱还来不及。哈哈。。。见笑了。。
        • 不见笑。我的意思是请您这样的通晓经济和金融的,按照通常的经济理论分析一下当前的形式对利率的影响。当然,我是外行,可能把问题想简单了。别见笑。
    • 这次降低的不是基准利率吧,是另外一种商业银行与中央银行之间的利率。具体不太懂,只知道是鼓励商业银行发放贷款的。看来美国要放开银根,没有收缩的意思。
        简单的说这个RATE 就是一个BENCHMARK.GIVE THE CEILING OF THE BORROWING RATES. 从历史上看,这两者正相关(POSITIVE CORRELATED),但不是PERFECT CORRELATED.也就是说FED FUND RATE不一定会随之调整. 这更象是FED 的一个信号,RATHER THAN 一个实质性的措施. 这个信号表明的是FED 对现在的市场有担心,但认为市场远未到达危机重重的境地. STOCK MARKET 对此的反应可以说是心领神会,立刻以报复性的反弹来回应.