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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


why are you always so nervous and feel ashamed for being a Chinese?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

the white people do not behave everywhere and everyday as well, the biggest one is the previous premier, he even took cash from the business man, the only excuse is that he needs money and he receives 2 milion from the gov as well, why would not you say shame on them????? have you seen any news like this, asking all white to behave ????? feel ashamed or anything like this??????????? ???????????? why would not your people pay much attention on that and say something to the white??????????// do you your efforts can distance yourself from all other Chinese????????? stopping doing those craps on CHINESE, take on with others if you have the GUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 华人妇女斥西人女士:这是华人的地方,你走开!
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛华人妇女斥西人女士:这是华人的地方,你走开!


    这位相姓的读者述说,11月25日在士嘉堡Steeles Ave.与Silverstar Blvd.附近的No Frills超级市场中看到,有一位中年华人妇女想买杏仁,本来在杏仁旁边摆放有供顾客使用的小铲子,可是这位华妇却要用手来逐粒挑选杏仁,有一位西人妇女在旁边看到这样不对,便告诉这位华妇这样用手挑不卫生,但是华妇反驳说这些食品在制造过程中已经经过很多人手,再接著几句争议后,这位华妇竟然对西人女士说,「This is Chinese area, you go away! 」(这是华人的地方,你走!),西人女士便立即离去。





    加拿大中国高等院校校友会会长钟新生认为,如果读者所述是事实的话,那位华妇的言语与加拿大有关反歧视的法规是?触的。另外,从卫生的角度来讲,如果店家已经提供小铲子,顾客就应该用铲子,顾客可以反过来想,如果别人手脏摸过食物后,你在之后购买时会怎样想,虽然这样做没有违法,但是从公共道德上来将是不对的。他认为华人在加拿大应该尊重加拿大的价值观、加拿大的文化和加拿大的法律,让公众看到华人好公民的形象。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • totally agreed!!! no-frill do not have that on sale anymore, I really want more,more, more. Almonds are really good.
    • "Exactly, this is canada, get out of my country!" -- White Power Rules!
      • Get out my land -- An aboriginal said.
    • "Chinese, go back to your country!", I got that all the time, and I am only minding my own business, not bother anybody whatsoever.
      • en,这是相对于“Chinese, go back to your country!”的不同的声音,虽说都不是好的言论,但话语不一边倒才会引人注意。
        • 其实这种现象还是满普遍的,只是有时有人爱管,(比如那个老外),
    • 类似的事情让我想到,每次从图书馆借的中文食谱书呀杂志呀,总有被撕下来的几页,有时甚至一半,复印或者数码翻拍一下又有多麻烦?要是图书馆贴出中文“禁止撕书”是否起到警示?但那样我们谁都蒙羞
      • one day my son and me sit in our dentist office,
        alone with one white lady, she dressed well and looks quite decent. The recep. left for some reason, and the lady starts tearing down the magzine, 1, 2, 3... 3 times... and she put all the pages into her purse....I keep looking at her, kind of shocked, since that is something usually only our Chinese commit accordingly....

        So, there are jerks everywhere in all colors, and fortunately, nice people are everywhere as well, so, that is our world.
        • 你说得很对的。愚蠢和不开化的人往往拿有色眼镜去看人。
          • 一点都不对,应该看比例吧。如果在多伦多,一个白人那么做,和100个华人那么做,不同。自警,自律
            • then 自虐
    • Really shame on that kind of Chinese. Loblaws (at McCowan&Bullock)也有过一个中文post: 请将剥下的玉米皮放入筐内. :-(
      • you take it as WHAT?????????? that is kind of discrimination!!!
        • Calm down.......I don't think that is discrimination. From the Loblaws owner's point of view, that would help them providing better and cleaner shopping environment as there are more and more Chinese customers.
          I saw similar Chinese posters in banks and other stores. Don't you think those Chinese who peeled the corn and left the remains on the floor, should have done something better, besides complaining of the discrimination?
          • what is wrong with you????? why would not put up all signs in Chinese instead of warning like this??????????? you think those who do not behave do not speak English at all??????????
            That is discrimaination!!!! if it is in the grocery store I usually shop, I will take that directly to the manager!!!! do not just keep your eyes on Chinese, are you not Chinese as well!!! bull shit!!!
            • WATCH YOUR WORDS! 拥护国人也不是这么个拥护法!!有则改之,无则嘉勉!!!!! 我就是看不惯很多国人将玉米皮搞的一地都是!!!!我还就是看不惯在国人在超市挑三捡四!!!! 买个3元钱的西瓜恨不得翻个底朝天!!!!!我没有你这么爱国,但是我懂明辨是非!!拥护好习惯!反对各种恶习!!!
              • 支持!!!我也极其看不惯,我一直很想说那些人,但是不想惹事,对这种不讲公德的行为也冷漠惯了(我检讨),应该有不怕事出来纠正的人。是与非,是人生最重要的一课。
              • are you the owner of the store??? if not, shut up!!!! if you think you have something to say, go find the manager!!!!
                • 终于看明白了. 感情你就是那种在超市调三捡四.. 乱扔垃圾的...满口粗话的.... 我戳到你的痛处了..I feel really sorry...haha....
        • 歧视的就是你这种败类,中国人的脸都让你们丢光了
      • 奶奶的。。。下次让我看见非找他们经理。。。人家敢那末写不是因为你剥了玉米,而是因为知道你看见了也不敢放个屁。
        • 对啦,下次让我看见,我就在中文下面写上:Please eat back the shit you dropped.
          • 你很rude,素质好低呀
            • 素质低,但有尊严。
              • 尊严是别人给的,不是自己哭着喊着抢来的,赫赫
                • who reward the respect, your YANG YIN?????
        • 其实这话有些道理。
        • 感情你是去Loblaws是去放屁啊?那你老可得保重. 我还知道明辨是非. 难道你喜欢每星期都得去的超市玉米皮满地?..你要高尚, 你每天跟在那类国人后面去为他们收尾好了.
          • 都是一池水里的蛤蟆秧子。。。就不要shame你shame我得啦。
            • HA HA HA.... that is so funny....
    • So, there are jerks everywhere in all colors, and fortunately, nice people are everywhere as well, so, that is our world.
      one day my son and me sit in our dentist office,lone with one white lady, she dressed well and looks quite decent. The recep. left for some reason, and the lady starts tearing down the magzine, 1, 2, 3... 3 times... and she put all the pages into her purse....I keep looking at her, kind of shocked, since that is something usually only our Chinese commit accordingly....
    • 华妇那么说不是真的种族歧视那个白人女人,而是讲理说不过人家以后恼羞成怒,加上自身修养低下,就口不择言,耍起了流氓。如果她在国内,语言也好使了,就得骂大街了。呵呵。国粹。
      • that was mainly that local lady's fault, can't your guys see that?????? she has no business to do with what other customer's behaviour whatsoever!!!!!
        she made the first and wrong move, the Chinese lady had the right to defend herself, even she may not respond with exactly the wording, but she must defend herself!!!!!!
        • 你懂什么叫“公德”吗?在世界各国,都有在公交车上劝说不给老人和孕妇让座的人,我欣赏这种敢于维护公德的人,不管是什么肤色。照你说,缺乏公德的人不仅没错,维护公德的人反而应受谴责。你别说,如果你是她,你也会这样啊。
          • 在世界各国,都有在公交车上劝说不给老人和孕妇让座的人,我欣赏这种敢于维护公德的人,---- are you insane??????
    • 说得好,真巾帼英雄也...比那些见了洋人就恨不得下跪的奴才们强多了.
      • 这类人和那些见了洋人就下跪的奴才(在加拿大我还真没见过多少,我觉得大多数人都是怀着善意而已)一样,强不到哪去。都够病态。
        • 我倒不是那个意思,只是觉得我们华人在和外族打交道的时候,应该多一点霸气,少一点矜持。
          • 我理解你说的“霸气”,应该是自信,而不是那个女人的那种低级蛮横。
        • THAT BLOODY RED bread .... they soaked the bread, they are selling it.... you bought it with a little fear and excitement.... now, you ate it....
          tomorrow morning, when you stand in front of your boss, your smile is much sweeter, your legs are just about to stop shaking.....

          if you are still above us, lu xun, tell us, tell us one more time, why you had to give up medicine practice and stated writing.....
        • "怀着善意" or 妾...意? huh????? did you wish to eliminate this 那个华妇 then you would be able to run to the YANG YEN ????
      • 这样的人是英雄?你大概是个自卑感很强的人,很弱小的心理意识
        • 我自卑,你自虐。
          • 好好努力,争取早日骑在洋人脖子上吧
    • why are you always so nervous and feel ashamed for being a Chinese?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
      the white people do not behave everywhere and everyday as well, the biggest one is the previous premier, he even took cash from the business man, the only excuse is that he needs money and he receives 2 milion from the gov as well, why would not you say shame on them????? have you seen any news like this, asking all white to behave ????? feel ashamed or anything like this??????????? ???????????? why would not your people pay much attention on that and say something to the white??????????// do you your efforts can distance yourself from all other Chinese????????? stopping doing those craps on CHINESE, take on with others if you have the GUTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      • 你不会就是那个华妇吧?怎么好象一家人的说话。。。
        • if was there that day, would suggest that LOCAL lady to speak to the store manager, not to the chinese lady, no matter what she did, it is non of her business!!!!!!!!!!!! got it???????
          Do you have a job in Canada? when you take interviews, for the question, how to deal with your fellow employee when conflicts pop up, what would you do?????? you fight with the employee or you go to you boss????????????????????????????????

          Have you ever ever had the guts to do the same face to face with a white lady whenever they did something you do not like or you suppose it should not be done???????????? go to a corner of house, think about it for a moment!!!!!
          • 你的回帖看着还真可乐!您老保重。
    • If we guys do not fight for us, no one will!!!!!!!!!
      provide there is courtroom set up for this case, all have to be blamed according to our lawyer will be: that local lady caused this issue; she does not own this store, the store did not give a sign with such warning, the local lady made a big mistake by accusing that chinsese lady face to face, and equally they are both customers of the store, and she has no base for her accusation!!! she should have gone to the store manager and complained, instead trying to policing herself!!!!! that is how the lawyers do!!!! why your guys pass your judements so quickly towards to the poor chinese lady who did not know how to respond???????????????????

      My fellows, you have to stand up for yourself,
      • 病得不轻,赶紧去买个温度计量量罢。说实话,真没时间和兴趣去读你的回帖。我知道这么说一定很冒犯你。不过你确实有点太那个。你的思考方式没有理性。
        • THAT BLOODY RED bread .... they soaked the bread, they are selling it.... you bought it with a little fear and excitement.... now, you ate it....
          tomorrow morning, when you stand in front of your boss, your smile is much sweeter, your legs are just about to stop shaking.....

          if you are still above us, lu xun, tell us, tell us one more time, why you had to give up medicine practice and stated writing.....
          • 烧得更厉害了,可怜人。。。我给自己当老板, 所以我体会不出你的感觉。
    • SINCERELY hope more and more of our next generations go to law school instead of medicine, engineer or business!!!!
      • 这事好象只有关公德不关法律吧。还是多学点公德,学会怎么做人先!
    • 其他国家都是白人歧视华人,只有加拿大是中国人歧视白人。
    • THAT BLOODY RED bread .... they soaked the bread, they are selling it.... you bought it with a little fear and excitement.... now, you ate it....
      THAT BLOODY RED bread .... they soaked the bread, they are selling it.... you bought it with a little fear and excitement.... now, you ate it.... tomorrow morning, when you stand in front of your boss, your smile is much sweeter, your legs are just about to stop shaking.....

      if you are still above us, lu xun, tell us, tell us one more time, why you had to give up medicine practice and stated writing.....
      • 仅仅是好奇。。。为什么你把同样的回帖贴3次啊?
      • 不能用你的中文来表达吗?that bloody red bread...看了半天才知道你是在说哪一回事,差点笑翻。而且你整个的表达十分别扭。rolia有在线中文输入阿。当然对我们这类用母语表达得更溜的人来说有用,对您这么proud of your English的人也许无所谓阿。
        好心提醒一下(没有强迫的意思):针对没有中文系统的用户,rolia上就有中文输入系统,在你的标题的上部。网上到处也能找到Chinese input 的网站。语言是自己文化的重要的部分,需要经常锻炼才好啊!
    • .
    • 就事说事。别把什么都和种族联系起来。把主人公肤色黄的换成白的,白的换成黑的,拿手挑一样是不对,该说。
    • 鄙视这个不要脸的华妇
    • 怎么就没见过在国内(中国)有人这么理直气壮的跟那些耍横的鬼们发威... 威在这个问题上总觉得有点不那么理直气壮啊
    • 平常心,平常心.素质低下的人哪里都有.以前在国内,见到不象话的事也有忍不住的时候,人家会说;你管着吗?又不是你家的.在西人超市也见过好几次白人老太换鸡蛋,开包装的.
      • 相信也是东欧来的白人。
    • 很强大,很和谐。
    • 爽!!!, 完全支持这位中国的老人, 在加拿大的中国人大多在底层.受到的不公最多.争取平等比改进自身的行为更重要.!!
      • 加拿大对华人哪里不平等了?
    • 应该理直气壮地告诉白人,我们中国有原子弹,不怕你加拿大,我们中国人的脊梁骨在国外早就长出来了。
    • 华妇骂得好!
      • 个别素质极低的华妇不代表全体国人. 说实话, 这种人真讨厌. 太没道德!!!!