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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!
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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


I had never thought that pronunciation is a problem to me before I listened one of Jerry's speech in which I indicated that most of our Chinese has a problem when we say "feel".

Since then, I have found out that I have so many problems on pronunciation. For example: example, apple, build, invite, one, on, in, interest, down, call, will, shall, all, well, town, contest, fund,bad, happen,before, limitation.......... Sometimes, I even find 2-3 mistakes in one word. "apple" is one of good examples to show how we make 2 pronunciation mistakes in one simple word. I also realize that it is not easy to correct one's pronunciation. It is just more than difficult. Sometimes my tongue is even twisted. The reason for this is because we were taught in a wrong way and the tongue has already adapted that way. But after noticing these problems, I try hard to correct and I am improving my pronunciation slowly. I have not taken any courses at all. I think your own effort is more important than any courses.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / 听 说 上 Jerry 的 课 有 助 于 英 语 的 提 高 , 到 底 有 多 大 的 帮 助 ? 有 哪 方 面 的 提 高 ?比如:口语,发音 等等。
    上过他的课的人能否给一些详细的看法和最深的体会。另外,上过其他英语课的能否推荐你们认为好的学校或机构,如 Gandy Associates, Dale Carnegie Communication, and so on. 能否介绍详细一些为什么你们认为它是好的?请有经验之人给予一些帮助。谢谢!!!
    • 帮顶一下.
      • I do have a problem when I say like "well,feel,fill,Paul,pool,pull,fool,foil" ... etc. because all those words end with "l", Is there anybody here knows the website shows you where your tongue should be,something like flash.let me know please
    • Jerry上什么班了吗?没有。关键还是在自己。
    • 呵呵,当初我去参加那个班前,也在这里发过帖子问过这个问题.现在,我的回答是:对纠正发音的确还是有帮助的,但是,他们天天做的广告夸的太响,没有那么厉害.说白了,还得自己努力学习,没有其他捷径可走的.
      • 同意,帮助是有。但是不要期望太高:毕竟 矫正口音是Speech Therapist 的专业,恐怕不是上个培训班 就能完全解决的。语言天分好的人,可能也不需要上课;缺少语言天分的,上课的作用可能不太明显。
      • absolutely right!
    • 最终还是要靠自己,纠正发音是非常困难的一件事。象游泳一样,看别人游得很好,到了自己就不一样啦
      • I had never thought that pronunciation is a problem to me before I listened one of Jerry's speech in which I indicated that most of our Chinese has a problem when we say "feel".
        Since then, I have found out that I have so many problems on pronunciation. For example: example, apple, build, invite, one, on, in, interest, down, call, will, shall, all, well, town, contest, fund,bad, happen,before, limitation.......... Sometimes, I even find 2-3 mistakes in one word. "apple" is one of good examples to show how we make 2 pronunciation mistakes in one simple word. I also realize that it is not easy to correct one's pronunciation. It is just more than difficult. Sometimes my tongue is even twisted. The reason for this is because we were taught in a wrong way and the tongue has already adapted that way. But after noticing these problems, I try hard to correct and I am improving my pronunciation slowly. I have not taken any courses at all. I think your own effort is more important than any courses.
      • 说说我的体验。去年下旬在humber上了一个矫正发音的班。学生18人左右,移民5,10,15年的不等。总结是无论老师讲的多好,如果不自己多有意识的去练一点用处都没有。听课后掌握规律,能有目的的去矫正发音,而且进步很快。
        • 请问培训的名字什么呢, 可不可以给个链接, 谢谢
          • 在这里
            • 谢谢, 跟想象的不大一样, 时间拖得挺长的
              • 在学习英语的道路上,向来没有捷径!
        • 说来说去,能把你们说的规律透露点吗?
          • 最关键的一点是放松,别的都不难,象舌位,唇位,牙位,发声点,共振,习惯就好了
          • 把元音念好,首先练字母表
          • 我推荐你一本书叫“Well said" 多伦多图书馆就有书和磁带,对练习口语帮助非常大。
        • 不是一个等级的,你这门课45小时才$282.15 ($6.27/hour),对比Jerry课32小时$499 ($15.59/hour)。
    • it is a pretty good course. i took last year, and get great improvement.
    • by the way, i watch channel 65 (tree house) a lot. and get a lot of improvement from it.
      • Interesting, I mean by watching tree house TV. Could you share a little more? thanks
        • while watching, repeat what you heard several times
    • the key is to learn it the way a kid learns the language, which is 1. listen it well 2. repeat repeat and repeat
      as other people mentioned, watch some TV programs like tree house, talk show, CBC radio etc. just repeat what they are saying regardless of the meaning.

      Forget about the grammer, just Say it. trust me, it works