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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 问:有谁知道如何在VB(JAVA也可)中通过EXCHANGE SERVER发EMAIL(注:不使用第3方软件,EXCHANGE SERVER 和APPLICATION不在同一机器)
    • 控件:Microsoft MAPI control. MAIPMessages和MAPISession,你自己看看帮助文件。
      • but it seems MAPI/CDO only works for the local exchange server/SMTP Server,not remote exchange server.
        • 需要在远程Server也装这个DLL,就可以从别的机器上调了,我在ASP里用过。
          • I have no right to touch the exchange server because it's belong to ISP
            • 哈哈,原来如彼!当然好多ISP是不支持的,不然他们哪里受得了!
            • ISP uses Exchange server? What's on their mind?
              • anything is possible,some company is small,some is big.
    • CDO Or CDOEXM with exchange2000
      • CDO 应该可以
        exchange5.5 above.
        用VB好像可以访问remote 的exchange,
        用ASP的也可以, 但由于exchange 的安全机制,要和NT的帐号匹配, 如要想登录, web安全方式要设成NT challenge, 所以客户端只能IE.
        • 另外,需要在IIS中做SMTP的有关设定
    • 能不能用JAVAX.MAIL?
      • 这个快,最多50行代码就搞定
        • 用CDO+VB是5-10行代码搞定
    • a lots of free components which you could download from internet and could be used under VB or Java
      • can you give me some link for that?
        • I do not think there are any component out there we can use for free.
          • 啤酒定理之一:你是专家,专家说[YES]的事,他说的是对的;专家说[NO]的事,很大可能他是错的。
            • thank you,thank you, I think I will go for WINSOCK,
    • I saw this page.
      • this is MAPI,which is not working for remote mail server
    • 我忘了当时是用CDO还是MAPI, 代码就是VS帮助文件里的sample, 关键是那个client端的exchange client的设置, 你重新配置一下exchange client, 看一下有什么东西, 还有把配置名改成没空格的. .......
    • you can use Outlook object to implement it.
      • could you give me more detail,thank you in advance
      • smtp server is not allowed to be relayed to outside.