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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Obama is not a foreign policy hawk like Kennedy. He has repeatedly talked about withdrawing some troops from Iraq, and stop Bush's unilaterism foreign policy approach

Also, the 60s was a completely different time from today. The US and Europe were under the threat of a total war with USSR that could result in mutual annihilation. There were drills for air raids almost every week in US cities. As more and more nations converted to communism, Americans believed it was just a matter of time before the communist invasion of North America. It was under these circumstances, the Bay of Pigs incident occurred. Most Americans supported Kennedy because they believed allowing the Russians to deploy nuclear arsenals a few hundreads off the coast of US was not an option. The history shows Kenney probably did a right thing because the West could not afford to appear weak under the threat by such a formidable enemy.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Obama的Delegates终于超过了Clinton!刚才听Obama在庆祝大会上的演讲,即煽情又理性,仿佛又一个美国梦再现。美国人民应该给他一个机会,让他与McCain决胜。如果你是少数族裔,如果你是中产阶级,如果你受过良好的教育,如果你是革新和改革者,你就应该祝Obama成功!。。。
    • He's certainly a powerful speaker, but whether he has the ability to govern, lead a superpower and balance the many interests involved still wait to be seen.
      America is not just another country, it has important international commitments that the world expects it to keep. If a new Presidents leads the nation toward a protectionist and isolationist road, that will not be good news. But I still believe he is still a better candidate than Hilary Clinton
      • Clinton竟然把时薪$9.50做为她的竞选纲领,我觉得很Cheap。。。
    • i don't buy him. do not buy you either. is Donald Trump in the campaign? I would vote for him if he was....
      • Obama may not need your ballot, but I do, please MP me if I am a candidate for MP。。。
        • haha, i might not have a ballot for you , but a bullet is always an alternative...
    • cbc在Iowa选举后有个电视采访,俺当时就觉得其中一个黑女政客说得有道理,米国现在能接受黑总统,还没到接受女总统的时候,况且obama也就半黑,他夫妇受的教育和工作背景和当年的clinton夫妇没啥两样。hillary都60多太老了,估计换个艳照门里的才有机会吸引广大中年白人。
      • 米国现在能接受黑总统? 我看是“黑女政客”一家之言。黑人民权运动多年,但是隐性种族歧视是根深蒂固的。嗨我这也是一家之盐。。。
        • 他就是长得有点黑,其他和华尔街精英没啥区别,俺一直赞同中年白人选民在这个选择上的方向标作用。超级星期二的时候obama在这里阶层就已经领先了,而且是在中部保守地区。
        • 我觉得这次选举,越是少数族裔越担心种族歧视,反而白人对此没有那么敏感,所以才有几乎所有非洲裔选民支持Obama,所以才有很多白人中产阶级支持Obama。可以说在世界范围内,美国在消灭种族歧视方面所做的努力是最成功的,加拿大的多元文化反而导致种族隔离。。。
          • 我同意。加拿大的多元文化, 说白了,就是文化隔离. 加拿大的人民代表制度更确保主流的权益。如果 Obama 在加拿大, 首先他的影响力限制在他的区,就算他的区选了他,人民代表们闭门会议就可以把他费了
        • 美国的文化是能够接受黑人总统,却不会接受一个女人做总统;何况这届的黑人总统早就被内定了,选举的只是个形式而已。
          • 内定? Do you have any proof? So the hundreds of millions people who vote are all fools?
    • #4251194@0
      • Obama is not a foreign policy hawk like Kennedy. He has repeatedly talked about withdrawing some troops from Iraq, and stop Bush's unilaterism foreign policy approach
        Also, the 60s was a completely different time from today. The US and Europe were under the threat of a total war with USSR that could result in mutual annihilation. There were drills for air raids almost every week in US cities. As more and more nations converted to communism, Americans believed it was just a matter of time before the communist invasion of North America. It was under these circumstances, the Bay of Pigs incident occurred. Most Americans supported Kennedy because they believed allowing the Russians to deploy nuclear arsenals a few hundreads off the coast of US was not an option. The history shows Kenney probably did a right thing because the West could not afford to appear weak under the threat by such a formidable enemy.
    • A President like My Father -- by Caroline Kennedy, printed on the New York Times
      • The endorsment is worth than hundreds delegate votes, best wishes to this guy。。。
        • 我咋觉得她写得并不太感人呢?
          • Endorsement does not need to be touched, touching word does not mean endorsement。。。
    • 问题是Obama的两伊政策,深表忧虑!
      • Chances are he just suggests the troops withdraw to buy more votes. Protecting national interests are always the first thing for a President. He will probably have a better idea once the CIA director whisper something in his ear .
        the first day at the White House