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You guys should read Canada emigrant guide first. Quote: "After you leave Canada, you pay tax to Canada only on income you receive from sources in Canada"

Your tax obligations
For the part of the tax year that you're a resident of Canada for tax purposes, you must report "world income" (income from all sources, both inside and outside Canada) on your Canadian tax return.

After you leave Canada, you pay tax to Canada only on income you receive from sources in Canada (see "After you leave Canada").

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 崩溃!崩溃!严重崩溃!- 昨天填candadian tax form with quicktax, 不报美国收入,退税1000, 报美国收入,要交12.8k, 这还让不让人活了?我9-12月在美国工作,因为relocation, 这4个月钱比较多,比如公司出的卖掉我加拿大房子的费用都算收入.
    • Have you paid tax to Uncle Sam? You can use it as credit for your Canadian tax return.
      • 不用算了,加拿大退税和你在美国交税多少无关。
    • you should use AGI (after deducting relocation expense) as ur income in US
    • 刚刚会计给我了电话,会计师也是加拿大人,他说我不用报离开加拿大后的收入.what a good news! 希望和我类似情况的人可以参考.
      • Did you file 1040-NR for your US tax? Thanks.
        • according to my tax accountant, I will file US income tax as a tas resident.
          • As long as you don't get caught it will be ok. To be eligible as resident, you have to live in the US for more than 180 days. You can only file it as alien.
      • what kind of accountant would say that? you definately need to report US income to Canada since you were tax resident in Canada after having lived in Canada for 9 months. And i bet you didn't deduct moving expense, a common mistake
        • right, 会计师 said I don't repot income from US and I don't claim moving expense as well. But I do report Canadian income and moving expanse to US.
          • plain wrong. i know because i myself is an accountant (licensed in both Canada and US) and i myself is transplanting.
            • could you please show me what is right? my accountant is not from nowhere but a big company. I will file US income tax as a tas resident. Bases on this, it doesn't make sense if I report both incomes/moving expense to both countries.
              • i just told you. look two floors above
              • You have to file worldwide income in one country. If you live in Canada more than 180 days you have to file it in Canada. Then tax you paid in the State can be used as a credit in your Canadian return.
                You can choose not to file it but you will take any consequence in the future if you still plan to return to Canada.
                • 梅菜干烧肉已经说了,他在美国报税的身份是, Resident.
                  • He can't. To be eligible for resident, he must live in the US for more than 180 days. He's an alien.
                    • I have same concern as you do. I am wondering how she worked that out to be Resident in USA? Can she answer this question?
                      • Yes, he can be a tax resident even he only lived in US for 4 months (9~12), assuming he has lived another 2 months in US in 2008 (I bet he has) , he can elect to be a tax resident in US
                        • 2008年要到六月底才算resident
            • BTW, I don't have any family tie or anything else in Canada any more.
              • doesn't matter. you lived in Canada for 9 month in 2007, right? you report worldwide income
                • Who said that?
                  • Canadian tax Guid
            • You guys should read Canada emigrant guide first. Quote: "After you leave Canada, you pay tax to Canada only on income you receive from sources in Canada"
              Your tax obligations
              For the part of the tax year that you're a resident of Canada for tax purposes, you must report "world income" (income from all sources, both inside and outside Canada) on your Canadian tax return.

              After you leave Canada, you pay tax to Canada only on income you receive from sources in Canada (see "After you leave Canada").
              • 去查一下“resident of Canada for tax purposes“ 的定义先
                • You are totally wrong. How did you become a certified accoutant? People have been doing this for years.
        • 专业人士呀,请帮我看看。我和楼主一样情况,1-8月在加拿大,9-12月在美国,全家走的。能否现在就按2007年全年美国resident报美国的税?IRS给我说的是适用任何外国人的,美加之间的税务treaty到底能帮我们吗? 具体请看#4334853@0
          • 美国的话几种都可,挑最合算的。加拿大的报worldwide income
        • 我的搬家费用都是我的雇主和搬家公司之间的交易,并没有打入我的账户,就是没有算作我的2007年收入。这样的情况,我还可以Deduct Moving Expense吗?谢谢。
          • 当然可以。不过建议你找懂行的会计师帮忙,在这里三言两语根本讲不清。从你的贴子来看,你自己不懂税务,而且逻辑很乱,理解不清楚。
            • 多谢高人指点。正是因为一知半解,才乱点鸳鸯谱。我再谈一点自己的新体会:如果加拿大联邦政府没有将全部美国税退给你的话,那么省政府会考虑退给你其余的部分。所以我的理解:加拿大政府会把你全部交给美国的税退还给你。
          • moving expense -- I have exact same situation. The company should give you a summary about how much money they paid for moving. This part of the money in not taxable.
            • wrong. it's taxable income but deductible expense. 这点美加规定一样,只是deductible item 不一样。另外建议不要找美国的会计师问加拿大的税务问题。全世界都要懂美国的规矩,美国的只懂美国的规矩。
            • 我对这个问题的理解是:既然你的雇主没有把搬家费用打入你的账户,或算作你的2007年的收入,你也就自己没有任何搬家费用支出,那么你就没有任何理由去申报这个 Credit or Deductible. 这样是合理的,除非你自己掏钱去支付搬家费了。
            • 我的雇主支付给我一部分 Lump sum,也给我了Tax assistance。这些算作我的2007年收入,是要交税的,但是由于公司给我我 Tax assistance,所以实际上,我的雇主替我交了这一部分税。但是发生的其他搬家费用没有算作我2007年的收入。
              • 我的搬家费用和最后全家机票什么的都没有算收入,但是卖房子的费用,卖车的损失,lump sum, sign-in-bonus, rental subsidy等都是收入啊。最气愤的是那什么spousal career assistance。。。艾
            • You are wrong. Somewhere in the guide there will be a line that if employers reimburse you for the moving expense, you can't claim the expense and you don't need to report this income.
            • moving expense should be shown on your form w-2
              • in the box 13 of your w-2 form
      • 你最好问问加拿大的税局,你的情况用不用报。多问几次,他们可能会给你不同的答案,每次把回答你得工作人员的名字和id记下来,何时打得电话也记下来。日后做个证据。
      • 请教,你仅仅有四个月时间在美国工作,你怎么能够不按照 Non-Resident 申报美国退税哪?也许你还有其他的情况。所以,我似乎也应该找一个会计报税了。能否介绍你得会计给我。多页页
        • 你查查kwirky你查查的帖子,他好像曾经说过为什么。反正美国税会计师报,我想他说可以就是可以吧。我没有什么特殊情况。我的会计师基本不接个人case,而且好像比较贵,收费$1.5k左右。
          • 看来你是大户人家(呵呵,开玩笑)。有会计还是听会计的,毕竟人家是专业出身。因为每一个来美国的人的情况都不是一样的。
            • 你别笑,我这会计保税也是一个relocation benefit,估计 2008年保税的时候还要把这benefit作为收入来申报呢。
          • 别相信会计师,问过三个会计师,每人说法都不一样
    • 咳,梅菜烧肉,你和我的情况相似。如果不报美国的收入,加拿大可以退税给我6500元,如果申报美国收入,加拿大仅仅退税给我500元钱。 所以加拿大政府很损,太损,损到家了。我也是2007年9月开始在美国工作的,我们的时间长度一样。

      • 我先提供给会计师今年的信息,会计师比较了之后,发现在美国按resident报税比较划算。今天会计师说我不用申报在美国的收入给加拿大。我觉得make sense.如果在两个国家都报全年收入都报moving,这才不make sense.我就按会计师说的做。
        • 你的理解很合理。无论是搬家费用还是退税,在这一边申报了,就不要再另外一边再审报。总之,加拿大和美国之间,你不用重复交税。不交税是不合理的,重复交税也是不合理的。
        • Oh, My God, " 我先提供给会计师今年的信息,会计师比较了之后,发现在美国按resident报税比较划算....", 大姐, 您2007年在美国只待了4个月(120天),少于180天, 不能算resident of US, 1040/1040NR 说得清清楚楚. Are you sure 你的会计师知道他正在做什么 ?
          • 可以的。pub.519中有关于first-year choice的描述(详见link的第八页),她的情况可以选择作resident.
            • #4376461@0
        • 等着被拷吧
    • 梅干菜烧肉今天的这个帖子正好一直是我这两天想弄明白的,今天总算看到点亮光。大家继续努力。
    • 幸灾乐祸地笑笑,您必须pay这税,因为您在美国只待了三个月,少于180天,不算resident of US。交吧,这是劫富济贫。这点小钱对您来说只不过九牛一毛而已
      • this is called first year choice. U can elect to be a resident if u stayed in US for the coming year