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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


我给Rob Ford, cc David Miller的抗议email及他的回复 4/1/2008 送,4/8/2008回

Re: Say it loudly
From: Councillor Ford (councillor_ford@toronto.ca)
Add contact
Sent:Tue 4/08/08 1:50 PM
To: xxx(xxx@hotmail.com)

Dear XXX.

Thank you for your email. I appreciate you sharing your concerns with me.

If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best Regards,

Rob Ford
Councillor Etobicoke North

>>> XXX<XXX@hotmail.com> 4/1/2008 7:52 PM >>> cc david miller

We learned you did say "Sorry" today. We believe you don't mean to say sorry, maybe you feel been forced for do so.

Mr.Ford, say it LOUDLY, WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!

Not only to Toronto Hard work Asian community, say it to all Toronto Citizens.

and to YOUR WIFE!

Mr.Miller, We thank you and your leadership team for making correction on some troublemaker's behavior.
But we are not convinced that Mr.Ford should continue stay in Toronto management leadership team.



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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 听了这位ROB FORD关于“亚洲人象狗一样工作...."的评论,我想提醒那些把加拿大当祖国的人们:小心,你们将有一天被扫地出门。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Ford refuses to apologize for Asian comments
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    More Ford faux pas

    Rob Ford causes a drunken, expletive-laced disturbance during a Leafs game at the Air Canada Centre in 2006, when he shouted "You right-wing communist bastards," and "Green party f---ing rules." At first, he lies about it, then he apologizes.
    In a war of words with Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby over a pothole, he calls her "a low-life" and "a waste of skin."
    In 2002, Ford calls Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti a "Gino-boy," a derogatory remark to Italian-Canadians.
    During last year's budget deliberations, Ford opposes bike lanes: "Roads are built for buses, cars and trucks. My heart bleeds when someone gets killed, but it's their own fault."
    As ball fumbled at city hall, mayor tackles Ford
    Toronto city councillors spend so much time muddying each other with gutter politics that they miss the leaching away of precious revenue.Mar 07, 2008 04:30 AM
    Donovan Vincent
    city hall bureau

    Don't expect a public apology from Rob Ford over remarks he made about "Oriental people slowly taking over.''

    No stranger to controversial statements, the Etobicoke councillor yesterday stood by his claim that his comments during this week's council debate were meant as a compliment to Asian people.

    "Those Oriental people work like dogs ... they sleep beside their machines,'' he said. "The Oriental people, they're slowly taking over ... they're hard, hard workers.''

    He said in a later interview that by "taking over'' he meant Asians are further advanced in business than a century ago.

    Ford made the comments Wednesday during a debate over permitting shopping in the city on all holidays except Christmas. Council voted against the move.

    Mayor David Miller denounced Ford's comments yesterday, saying he should apologize on the floor of council.

    "We're one of the most diverse cities in the world. We don't stereotype people by the racial or ethnic background in this city."

    But yesterday Ford showed the Star copies of 20 emails of support he's received, some from writers who said they were of Chinese decent. A staff worker in Ford's office said he also got about 15 phone calls from the public, only one negative.

    "I don't know why I should (apologize)," Ford said. "People aren't asking me to."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 搞笑!你认为这个Rob的话能信?我告诉你我就打了电话去他办公室而且我表明了身份臭骂了他一通,他办公室的Olivia除了道歉外没有反驳一句话。Rob这人是有前科的。“小心,你们将有一天被扫地出门。 ” --- 教你一句:权利和尊严是争取来的。
      • 丁页!!!!!!!!!!!
    • There is nothing wrong to work like dogs! And I do not think thats negative. We should be proud of ourselves as the 0th generation of asian immigrants.
      • :::(((
      • 自己怎么努力工作是一回事,被人用一些歧视性的语言评论是另一回事。如果被人f**k了还书呆子十足地站在对方立场为对方解套,跟阿Q有什么区别呢?
        • Don't know the context. But the word "dogs" here is not negative. It is a culture thing. Some times I told my manger that he is working like a dog - it is positive.
          • kind of.
          • 纠缠于某个字眼你觉得是不是有点书呆子气?Rob还用了Oriental这个字眼,请你去wikipedia查一下就知道美式英语里面有没有歧视了!受了歧视,还这么执著地为对方辩解,这真是少有。无怪乎鲁迅几十年前就说过:哀其不幸,怒其不争
            • I said I did not know the context and put some comments about the word "dog", that's all.....
              moreover, if this guy is fighting Miller - hmm... I may have to support him... the enemy's enemy is my friend.
          • 这个就要看在啥情况下这么说了,你和经理说他干的象狗那样也没啥,那是开玩笑,我们有时候还说自己累的象狗一样呢,那是自嘲,Rob在这种情况下这么说出来能听出他心里对亚裔的歧视。同一句话,在不同的场合地方说出来意思大不一样
          • 就算这里是加拿大,可你是中国人,在中国人的语义里,这是骂人的,这就足够了。
      • 我觉得争议的不是dog 或 oriental, 而是taking over, 作为一个移民城市的议员, 这样说就是把东亚人跟本地人对立起来. 另外他好像也道歉了
        • As the 3rd generation Beijinger, I always said Beijing is being taken over by those outsiders - it is true though. And the truth here is: we are taking over
          • who are we? who are they?很多冬冬你可以这么想, 但说出来就错了。这儿不是中国。
            • understood... just do not want to mis fire to the wrong guy
    • rob ford 是哪个选区的?
      • 好像是vaughan 的
    • 神经绷得太紧了。。
      • 反对你
      • 如果在没人的地方被这个福特牌疯狗咬了可能只能认倒霉。而这种众目睽睽之下的放肆言论是不能容忍的。支持shishishishishi,星期一打电话表名我作为一名亚裔的立场。
    • Councillor Ford is one of few good councillors in City Toronto. He is the opposition of Mayer Miller.
      Councillor Ford is one of few good councillors in City Toronto. He is the opposition of Mayer Miller.
      Last year he was under investigation by Mayer Miller controlled Toronto's City Council, because he only used a couple of bucks for his office budget. On other hand, most of the Councillors claimed thousands dollars for lunchs & dinners, one councillor ever claim $8000 for his camera. But only him who was was under investigation, because he saved tax dallars.
      If you don't want Toronto to be a big slum, please support Ford. And the Toronto Star represents interests of leftists such as Public Service workers Union, David Miller, Teachers, TTC Worker.
      • He is not good for Asian Canadian community
        I don't care how he save money, as long as he is against Chinese community, we should pull him down from the position. Very simple.

        Your words also proved he is a very weak politically in the organization. Do you see a strong leader has problem spending couple of dollars more in a company?

        I don't mind Miller spend couple of thouslands more, as long as he can bring more benefits (political and $$$) for chinese community.

        If Rob Ford is so weak politically and still against chinese community, why we need him for?
    • 还不知道谁扫谁呢!塞尔维亚人刚被科索沃人扫地出门。
    • Be careful not to be used as a tool by Miller and its likes and shoot a good guy who said something aweful
    • "我不生气"(who said that? forgot).他说穿了一个道理,毛老早就说了:“世界是你们的,也是我们的,但归根结底是我们的! occidental people had worked hard like dogs for couple of centuries and they dominate world because of their hard working.now it is our turn!
      • Dog is a good word in English, I trust and love dog better than anyone in this world.She is simple and loving me everyday.
        • Everyday i get home, dog greets me first and never ask me "Do you bring anything for me ", so she is much better than wife and kids.
        • 你认为"oriental"也是一个恰当的好的形容亚裔的词?
          • Canadian is the best word for anyone of us.
    • 我给Rob Ford的抗议email及他的回复 3/7/2008
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Robert,

      Thank you for your email. I appreciate you sharing your concerns with me.

      I sincerely apologize for any offense my comments may have caused, it was not my intention. May I please have your phone number so that I may discuss this with you personally?

      Thank you,

      Rob Ford
      Councillor Etobicoke North

      >>> Robert XXX <XXXXX@hotmail.com> 3/7/2008 2:49 PM >>>
      Mr. Ford

      I am an Asia Canadian living in GTA.
      My family and I love Canada, love Toronto, and love our community.
      YES, WE WORK HARD!, Just like every Canadian.
      We want built a better Toronto, a stronger Canada for our family and our community
      So we work hard. What’s wrong with that?
      Some people like to work, some people don’t. It is freedom of choice.
      We have our choice. What’s wrong with that?

      We are extremely disappointed with your comments against hard working Asian Canadian.
      Since you don’t like work hard people, we respect your value, therefore we will not reelect you or any people from your party in next election.
      We respect your value, can you please respect ours?
      BTW, a suggestion to you: why you just go home now, because people in City of Toronto are group of professional hard work people. And you seems not belong to them.
      Thanks you.
      XXXX更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我给Rob Ford, cc David Miller的抗议email及他的回复 4/1/2008 送,4/8/2008回
      Re: Say it loudly
      From: Councillor Ford (councillor_ford@toronto.ca)
      Add contact
      Sent:Tue 4/08/08 1:50 PM
      To: xxx(xxx@hotmail.com)

      Dear XXX.

      Thank you for your email. I appreciate you sharing your concerns with me.

      If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

      Best Regards,

      Rob Ford
      Councillor Etobicoke North

      >>> XXX<XXX@hotmail.com> 4/1/2008 7:52 PM >>> cc david miller

      We learned you did say "Sorry" today. We believe you don't mean to say sorry, maybe you feel been forced for do so.

      Mr.Ford, say it LOUDLY, WE CAN'T HEAR YOU!

      Not only to Toronto Hard work Asian community, say it to all Toronto Citizens.

      and to YOUR WIFE!

      Mr.Miller, We thank you and your leadership team for making correction on some troublemaker's behavior.
      But we are not convinced that Mr.Ford should continue stay in Toronto management leadership team.


    • 爱国,不至于这样爱吧.不过你是美国,加拿大,中国人.
    • 不同意,我们应将加拿大当祖国,热爱它。将对华人有敌意的人赶走,把加拿大建成中国的友好国家,华人的家园。不要被别人赶走。要以我为主,一点点华人就会占上风。