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紧急!向大家请教几个美国税法问题, 先谢了!!!

问题1: 我是加拿大公民(NON-RESIDENT), 现在在美国工作,做的是CONTRACTOR, 每天领PER DIEM,我在加拿大没有房产, 是不是我这种情况不能在美国领PER DIEM? 因为我没有同时 SUPPORT 两个PRIVATE RESIDENT?如果不能,我的家具还放在朋友家,我可不可以每个月给他交点房租,算我在加拿大还有个PRIVATE RESIDENT?
问题 2:我现在想在我工作的城市买个房子投资, 可是不知道买了房子后是不是就不能拿PER DIEM了? 如果我向 IRS 申明我买的这个房子只是用来投资,不是我的Primary Resident , 我的Primary Resident 在加拿大呢?
问题 3:如果我申明我的Primary Resident 在加拿大, 加拿大会不会取消我的NON-RESIDENT资格, 要我交税呢?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 紧急!向大家请教几个美国税法问题, 先谢了!!!
    问题1: 我是加拿大公民(NON-RESIDENT), 现在在美国工作,做的是CONTRACTOR, 每天领PER DIEM,我在加拿大没有房产, 是不是我这种情况不能在美国领PER DIEM? 因为我没有同时 SUPPORT 两个PRIVATE RESIDENT?如果不能,我的家具还放在朋友家,我可不可以每个月给他交点房租,算我在加拿大还有个PRIVATE RESIDENT?
    问题 2:我现在想在我工作的城市买个房子投资, 可是不知道买了房子后是不是就不能拿PER DIEM了? 如果我向 IRS 申明我买的这个房子只是用来投资,不是我的Primary Resident , 我的Primary Resident 在加拿大呢?
    问题 3:如果我申明我的Primary Resident 在加拿大, 加拿大会不会取消我的NON-RESIDENT资格, 要我交税呢?
    • 请帮帮我!!!我都快急死了!!!
    • 你的问题很复杂,需要有你类似经历的人才可以回答。帮助你顶。。
    • How come you get per diem without salary in either side? Does not make sense. To qualify per diem, you must be away from your permanent home, and time can not exceed 6 months.
      • I have salary in USA, besides salary, I also claim per diem.
        • every year I work 12 month, then leave the company for 1 month, then come back to company again, so I can keep on claiming per diem. And I still using my old canada address as my primary residence.
          • 那你在 cheating, 你对Canada Revenue 说"在加拿大没有房产" , 拿了 "NON-RESIDENT". 你对又美国 " using my old canada address as my primary residence", 证明 "away from home". 给查出来的话,
            • 可是我的家具衣物等都放在加拿大朋友那里,我付过租金的.
              • primary residence 不一定是指我必需拥有这个房产吧,我长期租用,并把在加拿大租用的这地址作为我的primary residence, 应该可以吧?我不敢肯定,觉得美国的有关规定很模糊。
                • Tax law has clear definition on "primary residence" - the place that you reside on full-time basis. It is not up to your to claim where you reside. Phone records, utility bills, apartment lease, and income source are determining factor.
                  Obviously you are cheating here.

                  BTW, if you are paid with a salary, what is the address you used to fill tax return? And you do not deduct any state income tax?
              • Don't worry, nobody will check. :-)
                • IRS 查你比较困难,但可以查公司。看看 IRS 网站,很多公司利用per diem 来少交SSN 税, IRS 也不傻. 很多公司会让你填表给 per diem, 万一他们给查了,可以说是你在蓄意欺骗, 你就吃不了兜着走.
                  • I agree. That is why my company only give me $5/hour for per-diem, since it is easy to provide proof of expense.
    • If you buy a house in US, then you may not get per-diem. My employer even suggest me don't change driver license.
      • I did not change my driver license either, still using canadian driver license. how could IRS know I am getting per diem? it doesn't show on W2. And how could company know that I brought a house in USA? I don't have obligation to imform them, right?
        • IRS should know that you got per-diem, since the company should report.
          Company won't know that you bought the house. But just as goodloard said, if IRS check, it is your fault, not your company's. So if you buy a house, I don't think you can still get per-diem. And you should keep all receipt in case IRS checks.