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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


Thank you for everyone's help. Already filed claim with their Customer Relation department. Someone in store will contact me. Please suggest me what result I should expect?

They will pass to store owner or General Manager. Cdntires are all independant owned. Someone will call be back regard this issue. What result I should expect? What should I tell them to follow? I want to raise/explose this issue is not only for ourselves, but also for all Chinese and other color of people. We should be fair treated on this land. I will expect:
1. Remove this lady from customer service leader position (or I should get her fired?)
2. Formal apologize to us (What format? - face to face, or something else I should expect more formal?)
3. Money - it's actually cost additional $25 only for spending time in Cdntire. But, still should compesant on this ...
4. Please suggest me... never file a serious and formal complaint like this before. No experience.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / Cdn Tire女经理(Darlene Mike) 对着店内客户说说:"I don't like service Chinese people. They always make trouble..." 是Chinese有问题,还是Canadian Tire 有问题?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Cdn Tire女经理(Darlene Mike) 对着店内客户说说:"I don't like service Chinese people. They always make trouble..." LD一听到当下不干大声问她:"What you just said? You say again?!" 她说:" I don't want serve you. I don't care! Either you shut up, I serve you, Or you leave..."

    昨日在Canadian Tire - Major Mac& Woodbine 买了BBQ炉子,因太大小车装不下,说好今天搬家时顺便来取。临走时再三叮嘱确保第二天很快能取到,因位搬家车加二人搬运也挺贵的。

    到了Cdn Tire,找了Customer Service再call Seasonal Department. 几分钟后一个中国女孩出现。说明情况和取了我的提货单和收据后,女孩去找了。过了一会儿,她回来说找不到。於是我用中文告诉她:"找不到是你们的事,我雇了大车和两个人在等着,可不可以先取个现货让我们先走?" 女孩说要找经理。又一会儿,女经理(名叫:Darlene Mike) 出现了,把手上一大堆的东西一样一样的退货有条不索物归原处后,开始回头问女孩甚麽事。我尝试向她request:"She couldn't find it. I got two men and a big truck wait outside, can you get me another one in stock to let me go?" 她没有答应, 告诉女孩再去仓库找贴这我另一联提货单的箱子. 女孩说:"I have to follow procedure." 我完全可以理解,每个公司都有自己的规距,而她只是打工。虽然急(每一分钟都是钱嘛),但也只能等。有等了近十分钟不见女孩出来(感觉女孩是新手),偶忍不住走去Service Desk问女经理, "Excuse me" 了不下三次,装作听不到。偶只能走到她的正面,跟她说:"Can you get someone to help her? I got a big truck and two men waiting for it. It's half hour already." 她说:"I got someone help her already." 摆明是说谎,从头到底她一个人在"Service Desk" circuit 里面,除了跟俩配钥匙的客户聊天外,没有打过电话也没有跟员工说话。真的很无奈,但也没办法。问她:"Can I go to help? May be I can tell that box..." "It's employee restrict". 完全理解这点。一点办法没有。真的想退了一走了之,但已等半个小时,取不到东西租车和雇人的钱也得付...说不定那女孩就找到了...女孩终于出来了,告诉我:"还是找不到..." 正说话之际,LD跟女经理吵上了。。接着总经理出面,让我们另提现货走人。

    以为是因为我被受气看不过去而吵,想跟他说下次不必这样。一问之下才知道事情的真相: 在我来回奔走之时,一直抱着儿子在旁边站着。我问完她离开后,她对配钥匙的两个西人说:"I don't like service Chinese people. They always make trouble..." LD一听到当下不干大声问她:"What you just said? You say again?!" 她说:" I don't want serve you. I don't care! Either you shut up, I serve you, Or you leave..."

    结果是多花了$50停车等BBQ炉(Value $299),还受了一肚子窝囊气, 里外不是人. 是Chinese有问题,还是Canadian Tire 有问题?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 嗯,俺再不去canadian tire啦。
    • 找个律师告喽,discrimination是大事,CT会很愿意赔你一大笔钱求庭外和解
    • 对这种大公司最容易对付了。往上级告,找地区经理。他们一定有自己的complian system.你一定会得到可能是物资上的补偿。
      • Didn't ask for two evidences contacts, how to get lawyer?
        • 我的意思是自己找CT的部门compain,大公司都有专门的complain system or tel no or manager. 目前还不用上升到找laywer的地步。
          这个depends on your意愿,想真的搞很大找laywer,还是找她的上级经理警告她一下获得点赔偿。
          • 这个可以。不过,一定要她的当面和书面道歉。当面的时候要她看着你的眼睛说。
    • 告,这个女的根本不懂自己在MAKE BIG TROUBLE。
    • 支持去complain, 不告以后反而更要欺负中国人了
      • That's what I think. It's reason that I was a Chinese, so she has to follow "the procedure" exactly.
    • Talk to her manager first. "You can find another job if you don't like to serve me."
    • 支持投诉, 货有没有是一回事, 可她那么说话太过分了.
    • 坚决支持投诉。你可以告诉她经理以后建议给她的胸前弄了条“不服务中国人”,这样我们就不用来给她惹麻烦了。
    • 或者问问她说这个话是代表个人呢?还是代表公司?毕竟她是个经理啊。代表个人说明她不适合这个工作,找她老板请她赶紧走人。代表公司就请她写下来,我回去交给律师。
      • 对,坚决要讨个明白
    • 告个P。HomeDepot以前就Ban了个华妇。
      • 为什么?是因为华人无理?
      • 雇人是你自己的问题的, 看过急诊室里头部流血的病人都要认真等待.
      • What does this mean?
      • Is 秋天的肥雀 a 华妇 or a 华夫?
      • ban了“个”华妇和 Chinese people是两码事。针对个人和针对Chinese这个群体完全不同。
    • 坚决支持投诉, 最好是书面投诉到总部, 会记入她的档案而且处理得很迅速.
    • 这么明确的歧视,怎么能就一走了之,要当场就和店里最大的头交涉,所有牵涉人的名字,而且明确告诉他们你要去总部投诉.
      • 没错。不跟她吵,要求跟她的manager说话。顺便问一句:哪一个canadiantire?
        • OOPS我看帖不仔细,是Major Mac& Woodbine.
    • Use the following link to complain. https://ctsupport.canadiantire.ca/customer_service.html
    • Thank you for everyone's help. Already filed claim with their Customer Relation department. Someone in store will contact me. Please suggest me what result I should expect?
      They will pass to store owner or General Manager. Cdntires are all independant owned. Someone will call be back regard this issue. What result I should expect? What should I tell them to follow? I want to raise/explose this issue is not only for ourselves, but also for all Chinese and other color of people. We should be fair treated on this land. I will expect:
      1. Remove this lady from customer service leader position (or I should get her fired?)
      2. Formal apologize to us (What format? - face to face, or something else I should expect more formal?)
      3. Money - it's actually cost additional $25 only for spending time in Cdntire. But, still should compesant on this ...
      4. Please suggest me... never file a serious and formal complaint like this before. No experience.
      • You just say "I want formal apology and reasonable compensation". They will provide an offer if they acknowledge their fault. Money is easier to get, but apology is difficult. You will need to sign something if you really want an apology.
        Formally firing her is almost impossible for you. They may layoff her or transfer her to another position. But they won't let you know.
    • 你这帖看着也有点费劲。 是你的中文有问题,还是我的中文有问题?
      • 气的.
    • 哈,这个有趣,看看我的亲身经历
    • No reply yet. Called Customer Relation again, asked me to wait.
      • "They always make trouble" 明显 racial discrimination 如果CT没行动 告诉他们你已经向OHRC投诉 http://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/resources/Guides/Encomplainantguide
        discrimination: Applying special treatment (generally unfavorable) to an individual solely on the basis of the person's race, religion, or sex.

        Ontario Human Rights Commission
        Tel: (416) 326-9511 (in 416 and 905 area codes)
        Toll Free: 1-800-387-9080
        TTY: (416) 314-6526 (in 416 and 905 area codes)
        TTY (Toll Free): 1-800-308-5561
        Web site: www.ohrc.on.ca
    • COMPLAIN 到她的头那里,是他们自己找不到东西让顾客等,不是顾客给他们制造麻烦。
      • 你要是租个波音777来提货,人家还负责赔偿停机费?
    • 当然可以告。另外,给你点其它建议:1、搬家的车连人加一起很贵,远不如叫一个机场接送合算;2、既然当时你急着走,见她找不到,就应当马上重新买一个,等过几天再来退货。