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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


There are 3 kinds of books:

1. books that are too easy for you. 2. just right books . 3. challenging books.
Just right books are those that you understand well and can enjoy. You read the book smoothly and have only a few places where you need to slow down to figure out a word or think about the meaning. These are the books that will help you become a better reader each time you read. Most of the time you should read "just right" books. Challenging books are very difficult for you to read. You have trouble reading many of the words and don't understand most of what you are reading. These are books that are too difficult for you to enjoy right now, but you may find you will enjoy them later.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 外语学习 / How does everyone read English books? I just feel very frustrated after I read through a whole page. It takes me long time and I could forget all the contents afterwards.
    • 先找短一点的和有兴趣的内容读。
      • 我什么都想读,但是读了一页不到就读不下去了。 希拉里的LIVING HISTORY总算是勉强读完了。以前试着读过爱米里颇朗特的呼啸山庄,几乎要CRAZY了,太多不认识的单词了。
        • if you want to improve english by reading, you should read those heart light books rather than serious books
    • Whenever I am reading the text books or novels, I feel the same. I cannot memorize and it takes extremely long time to read through a single page. I am currently reading Obama's Audacity of Hope.
      • There are 3 kinds of books:
        1. books that are too easy for you. 2. just right books . 3. challenging books.
        Just right books are those that you understand well and can enjoy. You read the book smoothly and have only a few places where you need to slow down to figure out a word or think about the meaning. These are the books that will help you become a better reader each time you read. Most of the time you should read "just right" books. Challenging books are very difficult for you to read. You have trouble reading many of the words and don't understand most of what you are reading. These are books that are too difficult for you to enjoy right now, but you may find you will enjoy them later.
        • It reminds me one joke: A lady went into a clothes shop to buy some clothes for her son. The shop attendant took a look and said, we have two sizes, too big and too small
      • May i ask what sort of text book u r reading? And how do you define "extreme long time" for a single page?
        I am asking simply becuase I used to have the same issue with my text book.
        • Finance, Economics, Accounting... etc. English literature book as well.
          • I could understand how stressful it could be when you have tons of materials to read and each of them would take you huge amount of time.
            • what books do you plan to read?
    • too bad, I have not read through any English novel so far
    • Davinci code...this is the only one that I can finish
      • Have you read Dan Brown's Angels and Demons?
        • no...how is it?
          • I just borrowed the book from the library.
      • It took me three days to read the book during which I only slept for 10 hours totally. Just could not stop, and I skipped a lot in later chapters.
    • every one week or two finishing a John Grisham's. Will be all done soon.
    • 先试着读每天的免费报纸, 坚持一段时间会发现阅读能力提高而且更加了解这里的情况
      • Can't agree more! The only way that you can improve your reading is
        by reading. Reading some high- interest books or articles would be the best bet. But also ensure that you are reading books that are at your level. Some ppl are so ambitious that they always prefer to read " 世界名著". They normally end up abandoning those books because those books are just beyond their understanding.
      • My professor recommended "GlobeAndMail" and "Toronto Star"
    • 建议读点大众的书,比如图书馆里的best bet,
    • An old lady who teaches ESL told me to read newspaper when I asked her suggestion for improving English writting.
      • Thanks. It is said reading can also improve our memories.
    • <pillars of the earth>, more than 960 pages, enjoyed it
      • Oh... I do not know this book. I will check it out on amazon website