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老猫, you know nothing about the US. This is the Canadian version of ideal world.

You want American stop storing weapon in their house just because there are random shooting in the mall? Gun culture is part of American identity, they claim they have the right to have gun to protect their life, family, freedom, this is the basic of their value.

You want the US to stop outsourcing some industries to the 3rd world? The replacement of fresh new industry to outdated ones makes sure the US can always stand on top of global economy and always be the role leader of technology world.

The US is changing the government role in social security. That is a good sign to show the US will continue be a great country opening to those young people who have dream and want to come.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Obama的太太最近说"我第一次为这个国家而自豪",其实,她入名校,出来后在轻松赚大钱, 在Obama当选伊州参议员后,她就加薪160%.她还抱怨黑人如何苦. 对比,Palin上一般大学,出来当渔民和电视台播音员.当了州长,老公还是在油田打Labor,而他们却把唯一的儿子送上了伊拉克前线.
    • and I will support her if she can stop the senseless war and bring her son and others' son back;can support the poor by taking away Bush Admimistrations tax cut to the rich;
      impose effective gun control and not just talking about toughness of the law, and do some real good to the poor and stop outsourcing everything to the 3rd world.
      • 老猫, you know nothing about the US. This is the Canadian version of ideal world.
        You want American stop storing weapon in their house just because there are random shooting in the mall? Gun culture is part of American identity, they claim they have the right to have gun to protect their life, family, freedom, this is the basic of their value.

        You want the US to stop outsourcing some industries to the 3rd world? The replacement of fresh new industry to outdated ones makes sure the US can always stand on top of global economy and always be the role leader of technology world.

        The US is changing the government role in social security. That is a good sign to show the US will continue be a great country opening to those young people who have dream and want to come.
        • I worked and lived in NYC for a while and I thought I understood what you have just said. I am not saying to impose the type of gun control of our dear liberal government had tried..
          but asking for some proper control for the machine guns. I guess thats quite a reasonable thing to ask from a sane mind. outsourcing has been doing good to US GDP, but certainly not to some Joe in some small towns in the mid west. This election is about change, and the change means much to the people. whats at stake here is huge. It will have an on-going impact on the future of US, the future of Canada and the world.
          • Now I understand you, from NYC. I am from mid-west, and know those conservative Americans: They like to show their sons' pictures shot on Iraq war field on wall.:-) You know the US is so dynamic and most Americans actually treat NYC as foreign country.
            They don't share the same values. I was shocked when first time to hear this.
            • And just to be clear - I am a fan of Obama, it does not mean I predict he will win; I support Dem's policy this time, it does not mean it will be welcomed by all Amerian people
              • If Obama wins this time, that indeed creates history, that was the reason Dem held their convention event in the same place where Dr. King claimed "I Have a Dream". I personally admire his intelligences and skills.
                • a history has already been made. I personally not so optimistic about Obama's chance to sit in the white house. GOP plays the fear card masterfully and likely to win at the end.
      • I was just trying to show Ms. Obama is "Ask what your country can do for you". And Palin is "Ask what you can do for your country". As to her policy, you can open other thread.
        • A good person with bad policy (Jim) can do much more damage to a country than a "bad" guy (Bill) with right policy. Both are liberals, btw.
          • Good person can improve policy. A bad person always do more bad than good. Clinton did not whine about how much his country should have done for him.
            • Not necessarily. A good person with a wrong belief or ideology can do much harm.
              • The point is the bad person will certainly do bad. By the way BO is more like Jimmy Carter than Bill Clinton.
        • 老马与小奥不同。老马为实现理念而搞政治,因而一向择善固执(至少是他认为的“善”);小奥则为搞政治而修正理念,一切视选情风向而定。理想主义与机会主义较量 - ZT
          you can tell it by Maccain insist that he will continue deploying troop in Iraq because he believe that it will bring peace to Iraq people. Obama changes his position for so many times, becomes a typical flip floper.
          • this is such a blunt labelling. GOP would have done it in a more artful way. and BTW, I like McCain too. Just have a chill feeling about his running mate
            • can you tell why you have a chill feeling about his running mate? maybe we can discuss about it
              • .
                I do not want to be personal. But I had an odd feeling when I was watching "The Golden Compass" last night - the similarity was so much between Nicole Kidman's role to this VP candidate - both are beautiful white females, seemingly lovable and straightforward, successful, aggresive, powerful, smart, hard working, right most conservatives on the side of an ancient church system, and helping it maintain the order of the world.
                • I have watched 'The Goden Compass' movie too. Ican understand what you are feeling. but let follow up more news and discuss this later. This year's election is really fun, full of surprise.
                  • agreed. this year's election is becoming more interesting.
    • 像你这种hardcore Con,我怎么读你的帖子都觉得你太partisan
      • No need to call name here. You can disbute the fact I listed instead of calling me hardcore con.
    • 除了中国的官老爷的公子小姐, 世界上就没有轻松赚大钱这个景象。
    • 轻松赚大钱?
      You don't know how hard a colored person to get success in the US or Canada. He or she need to struggle much hard than a white with same credentials. You are totally naive and nowhere you belong to.
      • 读一读Mrs. Obama的简历吧,她出学校不久就当Assistant to the Mayor of Chicago,然后又进芝大医院当VP. 就在Obama当选参议员后,她的工资一下子涨了160%, 而Obama给了她的雇主100万的公款. 她没有一点基层干起的经历. 和Palin比不了, Palin当了州长,老公还在打Labor.
        Mrs. Obama's professonal experience. With such experience, she could still feel not proud of her country. Unbelievable.

        Vice President for Community and External Affairs at University of Chicago Hospitals;

        former Associate Dean of Student Services at the University of Chicago;

        former Executive Director for the Chicago office of Public Allies;

        former Assistant to the Mayor of Chicago;

        former associate at Sidley Austin law firm
    • 人各有志。奥巴马和太太都是少数民族白手起家的典型,palin比较像本地redneck的风格。
      • you have a point