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Obama is an opportunist. Talking about 'change' all year without giving details what exactly he will change, and the action plan to implement these changes.

Some people want to change foreign policy, withdraw from Iraq, some want to change trade policy to protect jobs, some want to change policy on gay marriage, abortion, tax structure. government spending, some simply want a change to have a black in oval office. Everybody wants different changes. Obama just speaks whatever voters want to hear to get votes, Once elected, people will probably find he couldn't care less about the changes they need and give them a higher tax bill instead. Our life experience teaches us to beware of big talkers

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Let have a survey --- what makes you vote for Macain/Palin, or Obama/biden? what makes you not vote for them? i.e. what attitude, personality or event of candidate make you vote or against them?
    • one answer per person only. thanks.
    • 1) vote for mccain --- persistent and never give up --- 1) be a prision in vietnam but didn't give up. 2) even most people again war, he still insist deploying troop to Iraq
      • That's scary! "be a prision in vietnam but didn't give up" Many people did his prison house in Vietnam?
        • This is a survey. Please post the reason you vote for or vote again. thanks.
    • 2) against Obama -- the black ideology - i am afraid of it since he got such a influence from his pastor Rev. Wright.
    • one answer means one answer vote for and one answer vote against
    • Get correct spelling of your president to be first
      • thanks for your suggestion. sorry for my typo. hope people can understand what i type. please kindly post your opinion here. I would love to hear it.
        • My pleasure. You may need to pay more attention to your spelling - attach is for sure not attack and they have totally different meanings. I would not vote for either of the two candidates.
    • Sarah Palin's speech is phenominal. In the time of challenge, America does not need pessimism, defeatism, a desperate cry for 'change', and a desire to forfeit its global responsibilities.
      It needs confidence, courage, leadership, strength, an action plan and a firm belief that America is still 'a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere'.
      John McCain could be the new Ronald Reagan, Sarah Palin rocks. Go USA.
      • GO, GO, and GO, more babies without marriage, more teens engaged in early age sex, more and more
        white trash
        • 再过40年,在美国拉美人将超过白人。生肯定比不生好。我可不想看到到处都是Amigo的美国。
          • OK, more Bristol Sarah Palin please. Girls in the U.S now have a perfect example of family model. You can sleep around starting from 13, you can have a baby when you are 14…
    • Obama问题很多。比如他的earmark问题,做了senator才几个月,就帮他老婆的医院弄到了1m的earmark钱,他老婆的工资立刻从$121,910涨到$316,962.他上台可能不再需要为自己家人某利益,但是肯定会为各种利益集团,特别为党和捐款人某利益。
    • Obama is an opportunist. Talking about 'change' all year without giving details what exactly he will change, and the action plan to implement these changes.
      Some people want to change foreign policy, withdraw from Iraq, some want to change trade policy to protect jobs, some want to change policy on gay marriage, abortion, tax structure. government spending, some simply want a change to have a black in oval office. Everybody wants different changes. Obama just speaks whatever voters want to hear to get votes, Once elected, people will probably find he couldn't care less about the changes they need and give them a higher tax bill instead. Our life experience teaches us to beware of big talkers
      • 他有一些detail。不过都不是好事。比如当初叫得最凶的撤军,现在改口了。减税禁不起推敲,实际上是加税,他从来不详谈,绕过。强制医疗保险计划和增加公司税会毁了美国。所以广告也撤了,现在唯一能做的就是change bush,然后说mccain=bush
        • On the contrary, McCain almost never changes his opinion no matter what the polls say. He's for energy independence, for tax cuts and spending restrictions, for strengthening America's military and global prominence, for free trade and free market.
          He said the same things last year, and the same things today. Same things in NYC, same things in rural Iowa. This is called integrity, courage and strong conviction, qualities that make a good leader of the free world
          • agree! Mccain always stick to his opinion/position.
            • Really? Such as, tax cut for rich? Withdraw timetable from Iraq? Immigration Reform Act? Position on torture? Offshore Drill? On Hurricane Katrina? On Warrantless Wiretapping? On Abortion Rights?
        • Are you really follow the election closely? So many things are not accurate in your words.
    • Obama is an icon for those middle class, well educated, family oriented and and visible minority people, we most of our Chinese fall into these categories, I sincerely wish the best for him!。。。
    • 希望美国可以一如既往强硬的对付恐怖分子和那些流氓神棍政权、比如伊朗,所以选麦
      • Looks like it is about time for all political junkies come back here.
      • 武力并不是最好的手段。一味使用武力只会把更多的穆斯林推向恐怖分子那一侧。攻城为下,攻心为上。
    • Why I believe a McCain administration will be better for us. 1. He's for free trade and free market. Both Canada and China rely heavily on exporting to the American consumer market.
      2. He's for energy independence, Canada's position will become more important as it is both a strong US ally, and its major and reliable energy supplier .
      3. He's for lower taxes, smaller government. This matches well with the traditional Chinese belief of improving their lives through hard working, not relying on a big government's handout.
      4. He will not hesitate to fight for human right and freedom for people everywhere in the world. More evidence showing people in China will press their government for democratic reform, fight for their rights, freedom and against corruptions. As a leader of the free world, John McCain will be in a position to help make this change comes true.
    • I support M/P because Palin is a true conservative and her story inspiring. O8 is pretentious and stole the candidacy from Hillary.
    • Republiican/Conservative is for the rich class, Democrital/liberal is for the middle class, NDP is for the poor people.
      Who are you?
      • This definition is too narrow. We may not like the rich too much, but it's the rich and the corporations they own that are creating jobs for most of us.
        In a globalized world like this, corporations have the freedom to move jobs, capital and technologies to whichever countries that provide lower taxes, qualified workforce with lower wages and good market potential. Every nation needs to keep taxes low, market open and workforce well trained in order to stay competitive. McCain has the right idea
    • O/B have my vote since Obama年轻, 充满活力, FULL OF NEW IDEAS 且有精力和能力来实践他的主张. BIDEN有丰富的内政与外交经验, 将是一个好顾问... 作为一把手McCain太老了, 你真不能指望一个70多岁的老人愿意作出重大改变. PALIN...I do not trust her.