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The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A balance between fiscal accountability, progressive social policy and individual rights and responsibilities;
Build a national coalition of people who share these beliefs and who reflect the regional, cultural and socio-economic diversity of Canada;
Develop this coalition, embracing our differences and respecting our traditions, yet honoring a concept of Canada as the greater sum of strong parts;
The Conservative Party will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its members;
A belief in loyalty to a sovereign and united Canada governed in accordance with the Constitution of Canada, the supremacy of democratic parliamentary institutions and the rule of law;
A belief in the equality of all Canadians;
A belief in the freedom of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly;
A belief in our constitutional monarchy, the institutions of Parliament and the democratic process;
A belief in the federal system of government as the best expression of the diversity of our country, and in the desirability of strong provincial and territorial governments;
A belief that English and French have equality of status, and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada;
A belief that the best guarantors of the prosperity and well-being of the people of Canada are:
The freedom of individual Canadians to pursue their enlightened and legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy;
The freedom of individual Canadians to enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent; and
The right to own property;
A belief that a responsible government must be fiscally prudent and should be limited to those responsibilities which cannot be discharged reasonably by the individual or others;
A belief that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion;
A belief that the purpose of Canada as a nation state and its government, guided by reflective and prudent leadership, is to create a climate wherein individual initiative is rewarded, excellence is pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is guaranteed by a free competitive market economy;
A belief that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next;
A belief that Canada should accept its obligations among the nations of the world;
A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all;
A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and
A belief that the greatest potential for achieving social and economic objectives is under a global trading regime that is free and fair.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 这里是个关于联邦大选的调查,看看rolia上的网民们和”主流“差距有多大? 有兴趣的话,请把选择的依据在这里列一下,以供大家学习参考
    • 我先列一下自己,选择自由党,因为联邦政府主要负责国家政治外交,我对哈珀政府的政治外交能力很不满。什么中国间谍,维族恐怖分子,藏独分子,一件件层出不穷,看着就心烦,哈珀政府最好早点下去。
      • 在中国问题上,由于中国不是民选政府,中国政府和中国老百姓是利益对立关系。在这两者之间,哈帕选择了弱势的中国老百姓。我觉得他做得很对。两者之间,你打算选哪边?
        • 顶. 总理是中国人民的真正的朋友(当然就成了党, 既得利益者和二者皆不是的胡里胡涂者的眼中钉)
        • 这真是进水了,维族恐怖分子,藏独分子是中国老百姓中极少一部分,代表不了中国老百姓,不要混淆两者。
          • 是你在故意混淆. 你知道他不是这个意思. 要辩论就光明正大地来, 别故意歪曲别人的意思, 又伪君子般义正词严的样子
        • 头脑简单,凭空想象。
          • 他对中国人民就是不友好.难到不是吗
        • Naive...so naive. 你是火星来的吧?国与国之间从来都是利益放中间,到一挂两边。哈珀凭什么“选择了弱势的中国老百姓”???他是天使?
          • 这个问题你最好直接请教总理, 能得到最权威的答复
            • 不必拉,他那点花花肠子还用问?就一狗屎
              • 看你刚刚在上面问, 原来是不用问. 洗眼镜去了
          • 保守党固守它自己的价值观,这是保守党能够一直存在的基石。短时间的利益是不可以改变人家的原则,政党本来就应该这样。
            • 保守党的价值观是什么?
              • 能装就装,装不象也得装.
              • The Conservative Party will be guided in its constitutional framework and its policy basis by the following principles:
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛A balance between fiscal accountability, progressive social policy and individual rights and responsibilities;
                Build a national coalition of people who share these beliefs and who reflect the regional, cultural and socio-economic diversity of Canada;
                Develop this coalition, embracing our differences and respecting our traditions, yet honoring a concept of Canada as the greater sum of strong parts;
                The Conservative Party will operate in a manner accountable and responsive to its members;
                A belief in loyalty to a sovereign and united Canada governed in accordance with the Constitution of Canada, the supremacy of democratic parliamentary institutions and the rule of law;
                A belief in the equality of all Canadians;
                A belief in the freedom of the individual, including freedom of speech, worship and assembly;
                A belief in our constitutional monarchy, the institutions of Parliament and the democratic process;
                A belief in the federal system of government as the best expression of the diversity of our country, and in the desirability of strong provincial and territorial governments;
                A belief that English and French have equality of status, and equal rights and privileges as to their use in all institutions of the Parliament and Government of Canada;
                A belief that the best guarantors of the prosperity and well-being of the people of Canada are:
                The freedom of individual Canadians to pursue their enlightened and legitimate self-interest within a competitive economy;
                The freedom of individual Canadians to enjoy the fruits of their labour to the greatest possible extent; and
                The right to own property;
                A belief that a responsible government must be fiscally prudent and should be limited to those responsibilities which cannot be discharged reasonably by the individual or others;
                A belief that it is the responsibility of individuals to provide for themselves, their families and their dependents, while recognizing that government must respond to those who require assistance and compassion;
                A belief that the purpose of Canada as a nation state and its government, guided by reflective and prudent leadership, is to create a climate wherein individual initiative is rewarded, excellence is pursued, security and privacy of the individual is provided and prosperity is guaranteed by a free competitive market economy;
                A belief that the quality of the environment is a vital part of our heritage to be protected by each generation for the next;
                A belief that Canada should accept its obligations among the nations of the world;
                A belief that good and responsible government is attentive to the people it represents and has representatives who at all times conduct themselves in an ethical manner and display integrity, honesty and concern for the best interest of all;
                A belief that all Canadians should have reasonable access to quality health care regardless of their ability to pay; and
                A belief that the greatest potential for achieving social and economic objectives is under a global trading regime that is free and fair.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 保守党
    • 主流是白人,本来就和我们利益就不太一致。控制着媒体的主流是白人中的豪富,和我们更是不同。投我们自己的票,管那些主流干什么?
    • 选自由党。选哪个党本来无所谓,想着不去投票,结果到这里一转,发现时政里的著名反共ID,象头号右派,钉子户,冷眼看世界们都不辞辛苦跑出来给保守党站台,那我也只能在10月14号辛苦一下,给自由党投一票吧。
      • 刚才还没点我的名, 咋现在又把我的名字跟右老, 钉子放一起, 还贯以著名反共ID的桂冠? 要让党看见了如何了得? 典型的恶人先告状
      • 爱党的ID都选自由党,他们背弃了中国老百姓,选择了独裁者,还真是道德高尚啊。我支持保守党的中国政策,但中国政策并不代表一切。这次还真不一定选保守党,你看走眼了。
    • 保守党
    • 选择自由党,付税是应该的,我的孩子能够参加很多好的program对孩子成长很有帮助。
      • 也许是因为你没有觉得税可以付多高。。。
    • 保守党