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here it is.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As long as the speaker for karaoke, it becomes a very difficulty time to make a decision, because it all depends, such as size of the room, taste of personal style and of course your budgetary, etc. But here still have some hints when you doing the research on the market especially for karaoke speaker

1. 3-way speaker system instead of 2-way.
2. Heavyweight woofer to reproduce low frequency's, better to have >10” woofer speaker.
3. if possible, choose the one has more power on the unit. You definitely NEED these juice.
4. if possible, buy a power supply conditioner, it can be helpful for you to definitely lower your noise background to a new low low level which is want we want. You will get more increased crystal picture and more crispy sound.
5. of course,the quality of all the audio/video connectors and wires are very important to you system, you just can NOT bypass this section.
All the list above just very little and very basic stuff for guys who want to setup a karaoke specker system at home. Yes, very little.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / 请教各位DX,你们家里的KARAOKE都用什么歌源(除了万利达)? 听说有个硬盘VOD歌库,是什么DD?谢谢
    • 一般都用万利达,好象还有个台湾产的,哪位懂,回答一下?
      • 谢谢,我也再严重阿扑一下
    • 我来说说(不是专业的哦)我有万利达,也有硬盘VOD 歌库
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我现在有一个万利达5000首的卡拉ok机。去年回国的时候买的。效果很差。主要表现在以下几个方面:

      1:里面的歌不是原唱。是midi合成的音乐加人声,唱得很难听。这个很容易理解,我想一个是容量问题,一个dvd9的光盘想装下5000首歌,一般一首mp3要4MB, 这就是20G乐。一个光盘才9GB. 这还没有算图像。不过万利达的图像全是固定的几个风景画,没啥看头。另一个原因是版权把。

      2:里面的mixer很差。我稍微把音量调大点,就有 兹兹的电流声。换了话筒也不成。

      现在国内流行的电脑方的卡拉ok有几种格式。DVD 格式,VCD 格式,DIVX 格式 和 RMVB 格式。我研究了一下,DVD 格式效果最好,不过太占硬盘空间了。一个dvd 格式(MPEG2) 的歌带图像大概140M左右。1万首歌就要1400G. rmvb 的占用空间最小,但是效果最差。divx 相比之下,算是一个折中的选择。声音根dvd 的一样。图像已经很接近dvd 了, 但是文件大小只有dvd格式的1/6左右。一般也就20/30MB每首歌。而且都是原唱。

      这次回国从国内搞了一套divx 的歌库,12000 首歌。300 多 G。刚好合适。
      把 vod 软件装在thinkpad T42上,T42的显示器做点播用。
      T42 的 VGA 输出接到投影仪上,在 windows 里面把桌面extend到display 2,也就是投影仪
      T42 的 line out 接到 MIX800 混音器的line in上。
      我用的是无线话筒。把无线话筒的输出接到混音器的Mic in
      MIX800 的输出接到功放。



      MIX800 hwy7/bayview 的那个商店就有,如果你想在美国买,最好的地方是www.wwbw.com. $40 加 $14 的UPS Express. 没有报关费,因为不是 UPS ground.

      唯一的遗憾的是我的功放/喇叭是家庭影院的那种,不适合唱歌。你们可不可以建议一下?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 好文章, 支持。
        • Thanks! Any recommendations on the speakers for karaoke?
          • here it is.
            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛As long as the speaker for karaoke, it becomes a very difficulty time to make a decision, because it all depends, such as size of the room, taste of personal style and of course your budgetary, etc. But here still have some hints when you doing the research on the market especially for karaoke speaker

            1. 3-way speaker system instead of 2-way.
            2. Heavyweight woofer to reproduce low frequency's, better to have >10” woofer speaker.
            3. if possible, choose the one has more power on the unit. You definitely NEED these juice.
            4. if possible, buy a power supply conditioner, it can be helpful for you to definitely lower your noise background to a new low low level which is want we want. You will get more increased crystal picture and more crispy sound.
            5. of course,the quality of all the audio/video connectors and wires are very important to you system, you just can NOT bypass this section.
            All the list above just very little and very basic stuff for guys who want to setup a karaoke specker system at home. Yes, very little.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net