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Afghan war costs could be thorny election issue

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Afghan war costs could be thorny election issue
Mike Blanchfield, Canwest News Service
Published: Monday, September 15, 2008

Related Topics
Afghanistan War

Elections and Voting

Kevin Page

Paul Dewar

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OTTAWA -- Canada's new parliamentary budget officer says federal politicians, including those in the opposition, should be told the overall cost of the six-year war in Afghanistan.

In an interview with Global National, Kevin Page says he is nearing the end of a special probe that tallies Canada's military involvement in Afghanistan. However, he said that he believes all-party consent is required to allow him to release the report during a federal election campaign.

Page, who was appointed in March, had hoped to release a preliminary estimate on the cost of keeping Canada's 2,500 troops in Afghanistan this month, when the House of Commons was due to reconvene.

But Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to call a federal election has effectively delayed the release of that figure.

"Certainly for parliamentarians and opposition, they have an important oversight role. They should know what those costs are ... It would be important to get the kind of transparency we need going forward," Page told Global News.

Releasing that figure now, during a federal election campaign, could be a thorny issue.

The mission in Afghanistan has had a low profile during the first nine days of the federal campaign, but if the cost of the war were revealed, it could cause headaches for the governing Conservatives, as well as the opposition Liberals, who originally committed Canadian troops to Kandahar while they were in power in 2005.

"At minimum, it would take an all-party agreement, and probably we'd be setting a precedent," said Page, who could be accused of interfering in the election if he were to release his figures now.

NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar, whose party has called for an immediate withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan, has asked Page to release his cost estimates.

Dewar has argued it is wrong that the full cost of the war was not discussed in Parliament and for it not to be part of the election debate.

"It's absolutely fundamental that we have a costing of how much the war has cost us to date and until 2011," Dewar has said. "It's critical for Canadians who are about to decide on their political choices."

Dewar was not available for further comment because of the death Monday of his mother, Marion, a former Ottawa mayor and longtime New Democrat.

Previous estimates of the cost of the mission, based on the federal government's own spending estimates, have pegged the cost of the war at about $7-billion to $8-billion.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Afghan war costs could be thorny election issue
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Afghan war costs could be thorny election issue
    Mike Blanchfield, Canwest News Service
    Published: Monday, September 15, 2008

    Related Topics
    Afghanistan War

    Elections and Voting

    Kevin Page

    Paul Dewar

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    OTTAWA -- Canada's new parliamentary budget officer says federal politicians, including those in the opposition, should be told the overall cost of the six-year war in Afghanistan.

    In an interview with Global National, Kevin Page says he is nearing the end of a special probe that tallies Canada's military involvement in Afghanistan. However, he said that he believes all-party consent is required to allow him to release the report during a federal election campaign.

    Page, who was appointed in March, had hoped to release a preliminary estimate on the cost of keeping Canada's 2,500 troops in Afghanistan this month, when the House of Commons was due to reconvene.

    But Prime Minister Stephen Harper's decision to call a federal election has effectively delayed the release of that figure.

    "Certainly for parliamentarians and opposition, they have an important oversight role. They should know what those costs are ... It would be important to get the kind of transparency we need going forward," Page told Global News.

    Releasing that figure now, during a federal election campaign, could be a thorny issue.

    The mission in Afghanistan has had a low profile during the first nine days of the federal campaign, but if the cost of the war were revealed, it could cause headaches for the governing Conservatives, as well as the opposition Liberals, who originally committed Canadian troops to Kandahar while they were in power in 2005.

    "At minimum, it would take an all-party agreement, and probably we'd be setting a precedent," said Page, who could be accused of interfering in the election if he were to release his figures now.

    NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar, whose party has called for an immediate withdrawal of Canadian troops from Afghanistan, has asked Page to release his cost estimates.

    Dewar has argued it is wrong that the full cost of the war was not discussed in Parliament and for it not to be part of the election debate.

    "It's absolutely fundamental that we have a costing of how much the war has cost us to date and until 2011," Dewar has said. "It's critical for Canadians who are about to decide on their political choices."

    Dewar was not available for further comment because of the death Monday of his mother, Marion, a former Ottawa mayor and longtime New Democrat.

    Previous estimates of the cost of the mission, based on the federal government's own spending estimates, have pegged the cost of the war at about $7-billion to $8-billion.


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    • 三大政党要求公开阿富汗战争的预算, 今天哈巴同意公开, 承认扔在阿富汗的钱达80亿加币, 真大方啊!!!
      • 16B
        • Harper Agrees To Release Report Outlining True Monetary Cost Of Afghan War http://www.citynews.ca/news/news_26966.aspx
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Harper Agrees To Release Report Outlining True Monetary Cost Of Afghan War
          Wednesday September 17, 2008
          CityNews.ca Staff
          There is such a human cost to the war in Afghanistan that it's all too easy to ignore the monetary one. But Canadians will soon learn exactly what the conflict is costing them in cold hard cash, after Conservative leader Stephen Harper agreed to requests to release a report that details the information.

          All parties had to agree to make the details public, but while his opponents quickly acquiesced, Harper resisted. There were fears that the report could hurt his chances of a majority government if the mission exceeds the $8 billion price tag the government has put on it. Our troops are scheduled to remain overseas until 2011.

          The conflict is becoming increasingly unpopular as the Canadian death toll nears 100, and the Taliban has even gone on record as saying its members are well aware we're having an election - and they plan to step up their violence to try and influence it.

          The war is especially a sore point in Quebec, a province where the Tories desperately need to make gains if they're going to get out from under their minority status.

          The report comes from Parliament's budget officer, who wanted to make it public but needed the agreement of everyone.

          There's no word on exactly when the document will be released because it still needs a peer review. But the official behind it, Kevin Page, hints there's an excellent chance the final amount will exceeed the $8 billion threshold, and that it could be out before October 14th - the day we go to the polls.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • he has to but will try to delay as much as possible. As well plays the nubmer down to nothing
      • 保守党强调自由党出兵在先,属于混淆视听。以06年为界,加国军队承担任务的性质完全不同。06之前,加军主要是部署在北方相对安全地带,规模不大。06年以后加军才开始在阿富汗南方部署,扮演主要的战斗部队角色。伤亡大增,开销也大增
        • 我的观点加国不出兵是说不过去的,NDP的立即撤军是做逃兵。但保守党当出头鸟也属于二杆子。自由党派兵不卖力,随大流,当混混,最好.
        • 立即投靠塔利班, 大省开销.
        • 当时自由党预见到美国要对加施加压力,就把兵都压到阿富汗,最后对要求出兵伊拉克的米总统说:“抱歉,我们的兵都发配到阿富汗去也,您又没有联合国的令牌.......”。要是保守党当政,加军派往伊拉克,阿富汗、伊拉克两线进入战斗状态。军费大大地。
        • 加拿大军队到南部是在05年MARTIN下完成的, 当时MARTIN刚上台想修补同美国的关 系。MARTIN还打算派些人去IRAQ训练警察, 因为怕政府垮台没有干。
          • On 28 February 2006, command of the forces in southern Afghanistan transferred from U.S. to Canada. In May 2006, Canada extended military commitments to Afghanistan by two years, replacing earlier plans to withdraw soldiers in 2006.
            • 上次大选是1月23号, 你不会相信加拿大政府会有这么高的效率, 能够这么块调整 政策。 政策调整是从MARTIN开始的。
              • Harper 于06年2月6日就职。以后的帐就算到Harper头上。安省小麦加健康税,帐就算到小麦头上。道理一样,在其位,谋其政,负其责。
      • 假如加拿大有不少军工企业,生产枪炮、军火、战机,花的这些钱还能转回加拿大,带动经济发展; 可惜现实不是,只能给美国军火商做嫁衣,纳税人的钱打水漂;仗打完了,下一步阿富汗估计就是支持藏独、疆独的基地。 Harper该下台。
        • 不用假如,waterloo那边,成天往南边运坦克。
          • Kitchener还有个造M16的工厂,不过很cheap,居然不提供Employee price
    • Liberal Leader Stéphane Dion told reporters he refuses to be intimidated by the Taliban, and that the Liberals would keep troops in Afghanistan until 2011.
      • 你说这些都没用。在某些人的心目中,他们的英明领袖放出来的屁都是香的。他们正等待着他们的领袖来拯救他们。凡是反对他们的领袖的人,都会被他们当成阶级敌人来批斗。
        • 你说这些都没用。在你的心目中,你的英明领袖放出来的屁都是香的。凡是反对你的领袖的人,都会被你当成阶级敌人来批斗。
          • 我就知道会有人跳出来。我不认为加拿大人需要什么英明领袖。我们选议员,选政党,就是在选择给我们的国家打工的人。谁做的不好就要滚蛋。
            • 有道理, 哈巴做得不好,快点滚蛋.
              • 哈巴是该滚蛋
    • 有几天了?报告还没有出来。保守党政府也许可以在技术上延迟报告的出台。
      • Harper doesn't want it to be released after all. Out of desperation, he will definitely delay the release as much as he can.
    • 怎么, 那些赞美保守党政府实干高效, 积极消减政府开支之流, 比如ttttt, szs11(钉子户), kxd(开心点), hengji(cell), lionel(Lionel) 等, 怎么都不敢吭声了?
      • 在家练英语呢(#4698241@0)
        • 这些人从来不敢正面回答问题, 没种.
      • 这个有意思,撤兵的问题只有NDP和BLoc坚决要求,自由党是同保守党在一起的。没看到那个自由党义工抨击保守党2011撤兵么。
        • That’s not Harper’s true intention. Nothing more than buying votes.
        • 据我所知上次自由党不同意延长阿富汗使命.
          • 你的回答充分地展示了你的偏见和无知。"The extension passed in a 198-77 vote late this afternoon, thanks to the Conservatives and Liberals who joined forces to support a compromise motion for the longer mission."
            • 老兄,你太无知了,最近刚刚恶补的时事吧? 看看这个: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20070704/layton_ndp_070704/20070704/
              • 看样子你不仅无知,还没有时间概念。你明明说”上次“。你给出的2007年Dion不同意延长阿富汗任务。我给出的是2008年他和他的议员们投票支持延长任务到2011年。哪一个“上次”?以后google的时候不要有偏见,要不然google出来的东西不准。
                • WOWOWOWOW.... "以后Google的时候不要有偏见,要不然Google出来的东西不准。" It's really a reflection of your search results.
                  • 你的偏见实在是让人觉得恶心。
                    • "以后Google的时候不要有偏见,要不然Google出来的东西不准。-lionel(Lionel); 22:31 (#4703064@0)" "你的偏见实在是让人觉得恶心。 -lionel(Lionel); 23:39 (#4703405@0) "
                      • 我摆出的是事实,可是那位却否认事实,他最后承认被我抓了辫子。你在这里狡辩有什么用?看上去在你的心目中,只要不符合你的观点就是“偏见“。而我认为与事实不符的观点是偏见。
                        • 笑话, 我哪里否认你的事实呢?指出来看看
                          • "据我所知上次自由党不同意延长阿富汗使命. -god-father(godfather); 9.18 23:21 (#4700262@0) "你的这句发言就是与事实相违背的。
                            • 笑话, 我违背事实? 我说过是"上一次"? 上次跟上一次是一样的, 你想跟我咬文嚼字?
                              • 你的狡辩实在是太无力了。
                                • 我还觉得你胡搅蛮缠呢
                        • 我看你是带着变色眼镜看人
                • 我觉得这里最无聊的人就是你, 明明不知道,干嘛咬文嚼字抓人的鞭子呢? 我提供给你的出处不是随便GOOGLE, 而是自己这几年的观察. 如果你是一个喜欢GOOGLE的人,就不要以小人之心度君子之腹.
                  • "最近刚刚恶补的时事吧? "这句话可是你先说的。#4702946@0 既然你怀疑我是恶补的时事,我当然也有理由怀疑你是这样的。
                    • 我是指你以前的事情都不懂
                      • 你自己说要谈“上次”(#4700262@0),那我就讨论“上次”。你怎么就肯定我不知道Dion反对过延长阿富汗任务呢?我还知道Dion支持过魁北克主权独立的运动呢。
                        • 既然你知道Dion反对过延长阿富汗任务, 怎么认定自由党是同保守党在一起的, 这不是矛盾吗?
                          • 我前面不是说了吗。Dion支持过魁北克主权独立运动。你是不是认为他现在还支持魁北克主权独立?政治人物和政党的观点与政策是会改变的。
                            • 对不起, 我不谈魁北克, 不要转移话题.
                  • 你在前面(#4699956@0)希望我发言,现在又抱怨我抓你的辫子(#4703317@0)
                    • 你的回答文不对题, 逃避字眼
    • 这种辩论都很无聊。两个党观点大同小异,在自由党派兵,两党一致同意2011年撤兵的大前提,通过争论一些细节来分辨孰是孰非,几乎毫无意义。
    • 哈帕对战争的态度:03 年 3 月,美国动员西方国家参与其推翻侯赛因政权的伊拉克战争,自由党克雷蒂安总理表明:没有联合国授权,加拿大将不派军队参加伊拉克战争。时任联盟党领袖的 Harper 和 Day 反对克雷蒂安的政策,在美国报纸《华尔街报》上刊登文章,
      指总理的立场 “ 严重错误 ” ,表明加拿大反对党-联盟党将支持美英的立场。
      • 说到底哈勃就是要在外交上追随美国, 浪费纳税人数以亿记的钱财.