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真懒得和你们辩论, 那就看一下下列报道吧: 安省正经历的是暂时阵痛还是历史性转变?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛安省正经历的是暂时阵痛还是历史性转变?



本月19日,安省财长 Dwight Duncan说联邦财长 Jim Flaherty关于安省将变成穷省的评论是"完全错误的"。不仅如此,他还说联邦财长的话是"贬低"了所有安省人,并直接透露出了哈珀的联邦政府对帮助安省处理挣扎中的制造业经济没有兴趣。Jim Flaherty的评论来自于他和太阳媒体的交谈,他认为如果安省的经济没有好转,那么在两三年内将由加拿大人口众多的经济最强省变成一个穷省。而且,他加重语气说联邦政府将不得不重新考虑省份平等化问题。财长的讲话将他与安省和麦坚迪的舌战再次升级。之前的舌战是Jim Flaherty说安省是加拿大值得投资的最后一个省份,这大大刺激了安省省长麦坚迪的神经,使得麦坚迪写信给总理要求财长管好自己的嘴巴。但是, Jim Flaherty 3月3日回应麦坚迪的信件说,他要求安省降低企业税的呼吁并非是对麦坚迪的个人攻击,而是唤醒该省增加生产力和竞争力的做法。财长当时说如果企业要在加拿大寻找一个投资的好地方,那么,安省是最后的一个选择。自由党国会议员John McCallum则利用国会的质询时间对 Flaherty 发动批评,称他对他出生的省份的投资氛围贬低化,实际上是告诉整个世界避免到安省投资。Flaherty这个前保守党的安省省议员则坚称他是认为在加拿大安省的企业税是最高的,他说讲的只是事实。他辩称:"麦坚迪政府的政策是伤害制造业,而不是在正确的时刻来刺激它的增长。"对此,麦坚迪也回应说安省制造业的振兴不是光靠安省就能解决的,它需要联邦的帮助。比如,麦坚迪说,他需要的不是联邦财长的"不可接受"的批评,而应是联邦政客发声来鼓励商业投资。三月初,麦坚迪在渥京大学发表演讲时说:"我们等待联邦政府提升整个经济,包括安省经济。"

......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / CBCnews正在播放一个关于安省汽车业的节目。支持保守党的朋友们你们应该看一下,温沙的惨状。看着想骂娘。不说了。气愤。
    • 是national,下面说阿伯他省。听口气也不好。
      • 上个月是加国有17年来单月失业人数最高的一个月, 记者问哈帕有什么应对办法, 他回答他怎么都不会做, 因为加国其他地方有许多新的职位, 言下之意, 你失业么? 怎么不去ALBERTA省
    • 今天听广播说温沙一家有几十年历史的工厂倒了,还会有更多制造业关门。
      • 麦甘迪才不关心呢. 真不知道 安省政府干吗吃的.
        • Good things? Harper's a good leader; bad things? Harper's a good leader. Forever, forever..
          • So you keep thinking that, right?
        • 一个省能做的实在有限。
        • 安省交给联邦政府多少钱,拿回多少钱?麦甘迪去做总理宝座, 才不会干嘛吃的。
          • You play a game. I don't think you know what we are talking about?
            • suck! You said the premier didn't care. I don't know what you are talking about.
              • 我们在讨论安省经济问题, 而老兄却避重就轻, 把脏水都泼给联邦. 安省出问题是不是一省之长该负主要责任?
                • 等等,我不是谈安省制造业谈什么? 另外你说"麦甘迪才不关心呢."是信口雌黄吧.
                  • 我们讨论的是谁应该对安省经济衰退负主要责任?
                    • 汽车工业是安省的支柱产业, 占安省产值的20%, 安省怎会不管呢? 你不知道只说明你无知, 还不知羞耻的跑出来现丑。 但一个省的能力是有限的, 自哈巴上台以来, 安省的支柱汽车制造倒了, 纽芬兰的支柱鱼林业倒了, 魁省的支柱航天业失去了联邦的扶持, 阿省的油业
                      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛却得尽了哈巴政策和补贴支持, 这说明了什么问题不是很明显吗?


                      Next Generation Jobs Fund — A $1.15-billion fund aimed at creating high-value jobs, reducing greenhouse gases and spurring significant new investment in high-potential areas of Ontario's economy, including clean automotive, environmental technologies, biotech, ICT and digital media

                      Ontario Automotive Strategy — A $500-million initiative that has leveraged more than $7 billion in new investment and created thousands of high-value jobs in Ontario's auto sector

                      Eliminating the Capital Tax in January 2008 for corporations primarily engaged in manufacturing and resource activities; providing a 21 per cent Capital Tax rate cut for all businesses retroactive to January 1, 2007, on the way to full elimination in 2010; and increasing the small business deduction threshold to $500,000 from $400,000, retroactive to January 1, 2007.


                      - $768 million investment from DaimlerChrysler in Brampton and Windsor
                      - $1 billion investment from Ford in Oakville
                      - $1.1 billion Toyota assembly plant to Woodstock, the first new
                      assembly plant site in Canada in two decades and a source of 2,000
                      new jobs
                      - $2.5 billion investment from General Motors Beacon Project creating
                      500 new jobs in Oshawa, Ingersoll and St. Catharines
                      - $270 million investment for Navistar, saving the Chatham plant in the
                      - $154 million investment from Honda in Alliston that will create 340
                      - Partnership with two major auto parts companies resulting in a
                      $1 billion investment from Linamar and a $100 million project from
                      Nemak.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                      • 真不知道谁无知! 谁羞耻! 谁现丑!你给的数据只能说明自由党省政府浪费了大量纳税人的钱,就知道墨守成规! 办不好事!!! 另:你幼稚的观点真可笑!你真认为harper这样厉害?
                        • 钱都应该用大抽水机抽到阿伯塔才对, 对吧? 再使把劲抽啊, 反正抽一天少一天了!
                          • 你是啥心理? 阿伯塔吸的是自己地下的石油. 他不吸 , 安省也不会好呢去.
                            • look at this url. 你真的是很无知。
                    • 我在问你问题, 你却转移话题. 你说"麦甘迪才不关心呢."是信口雌黄吧?
                      • 难道安省工厂不断出现倒闭, 大量安省工人失业, 你却认为麦甘迪很关心他们?
                        • 车场倒闭是大环境造成的, 麦甘迪已经做了不少了. 哈巴那个叫漠不关心, 还往伤口上撒盐, 幸灾乐祸的味道. 听过"何不食肉糜"这典故吗? 哈巴演的是这典故的西方现代版!
                          • 这个人不看新闻, 跟他讲是对牛弹琴.
                            • 论者周五说,根据加拿大统计局最新公布的失业数字,安省上月失去的全职工作在全国占最高比率,如果自由党政府不采取紧急行动,设法解决失业问题,安省的经济情况只会恶化
                              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛加拿大统计局报告,今年6月,安省45,500个全职工人或是失业,或是转为半职工人,这些数字一再证明,安省经济开始衰退。他又 说,这个数字也证明省长麦坚迪(Dalton McGuinty)的经济计划不奏效,他应该马上复核省府帐簿。


                              安省新民主党评议员科莫斯(Peter Kormos)则说,以目前的安省经济状况,麦坚迪应该改变政府的奢侈外访方式。

                              安省经济发展厅长普珀德萝(Sandra Pupatello)出访欧洲1周,周四还在巴黎主持商贸办事处开幕仪式。麦坚迪今年较早时飞往意大利和加利福尼亚州,为安省发展商机,最近又宣布今年秋天率团到中国访问。


                              满 银资本市场(BMO Capital Markets)的总经济师波特(Doug Porter)指出,总的来说,安省的失业率从5月的6.4% 升至6月的6.7%,一点也不出奇。“在过去12个月内,安省赶上全国的就业增长率,倒是出奇。在今年下半年,我们的经济表现会比加拿大其他地区弱。”波 特还说,安省汽车业最新一轮裁员,失业数字还未反映这个情况。

                              普珀德萝称,最新数字反映安省的失业率最高,但是自由党在2003 年上台后,安省净增45.4万份工作,大部分是全职。安省职位流失,一些因素不受政府控制,例如原油价上涨、加元升值、美国经济放缓。

                              此外,加拿大统计局表示,6月份本国失业率上升至6.2%,是2007年4月以来最高水平,主要因为雇主削减全职职位所致更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                              • 不懂装懂的物, 劝你还是多看看书读读报, 安省和联邦对汽车业的是两种截然不同的态度, 安省车业的关键是产品的换代和工人技术再培训, 这个单凭省是无法解决的
                                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛以下两篇文章对讨论的问题都有了解答, 希望你读得懂!

                                Ottawa turns down auto aid

                                The Harper government has refused to provide financial aid to the auto industry, including funding to support a $300-million plan to reopen a shuttered engine plant in Windsor, Ont.

                                Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty said this morning that Prime Minister Stephen Harper made it clear when he met with the premiers last Friday that Ottawa is not prepared to inject funding into specific projects.

                                "He told me very directly, 'look, I operate at the macro level. We'll cut taxes, offer some regional incentives, but we're not prepared to take it one step down,'" Mr. McGuinty said.

                                He said the two leaders have a "fundamental philosophical difference" when it comes to addressing the economic slowdown that is taking its biggest toll on a manufacturers in Ontario and Quebec.

                                "They think you cut taxes, sit back and allow economic fortunes to kind of play themselves out," Mr. McGuinty said. "I think we have a heavy responsibility and that responsibility is to find ways to provide supports to those who are losing their jobs and provide incentives to businesses to make additional investments to make them stronger."

                                Mr. McGuinty confirmed that the Ontario government is looking at providing $30-million in funding to Ford Motor Co. [F-N] to help it reopen the engine plant in Windsor.

                                The Globe and Mail cited auto industry sources in a story last week saying that Ontario had already agreed to provide $30-million of the $60-million Ford was seeking, but the project would not go to Windsor if the federal government did not participate.

                                "I would love to have someone from the federal government sit down and join with us in that regard," Mr. McGuinty said. "He's not prepared to do that."

                                Ontario's share of the funding will come from the $650-million the province earmarked last year to help auto makers create jobs by developing environmentally friendly technologies.

                                Mr. McGuinty acknowledged that a lot of hard work goes into deciding whether to invest in private-sector enterprises.

                                "There's always an element of risk associated with that because you're using public dollars," he said.

                                Ford wants to build a fuel-efficient V8 engine at the plant, which was closed in November as part of a massive restructuring the second-largest Detroit auto maker is undertaking after years of market share losses.

                                Auto Industry Disaster: The Harper Government's Betrayal of Ontario

                                From its first day in office in February 2006, the Harper government's top priority has been to promote the rapid expansion of the export of Alberta oil to the United States.

                                The negative consequences of this thoughtless policy have been myriad. Vast quantities of clean natural gas and precious water have been used to produce synthetic crude oil at the cost of reducing a huge stretch of northern Alberta to a fetid dump, unfit for wildlife or human habitation. The Harperites have enriched their pals in Calgary's oil patch with record profits and they have poured huge sums into the pockets of the owners of the foreign owned oil giants.

                                The prime minister likes to brag that under his watch Canada has become a global energy power. So what if one consequence has been to render Canada incapable of halting the increase in its greenhouse gas emissions.

                                Another consequence has been to cut Ontario's manufacturing sector to the bone. The rapid rise in the value of the Canadian dollar in relation to the U.S. dollar has delivered a blow to manufacturing from which it may never recover. And the rise of the Canadian dollar has been directly tied to petroleum exports.

                                The Harper government has received repeated warnings over the past two years to moderate the pace of petroleum exports so that other sectors of the economy from tourism to book publishing to manufacturing can have the time they need to adapt to a rising dollar.

                                Today, the disaster came home to us with the announcement by General Motors that it will close its Oshawa truck plant next year throwing 2600 workers out of a job. GM CEO Rick Wagoner said it was unlikely the plant would ever reopen.

                                Appropriately CAW President Buzz Hargrove took aim at the General Motors management for signing a deal with the union a couple of weeks ago whose essence was to keep jobs in Canadian plants in return for huge monetary concessions from the workers. The CAW will fight the battle against the pusillanimous bad faith bargaining of the company.

                                The rest of us need to focus on the calamity the Harper government has created in our most important manufacturing industry. If the dollar had not been so high against the U.S. greenback, it is highly likely that GM would have planned for much more future investment and economic activity in its Canadian plants to produce the new hybrid vehicles, electric cars, smaller cars and crossover vehicles on which its future depends.

                                Instead, we've been shafted by the Harper government and by the GM management.

                                Not least to blame is Finance Minister Jim Flaherty, the MP for Whitby-Oshawa, who has been openly saying he can see little reason why companies should invest in Ontario. Thanks Jim. I'm sure a lot of families in your constituency are singing your praises over dinner tonight.

                                Flaherty has been bone headed in his insistence that only corporate tax cuts can save jobs in Ontario. You would have thought that a minister from Oshawa would have seen the growing menace of the rising dollar and would have pushed for a shift in economic policy to slow the pace of petroleum exports, protect the environment, and give the manufacturing sector some much needed breathing room.

                                Given the economic restructuring that is now going on, Canadians cannot afford to have a federal government that is fixated on profits in the oil patch as the source of a rising TSX, no matter what that means for working Canadians and the well being of most of the regions of Canada.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                        • 你说省长不关心, 你拿出证据啊, 不要在这里瞎喃喃. 不看新闻啊?
                          • 真懒得和你们辩论, 那就看一下下列报道吧: 安省正经历的是暂时阵痛还是历史性转变?
                            本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛安省正经历的是暂时阵痛还是历史性转变?



                            本月19日,安省财长 Dwight Duncan说联邦财长 Jim Flaherty关于安省将变成穷省的评论是"完全错误的"。不仅如此,他还说联邦财长的话是"贬低"了所有安省人,并直接透露出了哈珀的联邦政府对帮助安省处理挣扎中的制造业经济没有兴趣。Jim Flaherty的评论来自于他和太阳媒体的交谈,他认为如果安省的经济没有好转,那么在两三年内将由加拿大人口众多的经济最强省变成一个穷省。而且,他加重语气说联邦政府将不得不重新考虑省份平等化问题。财长的讲话将他与安省和麦坚迪的舌战再次升级。之前的舌战是Jim Flaherty说安省是加拿大值得投资的最后一个省份,这大大刺激了安省省长麦坚迪的神经,使得麦坚迪写信给总理要求财长管好自己的嘴巴。但是, Jim Flaherty 3月3日回应麦坚迪的信件说,他要求安省降低企业税的呼吁并非是对麦坚迪的个人攻击,而是唤醒该省增加生产力和竞争力的做法。财长当时说如果企业要在加拿大寻找一个投资的好地方,那么,安省是最后的一个选择。自由党国会议员John McCallum则利用国会的质询时间对 Flaherty 发动批评,称他对他出生的省份的投资氛围贬低化,实际上是告诉整个世界避免到安省投资。Flaherty这个前保守党的安省省议员则坚称他是认为在加拿大安省的企业税是最高的,他说讲的只是事实。他辩称:"麦坚迪政府的政策是伤害制造业,而不是在正确的时刻来刺激它的增长。"对此,麦坚迪也回应说安省制造业的振兴不是光靠安省就能解决的,它需要联邦的帮助。比如,麦坚迪说,他需要的不是联邦财长的"不可接受"的批评,而应是联邦政客发声来鼓励商业投资。三月初,麦坚迪在渥京大学发表演讲时说:"我们等待联邦政府提升整个经济,包括安省经济。"

                            ......更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                            • 哈巴的灵丹妙药是失业工人怎么不去阿省, 大把跟高薪的工在等着你, CAW的调查是绝大部分是PART-TIME和季节工; Flaherty的灵丹妙药是see little reason why companies should invest in Ontario, 这些就是联邦的态度!
                            • 不明白这片文章跟你说的"麦甘迪才不关心"有什么联系. 你的逻辑是不是有问题?
                              • 难道安省工厂不断出现倒闭, 大量安省工人失业, 你却认为麦甘迪很关心他们
                                • 那家伙只知道加税, 也就是说从百姓, 包括失业工人腰包里掏走更多的钱。 居然还有人替他辩护, 嘿嘿, 咎由自取
        • CBC专题中的最后一段,Peter说Inspiring的那段,说的就是安省政府提供的再培训计划。安省最近成功搞定Honda。Hongda昨天正式在Alliston开设发动机生产厂。而联邦保守党只会袖手旁观,这正是CBC中很多受访者所抱怨的。
          • 麻烦大了, 自由党干脆宣布安省独立好了.
            • 自由党呼吁联邦返还安省应该得到的,呼吁联邦政府不要拿了安省的钱全去补贴其他省份。
              • 省政府嫁祸于人这一招运用的挺娴熟。 联邦拨款来的时候它们好像就是另一个说话了。
    • 安省自由党政府应付很大一部分责任!!! 看看他们竞选时的承诺把.
      • 高人, 一针见血。安省人遭的罪都是自己闹的,那个省自由党早就该下台了。 不把它选下去, 大家就凑合着过自作自受的生活吧。
        • Vote for Mike Haris, vote for John. More debts, more job cuts, quicker housing Housing Meltdown, 200B this time.
          • If Mike Haris can be back, I will vote for him 100% for whatever election he will join. I don't like Harper. But I like Mike.
            • Saw him today downtown, a fairly old guy now. Still tall but the debts did let him down a lot.
          • R u joking? I don't think you say the truth.
            • He says what you want to hear.
              • Say what you know instead of what you think
                • I know what?
      • We are talking about what federal govenment should have done. What provincial should do is irrelavent here. We will discuss that when ON election comes.
    • 哪个若当选,承诺把加拿大并入美国,我就投他票。
      • 反过来也行。
    • 这有啥办法呢.....
    • 汽车工业?劳动密集型制造业加拿大早就不行乐,没人能拯救。接受现实吧。
      • 自由党和我党国较好,加上碳税,会有更多制造业转道中国,更多制造业关门,更多工人失业。
      • 同样的汽车不能在墨西哥生产吗,不能在中国生产吗?如果能的话,优势在哪里?骂娘谁不会.
        • 有见识, 说到点子上了
          • 吕秀莲都无法听下去:李登辉到日本就变日本人(图)



        • Not a chance. Dreaming China become an auto country in 20 years just naive and foolish.
          • 能生产汽车或是以较低成本生产汽车和成为auto country是两回事。
            • 销量下降,产品过时,工人成本增加等系列问题都会影响竞争力。总理也好,省长也好毕竟不是车厂CEO,这些问题只有企业本身解决。
              • (#4719019@0)
                • They might move their plant to Mexico.
                  • That is not viable, if you study the case. Trained Mexican auto workers will become immigration influx to Canada. Work force there not stable at all, and the gap is too big between auto worker and other industries.
                    • 这种现象是存在的,如同软件业一样。很多程序员跑道加拿大,但项目却转移到印度。
                      • you are comparing apple and orange.
                        • 是同样的规律,无论喜欢不喜欢我们很多加拿大人买的honda是墨西哥产的。
              • Auto plants will be back in few years. We will see. Canada has to do it and it is the best place to build autos for the US market.
                • 这取决于整体经济形式,如果经济陷入衰退,消费者对新车的需求就会减低。车厂不会好过,耗油大不环保的车会逐渐被淘汰,这样的生产线会被关闭。
                  • But the bottom line is Canada can't give up auto industry. And auto company will never give up Canada as manufacturing base. Federal Gov't need to do something.
                    • right,加拿大当然不会放弃,但这是趋势。车厂本身经营的好坏决定加拿大这边生产线的好坏。适销对路的车会继续生产,否则就关闭。工人成本太高就转移到便宜的地方。
                      • We are not talking about ON, we are talking about federal election here.
            • 前些时侯美国工人罢工,GM损失2 billion.Canadian fallout from GM strike will be immediate
              • I don't see that is the reason for closing auto plants in Canada. good time or bad time, but we have to do it in Canada.
                • #4719112@0
                • 加拿大的汽车工业都是美国公司。加币低的时候,加拿大生产成本低,现在加币升值,成本优势没有了。美国国内汽车厂都在不停的关门,加拿大的关门就毫不奇怪了。另一原因,汽车工业工会很强大,工人的成本远高于日本车厂。
                  • 当初一帮傻蛋跑加拿大来了,从来没想过假币会高。政府是没什么用,什么都不用做。笑政府。
      • It is nonsense that auto industry is labor intensive. It has never been classified as labor intensive.
    • 说实话了,就是NDP上台,也不能恢复汽车工业的过去的辉煌,因为那个是国际趋势,不是加拿大一个国家说了算的,只有全世界的国家联合起来,杜绝GLOBALIZATION,才有可能把收入比较好的制造业流在发达国家,嘿嘿
      • 嘿嘿,忘了说了,昨天看到JACK LAYTON做的一个粤语宣传片,他的粤语说得应该说是领导人里面最好的之一啦,嘿嘿,觉得他在能里面很可爱
        • He should be better at it.
        • 他有一个24小时全日制的粤语老师。
          • 枣茶喝多了 点心吃多了
            • 枣茶? 嘿嘿,彻底颠覆了。。。完全给。。带来了新概念,嘿嘿
              • laydon is OK to me but not the lady. Lived in a social housing place? Come on.
                • 她母亲确实住在那里,尽管她自己现在回家少了,我觉得她确实很努力的,嘿嘿
                  • 不孝之女
                    • 啊,天呀,嘿嘿,不要这么说哦,我从来没有选过她,但很佩服她敬业的精神的,她现在少回家,因为是国会议员,要在OTTAWA上班了,以前在TORONTO市政府的时候,天天骑自行车回家的,嘿嘿
        • JACK LAYTON 只是个绣花枕头, 啥都不懂, 但特能花钱, 特能加税.
      • I just don't understand your point on this. Will Japan and Germany close their auto plants too? will US big 3 auto close all their plants in U.S.? I just don't get it. They move their plant to China just for the Market not transfering profit.
      • 如果NDP 上台了, 那你就等着交税吧...
    • 加拿大的汽车行业不是加拿大自己的,而是美国的,所以和加拿大人无关。你真是无知头顶了。。。。
      • 哈珀也是一样,无知透顶了,阿伯他的石油企业也多数是外国资本,他以为是自己的。
    • 提起温莎,欲哭无泪,汽车工业垮了,美元经济垮了,赌业垮了(很大程度是安省的禁烟令造成的)。我亲历了这个小城从繁荣昌盛到民不聊生的死亡之路,可怜我全部积蓄都被这个死亡之城带走了
      • 哈吧还说失业了你怎么不去ALBERTA, 如果我是车厂雇员, 我真觉得这是天大的侮辱, 伤口上撒的盐!
        • 那就投他的票, 让他当选。 然后架在火上烤。 皆大欢喜
        • 车厂雇员? 35/hr 吹吧.其他人就可随意侮辱哈?
      • 我我我,刚搬到这个死亡之城。每每看看河边风景,心情都不错。在伦敦时候在森林里骑车,现在在河边骑车。感觉都很好。
    • 开日本车的人没有资格在这里发言,先检查一下自己。