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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Power Corporation of Canada

The company is controlled by Paul Desmarais, Sr.. Paul Desmarais, Jr. is one of thirty members of the North American Competitiveness Council, a group whose advice directs the policies of North American Security and Prosperity Partnership. Additionally, the company has long been a close ally of the Liberal Party of Canada, although former or current members of other Canadian political parties have also worked for Power Corp. A brief summary of the connections between Power Corp. and those with political power in Canada is below.

* Former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, was hired in the 1960s to work for Paul Desmarais, Sr. by Maurice Strong. Martin became President of Canada Steamship Lines, a subsidiary of Power Corp., and in 1981 Desmarais sold the company to Martin and a partner. Martin went on to make his personal fortune as an owner of CSL.

* Former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien sat on the board of Power Corp. subsidiary Consolidated Bathurst in the late 1980s before he became the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Chrétien's daughter France is married to the son of Paul Desmarais, Sr., André. Also Chrétien's chief of staff Eddie Goldenberg worked in the past for Power Corp.

* Former Prime Minister of Canada, the late Pierre Trudeau, served in the mid-1990s on Power Corp.'s international advisory board. Trudeau's assistant Ted Johnson also worked for Power Corp. During the Trudeau administration Michael Pitfield held a variety of positions in government but during his time in the private sector he was at one time a Vice-Chairman of Power Corp. and is currently listed as a Director Emeritus.

* Former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney also has a relationship with Power Corporation. Mulroney's friend Ian MacDonald described Desmarais as “Mulroney’s mentor in the business world,” and it is believed that Mulroney has done legal work for Power Corp. since the end of his term as Prime Minister. Additionally, former Mulroney Minister of Transport Don Mazankowski is currently Power Corp.'s company director.

* Former Premiers of Ontario William Davis and John Robarts of the Progressive Conservatives have both sat on Power Corp.'s national advisory board. John Rae, the brother of former NDP Premier Bob Rae, currently serves as Power Corp.'s Executive Vice President.

* Former Premier of Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson, Jr. worked for Power Corp. from 1973 to 1981 and in the last three years of this term was a Vice-President in the company.

* Former member of the Liberal Party of Canada Maurice Strong became President of Power Corp. by his mid-thirties. He had a role in the creation of the Canadian International Development Agency and in 1976 he was appointed to run Petro-Canada. He later worked for the United Nations.

* Power Corp.'s international advisory board has featured individuals such as former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, former oil minister of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, former head of the US Federal Reserve Board Paul Volcker, and the previously mentioned former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 看了看这个坛子的发言,明白了,都是些什么人会选哈破:恨中国的人,以是个中国人为耻的人,法轮功信徒们。--》 如果你不想成为加拿大的三等公民,如果你希望你的孩子将来会在加拿大得到平等的对待,如果
    • 没那么严重吧?
      • 爱中国, 废哈巴!
        • 爱中国, 选哈巴。 只同意你半句, 就跟一半吧
          • 喊两句口号爽爽。
    • 看了你的发言,我知道你不明白人们需要相互理解和尊重。给不支持你的观点的人贴上标签不会增加你的言论的说服力,反而会不利于国家和民族的团结。
    • 是啊,不知道他们哪里找的那些人很没水平但就是丑化中国,99.1FM, 早晨上班路上常常听到.
      • 骂自己的祖国还以为自己很有面子?
        • 又是一个政府,国家分不清楚的主儿。你觉不觉得你在骂哈帕政府,就是骂加拿大这个国家,反对这个国家的全体公民呢?
          • 我骂哈巴,可是没有丑化加拿大.
            • 同样道理,骂中共的人,也没有丑化中国啊。
        • 祖国是一个什么不能骂的东东吗? 一骂就垮了? 骂祖国的人可以觉得自己有面子, 也可以觉得自己没面子。 这有什么关系吗?
          • 你不是法论功的吧?
            • 他好象特崇拜HARPER.视其他人不见?但HARPER不知道喜不喜欢他?哈哈
              • 只要你投了他的票, 他就喜欢你。 哈哈
                • 你投吧.似乎你很喜欢他?
                  • 喜欢他们党的政策。 他本人也不错, 经济学家, 年轻, 睿智,是这个国家目前最佳的领导。看看他上台后就轻而易举地瓦解魁独势力, 真是让人叹而观止。 要知道前自由党政府, 追根溯源, 是栽在魁独上
                    • what hell?个人崇拜?
                      • 民主社会可不让搞这一套。
                        • 你攻击DION的时候可不考虑民主社会
              • 怎么有的人说是"她", 是男是女?
                • 网友是在骂我,不仅如此, 而且连带天下所有的女士, 当然包括你的女性家属。已经有网友指出这一点了。骂人的人自知理亏, 不敢再回应。 对于左派朋友的人身攻击,大家已经习惯了。 很理解, 说不过,
                  还不让人骂吗? 呵呵 -99miles(帝子乘风下翠微); 9.26 10:59 (#4721013@0) Reply
                  • 自问自答, 呵呵。
                    • 说得清楚一点不好吗,你怕了?
                      • 大不了人身攻击嘛, 有什么好怕的。 把别人驳得老羞成怒, 理屈词穷, 还不允许别人骂两句? 前几天有两位追着我骂了好一阵子, 另外一位更干脆, 直接就贴我一个FLG的标签。 你骂的还算温和。
                        • 装什么蒜?骂得狗急跳墙都出来了。俺可不是省油的灯。
                          • 那是你自己骂的
                            • 还不是借人家的话?
            • 既不是法论功, 也不是 法轮功。
    • 不会吧, 所有选总理的人都是恨中国的, 以是中国人为此的? 中国人无权参加选举啊。 在说那些本地的白人们从来就不是中国人, 他们也投人民总理票啊
    • 才发现加拿大有40%人“恨中国的人,以是个中国人为耻的人,法轮功信徒们。--》”
    • 那么这次选举保守党7位华裔候选人都是恨中国以为中国人为耻的人,自由党只有3个华裔候选人,倒是爱中国以中国人不为耻的。怎么见得的呢?
    • 我可以很清楚的告诉你,你的结论是错的。作为反证,我非常以作为中国人为荣,非常讨厌那些张口闭口说中国不好的,非常讨厌但是同情那些FLG患者。而且我会坚决地选保守党。因为保守党的家庭伦理观念和我一致,其理财理念也跟我一致,而且
      • 鼓掌
      • 坚决支持你的观点!我和家人也选保守党。跟爱不爱中国无关。
      • 你想过这个国家的未来吗?
        • (#4727753@0)
          • 他们不找根源,就会打压.不懂预防,只会惩处.结果犯罪是会越来越多.
            • 请问你找出来的根源是什么?难道不是多年来自由党的自由政策造成贫富不均,枪支泛滥,穷人失学造成的么?
              • 有可能.但政策只是一方面.但哈泊也没有让犯罪率下降多少.
                • 要知道破坏容易建立难。烂摊子不是一天两天能收拾好的。而且作为少数党政府,目前保守党仍旧被自由党牵制,很多政策无法实施。我也不是要标榜保守党就有多好,但是目前来看,比自由党要强很多。另外,你还没有回答我的问题。你觉得根源是什么?
    • 看了看这个坛子的发言,明白了,都是些什么人会选低安:恨中国人民的人,以中国人民为耻的人,共产邪教的信徒们...如果你不想加拿大成为中国的附属国,如果你希望你的孩子将来不会吃到三鹿奶粉,如果你不希望加拿大中国化,请*不要*选低安
      • (起立)热烈鼓掌
        • 加拿大怎么能成中国的附属国?加拿大不是美国人的吗?
          • 跟着美国跑的, 向来是吃香的, 喝辣的; 跟着中国跑, 嘿嘿
            • 听人话,吃饱饭.真是这样,啊?
              • 倒也不是, 不听中国话,也能吃饱饭
                • 我说的是哈泊听美国人的话,你怎么老扯中国.加拿大选举,跟中国有什么鸟关系?
                  • 你去请教那些拼命攻击保守党的就知道有什么“鸟”关系了。 呵呵
                    • 攻击攻击就是攻击.谁叫他在保守!气死你.
                      • 哈哈, 你气我就能解决柿柚党失败的命运。 要那样的话, Dion老先生和一帮支持他的国移们早就拜上门来, 苦苦哀求我生气了。 可惜啊, 我没那本事。
      • It's really sad to see that Harper's followers are only PART TIME. And they came from nowhere, no roots. Get a FT Perm BA. U.S slow down will not happen in Canada, HARPER predicted.
    • 如果你不希望你的同胞糊里糊涂地死在非典下,豆腐渣校舍下,毒奶粉毒大米毒玩具下。请选敢于直言的政府而不是只会给党国拍马屁的政府。这是真正的爱中国。
      • 要解决中国的问题,我宁愿回去革命。不选排外的政党,保守党民族政策放到中国也有问题。
        • 我们党国不希望自己的民众揭自己的丑,任务就只有外人来完成了。政党做戏也好,还是有什么其他企图也好,只要讲的是事实,戳到痛处,对底层的民众是有好处的。
        • 胡说八道。。。
      • Couldn't agree more! Plus, I believe 对中国政府的爱与恨与加拿大大选是两件事。
      • 保守党领导下的加拿大不是也有10几个人死在枫叶的肉上了吗?你也慷慨呈词了没有?你知道保守党代表的是谁的利益?资本家的利益!你认为你是让保守代表了, 你只管去选好了
        • right,还有自由党领导下的疯牛病.问题是楼主要谈的是加拿大大选的中国因素,所以我们就谈中国因素。
        • 请问谁不代表资本家利益?中国共产党?看看这些党领都是从哪里出来的。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Power Corporation of Canada

          The company is controlled by Paul Desmarais, Sr.. Paul Desmarais, Jr. is one of thirty members of the North American Competitiveness Council, a group whose advice directs the policies of North American Security and Prosperity Partnership. Additionally, the company has long been a close ally of the Liberal Party of Canada, although former or current members of other Canadian political parties have also worked for Power Corp. A brief summary of the connections between Power Corp. and those with political power in Canada is below.

          * Former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, was hired in the 1960s to work for Paul Desmarais, Sr. by Maurice Strong. Martin became President of Canada Steamship Lines, a subsidiary of Power Corp., and in 1981 Desmarais sold the company to Martin and a partner. Martin went on to make his personal fortune as an owner of CSL.

          * Former Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chrétien sat on the board of Power Corp. subsidiary Consolidated Bathurst in the late 1980s before he became the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. Chrétien's daughter France is married to the son of Paul Desmarais, Sr., André. Also Chrétien's chief of staff Eddie Goldenberg worked in the past for Power Corp.

          * Former Prime Minister of Canada, the late Pierre Trudeau, served in the mid-1990s on Power Corp.'s international advisory board. Trudeau's assistant Ted Johnson also worked for Power Corp. During the Trudeau administration Michael Pitfield held a variety of positions in government but during his time in the private sector he was at one time a Vice-Chairman of Power Corp. and is currently listed as a Director Emeritus.

          * Former Prime Minister of Canada Brian Mulroney also has a relationship with Power Corporation. Mulroney's friend Ian MacDonald described Desmarais as “Mulroney’s mentor in the business world,” and it is believed that Mulroney has done legal work for Power Corp. since the end of his term as Prime Minister. Additionally, former Mulroney Minister of Transport Don Mazankowski is currently Power Corp.'s company director.

          * Former Premiers of Ontario William Davis and John Robarts of the Progressive Conservatives have both sat on Power Corp.'s national advisory board. John Rae, the brother of former NDP Premier Bob Rae, currently serves as Power Corp.'s Executive Vice President.

          * Former Premier of Quebec Premier Daniel Johnson, Jr. worked for Power Corp. from 1973 to 1981 and in the last three years of this term was a Vice-President in the company.

          * Former member of the Liberal Party of Canada Maurice Strong became President of Power Corp. by his mid-thirties. He had a role in the creation of the Canadian International Development Agency and in 1976 he was appointed to run Petro-Canada. He later worked for the United Nations.

          * Power Corp.'s international advisory board has featured individuals such as former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, former oil minister of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani, former head of the US Federal Reserve Board Paul Volcker, and the previously mentioned former Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 哈泊除了对别人说三到四还会做什么?
        • 还会把马丁赶下台, 把自己弄上台。 当然了, Dion也正在被他赶下台。 嘿嘿, 不佩服不行啊
          • 总理是人民选的.不存在谁赶谁的问题.你又回帝王制了.
            • 选民把马丁选下去.把哈泊漏出来.
              • 上次漏的不彻底, 只是个少数政府。 这次要漏个大的, 多数政府。 人民, 只有人民, 才是创造历史的动力。 哈哈哈
                • "哈哈哈人民, 只有人民, 才是创造历史的动力" , 美国人民给了布什个连选连任,咎由自取呀。出不完兜着走 – mortgage meltdown, Wall Street turmoil, recession, recession, recession …Very good. No time to catch you guys today. See you guys tomorrow.
                  • 谁又能预测未来?
                    • HABA YA!
            • 是总理抓住时机, 提出不信任案, 让不可一世的马丁轱辘一下从台上滚了下来。可不是我在搞帝王制
              • 自由党做的时间太长了,下去是应该的.什么时机啊,是不是你不提醒,你的蛤播还发呆呢,啊?
                • 当然不是啊, 你别总是过高的估计我嘛
    • cut your crap, please
    • 选这个人,对后代决定有威胁.别老光想着自己,要对后代负责.他呆几年,你的后代至少被折磨几年.
      • 对后代负责就该回国,那里永远时中国人的天下。
        • 你要不要回去?落叶早晚要归根.
          • 人不是树叶。
          • 我不要回去,我了我的后代负责,我孩子还小,要喝牛奶的。
            • 提倡母乳喂养.嘿嘿
      • 对那些光吃福利不干活的本地人来说, 的确是个威胁
        • 那些人威胁你了?看来你连要饭都要不过他们了啊!
          • 有人民的好总理哈伯在台上, 要饭的是越来越少, 要不为什么总理如此受欢迎。 哈哈
            • 你统计过了?或者你在哪个教堂门口数过?
              • 不干活就没饭吃了, 那些成天吃福利的还不乖乖干活去了。 还用得着上教堂去数? 那是那些只会抬杠的人干的事
      • 就是为了要对后代负责我才更要选保守党。保守党政府不会去创造一个以病态为时尚和荣耀的社会;保守党政府可以减少犯罪;保守党政府懂得量入而出而不是寅吃卯粮;保守党政府着重对下一代的培养而不是由其自身自灭;... ...
    • 哈吧大傻,看着就来气,下台滚蛋!!
      • 可惜,你的心愿实现不料了
        • 无所谓了.反正早晚他得下台.把他抬的越高,将来摔下来的更惨!活该!
          • 其实本身就是无所谓的事情,每个人都有自己的想法,每个人对每个政党的接受程度都不一样,选谁都无所谓。重要的事选票。要去选。
            • 一定会去投.再说也不麻烦.
        • 还有,你怎么知道他一定连任?选举日是哪天你不是不知道吧?你提前知道结果?
          • 大家心里都有数。 要不然各色人等为什么都粉墨登场, 拼命攻击保守党。 好一个哈伯, 玉树临风,谈笑间, 樯橹灰飞烟灭。 哈哈哈
            • 你疯了,鉴定完毕.
              • 呵呵, 狗急跳墙了吧? -god-father(godfather); 12:25 (#4726426@0)
                • 我注册的时候你还是水ne.谁他妈是马甲,你牙别译音了.
                  • 哈哈哈
                  • 我从来没有想过你和谁是马甲, 那不关我的事, 嘻嘻
          • 我猜的,因为不是自由党太差,只是dion太差。不知道这个党魁是怎么选出来的,很多人不选自由党是因为这个白痴党魁。如果是那个美女当党魁,估计哈怕就下去了。
            • 那个叛徒“美”女? 哈哈
            • 以色列快要出女总理了.
    • 看了看这个坛子的发言,明白了,中国是个出极端分子的地方 .....
      • hehe, some people are armed with hatress-----it is not good for health though.
      • blame the education system. so many unbalanced minds - can't understand or tolerate a different opinion.
        • hatress can keep people alive-----a line from a movie
          • ya. keep some people alive and kills all others
      • GCD执政以来那几次极端运动很有群众基础,而且还有人乐此不疲。
        • 几天前还有人在大声疾呼“运动了” ! 咦,那人不就是你么?
          • Working on his front door now...
            • you meant, front porch ?
              • Front door, worth 10k. Solid enough to keep rocket away. :))))
          • 当时有个家伙捐着锄头冲出来问“哪儿?哪儿”,不就是你吗?
            • 锄头? come on, 我们这一行都是操着鼠标出来的,还无线
    • 太好笑了. 建议LZ搞个调查. 太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.太好笑了.