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你错了,保守党现在在节骨眼上: Tories drop further as race tightens: poll

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Tories drop further as race tightens: poll
Last Updated: Monday, October 6, 2008 | 2:45 PM ET Comments294Recommend194CBC News
Support for the Conservatives plunged in the days following the leaders' debates amid worries about Harper's approach to the economy, a pollster suggests.

"The economy, and to some extent the leaders' debate about what to do about the economy, have changed the dynamic of the campaign," said Harris/Decima president Bruce Anderson.

According to the latest four-day rolling Canadian Press-Harris-Decima survey, done in partnership with the CBC, about 32 per cent of participants said they would vote for the Conservatives. It marks yet another drop in the party's steady decline of support since its peak of 41 per cent at the start of the five-week election campaign.

Liberals rose to 25 per cent, while the NDP continued its climb with 21 per cent, according to the poll conducted Oct. 2-5.

The Green party fell a point to 12 per cent and the Bloc held steady with eight per cent voter support.

Harper 'too measured': Anderson
"You have clear evidence of a tightening race," said CBC's David Taylor, a senior producer on the CBC's election desk who keeps a close eye on the polls.

Anderson said Harper risks being perceived as "too measured in his reaction" to spreading economic uncertainty.

It's unlikely voters reject his argument that the fiscal fundamentals are sound, he said, but Ontario and Quebec voters seem to be seeking more empathy with their economic pain due to the troubled manufacturing sector.

They want a "sense that more policy action will be taken if needed to protect Canada from fallout," said Anderson.

Some voters, he warns, are perceiving Harper's steady approach as avoiding action — a perception he must seek to counter as the Oct. 14 election date nears.

'Tightly bunched three-way race'
Conservatives have seen their female support erode further to 29 per cent, while that support for Liberals and NDP rose to 25 and 24 per cent, respectively.

"The NDP [are] showing the greatest gains here and so Jack Layton's message is gaining traction among female voters," said Taylor.

With male voter support, it was "almost a straight swap" between the Conservative numbers falling to 35 per cent from 42 per cent and Liberals climbing seven points to 26 per cent, said Taylor.

Eighteen per cent of male voters surveyed expressed support for the NDP, while the Green party stood at 11 per cent and the Bloc had eight.

Among city dwellers, accounting for about four-fifths of the population, the Conservatives fell to 29 per cent from 34 while the Liberals bounced back to 27 per cent and NDP increased to 24 per cent.

"We're looking at a statistical dead heat with urban voters," said Taylor. "We have a tightly bunched three-way race at the top of the chart here."

Roughly 300 Canadians are interviewed every night as part of the rolling survey continuing through the five-week election campaign.

This sample represents 1,235 interviews gathered over the four days from Oct. 2 to Oct. 5. The results are considered accurate within plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

The breakdowns of male, female and urban voting intentions vary in accuracy from within plus or minus 3.5 to 3.9 percentage points, with from 621 to 764 interviews for each.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 今天的报纸上说发生多起自由党支持者的汽车和住宅又像上次大选一样被蓄意破坏的事情。支持保守党的选民素质可窥一斑。为了不把自己归类为这种通过暴力和威胁来帮助选举的暴民行列,死活也不能选保守党。NDP这次电视广告挺多的,其他党怎么都没看到呢?
    • how can we rule out NDP supporters?
    • 所谓上梁不正下梁歪,上到总理,部长,谋士,下到保守党铁杆支持者,搞的是下作的手段(台湾人说奥步)
    • 先别忙着造谣说是保守党的选民干的。 这种通吃伯韦小宝的伎俩蒙蒙老外行, 中国人还上当那就是故意要上当了。这跟04年台湾大选阿扁挨的那一枪类似。 判断是谁干的很简单, 谁受益就是谁干的。 保守党顺风顺水地正向胜利前进, 用得着这样节外生枝?
      • 你错了,保守党现在在节骨眼上: Tories drop further as race tightens: poll
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Tories drop further as race tightens: poll
        Last Updated: Monday, October 6, 2008 | 2:45 PM ET Comments294Recommend194CBC News
        Support for the Conservatives plunged in the days following the leaders' debates amid worries about Harper's approach to the economy, a pollster suggests.

        "The economy, and to some extent the leaders' debate about what to do about the economy, have changed the dynamic of the campaign," said Harris/Decima president Bruce Anderson.

        According to the latest four-day rolling Canadian Press-Harris-Decima survey, done in partnership with the CBC, about 32 per cent of participants said they would vote for the Conservatives. It marks yet another drop in the party's steady decline of support since its peak of 41 per cent at the start of the five-week election campaign.

        Liberals rose to 25 per cent, while the NDP continued its climb with 21 per cent, according to the poll conducted Oct. 2-5.

        The Green party fell a point to 12 per cent and the Bloc held steady with eight per cent voter support.

        Harper 'too measured': Anderson
        "You have clear evidence of a tightening race," said CBC's David Taylor, a senior producer on the CBC's election desk who keeps a close eye on the polls.

        Anderson said Harper risks being perceived as "too measured in his reaction" to spreading economic uncertainty.

        It's unlikely voters reject his argument that the fiscal fundamentals are sound, he said, but Ontario and Quebec voters seem to be seeking more empathy with their economic pain due to the troubled manufacturing sector.

        They want a "sense that more policy action will be taken if needed to protect Canada from fallout," said Anderson.

        Some voters, he warns, are perceiving Harper's steady approach as avoiding action — a perception he must seek to counter as the Oct. 14 election date nears.

        'Tightly bunched three-way race'
        Conservatives have seen their female support erode further to 29 per cent, while that support for Liberals and NDP rose to 25 and 24 per cent, respectively.

        "The NDP [are] showing the greatest gains here and so Jack Layton's message is gaining traction among female voters," said Taylor.

        With male voter support, it was "almost a straight swap" between the Conservative numbers falling to 35 per cent from 42 per cent and Liberals climbing seven points to 26 per cent, said Taylor.

        Eighteen per cent of male voters surveyed expressed support for the NDP, while the Green party stood at 11 per cent and the Bloc had eight.

        Among city dwellers, accounting for about four-fifths of the population, the Conservatives fell to 29 per cent from 34 while the Liberals bounced back to 27 per cent and NDP increased to 24 per cent.

        "We're looking at a statistical dead heat with urban voters," said Taylor. "We have a tightly bunched three-way race at the top of the chart here."

        Roughly 300 Canadians are interviewed every night as part of the rolling survey continuing through the five-week election campaign.

        This sample represents 1,235 interviews gathered over the four days from Oct. 2 to Oct. 5. The results are considered accurate within plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

        The breakdowns of male, female and urban voting intentions vary in accuracy from within plus or minus 3.5 to 3.9 percentage points, with from 621 to 764 interviews for each.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 稍微受点教育的人都知道, 把对手选民的住宅和汽车破坏一下, 根本不会把自己的支持率提高几个百分点。 倒是阿扁象王连举那样给自己一枪, 能赢得同情心,收到奇效。 大幅落后的一方开始走奥步了。哈哈哈
      • 同意你的说法。不过保守党支持者都是“稍微受点教育的人”吗?
        • 你一口咬定是保守党的选民干的, 就算你没有确凿的证据, 但如果有合理的推理, 你也可以向皇家骑警告密, 这样既可以拿下你咬定的疑犯, 又可以帮助可怜虫Dion提升一下支持率, 哈哈, 已经快被NDP追上了, 这老二也快保不住啰。
      • 奇葩奇葩
      • 你太有才了。
    • 那个区是自由党和NDP在争,这事和保守党都扯不上。
      • You are wrong, that also happened in the Toronto riding of St. Paul's.
        • 你真有趣,扯上点边都能赖到保守党的头上。丝毫证据没有,用泼污水这种办法来反保守党,你也太低估大家的智商了吧。
          • 别扯别的, 我告诉你 That also happened in the Toronto riding of St. Paul's.
            • 发生在某个地方就一定是自由党干的, 你什么逻辑
              • 没跟你说话,你都搞不懂我们谈什么
                • 就你那点小九九, 还故作神秘, 呵呵呵
                  • 皇帝不急急死太监,你多管闲事。
                    • 是啊, 人家Dion现在已经睡了, 就你还在这里忙乎。 皇帝不急。。。。。,哈哈哈
                      • 是啊,你这么晚了还在抓阶级斗争,揪出四人帮了没有,你太有才了。
                        • 我这么辛苦就是为了不让太监着急,呵呵
                          • 我那句是说你是太监,一点都不懂。
          • 没错,保守党都是傻子,弱智,低智商!有脑子的人都知道保守是贬义词。天天把贬义词挂在嘴上,不是坏人就是傻子。加拿大聪明人都选自由党,跟中国好才有未来!傻子都选保守党,天天自己高高兴兴的说“我是保守党”就和说我是傻子一样,都是贬义词!
            • 同情一下。
            • 也同情一下
            • 同情3下
            • 你说得很好, 我代表祖国人民感谢你.
    • 应该是NDP干的, 自由党和NDP 争得很厉害.
      • 自由党干的, 这叫周愚打黄盖.
      • 同意, 左派的暴民多, 一般左的往往被极左的收拾了.
    • 破坏宣传牌, 在墙上涂鸦倒也罢了, 钻到人家车底下剪掉刹车线, 那是要人命的事, 这些支持保守党的人心也够黑的!
      • 这一钻一剪显得很专业啊。
    • 是不是苦肉计? 陈水扁当初也用过这一招,