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But at least for Canada, a McCain/Palin administration will be better than Obama. 1. Palin has a lot of experiences working with Canada as governor of Alaska.

1. Palin has a lot of experiences working with Canada as governor of Alaska. Most compnaies operating in Alaska are energy companies from Canada. As she will be in charge of America's new energy policy, Canada's role as a reliable energy supplier will be more important. Oil and gas from Alaska need to go through Canada to reach the US mainland which will bring jobs and prosperity. Obama and Biden on the other hand, had little interaction with Canada.
2. Obama promised to review Free Trade agreements with Canada, as the US manifacturing sector is struggling, they could setup trade barrier against Canada to protect American jobs, McCain and Palin on the other hand, are determined free-traders who will honor trade agreements with Canada and rest of the world

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / Sarah Palin又创纪录, 她和Biden的VP辩论吸引了7300万+的电视观众,不但将前VP辩论打得粉碎,在所有总统辩论中也只次于Reagan和Carter那场.正好在米国,看了Fox的转播和评论,Palin的表现实在精采.加国不放Fox实在是小气.
    • CBC应该裁掉
    • 嘿嘿,不能说精彩,主要是人们好奇,本来想看她笑话的,结果她表现比预期的好了。她在辩论里面两次把美国住伊拉克的官员的名字说错了,BIDEN非常有绅士风度,也很有策略,他没有指出来,不是BIDEN不知道,而是不想得罪妇女选民了。
      • The fact checks after the debate showing many of Biden's comments against McCain are either lies or misleading words.
        • 也不全是啦,嘿嘿,不过有些是不正确,比如SARAH说OBAMA是恐怖分子,太离谱了吧,BAD STRATEGY,嘿嘿
      • 他们都这个德行。辩论的时候,看到对手做出明显的错误就止步,给听众留出充分的想象空间,这样其实伤害更大。当初,夏河去做访谈,当夏河说,中国人民有充分自由来接触各种新闻的时候,主持人就及时止步,就是这个道理。
        • 嘿嘿,我看分析说,如果SARAH不是SARAH,而是一个和BIDEN旗鼓相当的男士,BIDEN会毫不留情的,那个是一个策略,拉拢妇女选民的
    • 美女对老头,观赏性强。要是整个杨振宁和翁帆的辩论会,收视率还能创个新高。
      • 嘿嘿,不一定哦,首先杨没有BIDEN英俊萧洒,翁没有SARAH漂亮时髦了,几天前看杨先生在邵逸夫科学奖颁奖仪式讲话,简直是老态龙钟,背也不直,满脸老人班,怎么可以和人家BIDEN挺拔的身影,银色的头发比较呢
    • Lets be honest, Biden performed much better than Palin - which also agreed upon by more than half viewers according to a post debate poll. . Biden was logical, clear, to the point. Palin was better than expected though
      • It's expected that Biden would be more sophisticated than Palin because he was a senator for 35 years. That's why he keeps talking about McCain voted for these, for that.
        A lot of them are exagerrated or half-truth, but Palin couldn't argue with these since she doesn't know what McCain, Biden or Obama voted
    • But at least for Canada, a McCain/Palin administration will be better than Obama. 1. Palin has a lot of experiences working with Canada as governor of Alaska.
      1. Palin has a lot of experiences working with Canada as governor of Alaska. Most compnaies operating in Alaska are energy companies from Canada. As she will be in charge of America's new energy policy, Canada's role as a reliable energy supplier will be more important. Oil and gas from Alaska need to go through Canada to reach the US mainland which will bring jobs and prosperity. Obama and Biden on the other hand, had little interaction with Canada.
      2. Obama promised to review Free Trade agreements with Canada, as the US manifacturing sector is struggling, they could setup trade barrier against Canada to protect American jobs, McCain and Palin on the other hand, are determined free-traders who will honor trade agreements with Canada and rest of the world
      • 第二点理由太牵强。无论谁上台,美国经济都是第一位的,不可能为加拿大做出妥协。而且加拿大和美国冲突的产业并不多,加拿大的产业基本满足本国市场,美国也没兴趣针对一个3000万人口的市场。至于能源,谁上台都是感兴趣的。
        • It's all about what they believe are for the best intererst of America. Whether they believe protectionism or free trade works better,
          whether they believe exploring America's own energy resources in the mainland and Alaska or the nuclear energy is the answer, whether Canada is its most reliable energy supplier and a strong partner in its energy-independence move, or other countries are more important. Their different beliefs can bring completely different results for Canada.
    • 谈不上精采,对于她来说,因为期望值很低不输就是赢。看看之前她在CBS做的专访,简直惨不忍睹,对bailout plan的回答能让人笑掉大牙。现在离大选还有28天,留给共和党的时间所剩无几,共和党翻身的机会很小。
      • Choosing Palin is a bit of gamble for McCain. You can't expect a mother of 5 kids and a beauty queen, a basketball star to have much time to study complicated international politics and global economic policy.
        I think it's better if he chose Mike Hackabee or Mitt Romney.
    • Emotional comments, verified。。。
      • 我其实很担心SARAH的,捧那么高,如果摔下来了怎么办呢。OBAMA也是,不过他是男士,摔下来要好一些了
        • 看来你当不了政治家。对于搞政治的人来说,哪有什么捧的那么高的说法,政治家不仅需要别人捧,还要自己吹,越高越好。政治家皮糙肉厚,不存在摔下来怎么办的问题,摔下来照样当州长,参议员5的。。。