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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


You should be right! Basically, I appriciate hard working people. My current contract job with a Candian lady totally changed my opinion on Canadian people.

I have to say that she is knowledgable, capable and hard wok and she is a real super lady. She is working for a large UK IBD and currently deaing with an aquisition of the large US IBD of Canada. Based on the accounting info, her earning and benefit received are amazing.She is working overtime even her 14-mons son and herself sick. She said she was so excited to do somthing more than accounting and it is a great thing in her life. When I asked about her expected new position, she just smiled and "I don't know, I am too busy to have time think about it!" , similiar to her big boss said "I have too many thing to worry about, and do not have time to think about the next step!' They choose, they enjoy, and they will get payback! People outside cannot get it.
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 我在投行工作最艰难的一个周末
    • Man, this is tough!
      It is unfair for your gf, treat her well...
    • 投行的缺乏监管, 资本家的贪婪,无情, 美国金融文化的骄横扩张, 造成了我们一生中经历的最严重的衰退. 这仅仅才是开始! 你不过是一个牺牲品. 我们都是不知不觉选择了职业, 到经济增长到了转折点, 才知道, 车搭的对,还是不对.
      你辛辛苦苦做完的presentation, 老板不会appreciate, 每个人都觉得无比委屈, 多余的工作, 其实很可能对一个即将倒闭的企业毫无意义,


      • Don't take me wrong. I wrote this article only as a memory of what I experienced in the past, not to complain the IBD job at all.
        In deed, I enjoy a career in financial industry and believe that's the right one for me. There are good days and bad days. When I look back, I feel pride and accomplished. Everything happens to us is a gift, as we'll learn, mature and grow. Every experience is a good experience if you take it in a positive way.
        • 同意,就喜欢这样的生活, - There are good days and bad days, but never boring days.
        • 生活是生活,工作是工作, 你不是工作的奴隶. 喜爱你的工作不错, 但你让你的女朋友,付出太大的代价, 你是自私的.
          • 站着说话不嫌腰疼. 把你放在那样的境地试一下, 看你会怎样. 一面是对工作或者说 饭碗的忠诚, 一面是家庭和爱情. 我们很多人都经历过. LZ应该得到的是理解而不 是说教
        • Can not agree more: "Everything happens to us is a gift, as we'll learn, mature and grow. Every experience is a good experience if you take it in a positive way. " I like your attitude.
          • 这是entry level 的attitude. 没有地位, 不设底线, 只有无条件的去奉献. 只有让老板更加无人情味的去索求. 这是very bad example of workplace ethics, politics and environment. 至于LZ的话,不过是受痛之后,聊以自慰罢了.
            • First of all, Nobody enters his career as a senoir. Every body starts from Entry level. It's very important to have the right attitude.
              Second, I do agree what I quoted from his words. You could even benefit from the bad thing. It's just how you treat it. You should always be positive. Being positive does not mean you have to accept everything. It actually means you should look at things positively and address any issue positively.
              The third, he is only recall what happend in one weekend at his early career hood. He did not say this situation still continues.
              The fourth, do you want to say you now have senior level's attitude? If so, it only means you are too old! :-DDDDDD And, LZ is too young. Staying young is another attitude. :-)) ( I am mean today as I am in bad mood and too old.)
              The Fifth, please forgive my poor English. I know you understand me well as you are very smart.
            • 我是中年实力派, 话衷言,是顺耳,或逆耳我无所谓. (1) 永远不要用你自己的幸福,去换取老板的欢心, 偶尔这会唤起他的某些良知,很多时候他认为是自己领导有方. (2) 不要无根据的为自己打气, 把所谓工作事业放在家庭之上,那是虚伪, 对别人是危险. (3)尊重自己,别人才能尊重你.
              • 再说一句不中听的, LZ这种类型的,我是老板绝对雇, 在国内我就专雇外地人, 忠诚, 利索, 便宜. 连自己的女朋友和一家人都不顾的,(我相信他没有和老板商量女友来访的事), 我夸他有事业心, 就象扔去一块狗骨头.
                • 牛哥说的大道理不错.但是,具体措施还要请教.
              • 牛哥的牛言! 不要替老板着急,对得起自己的工资就行。至于进度,backup那不是我们打工一族考虑的事。靠老板良心发现是不现实的.....
              • 实在搞不懂,你为什么那么自以为是。
            • "至于LZ的话,不过是受痛之后,聊以自慰罢了." Please, You are so wrong. BTW, it's rare to see true "实力派" publicly claim "我是中年实力派". Nor real star with CEO level positions claim "公司高球赛一举成为明星,与老总们平起平坐".
              Good for you to feel that great. And thanks for posting your view, but no thanks to your incorrect interpretations and cynical comments like "夸他有事业心, 就象扔去一块狗骨头". Please be nice and polite.

              Quote Mimier's reply: " he is only recall what happened in one weekend at his early career hood. He did not say this situation still continues. "

              Quote my earlier reply: " I wrote this article only as a memory of what I experienced in the past, not to complain the IBD job at all."

              Say that again: it's just my story of an unforgettable experience occurred nearly one and half years ago. If I could go back to choose, I would choose IBD again. Honestly, I am happy with the my career, family and my life.
              • GG别生气,他很早就是这样开始说话的了,傲慢的人总以为自己知道得很多,却从来不明白隔行如隔山的道理,别跟他争论,我觉得你做得已经很好了,有你这样的男人做男朋友,你女朋友已经很幸福。



              • 哥们,我说我看不起你,一点没错!男人在这里,不是寻求宽慰,而是寻找真言,寻找不同的声音。弃自己的女友和家庭不顾,反而用事业心来自慰,只能说你不成熟。我是个过来的男人,谈自己的感觉,至于那些鼓励你的,都是JUNK TALK!
                • +1
              • 我顶烦的就是你这句话: "If I could go back to choose, I would choose IBD again.". 那些投行的头头们哪怕有点人性, 今天的经济形式就不会如此. 都说这是经济规律, 其实金融行业, 充斥着恶的人性.确希望你小小年纪,深思什么才是你最重要的东西.
                • calm down~~别烦。。。人各有志。。。正因为年纪小才需要奋斗,以事业为重,年轻时不搏留待何时?



            • bro bull, you are aged. your words make sense at your age but not applicable or encouraged for people who are young or who has a young heart.
      • I remember when I was suffering the endless traveling and long work hours and my mentor told me: "what you are suffering now is just what makes you become a real gig."
        • Agreed....However, there is 90% chance you will stay small, only those top 10s finally become a real big....but be ambitious, you might be the 10%. However, if you never try, you will never be the 10%.
        • Agree. Work and life balance is ideal life style but not practical sometimes, especially in early career hood. You pay more, you get more. 中国的老话,“吃的苦中苦,方为人上人”。
    • 这个贴发错了版. 应当投在发烧版, 比如"情爱悠悠", 更恰当.
    • 既然和你的工作没有关系,干么把这个帖子发到这个坛子里?
    • Agree that it's not the appropriate place for this article. Sorry for that. Could Ban Zhu please delete it or transfer to 情爱悠悠. Thanks.
      • this is quite right place to post this article. what's wrong with those guys?!
    • frankly speaking, this is your personal problem. You have your right to decide what kind life style you go with. Balance between work load and family is always a challenge.
    • it pays you big money
    • Recommend a movie for you: The Family Man ( Nicolas Cage)
      • Spare 2 hours to watch that movie, which may change you, change your life
    • Everything has a price la... You should have anticipated all this once you got your assignment, and arrange accordingly.
    • 古人忠孝难以两全, 今天事业和家庭难以平衡. 我想楼主想要表达的人类世 世代代都面临的尴尬和无奈. 而人生也正因此而更丰富更壮美.
      • Hand!
    • 非常感动!为你的好女友及家人祝福!要珍惜哦!....
    • 标题党,以为发生了什么惊天动地的大事。故事和在投行工作有啥关系?也不一定是最艰难的一个周末!
    • 投行的收入高重要原因是金融业的垄断和一个人干了三个人的活.你年轻当然要干杂活累活.今年第三季度,加拿大没有一个IPO.估计到年末加的投行要裁员了.能有这样的女友,好好珍惜吧.
      • You should be right! Basically, I appriciate hard working people. My current contract job with a Candian lady totally changed my opinion on Canadian people.
        I have to say that she is knowledgable, capable and hard wok and she is a real super lady. She is working for a large UK IBD and currently deaing with an aquisition of the large US IBD of Canada. Based on the accounting info, her earning and benefit received are amazing.She is working overtime even her 14-mons son and herself sick. She said she was so excited to do somthing more than accounting and it is a great thing in her life. When I asked about her expected new position, she just smiled and "I don't know, I am too busy to have time think about it!" , similiar to her big boss said "I have too many thing to worry about, and do not have time to think about the next step!' They choose, they enjoy, and they will get payback! People outside cannot get it.
    • I guess LZ either new gratuate or be employeed with short period of time. Such kind of overtime is quite normal.. After you experience it more often, you won't have mood to write so much..
    • 写的真好。看个电影吧 Click. 看得出你是个明白人。 It is not too late.
    • 很理解也感动。希望未来看到更多的随笔和感受。